针对节能电机对无取向电工钢在磁性能方面的特殊要求,采用普通W600牌号的热轧板为原料,通过大量的现场工艺试验,研究总结出了\"超低张力\"的运行工艺、\"先快后慢\"的加热工艺、\"先湿后干\"的退火脱碳工艺、\"先缓后急\"的冷却工艺,生产出P1.5/50≤4.0 W/kg、B50≥1.70 T的冷轧电工钢产品,满足了节能电机的要求。 Based on the special requirements of no-oriented electrical steel for saving energy motor in magnetic aspects,using common W600 brand of hot rolled plate as raw material,through a large number of real tests,an ultra-low tension process,heating process which was quick at first and then slow,annealing decarburization process which was dry after the first wet,and a cooling technology of \"slow after the first urgent\" were concluded.Electrical steel product with P1.5/50≤4.0W/kg,B50≥1.70T was produced...
通过对湿H2气氛下,相同退火温度、不同退火时间的CGO硅钢初次再结晶样品进行金相组织观察,并进行了EBSD微观织构分析,研究了CGO硅钢初次再结晶过程中的组织及再结晶织构演变行为。结果表明,在湿H2气氛下,820℃保温,CGO硅钢初次再结晶过程约在120 s时完成。随着退火时间的延长,γ面上{111}<112>织构含量逐渐减少,{111}<110>织构先减少后增多,随着再结晶的完成,部分{111}<112>取向晶粒向高斯{110}<001>取向转化的同时,也向{111}<110>取向转化,高斯{110}<001>织构含量逐渐增多。高斯取向晶粒较多是由{111}<112>取向晶粒转化而来,同时也证明了CGO硅钢高斯取向晶粒的二次再结晶异常长大生长机制为择优形核。 Microstructure development and texture evolution of conventional grain oriented silicon steel,which were annealed at same annealing temperature and different annealing time under wet H2 atmosphere,were investigated through metallographic observation and electron backscattered diffraction analyzing.The results show that the primary recrystallization finishes in 120 s at 820 ℃ under wet H2 atmosphere.With the extending of annealing time,{111}<112> texture decreases,{111}<110> texture d...
通过金相分析和电子背散射衍射技术研究了一种新型含铜无取向电工钢在950℃退火不同时间(3~180s)空冷后的组织和织构取向的演变。结果表明:该钢在退火3s时的主要织构为α和γ线织构,{100}<110>织构最强;退火20s时织构以<111><112>、{111}<110>、{112}<110>、高斯织构和立方织构为主,随着退火时间的延长,高斯织构和立方织构强度呈减弱趋势;合理控制保温时间有利于提高{100}、{110}面织构的占有率。 Evolution of microstructure and texture oriented of a new non-oriented electrical steel during annealing at 950℃for different times(3-180) s and air cooling was studied by metallography and electron back-scattering diffraction analysis.The results show that after annealing for 3 s most of the texture oriented alongα-fibre andγ-fibre,the intensity of {100}〈110〉was the strongest.{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉,{112}〈110〉,Gauss texture and cube texture were the main texture after annealing for 20 s,with the ...
采用铸坯低倍组织检验和化学分析的方法,研究板坯连铸机二冷区电磁搅拌器电流和频率参数对无取向电工钢XG800WR板坯中心偏析和等轴晶率的影响,结果表明:铸坯等轴晶率随着搅拌器电流强度和电流频率的增大而增加。采用二冷区电磁搅拌可减小中心易偏析元素S的偏析,试验得出:减小铸坯S偏析效果最好的电磁搅拌参数为电流380~400A,频率6Hz。 The effect of electromagnetic stirring current and frequency parameter at secondary cooling area on the central segregation and equiaxed crystal ratio of XG800WR non - oriented electrical steels slab was investigated through the methods of chemical and macrostructure analysis.The results shows that the rate of equiaxed crystal zone is going up with increasing of current intensity and current frequency.Electromagnetic stirring in the secondary cooling area can be easily reduced segregation caused...
介绍了一种适用于超大晶粒取向硅钢的高斯晶粒取向偏离角的X射线衍射测量方法,提出了将试探法和探测器扫描法相结合的方式进行测量。结果表明:该方法可以同时获得准确的实际衍射角度和取向偏离角度,试样制备方式简单,对设备的要求低且测量结果准确。 This paper introduces a X-ray diffraction measurement method of Gaussian grain orientation deviation angle for ultra-large grain oriented silicon steel, and puts forward a method of combining the test method with the detector scanning. The results show that this method can obtain accurate actual diffraction angle and orientation deviation angle at the same time. The sample preparation method is simple, the requirements for equipment are low, and the measurement results are accurate.
综述了退火温度、时间对无取向电工钢磁性的影响。退火温度主要影响无取向电工钢不同织构的占有率,退火时间主要影响晶粒尺寸的大小,晶粒尺寸的变化对织构的形成也有一定的影响。磁感最高点出现在纤维组织完全消失,(111)面织构组分较弱的组织状态。铁损的降低主要依赖于磁滞损耗的降低,织构的影响不大。 The effects of annealing temperature and time on the non-oriented electrical steel magnetic properties were reviewed.Annealing temperature and time mainly affects the different textures share and the grain sizes of non-oriented electrical steel respectively.Changes of the grain sizes also have a certain effect on textures formation.The highest point of the magnetic induction value in the fibrous tissue completely disappears and{111} plane texture has a lower state of the component content.Iron l...
介绍了硅钢氧化镁制备方法及高质量硅钢氧化镁制备技术的研究进展,并对利用我国丰富的卤水资源制备硅钢氧化镁进行了展望。 The preparation methods of silicon steel magnesium oxide and research progress of high quality silicon steel magnesium oxide preparation technology were introduced.The use of abundant brine resources in the preparation of silicon steel magnesium oxide was prospected.
结合工业化生产的高效硅钢,进行了RH精炼稀土处理试验研究。针对不同的稀土处理条件,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,探讨了稀土处理后钢中的夹杂物形成、变化规律。结果表明:试验条件下,最佳的稀土合金添加数量为0.6~0.9 kg/t。经过合适的稀土处理后,可以有效抑制尺寸相对较小的、不规则的AlN、MnS复合夹杂生成,促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮,钢质纯净度得到明显提高。此时,钢中全氧含量最低,脱硫效果最佳,钢中的夹杂物主要是尺寸相对较大的、近似球形或者椭球形的稀土类夹杂。 Based on the industrial production of non-oriented silicon steel,the experiment on RE treatment during the RH refining process was studied.The morphology and the size distribution were observed for the steel specimens treated with different RE treatment conditions.Further more,the formation and change of inclusions of final steel sheets after RE treatment were discussed.The results show that the suitable RE added amount was 0.6~0.9 kg/t.After the suitable RE treatment,the formation of AlN and Mn...
用还原分离-原子荧光光谱法分析了硅钢中的痕量汞.分析方法的不确定度主要来自测量重复性,样品溶液浓度,工作曲线变动性,标准溶液,移取、配制标准溶液,仪器变动性等.文章分别对上述构成合成不确定度大小的分量进行了计算讨论. Trace mercury in silicon steel and galvanized sheet was analyzed by adopting reduced separation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.The uncertainty of the analysis method mainly comes from measurement repeatability,sample concentration,working curve volatility,standard solution,pipetting and preparation of standard solution,and instrument variability,etc.The essay conducted all calculations and discussions on the above components that determine uncertainty.