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通过对辉光放电发射光谱参数的优化,以铁元素为内标来消除基体效应,建立了测定硅钢薄板中微量硼元素的方法。优化的实验参数为:放电电压1200 V,放电电流50 mA,预溅射时间40 s,积分时间10 s。校准曲线硼元素含量范围0.0001%~0.022%,相关系数大于0.999,测量结果与认定值一致,相对标准偏差小于10%。完全能够满足日常分析测试的要求。 A glow discharge optical emission spectrometry(GD-OES) method for determining trace boron element in silicon steel sheets were established through optimization of instrumental parameters and using Fe element as an internal standard to eliminate the matrix effect.The optimized instrumental parameters included discharge voltage,discharge current,pre-sputtering time and integration time,which are 1200 V,50 mA,40 s,and 10 s,respectively.The content of boron element that can be determined from the ca... 
2011-03-28 53 5.8

结合工业化生产的高效硅钢,进行了RH精炼稀土处理试验研究。针对不同的稀土处理条件,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,探讨了稀土处理后钢中的夹杂物形成、变化规律。结果表明:试验条件下,最佳的稀土合金添加数量为0.6~0.9 kg/t。经过合适的稀土处理后,可以有效抑制尺寸相对较小的、不规则的AlN、MnS复合夹杂生成,促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮,钢质纯净度得到明显提高。此时,钢中全氧含量最低,脱硫效果最佳,钢中的夹杂物主要是尺寸相对较大的、近似球形或者椭球形的稀土类夹杂。 Based on the industrial production of non-oriented silicon steel,the experiment on RE treatment during the RH refining process was studied.The morphology and the size distribution were observed for the steel specimens treated with different RE treatment conditions.Further more,the formation and change of inclusions of final steel sheets after RE treatment were discussed.The results show that the suitable RE added amount was 0.6~0.9 kg/t.After the suitable RE treatment,the formation of AlN and Mn... 
2011-03-28 69 5.8

冷轧无取向硅钢是高技术含量、高附加值产品,工艺复杂,生产周期长,过程控制难度大,被誉为钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\"。热轧生产工艺又是无取向硅钢生产的重中之重,直接决定了硅钢的铁损和电磁性等多项指标。 Cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is high technology content、high addedvalue product. Its process is complex, Its production cycle is of Length, and Its Process control is difficult. Which is known as the iron and steel products \" Arts and crafts\". Hot rolling production process is the top priority of non-oriented silicon steel, Which Directly determines iron loss of the silicon steel and electromagnetic property, etc many index. 
2023-05-09 106 5.8

利用OM、TEM与EDS技术,对Fe-3.2%Si低温取向硅钢热轧板进行不同常化冷却工艺处理后的显微组织、析出相及最终产品的磁性能进行分析,并与热轧板的组织和析出相进行对比。结果表明,常化板较热轧板的表层组织均匀,基体中再结晶比例增加,带状组织变窄;常化板中析出物的数量明显比热轧板的多,析出物主要有AlN、MnS及复合析出的(Cu,Mn)S等。在常化温度1120℃、保温3 min的条件下,采用二段式冷却较空冷、淬沸水、淬常温水的冷却工艺,常化板表层显微组织更均匀,沿板厚方向的显微组织的不均匀性显著,取向硅钢的磁性能最高;常化后采用二段式冷却工艺析出的细小析出物数量最多,且弥散分布在基体中,抑制剂的抑制效果最好,对成品获得高磁性最有利。 Microstructure, precipitate and magnetic characteristic of final products with different normalizing cooling processes for Fe-3.2%Si low-temperature hot-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel were analyzed and compared with the hot-rolled plate by optical microscopy(OM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS). The results show that, the surface microstructure is uniform, the proportion of recrystallization in matrix increases, and the banding textures are nar... 
2014-03-28 53 5.8



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