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【作者】 马芳; 张春红; ...
2014-02-28 30 5.8

分析了高转矩和高转速条件下高效驱动马达铁芯材料对无取向硅钢磁性能要求,讨论了无取向硅钢的高磁通密度和低铁损对电机转矩和效率的影响,介绍了国内外高磁感无取向硅钢发展情况。在生产工艺上,提高钢质纯净度,弱化夹杂物和第二相粒子对畴壁移动和再结晶晶粒长大的钉扎作用,添加微量晶界和带钢表面的偏析元素促使有利织构发展等技术可提高无取向硅钢的磁通密度。 The requirements of high efficient drive motor core materials under the conditions of high torque and high speed were analyzed.The effects of high magnetic flux density of non-oriented silicon steel on the torque and efficiency of the motor were discussed.The development of non-oriented silicon steel with high magnetic was introduced.The magnetic flux density of non-oriented silicon steel sheet can be obviously improved by some production technologies,such as purification steel,weakening the pin... 
2023-05-11 1.2k 5.8

2021-01-22 44 6.8

介绍了硅钢CSP工程辊底式均热炉的技术特性,详细阐述了辊底式均热炉工艺特点。根据硅钢均热要求,通过采取不同烧嘴布置方法和燃烧控制技术,选用耐火纤维模块和绝热材料等相关技术措施,满足了出钢温度要求。 The technical specialty for roller hearth furnace of silicon steel CSP Plant was introduced,and the technology characteristics of the roller hearth furnace were illuminated in detail.According to the reheating require of the silicon steel,different burner arrangement and combustion control methods were applied,and technology measures such as selecting refractory fiber module and insulation material and so on were taken,the temperature requirement of silicon steel was met. 
2011-06-28 30 5.8

针对宝钢硅钢常化退火过程中产生的退火炉辊印缺陷问题,通过实际生产的大数据与产品质量问题相结合,将数据挖掘、数据分析方法应用到实际,一定程度上解决了现场实际生产中的痛点,为现场生产提供决策支撑,避免了以前通过人工识别判定存在疏漏和无法定量判断的问题,形成了一套具有鲁棒性和可操作性的钢铁生产过程数据分析方法。通过智慧决策系统平台获取实际生产和表检仪数据,基于Pearson相关系数算法进行变量挑选和特征工程,并应用随机森林算法对数据建立分类预测模型,实现了质量问题的溯源和监控,通过数据量化预测了炉辊印缺陷是否可通过轧制消除的质量问题,识别准确率达到96.43%。 In views of the normalizing annealing furnace roll marks problem occurred in the process of normalizing annealing of silicon steel in Baosteel,by combining big data from actual production with product quality problems,data mining and data analysis methods were applied to actual production to solve the pain points and provide decision support,a robust and practical data analysis method for the steel production process has been developed,which avoided the previous problems of omission and non-quan... 
2022-01-28 76 5.8

2021-06-17 66 6.8

2021-03-18 57 6.8

通过测试取向硅钢不同工艺条件下的碳含量,探讨了CGO取向硅钢碳含量控制的最优处理条件,研究了脱碳温度和脱碳时间对相同初始碳含量取向硅钢的脱碳效果的影响。结果表明,在气氛为(15%~20%)H2+(75%~80%)N2,炉压差为10~20 Pa的条件下,CGO取向硅钢合适的脱碳温度为1 073 K~1 123 K,脱碳时间为10~20 min。在该处理条件下,能取得较好的脱碳效果。 By means of testing carbon content of oriented silicon steel below the distinct technical conditions,inquires the excellent handle terms of carbon content controlling for CGO oriented silicon steel,studies effects of decarburization annealing temperature and decarburization annealing time to the oriented silicon steel decarburization efficiency in same initial carbon content.The results show that,under the condition of atmosphere(15% ~ 20%) H2+(75% ~ 80%)N2 and furnace pressure difference 10 ~ 2... 
2013-03-28 52 5.8

2021-07-06 58 6.8

以能量平衡和辐射换热理论为基础,通过合理假定,建立了硅钢无氧化加热炉数学模型。采用数值计算的方法,通过自编程序,完成对带钢加热过程温度场的仿真。结果显示:数学模型能够反映带钢在无氧化炉内的加热过程,其升温曲线能够与工艺曲线相吻合;现行炉温分布并非最优,数学模型能够为炉温分布的优化、炉段的设计提供理论依据。 Mathematical model of NOF Section of Continuous Annealing Furnace is established based on energy balance and radiation heat exchange. The temperature field of steel is simulated by mathematical computation. The simulating results show that the mathematical model can reflect the heating process of silicon steel in NOF section, and the heat-up curve is coincide with the processing curve. From the results,it is known that the current furnace temperature gradient is not the best, and the mathematica... 
2013-06-28 63 5.8

2021-03-25 36 6.8

综述了退火温度、时间对无取向电工钢磁性的影响。退火温度主要影响无取向电工钢不同织构的占有率,退火时间主要影响晶粒尺寸的大小,晶粒尺寸的变化对织构的形成也有一定的影响。磁感最高点出现在纤维组织完全消失,(111)面织构组分较弱的组织状态。铁损的降低主要依赖于磁滞损耗的降低,织构的影响不大。 The effects of annealing temperature and time on the non-oriented electrical steel magnetic properties were reviewed.Annealing temperature and time mainly affects the different textures share and the grain sizes of non-oriented electrical steel respectively.Changes of the grain sizes also have a certain effect on textures formation.The highest point of the magnetic induction value in the fibrous tissue completely disappears and{111} plane texture has a lower state of the component content.Iron l... 
2013-10-28 53 5.8



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