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阐述了国内外高磁感取向硅钢的生产研究水平与发展趋势,包括通过提高高斯晶粒取向度、细化磁畴、涂覆张力涂层、减薄钢片厚度进一步降低铁损以及低温加热技术和短流程技术新工艺。分析高磁感取向硅钢在我国大型电力变压器上的应用情况,结果表明,发展更薄规格高磁感、低铁损、低磁致伸缩取向硅钢可为大型变压器的安全性、节能性及环保性提供有效保障。 The research progress and development trend of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad are summarized,including the technology of improving the Goss alignment,refining domain wall,adding stress coating,decreasing thickness of sheet,and the new technique of reducing heating temperature of casting slab and shortening operational.Moreover,the application of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon in power transformer is presented.Developing grain-oriented sili... 
2014-11-28 82 5.8

针对薄板坯连铸连轧流程结合\"获得抑制剂法\"所制备的低温高磁感取向硅钢,通过热力学计算研究了AlN与MnS在连铸与均热过程中的析出规律与行为。计算结果表明,连铸过程中AlN在凝固后的高温α相中便可能析出,而MnS仅可能在凝固后的α+γ两相区内析出。钢中AlN与MnS在均热过程中均处于部分固溶与部分析出的状态。后续高温渗氮处理后初次晶粒的异常长大并不明显,表明渗氮处理前钢中固有抑制剂的数量相对充足。 The precipitation behavior of MnS and AlN in low-temperature high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel produced by thin slab casting and rolling process with\"acquired inhibitor method\"during continuous casting and soaking was studied by thermodynamic calculation.The calculated results show that AlN is likely to precipitate in ferrite after solidification.However,MnS can precipitate only in the two phase region of ferrite and austenite.Meanwhile,MnS and AlN in the steel can not be comp... 
2014-10-28 59 5.8

实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)流程制造高磁感取向硅钢,借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对不同Sn含量的热轧板织构进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同Sn含量热轧板表层及次表层均为高斯织构、铜型织构及黄铜织构的混合织构,中心层为{100}面织构;Sn含量为0.1%时,热轧板表层及次表层高斯织构组分最多,取向密度最大,成品磁感最高,达到1.875 T。 Texture of grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with different Sn contents was analyzed by electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD).The results show that the hot rolled slabs with different Sn contents have the same texture,i.e.,Goss,Copper and Brass.Specifically,the texture of core layer is {100};While the hot rolled slab with 0.10% Sn,the surface layer and subsurface layer have a sharpness Goss texture and the finished products h... 
2013-11-28 47 5.8

研究了常化对CSP流程生产的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢组织、织构和成品磁性能的影响。结果表明,经CSP流程生产,且在相同的冷轧及退火制度下,经1 000℃×2min常化处理的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢热轧板,其最终退火成品的铁损P15/50比不常化试样下降了10.5%,磁感B50比不常化试样提高了2.5%;常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品的平均晶粒尺寸增大,成品铁损P15/50相应减小;同时,常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品中高斯织构的强度增加,γ纤维织构的强度减弱,这有利于成品磁感B50的提高。 The effect of normalizing on microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with wSi=1.6% produced by CSP process was investigated.The results show that,under the same cold rolling and annealing system,the iron loss(P15/50) of annealed samples whose hot bands has been normalized by 1 000 ℃×2 min process decreases by 10.5% and magnetic induction(B50) increases by 2.5% compared with the samples whose hot bands was not normalized.The average grain size of non-orient... 
2012-11-28 69 5.8

【作者】 周威; 刘侃; ...
2012-12-28 51 5.8

采用CVD法制备6.5%Si高硅钢,介绍了具体的制备工艺过程,研究了温度对渗硅速率和试样质量减轻的影响,同时分析了扩散时间对高硅钢中硅分布的影响。结果表明:在CVD反应过程中,反应温度高于1050℃将大大提高渗硅速率,但当温度大于1200℃后,渗硅速率趋于稳定;渗硅后,试样会减轻、减薄,随着温度升高,试样质量减轻的速率逐渐增大,在1200℃左右趋于稳定;扩散时间越长,硅分布越均匀,结合制备效率进行考虑,满足Δw表-中/b≤5的时间为适宜的扩散时间。 6.5%Si high silicon steel was manufactured by using CVD method and the process was introduced,the influence of temperature on the siliconizing rate and quality reducing rate,diffusion time on silicon distribution were investigated.Results as follows: the siliconizing rate will increase quickly when the temperature is higher than 1050 ℃,but the siliconizing rate will become steadily as the temperature up to 1200 ℃;The quality reducing rate will increase with the elevating of temperature and the r... 
2013-01-28 53 5.8

硅钢高温退火环形炉炉壳制作与安装精度要求较高,施工时通过对壳体原材料矫正、炉壳板拼焊、下料切割、型钢骨架组装及焊接、骨架及炉壳板矫正、骨架与炉壳板组装及焊接、炉壳矫正、零配件装置、定位钻孔、报验检查、出厂、内侧板安装、外侧板安装、顶板安装等环节的工艺技术控制,能保质高效地完成硅钢高温退火环形炉炉壳制作与安装,为以后同类工程的施工提供可借鉴经验。 The required precision of manufacture and installation technique of the silicon steel high temperature annealing annular-furnace shell is high.During construction , manufacture and installation of the silicon steel high temperature annealing annular-furnace shell could be finished high efficiently through correcting the raw materials of shell , furnace shell plate welding , material cutting , steel frame assembly and welding , skeleton and shell plate correction , skeleton and furnace shell asse... 
2013-05-28 40 5.8

研究了热处理工艺(退火温度、保温时间、冷却方式)对含Mn的Fe-6.5wt%Si高硅钢热轧带的显微组织及硬度的影响。结果表明,退火温度对Fe-6.5wt%Si合金的组织和显微硬度均有较大影响,随退火温度升高,平均晶粒尺寸和显微硬度均明显增大。小于1 h退火时,晶粒长大缓慢,而长时间(>1 h)退火时,一些次表层晶粒将发生异常长大。水冷组织比空冷组织略细小,但水冷显著降低了显微硬度。Mn含量提高能抑制850℃退火时晶粒的长大,并且促进退火后高硅钢的软化。 The influences of heat treatment process(annealing temperature,heating time,cooling methods) on the microstructure and microhardness of Fe-6.5wt%Si high silicon steel containing manganese for hot rolled strip were studied.The results show that the annealing temperature has a great effect on the microstructure and microhardness of Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy,and as the annealing temperature increases,the average grain sizes and microhardness will significantly increase.When annealing time for less than 1 h... 
2023-05-12 1.19k 5.8

通过对取向硅钢进行脉冲磁场退火实验,发现在相同的退火时间(6.0 min)内,低于1 T的脉冲磁场可以在一定程度上提高取向硅钢的磁感(B8),而高于1 T的脉冲磁场则会使取向硅钢的磁性能急剧恶化.同时发现,脉冲直流电加热方式会使取向硅钢的磁性能恶化.研究表明,脉冲磁场退火有望成为一种调控材料微观结构的有效手段. We have carried out experiments of annealing by pulse magnetic field.The results show that a pulse magnetic field with intensity lower than 1 T can promote magnetic induction density(B8) of grain-oriented silicon steel,while the magnetic properties deteriorate sharply when intensity is higher than 1 T.It has also been found that heating by using pulse direct current can cause the magnetic properties to deteriorate,in contrast to the traditional heating using resistance furnace.Our research shows... 
2011-01-28 76 5.8

研究了卷取工艺对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒尺寸、织构演变、铁损和磁感应强度的影响。结果表明,试样织构组分主要为{111}、{112}、{100}和高斯织构,在550℃卷取、保温2~3h,{100}织构有增强趋势,磁感应强度较高,铁损较低。 The effects of coiling process on grain size,texture,core loss and magnetic induction of a new cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel with copper were investigated.The results show that there are mainly {111},{112},{100} and {110}<001> texture.Coiling at 550℃and keeping for 2~3 hours,the {100} texture is enhanced,magnetic induction is higher and core loss is lower. 
2011-03-28 64 5.8

借助实验室设备研究了B元素对高牌号无取向硅钢热轧板组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,与无硼钢相比,含硼钢的热轧板晶粒尺寸略小,析出物的类型和尺寸没有区别,主要是AlN和(AlN+MnS)复合析出物,少量的MnS析出物,尺寸集中在1.0~2.5μm范围内。未发现BN析出物。在力学性能方面,B对钢的软化作用不明显。在磁性能方面,含硼钢的铁损为3.215W/kg,磁感为1.710T,综合磁性能比无硼钢差。 Influences of boron on microstructure and properties of hot rolled band in high-grade non-oriented silicon steel are researched in this paper by experimental equipments.Compared with boron-free steel,the result shows that boron-bearing steel has smaller grain size,but the type and size of precipitations have no differences.The main precipitates are AlN,(MnS + AlN) composite precipitate and few MnS,the range of which are between 1.0 μm and 2.5 μm.BN precipitation is not found.With reward to mecha... 
2011-05-28 53 5.8



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