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提出一种基于粒子群优化算法实现的硅钢涂层厚度近红外光谱检测新方法。首先,采用近红外光谱仪采集获得了硅钢表面绝缘涂层的近红外光谱,然后,采用离散粒子群算法筛选出近红外光谱数据的最佳波长变量并组成新的光谱数据,最后,建立涂层厚度的核偏最小二乘定量分析模型。实验显示,所建定量分析模型对检验样本分析的绝对误差范围为-0.12~0.19μm,最大相对误差为14.31%,完全符合现场检验需要。研究表明,离散粒子群算法可以有效地筛选出携带更多有用信息的波长变量,提高定量分析模型的分析准确度和速度,是一种有效的近红外光谱波长筛选方法,同时,近红外光谱法也是一种有效的硅钢绝缘涂层厚度检测方法。 A novel thickness measurement NIR spectrometry for surface insulation coating of silicon steel based on discrete binary particle swarm optimization(DBPSO) algorithm is presented.First,we used NIR spectrometer to collect the NIR spectra of insulation coating of silicon steel,and then,DBPSO algorithm was used to select the optimal wavelength variates and composed a new spectra set.Last,the authors created the thickness quantitative analysis model using kernel partial least square algorithm.The exp... 
2011-09-28 35 5.8

研究了CSP工艺流程生产的硅含量为1.5%的无取向电工钢在不同常化温度下对磁性能的变化。研究结果表明:随着常化温度的提高,热轧板的晶粒尺寸增大,且组织均匀性提高;此外成品的有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;铁损P1.5/50呈下降趋势,磁感B50上升平缓。在常化工艺为970℃×2.5min下,对应的铁损P1.5/50<3.4W/kg,磁感B50>1.74T。 The effect of normalizing temperature on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel containing 1.5%silicon produced by CSP process was studied.The results show that with increasing normalizing temperature,the average grain size of hot-rolled plate increases and the microstructure uniformity is improved.Furthermore,the texture components of finished products are improved through enhancing of{100}<0vw>,αandηtextures and weakening of{111}<112>texture;the core loss P1.5/50 ... 
2014-03-28 43 5.8

在实验室试制了TSCR流程的低碳低硅无取向硅钢,研究了在850~1050℃不同温度常化对冷轧量0.5mm厚钢板再经950℃×7min退火后的组织、织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:随常化温度的升高,使热轧板晶粒尺寸增大,晶界更清晰,组织均匀性更好;由于第二相AlN和MnS析出物尺寸比较大,使冷轧退火后钢板晶粒也随常化温度升高呈单调增大趋势;γ有利织构和{111}、{112}不利织构与常化温度升高同时增强,但前者增强更多;冷轧板退火后铁损随常化温度升高呈单调下降,磁感呈单调上升趋势。 The low-carbon and low-silicon non-oriented silicon steel was prepared by thin slab casting and rolling(TSCR) in lab.The effect of normalizing at different temperatures in 850-1 050℃on microstructure, texture and magnetic properties of 0.5 mm cold-rolled sheets after annealing at 950℃for 7 min was researched. The results show that with increasing the normalizing temperature,the grain size of hot-rolled sheets increased,the grain boundaries were more clear and the rnicrostructure uniformity was b... 
2011-03-28 59 5.8

为研究退火工艺对普通取向硅钢初次再结晶组织的影响,对经不同温度、保温时间和升温速率退火后的材料组织进行了分析。结果表明:在等温退火条件下,加热至600℃时开始发生初次再结晶,800℃以上初次再结晶组织发展完善;而在最终冷轧板直接进行最终高温退火的情况下,加热温度在500~700℃时,将升温速率提高到80℃/h,初次再结晶组织更易于发展完善。 To investigate the influence of annealing process on the recrystallization of common grain oriented silicon steel,microstructures of sheets annealed at different temperature,soaking time and heating rate are observed.Results show that under the condition of isothermal annealing,recrystallization begins at 600℃ and fully develops above 800℃,while in the case that the final cold rolled sheets are directly thrown to final high temperature annealing,recrystallization is likely to develop with the he... 
2014-04-28 65 5.8

试验研究了球刻痕法对高磁感取向硅钢的铁损、矫顽力、相对磁导率、巴克豪森噪声等磁学性能的影响.研究结果表明:经过球刻痕处理后,高磁感取向硅钢的铁损明显降低,矫顽力下降,8 mm球刻痕过后铁损值与矫顽力分别下降16.2%和14.7%,且铁损和矫顽力均随刻痕间距降低而减少.刻痕后的高磁感取向硅钢磁导率在高磁感应强度下明显上升,刻痕后巴克豪森噪声值明显降低,经过对比分析确定8 mm为球刻痕的最佳刻痕间距.从磁畴观察、细化磁畴的原理等方面解释了细化磁畴对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响原因. The effects of the ball scribing on magnetic properties of high permeability grain-oriented silicon steels,including the iron loss,coercive force,relative permeability,and Barkhausen noise were investigated. The results showed that the iron loss and coercive force of the high permeability grain-oriented silicon steels apparently decreased 16. 2% and 14. 7% respectively after 8 mm ball scribing and they both decreased with the decrease of the scribing spacing at the same magnetic flux density. At... 
2013-11-28 72 5.8

【作者】 欧阳帆; 肖侃; ...
2023-05-09 100 5.8

通过试验确定氩气分析流量为3.5L/min,静态流量为0.75L/min,冲洗时间为3s,预燃时间为12s,积分时间为5s的激发条件,采用火花源原子发射光谱法测定取向硅钢中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫。分别采用铣床铣样、砂轮磨样两种制样方式进行了精密度考察,发现制样方式对结果影响不大;讨论了取向硅钢样品中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫测定时可能存在的共存元素干扰,发现硅对锰元素的干扰不可忽略,采用干扰系数法进行了校正,据此拟合得到各元素校准曲线的相关系数均在0.999 0以上。精密度考察结果表明,碳、硅、锰、磷、硫的相对标准偏差(n=10)在0.71%~9.4%之间。对两块取向硅钢生产样品进行分析,并与钢铁研究总院进行比对分析,结果一致,且偏差均在允许范围内。 Carbon,silicon,manganese,phosphorus and sulfur in oriented silicon steel were determined by spark source atomic emission spectrometry.The selected excitation conditions were as follows:the analytical flow rate of argon was 3.5L/min,the static flow rate was 0.75L/min,the flush time was3s,the precombustion time was 12sand the integration time was 5s.Two sample preparation methods,including milling machine and grinding wheel,were investigated.The precision test results showed that,the determination... 
2013-10-28 58 5.8

硅钢工业退火炉温度控制具有强耦合、纯滞后、多扰动等特点,它的控制方法代表着一类非线性系统控制的解决方法。以硅钢工业退火炉温度为控制对象,在双交叉限幅控制的基础上引入了智能学习系统,形成了基于智能学习系统的双交叉限幅控制方法来解决此类非线性系统的控制问题,并通过模块化的编程来实现其功能。结果表明:与传统的PID控制相比,该控制方法的控制精度、抗扰性等控制指标有明显提高,是解决此类非线性控制的一种有效方法。 The temperature control of silicon steel industrial annealing furnace has the features of strong coupling,pure lag,multidisturbance. The control method represents the solution of a class of nonlinear control systems. The control object is the temperature control of silicon steel industrial an-nealing furnace, the intelligent learning system based on Double Across Limit Control is introducedand used to solve control problem of this kind of nonlinear system, and the module programming isused to re... 
2014-05-28 37 5.8

对欧盟市场汽车压缩机专用产品进行技术解析,对比分析了其电磁性能、退火和发蓝处理、物理性能、化学成分、应用特点等参数。探讨国内外电工钢产品应用方式的不同特点,并结合鞍钢自身工艺装备和炼钢、热轧、冷轧工艺参数介绍了其生产可行性。提供了冶金工艺流程下,后工序电工钢专业生产线及传统冷轧系统生产线两种生产方式,均能满足用户最终使用要求。 The technology of automotive compressor accommodation manufacture of European Economic and Monetary Union market was described.The magnetic properties,annealing bluing,physical properties,chemical composition,application parameters were analysed.The different characteristics of the application of electrical steel products,the feasibility of manufacture on the existing technology and equipment,steelmaking,hot rolled,cold rolled technical parameters were discussed.The professional product line of ... 
2013-06-28 56 5.8

利用场发射扫描电镜观察了以MnS为主要抑制剂的普通取向电工钢加工过程中第二相粒子的分布状态,统计了粒子面密度、平均尺寸以及相应的尺寸分布.结果显示,热轧加工造成了大量第二相粒子弥散、细小地析出,同时基体仍保持过饱和状态.冷轧变形会造成第二相粒子的回溶行为,而基体的过饱和状态会减弱回溶现象.中间退火与脱碳退火过程中会同时存在新粒子的形核及已析出粒子的粗化两个过程,而在最终二次再结晶升温阶段则以第二相粒子明显粗化为主. The distribution of second phase particles in conventional grain-oriented electrical steels during manufacturing processes with MnS as inhibitors was observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy,while the areal particle density,the average particle size and the corresponding size distribution were statistically determined.It is indicated that hot rolling leads to dispersive precipitation of a large amount of fine second phase particles and the matrix keeps a supersaturated state furth... 
2011-04-28 65 5.8

对商用50W330型无取向硅钢成品在930℃下保温2 h固溶并以不同方式冷却处理,利用磁性检测仪检测分析了处理前后的磁感和铁损变化,应用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪观测分析了显微组织结构的演变。考察了平均晶粒尺寸、织构组分比及第二相粒子状态对磁性能的影响规律,结果表明:固溶处理前后平均晶粒尺寸的变化对硅钢磁性能的影响非常显著;当平均晶粒尺寸相差不大时,织构组分比[Goss+{100}]/{111}越大,磁感会越高;固溶处理会将细小弥散的第二相粒子重新回溶到基体中,减小了其对磁畴壁的钉扎作用,铁损随之下降。 The commercial 50W330 non-oriented silicon steel samples were heat treated at 930℃ for 2 h and cooled in different ways,then the iron loss and the magnetic induction of the samples before and after solution treatment were measured with a magnetic detector.The evolution of microstructural texture was analyzed by optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry.The effects of average grain size,texture composition ratio and the second phase particles on the magnetic propert... 
2012-04-28 83 5.8

介绍了微合金元素锡、铌、稀土对无取向硅钢性能的影响,并扼要分析了这些元素对硅钢性能的影响机理:晶界偏聚元素Sn可细化晶粒提高硅钢磁性能;微合金元素Nb细化铁素体晶粒,提高硅钢的强度、韧性和塑性及磁性能;稀土元素(RE)在硅钢中的主要作用包括净化钢液、变质夹杂物、改善铸态组织和性能及微合金化,减少晶界上出现偏析的几率。 The influence of micro-alloy elements on properties of non-oriented silicon steel and the mechanism for effect of the micro-alloy elements including Sn、Nb and RE on the properties of steel are presented and analyzed in this paper.Grain boundary segregation elements Sn in steel can grain refinement and improve the magnetic properties;Micro-alloy elements Nb can refine the ferrite grain,increase the silicon steel strength,toughness and plastic;The main role of the RE in the silicon steel including... 
2013-03-28 59 5.8



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