利用电子探针面分析、状态分析及电子背散射衍射相分析技术研究硅钢高温氧化铁皮的显微结构。电子探针面分析可以直观的看出元素的分布状态,初步判断氧化铁皮的结构,而状态分析可以准确表征常规氧化铁皮中铁元素的状态,对于合金元素富集区域则通过电子背散射衍射相分析技术来标定。结果表明,高温氧化铁皮的结构主要有4层,即最外层为厚度约为10μm的Fe2O3相,次外层为Fe3O4相,中间层为FeO相上分布有颗粒状的Fe3O4相,最内层为FeO相和Si元素富集的Fe2SiO4相。其中Fe2SiO4层的分布特征与加热温度密切相关:1 100℃时,Fe2SiO4相呈颗粒状,弥散分布在FeO层;1 200℃时,Fe2SiO4相呈液态,侵入基体和疏松的FeO层,且沿着FeO晶界呈网状分布。 The microstructure of high temperature oxide scale on silicon steel was characterized by electron probe microanalyzer(EPMA)mapping analysis,state analysis and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)phase analysis.The element distribution and the initial structure of the oxide scale could be detected by EPMA mapping analysis apparently.And the state of iron in the conventional oxide scales could be determined by state analysis.Meanwhile,the alloy-rich region could be identified by EBSD phase analy...
分析了影响脱碳效果和结晶行为的各种要素及其相互制约关系,提出了Hi-B连续退火工艺曲线,总结得出快速加热及合理稳态气氛是实现工艺制度的关键。结合实际工程,介绍了在连续退火炉设计中快速加热和气氛设计的考虑方法,并指出随着Hi-B产品的发展,如何改进这些方法将是连退工程研发的方向之一。 The factors which affect decarbonization and crystallization and the mutual restriction between them were analyzed.A complete continuous annealing process for Hi-B was put forward.As a result,the rapid heating and the proper steady atmosphere were two important factors.According to an actual project,the consider methods for designing rapid heating and proper steady atmosphere were introduced,and it is pointed that with the development of Hi-B technique,how to improve these techniques would be on...
在50Kg氧化镁坩埚真空感应炉上进行高硅电工钢的脱氧试验。结果表明,通过控制原料的成分、高真空下的碳氧反应和炉衬分解向钢液中的供氧,可使钢液的总氧含量≤15×10-6;在维持高温高真空条件下,当钢液中的反应达到一定程度后,延长精炼时间并不能降低钢液的总氧含量;完成精炼后加入硅钙合金沉淀脱氧可进一步降低钢液的总含氧量,但脱氧效果有限。 The test of high-silicon electric steel deoxidation has been carried out in 50Kg vacuum induction furnace with magnesium oxide crucible.Results show that the total oxygen could be ≤15×10-6in molten steel by controlling material components,carbon-oxygen reaction in high vacuum and oxygen contamination from crucible materials on molten steel;And when the reaction was carried through to a certain extent,total oxygen in molten steel could not be reduced by the extension of refining period in high va...
研究表明,硅钢中的夹杂物对成品带钢的磁性能有显著影响。为研究冶炼过程硅钢中的夹杂物遗传变化,进而提出更有效的控制措施加以去除,本文结合典型的无取向硅钢生产炉次,采用非水溶液电解提取+扫描电镜观察方法分析冶炼过程中上述炉次典型试样的夹杂物。结果表明:转炉冶炼结束、RH精炼开始时,钢的氧化物夹杂总量最大,约为0.23%;RH精炼过程中,氧化物夹杂总量不断降低,并在脱碳结束时达到最低,约为0.02%;连铸过程中,氧化物夹杂总量仍有不断降低趋势,但夹杂物的平均尺寸变化不大。本试验条件下,中间包试样的夹杂物数量约为1.59×104个/mm3。 As we all know, the non-metallic inclusion effects magnetic properties of silicon steel sheets obviously. The article aims to study the heredity of non-metallic inclusion in non-oriented silicon steels during the steel making process, and then provides a more effective controlling measure to remove the inclusions. Based on the typical non-oriented silicon steel charges, the non-aqueous solution extraction and SEM observation were adopted to analyze the non-metallic inclusions. Results show that,...
晶界和{100}柱状晶在硅钢生产过程中对织构的遗传和演变有关键作用,因此本文利用晶体塑性有限元方法进行立方和旋转立方取向双晶在晶界不同位向时晶体取向演变的全场模拟。模拟显示,三种晶界位向下,晶界都具有诱发晶内产生S形状形变不均匀和缓解局部形变不均匀区取向转动的特点,立方和旋转立方取向双晶在带有剪切作用的轧制条件下都显示明显的取向稳定性。GB⊥RD(表示晶界垂直于轧向)晶界位向时,旋转立方取向晶粒优先在晶界中心位置发生取向转动,而立方取向则优先在远离晶界的端部发生取向转动。GB⊥TD(表示晶界垂直于横向)的晶界位向下,其晶界阻碍作用最小,双晶内产生的取向漫散度大,织构强度较低;除绕TD转动外,也具有复杂的绕RD、ND的取向转动。GB⊥ND(表示晶界垂直于法向)的晶界位向下,取向转动与GB⊥RD时相近,但有少量取向绕ND转动。 Grain boundaries and initial{100}columnar grains play a key role in the inheritance and evolution of texture in the production of electrical steels.In this paper,the crystal plasticity finite element method was used to simulate the grain orientation evolution of cube and rotated-cube oriented bicrystals when grain boundary was set to different orientations.It was shown that the grain boundary in three grain boundary orientations demonstrated the characteristics of inducing Sshape deformation inh...
为了优化激光刻痕降低取向硅钢铁损的工艺,寻找刻痕速度、脉冲能量、扫描间距等重要刻痕参数的最佳匹配关系,提出了一种基于人工神经网络与遗传算法的优化模型,并利用这种模型对30Q130取向硅钢材料的刻痕工艺进行了优化实验,结果表明,这种模型稳定可靠,可以作为取向硅钢刻痕工艺优化的一种有效的措施。 A laser is often considered to scribe the grain-oriented silicon steel surfaces after cold-rolling and annealing to reduce the core loss.It is necessary to select the best scribing parameters to maximize the reduction in this process.This paper proposes an optimization method of genetic algorithm during laser scribing of 30Q130 steel,by developing an artificial neural network prediction model using a database form a designed orthogonal experiment.The objective is to determine the best combinatio...
本文介绍了无取向硅钢C6涂液的性能,研究了配水量、固化程度和涂层厚度等因素对无取向硅钢C6涂层性能的影响。结果表明,随着配水量的增加,完全固化所需的时间增加,涂液固体含量降低,涂层厚度减小;随着固化程度的提高,涂层硬度先增大然后趋于恒定,而柔韧性逐渐变差,在过固化后急剧恶化;涂层厚度对涂层的表面外观、附着性和绝缘层间电阻均有显著影响。 Based on the introduction about the performance of C6 varnish for non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of water amount,curing degree and coating thickness are discussed. Results show that with the increase of water amount,the time required to cure completely extends,and both the solid content of C6 varnish and the coating thickness decrease. As the curing degree increases,the hardness of the coating increases first and then tends to be constant,however the flexibility degenerates,especially...
为了更好的解决电力系统防污闪涂料RTV-Ⅰ长期应用暴露出来的问题以及目前RTV-Ⅱ防污闪涂料存在的一些不足,结合具体实际需求,在电力系统外绝缘领域,应用新型防污闪硬质涂层——防污闪纳米硅钢涂层,并对分别喷涂了防污闪纳米硅钢涂层以及RTV涂料的绝缘子进行对比运行情况研究分析。研究结果表明,防污闪纳米硅钢涂层是一种同时具有优异憎水性迁移性能和自洁性能的新型涂层,具有良好的应用前景。 In order to solve the problem exposed of anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅰwhich has been used long-term in power system,as well as to better solve some shortcomings of the current anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅱ,in this paper,a new anti-pollution flashover hard coating — anti-pollution flashover nanometer silicon hard coating(NSHC) is applied in the field of power system insulation for the specific practical needs.At the same time insulators which are separately sprayed by the NSHC a...
取向硅钢常化工序主要采用现场实测带钢温度的方式测定冷却速率,并通过稳定冷却水温、调整冷却水量及喷梁运行数量等方式保证合理的冷却速率,给常化工艺设计和生产带来诸多不便。通过对常化工艺水冷过程带钢的传热分析求解,在建立带钢水冷温度模型的基础上,研究了不同冷却工艺参数对带钢温度及冷却速率的影响规律以及冷却工艺的交互作用结果。结果表明:模型计算结果能够较好地反映取向硅钢在常化水冷过程中的温度及冷却速率的变化,其计算误差为0.80%~4.11%;在特定取向硅钢厚度规格和常化工艺下,随着常化冷却水量及有效冷却长度的增加,带钢水冷温度及冷却速率与呈非线性变化;常化水冷工艺主要通过调控带钢与冷却水之间热交换量和交换时间实现对带钢温度的控制,实际生产中需综合考虑机组速度、冷却水量及有效冷却长度之间的交互作用,选定喷梁投入数量和冷却水量以获得稳定的冷却速率。 The cooling rate of normalization process mainly determined by measuring the grain oriented silicon steel strip temperature on site, and ensures the cooling rate by stabilizing the cooling water temperature, adjusting the cooling water volume and the operation quantity of spray beam, which brings inconvenience to the normalization process design and production. Based on the heat transfer of strip in the water cooling section of normalization process, the water cooling temperature model for the n...
以马鞍山钢铁集团公司电工钢板形优化控制研究项目为背景,系统地研究了热轧、冷连轧和单机架轧机在电工钢生产过程中的边缘降控制问题。通过现场数据采集、工况数值模拟计算和工业化大生产试验,设计出适用、合理的电工钢板形控制的辊型优化曲线,满足了不同工序、不同机型的板形控制策略要求,解决了电工钢板形质量问题,取得了显著的经济效益。 Based on the project of electric steel strip shape optimization control,problem of edge drop control was systematically studied in production of electric steel of hot-rolling mill,cold-rolling mill and single stand mill.Roll optimization contour was designed out in point and reasonable by collection of work condition data,numerical simulation and test of industrial production.The shape control system can meet with the different working steps and difference mills,and quality problem of electric s...
运用EBSD和光学显微镜,研究了0.25%~0.45%Cu对无取向电工钢热轧板显微组织,成品板显微组织、织构和磁性能的影响。实验结果表明:卷取过程中Cu元素在热轧板表层的偏聚作用显著阻碍了热轧板表层再结晶晶粒长大,导致热轧板表层晶粒尺寸随着Cu含量增加而逐渐较小,但热轧板中间晶粒尺寸变化不大。同时发现Cu元素能够明显改善织构类型,使有利织构组分增加,不利织构组分减少,同时减弱织构强度。从实验结果可知0.35%Cu能够显著改善电工钢的磁性能,铁损P15/50最低达到4.1 W/kg,磁感B50最高值达到1.8 T。 Effects of high content Cu on microstructure of hot rolled plates and microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of annealed finish product plates of non-oriented electrical steel were examined by means of EBSD technique and optical microscope. The results show that surface segregation of Cu significantly hindered recrystallized grain growth of surface layer in hot rolled plate during the coiling,as a result,the surface grain sizes of the hot-rohed plates decrease with the increase of Cu con...