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中国热轧硅钢的发展概况   中国从1953年开始生产热轧硅钢。热轧硅钢是把硅...
2013-01-31 95

马钢无取向电工钢生产工艺流程和关键工序示意图   收稿时间:2010年9月 来...
2013-01-30 79

1、用户感知机制   1.1提升用户感知度   以“提升用户感知度&rdq...
2013-01-30 72

研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)同时测定硅钢中痕量铝、钼、钒、钛、铌元素的分析方法。通过条件试验对测量参数进行了优化,确定RF功率1 400 W,泵速30rpm,采样深度140,雾化压力0.90。样品采用硝酸分解,以Be、Y混合内标校正了测量过程中高基体引起的信号漂移。根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素27 Al、98 Mo、51 V、47 Ti和93 Nb作为测定同位素,同时通过调节仪器参数使得双电荷离子和氧化物离子的产率最低,以减少其带来的干扰。采用基体匹配法配制校准溶液,以标准加入法建立工作曲线,并扣除试剂空白。该方法各元素的测定下限均可达到1μg/g。用于硅钢标准样品的测定,所得结果与参考值完全吻合,各元素的RSD小于5.2%。 A method for the determination of trace aluminum,molybdenum,vanadium,titanium and niobium in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was described.A series of single parameter condition experiment was conducted.The optimized operation parameters with RF power 1 400 W,turbo pump rate 30 rpm,sampling depth 140 and nebulizer pressure 0.90 were obtained.The samples were dissolved by HNO3,and the Be and Y mixing internal standard were used to eliminate the signal drift c... 
2013-01-28 70 5.8

【作者】 杨佳直; ...
2013-01-28 27 5.8

介绍在取向硅钢生产中抑制剂的作用以及多元抑制剂的机理和应用情况,分析多元抑制剂方案中各种元素对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响,并根据生产实践提出了进一步研究的方向. The role of an inhibitor in the production of grain oriented silicon steel,and the mechanism of multiplex inhibitor in the production are described in the present article.In addition,the influence of various elements in the multiplex inhibitor on the performance of grain oriented silicon steel with high magnetic induction is elucidated.Further work needed in this research is also indicated. 
2013-01-28 53 5.8

选用国内外无取向硅钢标杆企业A、B、C的产品,采用非水溶液电解提取+SEM(EDS)方法,分析了其典型牌号对应成品试样中的夹杂物。结果表明,从磁性能控制角度而言,受钢的化学成分及生产工艺影响,A、B、C企业成品试样的夹杂物尺寸、种类、数量存在差异,这些差异对其磁性能产生显著影响;从夹杂物控制角度而言,A、B、C企业对应成品试样的夹杂物,以MnS、CuxS复合或者AlN、MnS、CuxS复合为主,其中1.0μm以下的夹杂物数量分别为2.34×107个/mm3、2.98×107个/mm3和11.98×107个/mm3,1.0μm以上夹杂物数量均很少,夹杂物的平均尺寸从大到小依次为A企业、B企业、C企业。 According to the production of three benchmarking manufacture enterprises A,B and C of non-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad,the inclusions in finished steel samples with typical grades were investigated by electrolytic extraction from non-aqueous solution and SEM(EDS).Results show that,from the viewpoint of improving the magnetic properties,affected by chemical composition and production technique,the size,type and amount of inclusions in finished steel samples are various,which will af... 
2013-01-28 57 5.8

针对采用含钒铁水生产无取向电工钢存在的铁水脱硫率低、转炉冶炼过程回硫量大、成品硫含量偏高的问题,通过对含钒钛铁水脱硫,减少转炉冶炼过程回硫以及RH脱硫技术等方面的研究,大幅度降低了电工钢成品硫含量。生产表明钢中w(S)=0.001 9%~0.006 9%,平均为0.004 2%;w(S)≤0.008%的比例达到了100%,且w(S)≤0.005%的比例也达到了91.43%。 In cognizance of the problems of low desulphurization rate for hot metal,large sulfur-recovery in converter as well as high sulfur content in products in producing non-orientation electrical steel with vanadium-content hot metal countermeasures have been carried out.Sulfur content in non-orientation electrical steel is decreased obviously by way of study on technologies of desulphurization for hot metal with vanadium & titanium,sulfur-recovery control in converter and desulphurization in RH ... 
2013-01-28 42 5.8

【作者】 王桦; 舒子龙; ...
2013-01-28 26 5.8

采用拉伸试验和显微组织观测的方法确定了GTN损伤模型中的9个损伤参数,运用GTN损伤模型对冷轧硅钢薄板边部缺陷的扩展及边裂的产生进行了有限元模拟,并与预置缺口的钢板轧制试验进行对比。结果表明:轧制过程中边部缺陷是造成钢板边部裂纹萌生和扩展的一个重要原因,GTN损伤模型可用来预测含边部缺陷硅钢薄板在冷轧过程中边裂的产生;预测结果与试验结果基本一致。 The crack initiation and propagation of silicon steel strip with edge defect during cold rolling process was studied by using GTN damage model in this paper.Nine damage parameters in GTN model were identified by tensile testing and microstructure observing,and then the FE simulation of edge defect evolution of silicon steel strip during rolling process was conducted on the base of GTN damage model,and then the results were compared with rolling experimental results.The results show that the edge... 
2013-01-28 50 5.8

【作者】 朱凤泉; 黄生银; ...
2013-01-28 58 5.8



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