测试了高强无取向电工钢的S-N曲线,并借助光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜分析了实验钢组织,疲劳断口形貌和位错结构。结果表明:室温条件下,频率为20Hz,应力比R为0.1,循环10~7周次时,实验钢的疲劳强度为360MPa,疲劳裂纹萌生于实验钢的次表面,裂纹萌生点附近有沿晶开裂现象,疲劳裂纹扩展区域有解理台阶与疲劳条纹,瞬间断裂区是韧性断裂,有大量韧窝。实验钢在循环应力作用下基体中产生了大量位错,并有驻留滑移带终止在晶界位置。 The S-N curve of a high strength non-oriented electrical steel was tested.The microstructure and fatigue fracture morphology and dislocation were analyzed by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope,transmission electron microscope.The results showed that:at room temperature and the frequency of 20 Hz and the stress ratio Rof 0.1,the fatigue strength of the experimental steel was 360 MPa when the cycle was 10~7 cycles.The fatigue crack initiation at the surface of the steel and the interg...
研究了激光加热辅助圆盘剪高速切割技术,以解决现有冷轧生产线硅钢切边技术存在的微裂纹、应力、毛刺和边浪等问题。建立了激光加热温度场有限元分析模型,根据生产线上圆盘剪加工的实际过程,探讨了数值模拟中热源的加载形式,研究了激光对板材进行辅助加热时各个工艺参数如激光功率、光斑尺寸以及激光入射角度对切割工艺的影响,并通过实验对工艺参数进行了优化。最后,进了验证实验。实验结果显示:当激光加热点运动至圆盘剪刃口位置时,温度为100℃左右,此时材料硬度降低到原有硬度的70%~80%,降低了切削力,减少了圆盘剪的磨损,可有效提高圆盘剪的寿命。 Laser assisted trimmer side cutting technology was studied to overcome the problems such as micro cracks,stress,burrs and edge waves existing in a cold rolling production line of silicon steel side cutting.A finite element analysis model for the laser hearting temperature field was established, the loading form of a heating source was determined and influences of various processing parameters like laser powers,spot sizes,and laser incident angles on laser assisted heating sheet materials were di...
利用背散射衍射技术(EBSD)和XRD,研究了两段式脱碳退火工艺对取向硅钢纵截面初次再结晶的微区取向、取向差分布、特殊晶界(CSL)及高温退火试样高斯织构。分析了初次再结晶晶界特征对取向硅钢高温退火后宏观织构的影响。结果表明:初次再结晶的纵截面基体中Σ3和Σ5晶界使得高斯晶粒有着较高的迁移率,在高温退火时借助20o~45°的大角度晶界的界面能吞并周围{111}<112>晶粒迅速长大,形成密度水平较高的高斯织构。 Micro area orientation of primary recrystallization,the misorientation distribution,special boundaries under different two-stage decarburization annealing and the Goss texture under high temperature annealing the longitudinal section of grain-oriented silicon steel were detected by electron back scattering diffraction(EBSD) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).The effect of primary recrystallization grain boundary on macrotexture after high temperature annealing was analyzed.The results show that the Σ3 a...
通过对激光粒度分析仪测量硅钢级氧化镁(MgO)的分析条件进行优化,如分散介质、分散方式、样品预处理、仪器暗淡度等,探讨了硅钢级MgO粒度范围测量重现性较好的试验方法,满足硅钢生产过程控制对MgO粒度的要求。 The analysis condition of the laser particle size analyzer on grain oriented silicon-steel grade magnesium oxide is optimized,including the dispersion medium,dispersion methods,sample preparation,and instrument obscuration,etc.Therefore,particle size measurement with good reproducibility for silicon-steel magnesium oxide is discussed,which may meet the requirement of MgO particle size for silicon-steel process control.
对碳-锰-硅钢进行不同配分温度的Q&P(Quenching and Partitioning)处理,测试了热处理后不同钢的力学性能和残余奥氏体含量,并用扫描电子显微镜和透射电镜观察其显微组织,分析了配分温度对显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:试验钢显微组织基本由低碳板条状马氏体、块状铁素体和条状残余奥氏体组成;随配分温度的升高,试验钢的抗拉强度呈下降趋势,伸长率与奥氏体含量的变化趋势相同,但变化规律不确定;提高锰含量能稳定残余奥氏体,从而提高试验钢的伸长率,并使伸长率对配分温度不敏感。 The C-Mn-Si steel was quenched and partitioned at different partitioning temperatures,the mechanical properties and residual austenite contents were investigated,the microstructure was observed by SEM and TEM,and the effect of partitioning temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties was analyzed.The results show that the microstructure of the tested steel consisted of lath martensite with low carbon,nubby ferrite and banded residual austenite.The tensile strength of the tested steel ...
研究了电工钢SXRC的显微结构和疲劳性能,并与DP钢进行了比较。结果表明,退火温度低温化能够有效的抑制电工钢的再结晶。该钢在固溶铌的作用下,能够在保证电机磁性的同时具有一定的强度。与DP钢相比,SXRC钢的抗疲劳性能更好。 The microstructures and fatigue properties of the electrical steel SXRC we re investigated, and the properties were also compared with the steel DP. The results show that the recrystallization of the electrical steel can be suppressed at lower annealing temperature. The steel presents favorable motor magnetic and also a compatible strength with the help of solid-solution Nb. Compared with the steel DP, the fatigue resistance of the steel SXRC is preferable.
采用取向分布函数分析了无取向电工钢不同再结晶退火温度下的织构变化及织构对磁感应强度和铁损的影响,并计算了无取向电工钢的磁晶各向异性能。结果表明,随着实验钢的再结晶退火温度升高,Goss织构和立方织构组分显著增强,而{111}面织构强度却减弱。较高的退火温度有利于减小织构因子,提高磁感应强度。磁晶各向异性能计算结果显示,随着再结晶退火温度升高,无取向电工钢板的磁晶各向异性能降低。 The recrystallization texture and the relationship of texture to magnetic induction intensity and core loss of a non-oriented electrical steel were investigated by orientation distribution function analysis. The magnetic anisotropy energy of the steel was calculated also. The results show that,the intensity of Goss texture and cubic texture increases,but the intensity of { 111} texture decreases with increasing recrystallization annealing temperatures of the steel. The higher annealing temperatu...