通过观察冲剪边缘组织,测量冲剪边缘的显微硬度、残余应力的分布情况和磁性能的变化研究了冲剪加工对无取向硅钢50WW800边缘组织和磁性能的影响。对冲剪后硅钢片进行750℃退火,分析退火对组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,硅钢片剪切边缘会存在0.4 mm的形变硬化层,边缘应力大,铁损增加。退火后变形减小,形变硬化层变小,残余应力大幅度减少,铁损减少。 The influence of punching process on cutting edge microstructure and magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel 50WW800was studied by observing microstructure and measuring microhardness near cutting edge.The residual stress distribution in the silicon steel tooth and magnetic properties were measured.Effect of annealing at 750 ℃ on microstructure and magnetic properties of the silicon steel was analyzed.The results show that a cut-edge hardening layer up to 0.4 mm is observed,residual st...
考虑剪应变对微孔洞损伤演化的影响,对GTN损伤模型的损伤演化机制进行修正,建立了适用于不同应力三轴度水平的损伤模型。结合隐式应力更新算法和显式有限元计算,采用VUMAT子程序实现了修正GTN模型在有限元软件ABAQUS中的数值计算。通过模拟纯剪切和剪切-拉伸两组试样的损伤演化和断裂行为,验证了修正GTN模型在不同应力三轴度承载条件下的有效性。运用修正GTN损伤模型模拟含边部缺口的带钢在轧制过程中裂纹的萌生和扩展行为,模拟结果与实验相一致,表明该模型可有效地用于带钢缺陷在轧制过程中扩展行为的分析和预测。模拟和实验结果表明,带钢边部缺口在轧制过程中,缺口前沿和后沿均会萌生裂纹,且后沿裂纹扩展更为明显。 Considering the effect of shear strain of micro-void on damage evolution, a modified GTN model applicable to various stress triaxiality conditions is proposed by modifying the damage evolution mechanism of the GTN damage model. The modified model is implemented in commercial finite element software ABAQUS by combining the implicit stress update method with an explicit finite element solving algorithm and through the user-defined material subroutine VUMAT. The damage evolution and the failure pro...
借助高温激光共聚焦显微镜,在线观察了不同Mn含量的无取向硅钢中夹杂物的尺寸、类型、数量变化。结果表明,Mn含量(质量分数)为0.77%、0.32%时,试样中的夹杂物数量分别约为1000万个/mm3、1600万个/mm3。Mn含量较高的钢种,会优先析出球形、椭球形MnS夹杂物,其析出数量较少,尺寸相对较大,可以有效抑制AlN、CuxS夹杂物析出;Mn含量较低的钢种,会在试样再加热后冷却过程中,先析出相当数量MnS夹杂物,并作为AlN夹杂物析出核心,形成MnS+AlN复合夹杂物。这种复合夹杂物数量较多,尺寸也较大。 Based on the high temperature confocal microscope, the chage of size, type, and quantity of inclusions in non-oriented silicon steels with different Mn content were observed by in-situ SEM. Results show that the inclusion quantities are 10 million per mm3 and 16 million per mm3,while the mass fractions of Mn are 0.77% and 0.32%, respectively. In the silicon steel with higher Mn content, the spherical and ellipsoidal MnS inclusion will precipitate first, which can retard the precipitation of AlN ...
通过热力学计算,分析了实验钢中主要析出物析出的可能性。结果表明:在液相和固液两相区中,AlN和MnS均不能析出;在奥氏体区,AlN和MnS具备热力学析出条件,平衡析出温度分别为1547、1582 K。成品退火板中的析出物主要为AlN和MnS。扫描电镜下观察到的AlN形貌多为长条状,MnS形貌多为棒状或近似球形。这两种析出物占了析出物总量的85%以上,尺寸集中分布在400~800nm;复合析出物主要是(Al2O3+MnS)和(AlN+MnS),形貌不规则,尺寸集中在0.7~1.5μm;透射电镜下观察到了少量100nm以下独立的AlN析出。 According to thermodynamic calculation, the precipitation probability of precipitates was analyzed, AlN and MnS can not precipitate in liquid phase area and solid-liquid two-phase area. In austenite area, both the AlN and MnS have precipitation condition in thermodynamics and precipitates at 1547 K and 1582 K, respectively. The precipitates in annealing plate are mainly AlN and MnS. The shape of AlN is mostly strip, and MnS is stick or near sphericity. They accounted for over 85% of the total qu...
介绍在取向硅钢生产中抑制剂的作用以及多元抑制剂的机理和应用情况,分析多元抑制剂方案中各种元素对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响,并根据生产实践提出了进一步研究的方向. The role of an inhibitor in the production of grain oriented silicon steel,and the mechanism of multiplex inhibitor in the production are described in the present article.In addition,the influence of various elements in the multiplex inhibitor on the performance of grain oriented silicon steel with high magnetic induction is elucidated.Further work needed in this research is also indicated.
采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪等分析了宁波钢铁有限公司生产的取向硅钢不同工序下的组织及织构演变规律。结果表明:铸坯经过热轧后,沿着厚度方向组织不均匀;一次冷轧并经脱碳退火后,组织由条状纤维状变成等轴状的初次再结晶晶粒,初次再结晶平均晶粒尺寸为18.17μm,织构主要以α织构和γ织构为主;在二次冷轧后,晶粒再次被压缩,转变为纤维状,织构主要为γ织构;经过高温退火后,发生二次再结晶,晶粒异常长大,晶粒尺寸达到厘米级,织构成分为单一且锋锐的Goss织构。 The microstructure and texture evolution of oriented silicon steel produced by Ningbo Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.were analyzed by optical microscope and X-ray diffraction.The results showed that the microstructure of the slab was inhomogenous along the thickness direction after hot rolling.After first cold rolling and decarburizing annealing,the microstructure changed from strip fibrous to equiaxed primary recrystallized grains,and the average grain size of the primary recrystallization microstructu...
冷轧取向硅钢工程中有很多的超长、大体积以及薄壁的混凝土结构,裂缝控制是土建施工的关键。在工程中,按照\"抗放兼施、先放后抗、以抗为主\"的原则,采用\"无缝分块跳仓法\",防止超长混凝土结构收缩产生裂缝;在隧道和池体的底板与墙板施工中,采用\"整体浇筑\"法,避免了墙板因约束应力而产生的裂缝。 In the Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel project,there are many overlength,bulk mass,thin-walled concretes structures,how to control the crack is the key of civil engineering construction.In these projects,according to the principle of\"release with resist,resist before release,resist is dominant \",the crack of the over-long structure and shrinkage can be prevented by the method of\"seamless block skip bin \".In the construction of the bottom plate and wall of the tunnel and the pool,the cra...
取向硅钢热轧板中织构梯度对发展完善的二次再结晶十分关键,通过添加铜可以显著降低取向硅钢板坯加热温度,从而影响热轧板织构分布。利用X射线衍射仪,分析了实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)工艺的3种不同铜含量的取向硅钢热轧板织构。结果表明:不同铜含量热轧板表面到厚度1/4处均为弱的热轧织构,热轧板心部主要为{100}面织构;铜含量约在0.4%时,热轧板次表层的{110}<001>织构比例最高,而热轧板心部的{100}<110>织构比例最低;铜含量对热轧织构中{114}<110>和{001}<100>织构发展有显著影响。 The texture gradient in hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel strip is one of the essential factors to achieve a perfect secondary recrystallization.The addition of copper can significantly reduce the slab reheating temperature of grain oriented silicon steel,so as to impact the texture distribution in the hot rolled strip.The texture of hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel strip as-rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with three different copper contents was ...