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对低温法生产的以AlN为主抑制剂的Hi-B取向硅钢高温退火过程进行了中断实验,借助EBSD及TEM技术对高温退火连续升温过程中织构与析出物的演变进行了研究。实验结果表明,800℃时ODF图出现高斯织构组分,但强度很弱,高斯晶粒偏离角在10°以上;950~1 000℃时高斯晶粒异常长大,偏离角3~6°;高温退火过程析出物主要有球形、规则立方形及不规则多面体形3种形貌,由于渗N的影响,Zener因子先增大再减小,并且析出物在高斯晶界前沿优先粗化。 The annealing process at high temperature of Hi-B silicon steel using low slab reheat temperature and with AlN as the inhibitor has been studied by interrupting test,and the evolution of texture and precipitates during continuous heating-up in the annealing process at high temperature was analyzed by EBSD and TEM. The results showed that Goss texture appears in ODF at 800 ℃,but the intensity of Goss texture was very weak and the deviation angle was more than10°. Goss grains grow abnormally durin... 
2023-05-09 93 5.8

通过Axio Imager金相显微镜考察4.5%~7.0%硅(质量分数)对高硅钢材料组织形貌的影响,并利用Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢薄板制备方法对其进行轧制,通过DDL50电子万能试验机对阶段产品进行力学性能测试。结果证明,硅含量为5.58%的高硅钢在实验硅含量区间内存在最大延伸率及最小铸态组织晶粒尺寸。 An investigation about the influence of 4.5%-7.0% Si on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-silicon steel was presented.SEM was adopted to take an observation towards microstructure during fabrication,and DDL50electronic universal testing machine was applied into the detection of tensile curves.The results show that silicon steel with 5.58% Si provides the maximum elongation and minimum grain size as cast. 
2023-05-09 86 5.8

【作者】 陈迪安; 李春生; ...
2023-05-09 90 5.8

【作者】 欧阳帆; 肖侃; ...
2023-05-09 100 5.8

通过热力学计算,分析了实验钢中主要析出物析出的可能性。结果表明:在液相和固液两相区中,AlN和MnS均不能析出;在奥氏体区,AlN和MnS具备热力学析出条件,平衡析出温度分别为1547、1582 K。成品退火板中的析出物主要为AlN和MnS。扫描电镜下观察到的AlN形貌多为长条状,MnS形貌多为棒状或近似球形。这两种析出物占了析出物总量的85%以上,尺寸集中分布在400~800nm;复合析出物主要是(Al2O3+MnS)和(AlN+MnS),形貌不规则,尺寸集中在0.7~1.5μm;透射电镜下观察到了少量100nm以下独立的AlN析出。 According to thermodynamic calculation, the precipitation probability of precipitates was analyzed, AlN and MnS can not precipitate in liquid phase area and solid-liquid two-phase area. In austenite area, both the AlN and MnS have precipitation condition in thermodynamics and precipitates at 1547 K and 1582 K, respectively. The precipitates in annealing plate are mainly AlN and MnS. The shape of AlN is mostly strip, and MnS is stick or near sphericity. They accounted for over 85% of the total qu... 
2023-05-09 114 5.8

以水氯镁石为原料,采用氨法沉镁-煅烧-添加剂的方法制备硅钢级氧化镁。考察了反应温度、反应pH值、陈化时间对中间体氢氧化镁纯度及转化率的影响;研究了煅烧温度和煅烧时间对氧化镁水化率的影响及添加剂的量对氧化镁悬浮性能的影响。控制实验条件为:反应温度55℃,pH值为9.5,陈化时间2h,煅烧温度1050℃,煅烧时间2h,添加剂量为0.8%,制得氧化镁的纯度为98.99%、水化率为2.92%、悬浮性能为3mm/h,达到硅钢级氧化镁的要求。 Using bischofite as raw material,the preparation of magnesium oxide with silico-steel grade was studied.The effects of reaction temperature,reaction pH value and aging time on the intermediate magnesium hydroxide purity and conversion rate were studied.Calcinations temperature,calcinations time relationship to the hydration rate of MgO and amount of additive to the suspension performance of MgO were investigated.The results indicated that the optimum technological conditions were as follows:reac... 
2023-05-09 95 5.8

【作者】 侯桂芹; 张颖; ...
2023-05-09 91 5.8

采用\"热轧复合+冷轧减薄+退火\"方法成功制备了0.20mm厚的硅浓度梯度高硅钢薄带,并采用SEM和X射线衍射技术对制备过程中组织和织构演变进行了研究。热轧复合板微观组织呈明显层状分布,复合界面为紧密冶金结合且经过83%的大冷轧变形未开裂。热轧和冷轧复合板带中均形成强α和γ织构,再结晶退火后形成强γ织构。冷轧和退火织构沿板厚呈显著的梯度分布特征,其主要来自于复合界面两侧硅浓度和初始热轧织构的差异性以及冷变形的不均匀性。 Gradient high silicon steel thin sheets with thickness of 0.20 mm were successfully produced by the rolling and annealing method,including hot rolling bonding,cold rolling,and annealing.Microstructure and texture evolution was investigated by means of SEM and X-ray diffraction.Microstructure of hot-rolling-bonding shows obviously layered distribution,the composite interface was closely metallurgical bonding and no cracking appears even after 83%cold rolling.Strongαandγfibers develop in the hot a... 
2023-05-09 98 5.8

冷轧无取向硅钢是高技术含量、高附加值产品,工艺复杂,生产周期长,过程控制难度大,被誉为钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\"。热轧生产工艺又是无取向硅钢生产的重中之重,直接决定了硅钢的铁损和电磁性等多项指标。 Cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is high technology content、high addedvalue product. Its process is complex, Its production cycle is of Length, and Its Process control is difficult. Which is known as the iron and steel products \" Arts and crafts\". Hot rolling production process is the top priority of non-oriented silicon steel, Which Directly determines iron loss of the silicon steel and electromagnetic property, etc many index. 
2023-05-09 104 5.8

【作者】 彭志华; ...
2023-05-09 91 5.8

应用CAFE法对6.5%Si高硅钢铸锭凝固组织进行了模拟研究,确定出了适合高硅钢组织模拟的模型。进一步用该模型研究了过热度及冷却条件对凝固组织的影响,结果表明,随着过热度的降低,凝固组织中柱状晶比例和晶粒平均面积均减小。水冷条件下,高硅钢铸锭凝固组织几乎全是柱状晶,而且晶粒粗大。空冷条件下,等轴晶区扩大,但柱状晶仍占主要部分。缓冷条件下,等轴晶区占主要部分,晶粒平均面积和空冷条件下相当。 The solidification structure of 6. 5% Si steel ingot was simulated based on CAFE method and the model suitable for simulating the structure of high silicon steel wad ascertained. The influence of superheat and cooling condition on the solidification structure were studied. It was shown that with the superheat decreasing,the proportion of columnar crystals decrease,and the average grain size become smaller. Under water cooling condition,the solidification structure of casting was composed of almo... 
2023-05-06 91 5.8

森吉米尔二十辊轧机是冷轧电工钢的主要机型,具有整体刚度大,辊径小,轧制道次压下量大,产品精度高等特点,简要介绍了近年来冷轧电工钢森吉米尔二十辊轧机领域进展,在轧机结构、厚度自动控制、板形自动控制等方面的技术及研究。 20-h Sendzmir reversible mill is the main type of cold rolled electrical steel which has the characteristic of high integral stiffness,small roller diameter,high pass reduction and high product quality.In this paper,the recent progress of frame structure,automatic gauge control,automatic flatness control of Sendzmir mill is introduced. 
2023-05-06 97 5.8



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