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通过测试取向硅钢不同工艺条件下的碳含量,探讨了CGO取向硅钢碳含量控制的最优处理条件,研究了脱碳温度和脱碳时间对相同初始碳含量取向硅钢的脱碳效果的影响。结果表明,在气氛为(15%~20%)H2+(75%~80%)N2,炉压差为10~20 Pa的条件下,CGO取向硅钢合适的脱碳温度为1 073 K~1 123 K,脱碳时间为10~20 min。在该处理条件下,能取得较好的脱碳效果。 By means of testing carbon content of oriented silicon steel below the distinct technical conditions,inquires the excellent handle terms of carbon content controlling for CGO oriented silicon steel,studies effects of decarburization annealing temperature and decarburization annealing time to the oriented silicon steel decarburization efficiency in same initial carbon content.The results show that,under the condition of atmosphere(15% ~ 20%) H2+(75% ~ 80%)N2 and furnace pressure difference 10 ~ 2... 
2013-03-28 55 5.8



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