采用\"热轧复合+冷轧减薄+退火\"方法成功制备了0.20mm厚的硅浓度梯度高硅钢薄带,并采用SEM和X射线衍射技术对制备过程中组织和织构演变进行了研究。热轧复合板微观组织呈明显层状分布,复合界面为紧密冶金结合且经过83%的大冷轧变形未开裂。热轧和冷轧复合板带中均形成强α和γ织构,再结晶退火后形成强γ织构。冷轧和退火织构沿板厚呈显著的梯度分布特征,其主要来自于复合界面两侧硅浓度和初始热轧织构的差异性以及冷变形的不均匀性。 Gradient high silicon steel thin sheets with thickness of 0.20 mm were successfully produced by the rolling and annealing method,including hot rolling bonding,cold rolling,and annealing.Microstructure and texture evolution was investigated by means of SEM and X-ray diffraction.Microstructure of hot-rolling-bonding shows obviously layered distribution,the composite interface was closely metallurgical bonding and no cracking appears even after 83%cold rolling.Strongαandγfibers develop in the hot a...
介绍了烟气余热利用系统的工艺流程及控制思想,结合该系统在钢厂硅钢连续退火机组中的应用实践,估算出烟气余热利用系统每年可节约蒸汽5 040 t,经济效益良好,同时分析了该系统存在的问题及对策。 Introduced a method about the process and control of the application of waste heat system, which had been used into a silicon steel continuous annealing line and profiting a good economic benefit by saving a large number of steam every year, which has been estimated about 5 040 tons, and analyzed the problems and solutions existed in this system.
对应用动态加热进行短时温度退火的取向电工钢进行了二次再结晶研究。所进行研究的实验用取向电工钢是经过终冷轧和后续罩式退火后的一条工业化生产线生产的。研究结果表明,运用短时热处理条件可引起研究钢完全的异常晶粒长大。在实验室处理的材料的织构和金相组织与工业化生产的经过终退火而获得的相同的取向电工钢类似。但是,在实验室处理的取向电工钢的二次再结晶的矩阵中可观测到\"寄生\"晶粒。从磁性观点看,这些\"寄生\"晶粒含有不理想的{111}取向织构。 The present study was made to investigate secondary recrystallization in grain-oriented steels annealed at short time temperature exposures with application of dynamical heating.The investigated GO(Grain Oriented) steels for experiments were taken from one industrial line after final cold rolling reduction and subsequent box annealing.It was shown that application of short time heat treatment conditions could lead to complete abnormal grain growth in the investigated GO steel.The texture and mic...
为了更好的解决电力系统防污闪涂料RTV-Ⅰ长期应用暴露出来的问题以及目前RTV-Ⅱ防污闪涂料存在的一些不足,结合具体实际需求,在电力系统外绝缘领域,应用新型防污闪硬质涂层——防污闪纳米硅钢涂层,并对分别喷涂了防污闪纳米硅钢涂层以及RTV涂料的绝缘子进行对比运行情况研究分析。研究结果表明,防污闪纳米硅钢涂层是一种同时具有优异憎水性迁移性能和自洁性能的新型涂层,具有良好的应用前景。 In order to solve the problem exposed of anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅰwhich has been used long-term in power system,as well as to better solve some shortcomings of the current anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅱ,in this paper,a new anti-pollution flashover hard coating — anti-pollution flashover nanometer silicon hard coating(NSHC) is applied in the field of power system insulation for the specific practical needs.At the same time insulators which are separately sprayed by the NSHC a...
对取向硅钢在不同气氛下的高温退火工艺进行实验室模拟,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了硅钢退火至900℃和1170℃时的样品表面氧化层和底层的物相组成,采用场发射扫描电镜(SEM)观察了样品表面氧化层和底层在截面方向上的微观形貌特征,并计算了高温退火一次升温阶段氧化反应的吉布斯自由能以及900℃时退火气氛的氧分压。结果表明:当退火气氛的露点温度保持一定时,较高的氢气含量有利于生成完整连续的底层;当退火气氛的水氢分压比保持一定时,在露点温度与氢气含量两者较低的条件下,底层附着性不佳易脱落,较高条件下,底层中夹杂着较多的铁单质;当氧化层中无FeO时,底层完整连续但易脱落,当FeO层较薄时,底层下方存在部分未反应的SiO2,当FeO层较厚时,底层不完整连续且有分层。 The high temperature annealing process of grain-oriented silicon steel in different atmospheres was simulated in the laboratory. X-ray diffractometer(XRD) was used to analyze the phase compositions of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the silicon steel annealed to 900 ℃ and 1170 ℃. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy(SEM) was used to observe the micro morphology characteristics of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the samples in the cross section direction. The ...
变压器D21硅钢铁芯片采用冲压工艺生产。首先对其工艺进行了分析,确定了冲压方案。对产品进行了排样设计,计算了冲压力,确定了压力中心。然后,设计了单工序落料模具,完成了模具装配图。 D21 silicon steel chips for transformer are produced by stamping.First,its stamping process was analyzed and the scheme of the stamping process was determined.The product layout was designed,the punching pressure was calculated,the pressure center was determined.Then,the blanking die with single procedure was designed,the die assembly drawing was completed.
通过后天抑制剂获得法制备了取向硅钢,对渗氮前后和高温退火升温阶段析出物的析出和转化规律进行了研究。研究结果表明,渗氮前脱碳退火态基体中存在少量的粗大AlN颗粒和细小AlN颗粒,渗氮处理后新析出大量的Si3N4析出物,高温退火升温阶段Si3N4将转化为(Al,Si)N,随着温度的继续升高(Al,Si)N颗粒将发生粗化,(Al,Si)N是后天抑制剂获得法制备取向硅钢的主要抑制剂。 Grain-oriented silicon steels were produced by acquired inhibitor method.The rule of precipitate transformation was studied after nitriding treatment and high-temperature finishing annealing.The results show that a small amount of large AlN and fine AlN are found in matrix before nitriding treatment,and a large amount of Si3N4 is precipitated in matrix after nitriding treatment.During the temperature rising period of high-temperature finishing annealing,Si3N4 would transform into(Al,Si)N,and(Al,...
6.5%(质量分数)Si高硅钢具有优异的软磁性能和广阔的应用前景,然而其室温脆性和低的热加工性极大地制约了它的发展。近年来,人们对高硅钢制备技术的研究已经取得了很大的进展,如何通过织构的优化提高高硅钢的磁性能越来越受到人们的关注,归纳和总结了不同工艺制备的高硅钢中的织构演变规律和特点,以及对应的典型磁性能。 6.5wt% Si high silicon steel has excellent soft magnetic properties and wide application prospect.However,the brittleness of room-temperature and poor workability of cold rolling limit its deve-lopment.Recently,the researches of the preparations of high silicon steel have been already made great breakthroughs,and then,more and more attentions are focused on how to optimizing the texture of high silicon steel so as to obtain the best magnetic properties.The evolution of textures of 6.5% Si high s...
为了确定普通冷轧取向硅钢最优的中间完全脱碳退火工艺,在其一次冷轧后进行5种不同工艺的脱碳退火处理,借助扫描电镜及电子背散射衍射技术研究了不同工艺脱碳退火后的组织、织构和脱碳效果。结果表明:经5种工艺脱碳退火处理后,初次再结晶的平均晶粒尺寸均约为19μm,且不随退火温度和时间的变化而变化;经840℃×10min工艺退火后的晶粒最均匀,高斯织构位向更准确,高斯织构面积分数最多,为3.1%,可将碳脱至0.003 5%。 In order to determine the optimal intermediate complete decarburizing annealing processes for common grain-oriented(CGO)silicon steel,five kinds of intermediate decarburizing annealing processes were conducted,the microstructure,texture and decarbonization after different decarburizing annealing processes were studied by scanning electron microscopy and electro back-scattered diffraction(EBSD)technology.The results show that the average grains sizes of primary recrystallization were about 19μm a...
针对川威950的工艺现状,结合无取向低硅钢SGG生产的工艺特点,主要从控制其钢坯加热和轧制以及终轧温度和卷曲温度几方面入手,进行无取向低硅钢生产的工艺控制研究。同时根据近6000吨的生产实践表明,该工艺措施能很好的满足该钢种的需要。 950 process Chuanwei status quo,with non-oriented silicon steel production process features low,mainly from the control of billet heating and rolling and finish rolling temperature and coiling temperature of several aspects,for non-oriented silicon steel production process of low control at the same time According to nearly 6,000 tons of production practice shows that the process measures could well meet the needs of the steel.