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利用OM,TEM,EDS与XRD技术,对Fe-3.15%Si低温取向硅钢热轧板不同常化处理后的显微组织、析出相及最终产品的磁性能进行了分析研究,并对热轧板和常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构进行了对比分析.结果表明,采用1120℃保温3 min二段式冷却的常化处理工艺,常化板表层显微组织均匀,沿板厚方向的显微组织的不均匀性显著,对后续过程中形成高取向的Goss织构最有利,取向硅钢的磁性能最高;采用二段式冷却的常化冷却工艺最优,在此冷却工艺下析出的细小的析出物数量最多,且弥散分布在基体中,抑制剂的抑制效果最好,对成品获得高磁性最有利;热轧板、常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构均主要由{111}〈110〉和{111}〈112〉织构组成,但常化板较热轧板冷轧后的冷轧板γ取向线织构密度明显增高,由此可以证实常化处理有助于取向硅钢最终获得高取向的Goss织构. The decreasing of slab heating temperature for grain-oriented silicon steel will reduce the amount of precipitates in hot rolled plate,and be disadvantage to the formation of ultimate Goss texture.The aim of normalizing is to control and adjust the amount,size and distribution of precipitates.Microstructures,precipitates and magnetic characteristics of finished products with different normalizing technologies for Fe-3.15%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel are researched,a... 
2013-05-28 49 5.8

介绍了国内、外电工钢极薄带的生产现状及市场应用的情况,以及典型生产企业的生产规模、产品性能和应用领域,指出扩大高牌号无取向电工钢生产、提高产品质量是目前电工钢发展的迫切要求。 The production situation and market application of ultra thin electrical steel strip at home and abroad were described.The production capability,product property and application area of typical corporation were introduced.The results indicate that the urgency needed of electrical steel development is expanding high-grade non-oriented electrical steel production and improving products quality at present. 
2011-04-28 55 5.8

对低温法生产的以AlN为主抑制剂的Hi-B取向硅钢高温退火过程进行了中断实验,借助EBSD及TEM技术对高温退火连续升温过程中织构与析出物的演变进行了研究。实验结果表明,800℃时ODF图出现高斯织构组分,但强度很弱,高斯晶粒偏离角在10°以上;950~1 000℃时高斯晶粒异常长大,偏离角3~6°;高温退火过程析出物主要有球形、规则立方形及不规则多面体形3种形貌,由于渗N的影响,Zener因子先增大再减小,并且析出物在高斯晶界前沿优先粗化。 The annealing process at high temperature of Hi-B silicon steel using low slab reheat temperature and with AlN as the inhibitor has been studied by interrupting test,and the evolution of texture and precipitates during continuous heating-up in the annealing process at high temperature was analyzed by EBSD and TEM. The results showed that Goss texture appears in ODF at 800 ℃,but the intensity of Goss texture was very weak and the deviation angle was more than10°. Goss grains grow abnormally durin... 
2023-05-09 96 5.8

作为一种具有优异高频铁磁性能的合金,Fe-6.5%Si(质量分数)高硅钢在高频工况条件下降损效果明显,对电气行业应用器件高频化、小型化、节能等具有十分重要的意义。通过与取向硅钢测量B-P数据对比,验证了高硅钢高频超低损特性,且轧制高硅钢与日本CVD法生产高硅钢存在基本相同的铁损值。采用国标Epstein Square法对0.30mm高硅钢薄板进行单片测试,并对由0.30mm高硅钢薄板首次装配成的电感器进行铁损测试,对比测试结果表明,元件测试与单片测试数据基本吻合,高磁感应强度条件下,元件测试结果略低于单片测试,分析原因为:线圈引起励磁压降;元件叠片间出现短路,电流增大,损耗增加;气隙板厚度过大。 As one core material with excellent high-frequency ferromagnetism,Fe-6.5%Si performs obviously reduction on core loss in high field frequency which means much to high frequency,minimization,energy conservation in electric industry.Super low loss was verified by drawing B-P curves based on detected experimental data,and which went equal to Fe-6.5%Si thin strip fabricated by CVD in Japan.Fe-6.5%Si was firstly fabricated as inductor in this research,and its core loss was determined for comparison w... 
2023-05-09 92 5.8

分析了太原钢铁(集团)有限公司第二炼钢厂80 t RH生产冷轧硅钢脱碳、脱硫原理及影响因素,认为通过合理控制RH到站钢水碳和氧含量、加大插入管内径、采用快速抽真空度等可提高脱碳效果。降低顶渣中FeO和MnO含量,保证脱硫剂加入后的循环时间可以提高RH脱硫率。 The present article analyzes the principle of decarburization and desulfurization in refining the cold rolled silicon steel in the 80 t RH in No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Taiyuan Iron & Steel(Group) Corp.,and its influencing factors.It’s determined that the decarburization effect can be achieved by properly controlling the cabon and oxygen contents in the hot metal coming into the RH station,enlarging the inner diameter of snorkel and adopting the fast evacuation method.In the meanwhile the des... 
2013-04-28 40 5.8

观察了取向硅钢极薄带经冷轧至不同厚度,并经过不同工艺热处理后的显微组织及亚结构。结果表明:冷轧压下量越大,显微组织中位错密度越高,冷变形组织越多,等轴晶粒越少;增加冷轧压下量可以使试样的再结晶温度降低,当钢带厚度为0.08 mm时,在650℃退火时就能发生明显的再结晶。 Microstructure and substructure of the grain oriented ultra-thin silicon steel sheets is analyzed,which are rolled down to different thickness and treated with different heat treatment process.The result shows that there are higher dislocation density,more cold deformation structure and less equiaxed crystal grain in microstructure of the steel sheets with more cold rolled reduction.Increase of cold rolled reduction will decrease recrystallization temperature,and when thickness of the steel shee... 
2012-11-28 78 5.8

介绍了一种适用于超大晶粒取向硅钢的高斯晶粒取向偏离角的X射线衍射测量方法,提出了将试探法和探测器扫描法相结合的方式进行测量。结果表明:该方法可以同时获得准确的实际衍射角度和取向偏离角度,试样制备方式简单,对设备的要求低且测量结果准确。 This paper introduces a X-ray diffraction measurement method of Gaussian grain orientation deviation angle for ultra-large grain oriented silicon steel, and puts forward a method of combining the test method with the detector scanning. The results show that this method can obtain accurate actual diffraction angle and orientation deviation angle at the same time. The sample preparation method is simple, the requirements for equipment are low, and the measurement results are accurate. 
2022-02-28 64 5.8

目的提高硅钢的磁性能。方法采用多弧离子镀技术,在普通取向硅钢薄板两面沉积高硅FeSi合金层制得高硅梯度硅钢,并进行热处理,观察其显微组织,测量磁性能。结果退火态高硅梯度硅钢表面的高硅FeSi合金层与基底结合紧密,均匀致密。高硅梯度硅钢中硅含量呈梯度分布,最表层硅质量分数为11.0%,随着深度增加,硅含量逐渐降低,在距表面20μm处硅质量分数仍能达到6.5%。沉积态高硅梯度硅钢的电阻率ρ、低频铁损P10/50、高频铁损P10/1k及磁感应强度B8分别为68.6μΩ·cm,0.82W/kg,83.3 W/kg和1.73 T,退火后分别为63.1μΩ·cm,0.44 W/kg,54.38 W/kg和1.89 T。结论由于表层高硅FeSi合金层的存在,梯度高硅钢的低频磁学性能良好,但高频损耗需进一步改善。 Objective To improve the magnetic properties of silicon steel. Methods FeSi alloy coatings with high-silicon content were deposited on the surface of common grain-oriented silicon steel by cathodic arc plasma evaporation,and then a kind of high silicon gradient steel was prepared. The morphologies,content and magnetic properties of the samples were tested. Results FeSi alloy coatings were featured with compact microstructures and excellent adhesive quality with the substrates. The silicon conten... 
2014-03-28 54 5.8

为了弄清楚高硫硅钢中的硫化物析出行为及其对钢的微观组织和电磁性能的影响,以便为工业化生产制定更为合理的硫含量控制标准和采取更为有效措施减轻炼钢生产的硫含量控制压力,结合0.25% Si 无取向硅钢 ,采用非水溶液电解提取 + 扫描电镜/透射电镜观察相结合的方法 ,研究了0.006 8%、0.010 2%、0.025 5% 和 0.035 3% 硫含量条件下,钢中的硫化物夹杂物组成和存在形式及其形貌、种类、尺寸、数量变化,以及相应的热轧、成品试样的微观组织和电磁性能变化。结果表明,随着钢中硫含量的增加,钢中的硫化物逐渐由 MnS→MnS+Cu2S→Cu2S转变,数量逐渐增多,尺寸向高低两个方向发展。相应地,导致热轧再结晶组织劣化和抑制了成品晶粒尺寸长大。随着钢中硫含量的增加,钢的磁感、铁损劣化程度逐渐增大。钢中的硫含量平均每增加 0.01%,涡流损耗、磁滞损耗分别劣化0.24 W/kg 和 0.41 W/kg,而磁感会劣化 0.009 T。但是 ,在硫含量为 0.010 2% 时 ,铁损可以低于 6.0W/kg,而在硫含量为 0.025 5% ... In order to find out the precipitation behavior of sulfide inclusions and the corresponding changes of microstructure and electromagnetic properties of high sulfur silicon steel sheets, so that to design more suitable sulfur concentration controlling limit for industrial manufacture and to release the steel-making difficulty effectively, Based on the change of given sulfur concentration 0.006 8%, 0.010 2%0.025 3% and 0.035 3%, the type and composition, the size and number, and the size distribut... 
2022-02-28 66 5.8

选用国内外无取向硅钢标杆企业A、B、C的产品,采用非水溶液电解提取+SEM(EDS)方法,分析了其典型牌号对应成品试样中的夹杂物。结果表明,从磁性能控制角度而言,受钢的化学成分及生产工艺影响,A、B、C企业成品试样的夹杂物尺寸、种类、数量存在差异,这些差异对其磁性能产生显著影响;从夹杂物控制角度而言,A、B、C企业对应成品试样的夹杂物,以MnS、CuxS复合或者AlN、MnS、CuxS复合为主,其中1.0μm以下的夹杂物数量分别为2.34×107个/mm3、2.98×107个/mm3和11.98×107个/mm3,1.0μm以上夹杂物数量均很少,夹杂物的平均尺寸从大到小依次为A企业、B企业、C企业。 According to the production of three benchmarking manufacture enterprises A,B and C of non-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad,the inclusions in finished steel samples with typical grades were investigated by electrolytic extraction from non-aqueous solution and SEM(EDS).Results show that,from the viewpoint of improving the magnetic properties,affected by chemical composition and production technique,the size,type and amount of inclusions in finished steel samples are various,which will af... 
2013-01-28 59 5.8

以质量分数为25%的丙烯酸乳液MC-102、15%Al(H2PO4)3溶液、0.01%H3BO3、0.01%Zn(Ac)2·2H2O和2%二乙二醇丁醚组分,在不同固化工艺下制备涂层。极化曲线和电导率测试发现300℃处理60 s得到的涂层具有良好的耐腐蚀性和绝缘性;水煮实验证明该涂层具有良好的耐水性;断口线扫描发现涂层具有良好的附着性。 A formula comprising MC-102 acrylic emulsion 25%,aluminium dihydrogen phosphate15%,boric acid 0. 01%,zinc acetate dihydrate 0. 01% and diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 2% was used to prepare coatings via different treatment process. The conductivity test and polarization curves revealed that a coating cured at 300 ℃ for 60 s showed good insulative and anticorrosive properties. The water boiling test indicated that the said coating had good water resistance. A cross section of the coating was in... 
2014-07-28 39 5.8

以CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,在RH精炼过程采用真空投入法进行高牌号无取向电工钢深脱硫工业试验,采用KTH模型计算分析了RH炉渣成分对硫容量CS的影响。研究结果表明,炉渣成分控制在w((CaO))/w((SiO2))为5~7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))为1.5~1.8,w((Al2O3))为25%~30%,w((FeO+MnO))<5%,脱硫剂加入量为6~8kg/t时,钢中硫质量分数从平均0.003 1%降低到0.001 8%,最高脱硫率达到47.1%,平均脱硫率为41.7%。 The industrial trials on deep desulphurization of high grade non-oriented electrical steel were finished through using CaO-CaF2complex based fluxes in RH process.Using the KTH model,the effect of refining slag composition on the sulfide capacities was analyzed.The results show that the chemical composition of refining slag(mass fraction,%)is w((CaO/SiO2))between 5to 7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))beween 1.5to 1.8,w((Al2O3)) between 25%to 30%,w((FeO+MnO))less than 5%,and the desulphurizer addition level of... 
2014-02-28 61 5.8



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