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组织和织构是影响无取向硅钢性能的重要因素。为改善产品性能,研究了冷轧压下率(71.7%~87.0%)对高牌号无取向硅钢组织、织构、磁性能和力学性能的影响。结果表明,随冷轧压下率的增加,退火晶粒平均尺寸先减小后增大;高斯和立方织构强度减弱,γ纤维织构增强,α纤维织构转变为较强的α*({h, 1, 1}〈1/h, 1, 2〉)织构,并随冷轧压下率的增加而增强,同时其峰值逐渐向{111}面移动;工频铁损P1.5/50、高频铁损P1.0/400和磁极化强度J5000同时降低,屈服强度变化不大,表面硬度逐渐增加。当冷轧压下率由84.7%增至87.0%、厚度减至0.30 mm时,高频铁损降幅是工频铁损的11倍,表面硬度增幅变大。以上研究成果对硅钢减薄后织构及组织的优化提供了很好的指导。 Microstructure and texture are critical factors on non-oriented silicon steel properties. In order to improve product properties, this paper studied the effect of cold rolling reduction rate(71.7%-87.0%) on microstructure, texture, magnetic properties and mechanical properties of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel. The results show that with the increase of cold rolling reduction rate, the average size of annealing grain decreases first and then increases. The intensity of Goss and λ fiber te... 
2022-05-28 82 5.8

目前高磁感冷轧硅钢生产过程中,采用经验方法确定的乳化液流量设定值往往会造成硅钢产品的磁感性能达不到预期目标,针对此情况,基于轧机轧制机理研究了的乳化液流量数学模型,确定了乳化液流量设定值。实践表明,使用该数学模型输出的乳化液流量设定值,可提高轧制过程中乳化液流量控制精度,从而提高高磁感冷轧硅钢的轧制性能。 In view of the current production process of high magnetically inductive cold-rolled silicon steel, the mathematical model of emulsified fluid flow based on mill rolling mechanism is studied in view of the situation in which the magnetic sensing performance of silicon steel products is often not up to the expected target by using empirical method to determine the emulsified liquid flow setting. Practice shows that the emulsified fluid flow setting value output from this mathematical model improv... 
2022-01-28 57 5.8

阐述了国内外高磁感取向硅钢的生产研究水平与发展趋势,包括通过提高高斯晶粒取向度、细化磁畴、涂覆张力涂层、减薄钢片厚度进一步降低铁损以及低温加热技术和短流程技术新工艺。分析高磁感取向硅钢在我国大型电力变压器上的应用情况,结果表明,发展更薄规格高磁感、低铁损、低磁致伸缩取向硅钢可为大型变压器的安全性、节能性及环保性提供有效保障。 The research progress and development trend of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad are summarized,including the technology of improving the Goss alignment,refining domain wall,adding stress coating,decreasing thickness of sheet,and the new technique of reducing heating temperature of casting slab and shortening operational.Moreover,the application of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon in power transformer is presented.Developing grain-oriented sili... 
2014-11-28 81 5.8

针对硅钢连续生产线设备存在的故障、隐患以及精度等影响产品质量的问题进行分析及改造,实现保证生产线设备稳定运行、提高设备精度及硅钢产品质量的目的。 This paper analyzes and transforms the electrical equipment failures, risks existed in slicon continuous production line, and the effect of accuracy to product quality, in order to ensure stable operation of equipment in production line and improve the accuracy of device, quality of silicon. 
2014-04-28 38 5.8

冷轧无取向硅钢(/%:0.003C,2.35Si,0.22Mn,0.011P,0.002S,0.36A1,0.003 0N)经890℃或940℃3 min常化的2.3 mm热轧板冷轧成0.35 mm薄板。研究了常化温度和800920℃3 min退火对该钢高频(400Hz)磁性能和抗拉强度的影响。结果表明,830920℃退火时高频铁损P10/400值最低,随退火温度增加,晶粒尺寸增大,钢的抗拉强度降低;该钢的最佳热处理工艺为常化温度940℃,退火温度830℃,其抗拉强度Rm、高频铁损P10/400和磁感应强度J50分别为565 MPa,21.5 W/kg和1.69 T。 The cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.003C,2.35Si,0.22Mn,0.011P,0.002S,0.36A1,0.003 0N) is cold-rolled to 0.35 mm sheet from 2.3 mm hot-rolled plate normalized at 890 ℃ or 940℃ for 3 min.The effect of normalizing temperature and annealing process at 800 920 °C for 3 min on high frequency(400 Hz) magnetic properties and tensile strength of the steel has been tested and studied.Results show that with annealing at 830 920 ℃the high frequency iron loss value P10... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

本文介绍了无取向硅钢C6涂液的性能,研究了配水量、固化程度和涂层厚度等因素对无取向硅钢C6涂层性能的影响。结果表明,随着配水量的增加,完全固化所需的时间增加,涂液固体含量降低,涂层厚度减小;随着固化程度的提高,涂层硬度先增大然后趋于恒定,而柔韧性逐渐变差,在过固化后急剧恶化;涂层厚度对涂层的表面外观、附着性和绝缘层间电阻均有显著影响。 Based on the introduction about the performance of C6 varnish for non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of water amount,curing degree and coating thickness are discussed. Results show that with the increase of water amount,the time required to cure completely extends,and both the solid content of C6 varnish and the coating thickness decrease. As the curing degree increases,the hardness of the coating increases first and then tends to be constant,however the flexibility degenerates,especially... 
2014-02-28 59 5.8

试验2.3Si无取向硅钢(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al)冷轧板由常化和未常化的2.5 mm热轧板冷轧至0.6 mm(压下率76%),经750~950℃2.5 min中间退火后再冷轧至0.5 mm(压下率16.7%),成品板经890℃+960℃2.5 min退火。研究了中间退火温度对该钢晶粒尺寸、织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明,随中间退火温度的升高,二次冷轧前晶粒和成品晶粒增大,成品中不利织构组分{111}和{112}减弱,磁性能得到改善。热轧板经过常化时的磁性能明显好于未经常化时的磁性能,但中间退火温度较高时常化对磁性能的有利作用减弱。 The test cold sheet of 2.3Si non-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al) is first cold-rolled from normalized and un-normalizing 2.5 mm hot-rolled plate to 0.6 mm sheet(reduction 76%),then intermediate annealed at 750~950℃ for 2.5 min and double cold-rolled to 0.5 mm sheet(reduction16.7%),the finished sheet annealed at 890℃+960℃ for 2.5 min.Effect of the intermediate annealing temperature on grain size,texture and magnetic performance of the steel has been studied.... 
2014-02-28 64 5.8

介绍了普通取向硅钢(CGO)和高磁感取向硅钢(Hi-B)铸坯高温加热两次冷轧、一次冷轧和铸坯低温加热两次冷轧、一次冷轧法4种成熟生产工艺的主要技术参数,取向硅钢理论研究(Goss晶核和抑制剂)和生产技术现状。取向钢的发展趋势为:提高(110)[001]晶粒取向度,降低取向硅钢铁损,发展铸坯低温加热(≤1 300℃)和薄板坯连铸连轧流程生产取向硅钢工艺。 Main technology parameters of four developed process:cast bloom higher temperature heating-double cold rolling or single cold rolling,lower temperature heating-double cold rolling or single rolling process for production of common grain oriented silicon steel(CGO) and high magnetic induction grain oriented silicon steel(Hi-B),theory research on grain oriented steel(Goss nucleus and inhibitor) and present situation of process are summarized in this paper.The development trend of grain oriented si... 
2013-05-28 66 5.8

分析了太原钢铁(集团)有限公司第二炼钢厂80 t RH生产冷轧硅钢脱碳、脱硫原理及影响因素,认为通过合理控制RH到站钢水碳和氧含量、加大插入管内径、采用快速抽真空度等可提高脱碳效果。降低顶渣中FeO和MnO含量,保证脱硫剂加入后的循环时间可以提高RH脱硫率。 The present article analyzes the principle of decarburization and desulfurization in refining the cold rolled silicon steel in the 80 t RH in No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Taiyuan Iron & Steel(Group) Corp.,and its influencing factors.It’s determined that the decarburization effect can be achieved by properly controlling the cabon and oxygen contents in the hot metal coming into the RH station,enlarging the inner diameter of snorkel and adopting the fast evacuation method.In the meanwhile the des... 
2013-04-28 38 5.8

简述了无取向硅钢环保涂层发展背景,分析了硅钢环保涂层的特点及国内、外研究进展,提出了硅钢保涂层下一步的发展方向。 The back ground of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel was described in this paper.The characteristics and study progress in domestic and foreign of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel were analysised.The next development direction of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel was put forward. 
2013-04-28 52 5.8

研究二次冷轧压下率对于硅的质量分数为3.0%的无取向硅钢组织结构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:当第二次冷轧压下率从0变化至16.7%时,铁损逐渐增加,磁感逐渐降低。当第二次冷轧压下率大于16.7%时,随压下率的增加,铁损逐渐减小,磁感逐渐增加。当第二次冷轧压下率大于38%时,二次冷轧法所能获得的磁性能明显优于一次冷轧法。 Effect of double cold reduction on magnetic,microstructure and texture of 3.0% Si non-oriented silicon steel sheets was investigated.The results show that the iron loss increases and magnetic induction reduces as the percentage redcution in secondary cold rolling changes from 0 to 16.7%.The core loss can be reduced remarkably,and magnetic induction can get a little benefit if the percentage redcution in double cold reduction is higher 16.7%.In case of higher than 38% of the percentage redcution ... 
2012-11-28 53 5.8

以太钢热连轧厂的硅钢为研究对象,利用凸度仪测量热轧带钢出口凸度值,采用矩阵和失效模式的分析方法了解影响带钢凸度变化的主次因素。研究结果表明:通过有效控制轧制过程中的加热温度、时间及采用合理的辊型,硅钢凸度精度提高了4.34%左右。 In this paper,we take the hot-rolled silicon steelsheet of Taigang as the research symbol,exit profile was measured by convex instrument,the primary and secondary factors that affect the strip profile were measured by using matrix and failure mode analysis methed.The results indicate that convexity accuracy has significantly improved by nearly 4.34% through the effective control of the heating temperature,heating time and the use of correct roller type in the process of hot rolling. 
2012-05-28 36 5.8



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