为了优化激光刻痕降低取向硅钢铁损的工艺,寻找刻痕速度、脉冲能量、扫描间距等重要刻痕参数的最佳匹配关系,提出了一种基于人工神经网络与遗传算法的优化模型,并利用这种模型对30Q130取向硅钢材料的刻痕工艺进行了优化实验,结果表明,这种模型稳定可靠,可以作为取向硅钢刻痕工艺优化的一种有效的措施。 A laser is often considered to scribe the grain-oriented silicon steel surfaces after cold-rolling and annealing to reduce the core loss.It is necessary to select the best scribing parameters to maximize the reduction in this process.This paper proposes an optimization method of genetic algorithm during laser scribing of 30Q130 steel,by developing an artificial neural network prediction model using a database form a designed orthogonal experiment.The objective is to determine the best combinatio...
研究了无取向硅钢钙处理前后夹杂物的行为,重点考察了钙处理前后夹杂物的成分、类型、形貌和尺寸研究的变化情况,为实际生产中无取向硅钢的钙处理提供理论指导。试验发现:钙处理前夹杂物主要以Al2O3、Al2O3-MgO为主,且在夹杂物表面有AlN析出,钙处理后夹杂物以Al2O3-MgO-CaS-CaO系复合夹杂物为主,还含有少量的SiO2或AlN;钙处理前后,夹杂物形貌由多边形或不规则形逐渐向球形或近似球形转变,并且夹杂物尺寸不断增大;钙处理前后,含钙夹杂物的比例发生突变,由10%增大到74.5%,且随着钙处理时间的延长,含钙夹杂物比例下降,表明钙处理使夹杂物变性后易聚集长大并上浮去除。 Behavior of inclusions before and after calcium treatment in non-oriented silicon steel was researched by investigating changes of compositions,types,shapes and sizes of inclusions before and after calcium treatment,for the purpose of providing theoretical guidance for calcium treatment of non-oriented silicon steel in actual situation. Results indicated that Al2O3 and Al2O3-MgO were main types of inclusions before calcium treatment,sometimes AlN maybe precipitate in the outer of inclusions. Al2...
对碳-锰-硅钢进行不同配分温度的Q&P(Quenching and Partitioning)处理,测试了热处理后不同钢的力学性能和残余奥氏体含量,并用扫描电子显微镜和透射电镜观察其显微组织,分析了配分温度对显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:试验钢显微组织基本由低碳板条状马氏体、块状铁素体和条状残余奥氏体组成;随配分温度的升高,试验钢的抗拉强度呈下降趋势,伸长率与奥氏体含量的变化趋势相同,但变化规律不确定;提高锰含量能稳定残余奥氏体,从而提高试验钢的伸长率,并使伸长率对配分温度不敏感。 The C-Mn-Si steel was quenched and partitioned at different partitioning temperatures,the mechanical properties and residual austenite contents were investigated,the microstructure was observed by SEM and TEM,and the effect of partitioning temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties was analyzed.The results show that the microstructure of the tested steel consisted of lath martensite with low carbon,nubby ferrite and banded residual austenite.The tensile strength of the tested steel ...
随着中国电工钢产量的增加,硅钢级氧化镁需求量不断增加,传统的以白云石为原料制备氧化镁的工艺已经无法满足市场需求。中国是一个卤水资源丰富的国家,因此,研究如何资源化综合利用盐湖资源变得越来越重要。硅钢级氧化镁是一种制备取向硅钢的涂层材料,主要用于取向硅钢高温退火处理阶段,起到隔离剂、绝缘膜层、脱硫、脱磷等作用。综述了制备硅钢级氧化镁的方法、工艺流程、研究进展及存在的问题,指出了硅钢级氧化镁制备技术的发展方向,并对中国卤水资源的利用提出了建议。 With the increasing output of electric steel,the demand for silicon steel grade magnesium oxide(MgO) is larger and larger in China,and the traditional MgO production process with dolomite as raw material has been unable to meet market demand.China is a brine resource-rich country,the study of how to comprehensively utilize salt lake resources has become increasingly important.As a coating material used for preparing oriented silicon steel,silicon steel grade MgO is mainly used in the process of ...
在50Kg氧化镁坩埚真空感应炉上进行高硅电工钢的脱氧试验。结果表明,通过控制原料的成分、高真空下的碳氧反应和炉衬分解向钢液中的供氧,可使钢液的总氧含量≤15×10-6;在维持高温高真空条件下,当钢液中的反应达到一定程度后,延长精炼时间并不能降低钢液的总氧含量;完成精炼后加入硅钙合金沉淀脱氧可进一步降低钢液的总含氧量,但脱氧效果有限。 The test of high-silicon electric steel deoxidation has been carried out in 50Kg vacuum induction furnace with magnesium oxide crucible.Results show that the total oxygen could be ≤15×10-6in molten steel by controlling material components,carbon-oxygen reaction in high vacuum and oxygen contamination from crucible materials on molten steel;And when the reaction was carried through to a certain extent,total oxygen in molten steel could not be reduced by the extension of refining period in high va...
利用热模拟试验机、光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪对Fe-3.2%Si低温取向硅钢热轧工艺参数对组织及织构的影响进行了研究。结果表明,Fe-3.2%Si硅钢在1110℃粗轧、880℃终轧,轧后以10℃/s的速度冷却到550℃卷取,然后空冷到室温,热轧硅钢板沿板厚方向的显微组织不均匀性显著,对后续发展完善的二次再结晶有重要作用。无论是热轧板,常化板还是冷轧板,它们的织构集中分布在γ取向线上,γ取向线的织构除取向密度不同外,织构种类是一致的,这说明γ取向线上织构是有继承性的。从热轧到常化,织构取向密度显著减小,经二次冷轧后,织构密度又显著升高,可见,轧制变形有助于织构的形成并使织构强度升高。 The influence of hot-rolled process parameters on the microstructure and texture of Fe-3.2%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel were researched by hot simulation experiment machine,light microscope and X-ray diffractometer.The results show that,Fe-3.2%Si silicon steel is rolled by the technology with a temperature of rough rolling of1110℃,finish rolling of 880℃,coiling with the speed of 10℃ /s,and then cooled to room temperature with air.The microstructure of hot-rolled sil...
对硅钢板材分别进行异步和同步轧制,研究了轧制参数包括速比、压下量和道次对板材表面显微组织的演变的作用.结果表明,异步轧制硅钢板材表面形成了晶粒尺寸为10~50 nm,取向接近随机分布的纳米晶,而同步轧制板材的表面只形成了位错胞,证明异步轧制可以诱发表面纳米化.异步轧制板材表面纳米晶的形成过程为:在剪切力的反复作用下,高密度位错形成、滑移、湮灭和重组形成亚微米尺度的亚微晶/位错胞.随着压下量和轧制道次增加,高密度位错重复以上过程使晶粒尺寸减小、取向差增大,最终形成取向接近随机分布的纳米晶组织.大压下量和多道次是异步轧制诱发板材表面纳米化的关键,而速比的增加可以加快纳米化进程. Surface nanocrystallization(SNC) can effectively enhance the surface and global properties of the metallic materials,such as microhardness,intensity,fatigue,wear and corrosion resistances,therefore provides more promising practical industrial applicability.Up to now,several SNC treatment methods were developed based either on the principles of ball impactions or friction sliding,however,difficulty still exists for the surface treatment of large-dimensional samples with high efficiency.Recently,m...
对高磁感取向硅钢冷轧板分别进行800、950、1050和1120℃不脱碳的预退火处理,在800℃预退火,成品的磁性能较好。织构分析的结果表明,随着预退火温度升高,初次再结晶后有利织构组分{111}<112>与不利织构组分(118)[110]的比值f(111)/f(118)逐渐降低,初次再结晶织构的变化是成品磁性的影响因素之一。 Preliminary annealing process at different temperatures for cold-rolled strips of a high permeability grain-oriented silicon steel was investigated to study the effect of the annealing temperature on microstructure and magnetic performance of the steel.Results show that the magnetic performances of the products annealed at 800 ℃ are best.Analysis of primary recrystallization texture indicates that with rising temperature,f(111)/f(118) which is the ratio of the favorable component {111}<112>...
采用电子背散射衍射技术测定50SW1300冷轧无取向硅钢中不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量,利用主成分回归分析法,综合研究不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量对无取向硅钢磁性能的影响。结果表明:通过主成分回归分析法能够从不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量的多个影响因素中获取主要的因素,定量研究它们对无取向硅钢磁性能的影响规律。分析表明,无取向硅钢的铁损与不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量之间存在着可靠的多元线性关系,在一定范围内,较大尺寸晶粒的含量越多,其对铁损优化的作用越明显;而无取向硅钢的磁感与不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量之间并无线性关系。 Distribution of grain size in cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel 50SW1300 was measured by EBSD.The effects of the distribution of grain size on magnetic properties of the non-oriented silicon steel were comprehensively researched by means of principal component regression method.The results indicate that the main factors influencing the magnetic properties in the distribution of grain sizes,which can be used to guantitative study the magnetlic properies of the steel,are obtained by principal...
研究了常化对CSP流程生产的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢组织、织构和成品磁性能的影响。结果表明,经CSP流程生产,且在相同的冷轧及退火制度下,经1 000℃×2min常化处理的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢热轧板,其最终退火成品的铁损P15/50比不常化试样下降了10.5%,磁感B50比不常化试样提高了2.5%;常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品的平均晶粒尺寸增大,成品铁损P15/50相应减小;同时,常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品中高斯织构的强度增加,γ纤维织构的强度减弱,这有利于成品磁感B50的提高。 The effect of normalizing on microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with wSi=1.6% produced by CSP process was investigated.The results show that,under the same cold rolling and annealing system,the iron loss(P15/50) of annealed samples whose hot bands has been normalized by 1 000 ℃×2 min process decreases by 10.5% and magnetic induction(B50) increases by 2.5% compared with the samples whose hot bands was not normalized.The average grain size of non-orient...