提出以“云边一体化架构”构建硅钢智慧决策系统,来解决原硅钢制造L1~L5系统架构模式下的数字信息孤岛、业务功能割裂等问题。在此基础上,开发了云边协同的自学习型控制模型及业务决策模型,构建起硅钢“智慧大脑”,形成了以研发、制造、服务等核心业务数字化融合的智能化决策支持新模式,探索出一条钢铁制造业数字化、智能化转型之路。 SIDS(Silicon-steel Intelligent Decision-making System)based on \"cloud-edge integration architecture\" was proposed to solve the problems of data silos and business function fragmentation in the original L1~L5 system architecture.On this basis,the self-learning control model and decision-making model of cloud-edge collaboration were developed,the \"smart brain\" of silicon steel department was constructed,and a new intelligent decision-making support model of digital integration of core businesses s...
结合工业化生产的50A1300牌号无取向硅钢,分析了化学成分、RH精炼脱氧方式、板坯装炉温度以及热轧平整工艺等对磁性能的影响,探讨成品钢磁性能的改善。结果表明,采取改善后,50A1300牌号无取向硅钢的磁性能得到明显改善。2012年,该钢种平均铁损、磁感应强度分别达到5.26 W/kg、1.762 T,能够较好地满足用户市场需求及同行对标需要。 Based on the industrial manufacture of 50A1300 grade non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of chemical composition,deoxidization method in RH vacuum refining,charging temperature of steel slabs,hot rolling and flattening progress on magnetic properties are analyzed.The optimization methods of magnetic properties of steels are discussed. Results show that the magnetic properties are obviously improved by the adopted measures above. In 2012,the average core loss and the magnetic induction of 5...
结合工业化生产的无取向硅钢,进行了RH精炼喂CaSi线去除钢中的非金属夹杂物试验研究。针对不同的钙处理条件,分析了CaS夹杂生成热力学,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,确定了夹杂物的类型、数量,探讨了钙处理后钢中夹杂物的变化规律。结果表明,本试验条件下,钙处理可以有效抑制MnS、AlN夹杂物的生成,有效促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮、去除,钢质纯净度明显提高。经过合适的钙处理后,钢中的夹杂物以独立存在的CaO为主,同时有少量含CaO、SiO2、MgO的复合夹杂,没有发现CaS夹杂存在。这部分夹杂物的尺寸集中分布在2~20μm,数量约为1.8×105个/mm3。 Experimental study on removal of non-metallic inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel obtained from industrial production by CaSi wire feeding during RH refining process was carried out.The thermodynamics of CaS inclusion formation was analyzed,the morphology and the size distribution of inclusions were observed,and the numbers and types of inclusions were also determined for the steel specimens treated under different calcium treatment conditions.Furthermore,the variation of inclusion characte...
无取向硅钢中夹杂物的存在会抑止晶粒生长,使基体的均匀连续性中断,其在钢中的形态、含量及分布情况都不同程度影响着硅钢的性能,尤其是对磁性能起关键的作用。因此,全尺度分布考察夹杂物对无取向硅钢夹杂物的研究极为重要。本实验确定了适用于不同牌号无取向硅钢夹杂物全尺度分布的分析方法:样品制备—小样电解—过滤喷金—根据不同牌号的要求选择合适的放大倍率扫描观测—夹杂物颗粒的分类统计。通过统计的结果,结合电解的失重量可以得到不同尺度的体积分布数据。实验分析了不同牌号和工艺无取向硅钢夹杂物的种类、形貌、大小和尺度分布,并初步考查了夹杂物与磁性能的关系,对无取向硅钢的工艺研究具有一定参考价值。 Inclusions in non-oriented silica steel could inhibit the growth of grain and cause discontinuity of micro-structure.The configuration,content and size distribution of inclusion have different effects on the performance of silica steel,especially significant on the magnetic property.Therefore,it is very useful to completely characterize inclusions with full size distribution in silica steel.In our research,full size analysis method for inclusion in silica steel had been established as follows: s...
采用RH精炼添加钙合金方式对硅钢进行钙处理。结果表明,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,钢中钙含量分别为0、2×10-6、4×10-6;随着钙合金添加量增大,钢中夹杂物粒度逐渐由0~2μm向2~4、4~6μm偏移;不同钙处理条件下,钢中均存在粒径小于1μm和粒径为1~5μm的MnS、CuxS夹杂物,后者或单独存在,或同AlN、CaS夹杂复合;粒径为5~10μm区间,钢中的夹杂物基本以钙的氧、硫化物为主。与钙处理前相比,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,粒径小于1.0μm的微细夹杂物减少幅度分别为68.06%、87.50%、94.94%。钙合金添加量为1.67kg/t钢时,可以去除钢中绝大部分的微细夹杂物。 Ca alloy was added into the liquid steel during RH refining,and the results show that Ca concentration in final Si steel sheets is insignificant,about 0,2×10-6 and 4×10-6 when the added amount of Ca is 0.67,1.00 and 1.67 kg/t steel,respectively.With the increase in the added Ca alloy amount,the inclusions in the steel gradually change from those of 0~2 μm to those of 2~4 and 4~6 μm.Under different Ca treatments,there exist MnS and CuxS inclusions whose size is below 1 μm as well as MnS and CuxS ...
对碳-锰-硅钢进行不同配分温度的Q&P(Quenching and Partitioning)处理,测试了热处理后不同钢的力学性能和残余奥氏体含量,并用扫描电子显微镜和透射电镜观察其显微组织,分析了配分温度对显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:试验钢显微组织基本由低碳板条状马氏体、块状铁素体和条状残余奥氏体组成;随配分温度的升高,试验钢的抗拉强度呈下降趋势,伸长率与奥氏体含量的变化趋势相同,但变化规律不确定;提高锰含量能稳定残余奥氏体,从而提高试验钢的伸长率,并使伸长率对配分温度不敏感。 The C-Mn-Si steel was quenched and partitioned at different partitioning temperatures,the mechanical properties and residual austenite contents were investigated,the microstructure was observed by SEM and TEM,and the effect of partitioning temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties was analyzed.The results show that the microstructure of the tested steel consisted of lath martensite with low carbon,nubby ferrite and banded residual austenite.The tensile strength of the tested steel ...
简要介绍了宝钢无取向电工钢的发展历程、产品大纲、电磁性能控制情况,以及高附加值新产品的开发、应用情况。概述了近年来宝钢无取向电工钢生产技术进步,主要包括夹杂物控制技术、连轧机高牌号硅钢制造技术、同板差控制技术、环保涂层开发技术等。 This paper briefly summarizes the development history, product catalogue, and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel sheets at Baosteel, as well as the development and application of high-value-added steel grades. Recent advances in manufacturing electrical steel sheets are also introduced, including technologies for controlling inclusion, producing high-grade steel strips by a tandem rolling mill, and controlling the transverse thickness difference of steel sheets, as well as the ...
某冷连轧机生产无取向硅钢板材时,其边缘降的长度合格率频繁超标。为满足用户的叠片厚度精度要求,这类产品必须以增大切边量的方式来保证交货质量,而这种方式又直接降低了金属收得率,提高了生产成本。基于此,以该产线现有设备特性为基础,详细分析其软、硬件功能模式,分别对辊形与反馈控制进行全面分析与优化改进。通过现场试验论证,充分明确依托辊形优化与反馈控制程序的改进能显著提高边缘降的控制水平,该技术的使用为生产现场的边缘降控制提供了合理的技术支撑。 A cold rolling mill production of non-oriented silicon steel sheet,the thickness difference of the edge( edge-drop) is usually exceed the preset standard value,In order to meet the accuracy requirements of the user flatness,these production must be trimed wider length to meet the delivery quality of the user need, which directly reduce the metal yield and increase the manufacturing cost. Therefor,the software and hardware of the production line has been analyzed, and the work roll shape and feed...
利用DSC、XRD,结合热焓分析对硅钢级氧化镁和二氧化硅的固相反应行为进行了研究。比较了不同二氧化硅原料及混合方法对硅钢级氧化镁反应性的影响,找到了一种更为有效的硅钢级氧化镁反应性的评估方法,克服了传统柠檬酸活性法在比较不同厂家生产的氧化镁的反应性上的局限性。进一步研究了Na2B4O7添加剂、TiO2添加剂对氧化镁和二氧化硅反应行为的影响,结果表明,Na2B4O7添加剂含量的增加对反应有利,而TiO2添加剂对反应有阻碍作用。 The solid-state reaction behavior between silicon-steel grade MgO and SiO2 was investigated by DSC and XRD combined with enthalpimetric analysis.The influence of different kinds of SiO2 and different preparation methods were studied and a specifical measurement that is more reliable was proposed to evaluate reactivity of silicon steel grade MgO.It overcomes the limitation of the traditional citric acid activity(CAA) method,which can not be used to evaluate the reactivity of...
结合工业化生产的高效硅钢,进行了RH精炼稀土处理试验研究。针对不同的稀土处理条件,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,探讨了稀土处理后钢中的夹杂物形成、变化规律。结果表明:试验条件下,最佳的稀土合金添加数量为0.6~0.9 kg/t。经过合适的稀土处理后,可以有效抑制尺寸相对较小的、不规则的AlN、MnS复合夹杂生成,促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮,钢质纯净度得到明显提高。此时,钢中全氧含量最低,脱硫效果最佳,钢中的夹杂物主要是尺寸相对较大的、近似球形或者椭球形的稀土类夹杂。 Based on the industrial production of non-oriented silicon steel,the experiment on RE treatment during the RH refining process was studied.The morphology and the size distribution were observed for the steel specimens treated with different RE treatment conditions.Further more,the formation and change of inclusions of final steel sheets after RE treatment were discussed.The results show that the suitable RE added amount was 0.6~0.9 kg/t.After the suitable RE treatment,the formation of AlN and Mn...
为了弄清楚高硫硅钢中的硫化物析出行为及其对钢的微观组织和电磁性能的影响,以便为工业化生产制定更为合理的硫含量控制标准和采取更为有效措施减轻炼钢生产的硫含量控制压力,结合0.25% Si 无取向硅钢 ,采用非水溶液电解提取 + 扫描电镜/透射电镜观察相结合的方法 ,研究了0.006 8%、0.010 2%、0.025 5% 和 0.035 3% 硫含量条件下,钢中的硫化物夹杂物组成和存在形式及其形貌、种类、尺寸、数量变化,以及相应的热轧、成品试样的微观组织和电磁性能变化。结果表明,随着钢中硫含量的增加,钢中的硫化物逐渐由 MnS→MnS+Cu2S→Cu2S转变,数量逐渐增多,尺寸向高低两个方向发展。相应地,导致热轧再结晶组织劣化和抑制了成品晶粒尺寸长大。随着钢中硫含量的增加,钢的磁感、铁损劣化程度逐渐增大。钢中的硫含量平均每增加 0.01%,涡流损耗、磁滞损耗分别劣化0.24 W/kg 和 0.41 W/kg,而磁感会劣化 0.009 T。但是 ,在硫含量为 0.010 2% 时 ,铁损可以低于 6.0W/kg,而在硫含量为 0.025 5% ... In order to find out the precipitation behavior of sulfide inclusions and the corresponding changes of microstructure and electromagnetic properties of high sulfur silicon steel sheets, so that to design more suitable sulfur concentration controlling limit for industrial manufacture and to release the steel-making difficulty effectively, Based on the change of given sulfur concentration 0.006 8%, 0.010 2%0.025 3% and 0.035 3%, the type and composition, the size and number, and the size distribut...