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薄带连铸流程下取向硅钢粗大λ晶粒(〈100〉//ND,normal direction)的“遗传”会导致磁性能恶化.为解决这一问题,针对取向硅钢的热轧孪生行为开展研究,结果表明:凝固组织粗大的取向硅钢在650℃热轧时可产生大量{112}〈111〉形变孪晶,这与具有高层错能的硅钢在较高温度下难以孪生变形的传统认知不同.热轧过程中复杂的应力状态降低了变形孪晶的取向依赖性,由于具有更高的储存能,孪晶界/孪晶界及孪晶界/晶界交叉点成为再结晶形核的优先位置,大大提高了常化过程中的再结晶率,受沿孪晶界应变分布及孪晶间距离的限制,沿孪晶界形核的再结晶晶粒通常呈“饼状”,最终形成以细小且取向漫散的再结晶晶粒为主的常化组织,消除了初始凝固组织中有害的粗大λ晶粒. In strip casting grain-oriented silicon steels, the inheritance of coarse λ grains(〈100〉//ND, normal direction) can deteriorate their magnetic properties. To solve the problem, twinning behaviors in strip casting grain-oriented silicon steels during hot rolling were investigated in this work. It is found that after rolling at 650 ℃, a number of {112}〈111〉deformation twins are formed in the coarse solidification microstructure of the steels, in contrast to the well-accepted view that it is diffic... 
2022-02-28 79 5.8

介绍了一种适用于超大晶粒取向硅钢的高斯晶粒取向偏离角的X射线衍射测量方法,提出了将试探法和探测器扫描法相结合的方式进行测量。结果表明:该方法可以同时获得准确的实际衍射角度和取向偏离角度,试样制备方式简单,对设备的要求低且测量结果准确。 This paper introduces a X-ray diffraction measurement method of Gaussian grain orientation deviation angle for ultra-large grain oriented silicon steel, and puts forward a method of combining the test method with the detector scanning. The results show that this method can obtain accurate actual diffraction angle and orientation deviation angle at the same time. The sample preparation method is simple, the requirements for equipment are low, and the measurement results are accurate. 
2022-02-28 61 5.8

某厂对电工钢的轧制策略进行了优化,粗轧道次由“1+5”改为“1+3”。在优化后的生产过程中,每次变换钢种,烫辊材就会出现窄尺现象,而紧随其后的电工钢板则出现超宽现象。文中针对该问题,介绍了宽度设定模型和宽度自适应模型的原理,阐述了该问题出现的原因及解决方案,并通过对宽度自适应模型的应用研究及优化攻关,有效地解决了问题,大幅提升了实物质量,降低了宽度封锁率。 The rolling strategy of electrical steel was optimized in a factory,and the rough rolling pass was changed from “1+5”to“1+3”.Subsequently,the following problems were occurred in the production process:when the steel grade changed,the roasting roller steel before the electrical steel appeared the narrow width phenomenon,and then the electrical steel appeared the ultra-wide phenomenon.This paper introduced the principle of width setting model and width adaptive model,and expounded the causes and s... 
2022-02-28 63 5.8

介绍了国内无底层取向电工钢生产技术水平、产量和用途,简述了无底层取向电工钢作为取向电工钢超/极薄带母料及应用于制作大型发电机组铁心、风电等电机铁心和变压器铁心等的情况。 The production technology level,output and application of domestic glassless grainoriented electrical steel were introduced,and the application of glassless grain-oriented electrical steel as parent material of ultra-thin strip of grain-oriented electrical steel and in making large-scale electric generator cores,wind power motor cores and transformer cores were briefly described. 
2022-02-28 73 5.8

晶界和{100}柱状晶在硅钢生产过程中对织构的遗传和演变有关键作用,因此本文利用晶体塑性有限元方法进行立方和旋转立方取向双晶在晶界不同位向时晶体取向演变的全场模拟。模拟显示,三种晶界位向下,晶界都具有诱发晶内产生S形状形变不均匀和缓解局部形变不均匀区取向转动的特点,立方和旋转立方取向双晶在带有剪切作用的轧制条件下都显示明显的取向稳定性。GB⊥RD(表示晶界垂直于轧向)晶界位向时,旋转立方取向晶粒优先在晶界中心位置发生取向转动,而立方取向则优先在远离晶界的端部发生取向转动。GB⊥TD(表示晶界垂直于横向)的晶界位向下,其晶界阻碍作用最小,双晶内产生的取向漫散度大,织构强度较低;除绕TD转动外,也具有复杂的绕RD、ND的取向转动。GB⊥ND(表示晶界垂直于法向)的晶界位向下,取向转动与GB⊥RD时相近,但有少量取向绕ND转动。 Grain boundaries and initial{100}columnar grains play a key role in the inheritance and evolution of texture in the production of electrical steels.In this paper,the crystal plasticity finite element method was used to simulate the grain orientation evolution of cube and rotated-cube oriented bicrystals when grain boundary was set to different orientations.It was shown that the grain boundary in three grain boundary orientations demonstrated the characteristics of inducing Sshape deformation inh... 
2022-01-28 52 5.8

针对马钢无取向电工钢孔洞缺陷的分布规律及形貌特征,对缺陷样进行了显微分析,并利用生产实绩数据分析了该缺陷产生的原因。结合热轧生产过程,主要通过避免带钢撞击导卫以及降低导卫结瘤的产生等措施,可有效抑制热卷异物压入产生,从而降低冷轧工序孔洞的产生。 In viewing of the distribution and morphology characteristics of the hole defect of non-oriented electrical steel in Maanshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,the causes of the defect were analyzed by micro analysis of the defect sample and the production data.Combined with the production process of hot rolling,by avoiding the impact of strip steel on the guide and reducing the nodule formation on the guide,the pressing of foreign bodies in hot coiling could be effectively suppressed,thus reducing the fo... 
2022-01-28 59 5.8

目前高磁感冷轧硅钢生产过程中,采用经验方法确定的乳化液流量设定值往往会造成硅钢产品的磁感性能达不到预期目标,针对此情况,基于轧机轧制机理研究了的乳化液流量数学模型,确定了乳化液流量设定值。实践表明,使用该数学模型输出的乳化液流量设定值,可提高轧制过程中乳化液流量控制精度,从而提高高磁感冷轧硅钢的轧制性能。 In view of the current production process of high magnetically inductive cold-rolled silicon steel, the mathematical model of emulsified fluid flow based on mill rolling mechanism is studied in view of the situation in which the magnetic sensing performance of silicon steel products is often not up to the expected target by using empirical method to determine the emulsified liquid flow setting. Practice shows that the emulsified fluid flow setting value output from this mathematical model improv... 
2022-01-28 57 5.8

阐述了电工钢在\"双碳\"中的作用,强调了电工钢的生产工艺技术及在减少碳排放、降低能耗中的作用,对下游能效升级带来明显的节能及降碳成果。同时,分析了2021年电工钢的生产运行情况,介绍了电工钢的未来发展,并针对如何减少碳排放以及生产更多的更低铁损、更高磁感的电工钢谈了几点启示。 The effects of electrical steels on carbon peak and carbon neutralization were expounded,especially on the achievements of obvious energy saving and carbon reduction to the downstream energy efficiency upgrading bringing from the production technology of electrical steels and their effects to reducing carbon emission and energy consumption.Meanwhile the production situation of electrical steels in 2021 was analyzed,and the future development of electrical steels was introduced,and some advices w... 
2022-01-28 77 5.8

取向硅钢常化工序主要采用现场实测带钢温度的方式测定冷却速率,并通过稳定冷却水温、调整冷却水量及喷梁运行数量等方式保证合理的冷却速率,给常化工艺设计和生产带来诸多不便。通过对常化工艺水冷过程带钢的传热分析求解,在建立带钢水冷温度模型的基础上,研究了不同冷却工艺参数对带钢温度及冷却速率的影响规律以及冷却工艺的交互作用结果。结果表明:模型计算结果能够较好地反映取向硅钢在常化水冷过程中的温度及冷却速率的变化,其计算误差为0.80%~4.11%;在特定取向硅钢厚度规格和常化工艺下,随着常化冷却水量及有效冷却长度的增加,带钢水冷温度及冷却速率与呈非线性变化;常化水冷工艺主要通过调控带钢与冷却水之间热交换量和交换时间实现对带钢温度的控制,实际生产中需综合考虑机组速度、冷却水量及有效冷却长度之间的交互作用,选定喷梁投入数量和冷却水量以获得稳定的冷却速率。 The cooling rate of normalization process mainly determined by measuring the grain oriented silicon steel strip temperature on site, and ensures the cooling rate by stabilizing the cooling water temperature, adjusting the cooling water volume and the operation quantity of spray beam, which brings inconvenience to the normalization process design and production. Based on the heat transfer of strip in the water cooling section of normalization process, the water cooling temperature model for the n... 
2022-01-28 74 5.8

结合实际生产0.4%Si无取向硅钢,统计了不含Sn和0.025%Sn无取向硅钢的磁性能变化,利用金相显微镜、X射线衍射仪观察分析不同成分下试样的显微组织和微观织构。试验结果表明:Sn元素可以显著降低无取向硅钢的晶粒尺寸,0.025%Sn试样的平均晶粒尺寸比不含Sn减小28.4%;加入Sn元素后抑制了无取向硅钢中不利于磁性能的{111}面织构组分强度,提高了对磁性能有利的{100}面织构组分强度,0.025%Sn与不含Sn相比磁感均值从1.756 T提升至1.768 T,铁损均值从5.476 W/kg降低至5.204 W/kg,明显改善了无取向硅钢磁性能。 In this paper combined with the actual production of 0.4% Si non oriented silicon steel, the magnetic properties of non oriented silicon steel without Sn and 0.025% Sn were counted. The microstructure and microtexture of samples with different compositions were observed and analyzed by metallographic microscope and X-ray diffraction. The results show that: Sn can significantly reduce the grain size of non oriented silicon steel, and the average grain size of 0.025% Sn sample is 28.4% smaller tha... 
2022-01-28 56 5.8

文章以国内某公司硅钢厂连续退火机组1号辐射管加热段为研究对象,分析炉内传热机理,建立并开发了辐射管加热段的传热模型。采用生产实际数据对模型进行了验证,以总燃料消耗量最小为目标,得出该炉段长度方向上燃料的最佳分配机制。所得结论为该公司连续退火机组节能控制提供理论依据。 Taking the radiant tube heating section of No.1 continuous annealing unit in a silicon steel plant of a domestic company as the research object, the heat transfer mechanism in the furnace is analyzed, and the heat transfer model of the radiant tube heating section is established and developed. The model is verified by the actual production data. Aiming at the minimum total fuel consumption, the optimal fuel distribution mechanism in the length direction of the furnace section is obtained. The co... 
2022-01-28 46 5.8

测试了高强无取向电工钢的S-N曲线,并借助光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜分析了实验钢组织,疲劳断口形貌和位错结构。结果表明:室温条件下,频率为20Hz,应力比R为0.1,循环10~7周次时,实验钢的疲劳强度为360MPa,疲劳裂纹萌生于实验钢的次表面,裂纹萌生点附近有沿晶开裂现象,疲劳裂纹扩展区域有解理台阶与疲劳条纹,瞬间断裂区是韧性断裂,有大量韧窝。实验钢在循环应力作用下基体中产生了大量位错,并有驻留滑移带终止在晶界位置。 The S-N curve of a high strength non-oriented electrical steel was tested.The microstructure and fatigue fracture morphology and dislocation were analyzed by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope,transmission electron microscope.The results showed that:at room temperature and the frequency of 20 Hz and the stress ratio Rof 0.1,the fatigue strength of the experimental steel was 360 MPa when the cycle was 10~7 cycles.The fatigue crack initiation at the surface of the steel and the interg... 
2022-01-28 53 5.8



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