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2021-09-14 41 6.8

2021-11-29 66 6.8

2021-10-25 45 6.8

借助光学显微镜、扫描电镜、交流磁性能测量仪和万能拉伸试验机研究了0.3 mm厚高强无取向电工钢冷轧板在780、820、860和900℃退火保温2 min后的组织、织构和性能。结果表明:在退火温度范围内,试验钢均发生了完全再结晶,得到等轴状的铁素体晶粒;随着退火温度的升高,平均晶粒尺寸从9.2μm增长到41.3μm,工频铁损和400 Hz高频铁损均先大幅减小后趋于平缓,磁感应强度先升高后降低。在820℃退火时,铁损P1.5/50=5.51 W/kg,P1.0/400=33.22 W/kg均处于较低值,磁感应强度B5000最大,为1.649 T。试验钢的屈服强度和抗拉强度均随退火温度的升高而降低,780℃退火时屈服强度为496 MPa, 900℃退火时降低至407 MPa。综合磁性能和力学性能考虑,试验钢的最佳退火温度是820℃。 Microstructure, texture and properties of 0.3 mm thick high strength non-oriented electrical steel cold rolled sheet annealed at 780 ℃, 820 ℃, 860 ℃ and 900 ℃ for 2 min were studied by means of optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy, AC magnetic property tester and universal tensile testing machine. The results show that in the annealing temperature range, complete recrystallization of the experimental steel occurs and equiaxed ferrite grains are obtained. With the increase of annealin... 
2022-01-28 76 5.8

根据现场实际的生产控制情况,指出了热轧原料断面轮廓缺陷以一定的比列遗传给了冷轧带钢,分析了不同热轧原料断面轮廓对冷轧电工钢尺寸精度的具体影响,提出了相应的规律。并阐明了严格控制热轧原料断面轮廓形貌,对保证冷轧电工钢尺寸精度具有重大意义,对于中国现行的冷轧电工钢生产具有指导意义。 Based on the actual situation of production control,it was pointed out that the section profile defects of hot-rolled raw materials were geneticed to the cold-rolled strip.The specific impact analysis for the profile of different hot-rolled raw materials to the dimensional accuracy of cold-rolled silicon steel was analyzed.As a result, the corresponding orderliness are given;And the strict control to section profile of the hot-rolled material is of great significance to ensure the dimensional ac... 
2014-01-28 30 5.8

【作者】 卢鹏; ...
2014-03-28 26 5.8

2021-11-18 41 6.8

采用节能、环保、经济型的生产技术与工艺来制造高磁感取向硅钢目前已成为世界各大取向硅钢生产厂的研发热点。总结了国内外各大钢铁企业与研究机构采用低温板坯加热技术生产高磁感取向硅钢的开发及应用情况,概括了传统流程实现低温板坯加热技术的方法。介绍了薄板坯连铸连轧与双辊薄带连铸等短流程工艺生产高磁感取向硅钢的研发现状。在此基础上,探讨了高磁感取向硅钢生产技术与工艺的发展趋势及方向。 Utilizing energy-efficient,environmentally friendly,economic production processes and technologies to manufacture high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel has become the focus of current research work.Based on using low-temperature slab reheating techniques to produce high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at both iron and steel enterprises and research institutions all over the world,the current application and exploitation was thoroughly generalized;the implementation... 
2013-03-28 46 5.8

采用ZMLMC超高梯度定向凝固装置,研究了5种凝固速率(10、35、80、150和450μm/s)对定向凝固50W600无取向硅钢的固液界面稳定性转变规律和一次、二次枝晶间距的影响。研究结果表明,在特定的温度梯度下,随着凝固速率的增加,定向凝固的固液界面由胞状晶转变为胞状枝晶,再转变为细小的树枝晶。随着凝固速率的增加,定向凝固组织的枝晶形貌逐渐细化,一次和二次枝晶间距逐渐减小,且与冷却速率之间都符合指数关系:λ1=151.73×(G L·R)-0.31,λ2=22.07×(G L·R)-0.44。当冷却速率达到4.275℃/s时,一次、二次枝晶间距分别为112μm、14.1μm。 Under the conditions of certain temperature gradient and different solidification rate,the directional solidification experiment of non-oriented electrical steel 50W600 was carried out.The microstructure of 50W600 steel was also analyzed in different solidification rate.The result shows that the solid/liquid interface of the steel undergoes an evolution from cellular,cellular dendrite and finally to fine dendrite morphologies.The dendrite refines gradually and the distance between dendrites decr... 
2013-11-28 43 5.8

分析总结退火工艺各参数对冷轧无取向硅钢磁性能的影响,结合设计和生产实践经验介绍退火工艺中各参数的实际生产取值,并针对现生产工艺过程中出现的典型问题提出解决办法。 It is analyzed and summarized the great influences on magnetism of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel affected by various annealing process data in this article.The relevant settled ways is raised.According to the actual value presetting ways for various annealing process data based on design and production,as well as typical problems occurred during production. 
2012-05-28 54 5.8

针对硅钢连续退火机组的主要能源介质消耗现状,对现有生产工艺和设备研究采取机组循环用水、增加清洗段漂洗级数等措施可节约大概27 m3/h的过滤水量,并可减少78%的弱碱处理量;将炉子烟气换热系统增加一级余热回收,每年回收的余热相当于583 t标煤消耗,可节约蒸汽5 368 t。 The present situation of energy consumption for silicon steel annealing line is analyzed in this paper.In existing process and equipment conditions,increasing the number of cleaning series will lead to a saving of about 27 m3/h of filter water and reduce 78 % of weak base processing volume.For the flue gas heat-exchange system,adding a waste heat recovery device will recover waste heat equivalent to 583 tons of standard coal per year,corresponding to a saving of steam 5 368 t per year. 
2011-05-28 42 5.8

2021-12-12 50 6.8



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