利用加热炉模拟、动态再结晶以及热模拟等试验方法以及扫描电镜、金相显微镜等分析观察手段对无取向硅钢边裂的成因进行了探讨。结果表明,长时间加热使得板坯边部晶粒异常长大,晶界氧化并脱碳,轧制过程中边部温度过低,动态再结晶过程变弱,使得板坯边部延伸性能变差,是导致硅钢边裂的主要原因。建议通过适当降低铸坯加热温度、缩短保温时间、提高终轧温度来改善硅钢边裂缺陷。 The behaviors of high temperature oxidation,dynamic recrystallization,and hot ductility,microstructure evolution were investigated on the non-oriented electrical steel sheets to discuss the formation of edge crack.The key causes of cracking was found to be the coarse as-cast microstructure,grain boundary oxidation and decarburization in reheating furnace,as well as reduced temperature at strip edge region during hot rolling process resulting in reduced hot ductility and lack of enough dynamic re...
针对传统工艺生产硅钢周期长、能耗大等缺点,采用双辊连铸工艺制备3%Si无取向硅钢连铸薄带,利用MEM,SEM和TEM观察了铸带的组织、织构及析出物,同时对比了Al的质量分数为0.6%和0.9%的连铸薄带在组织、织构及析出物特征方面的异同.结果表明:双辊连铸工艺生产的3%Si无取向硅钢铸带的组织为均匀等轴晶粒,平均晶粒尺寸约为300μm;织构组成随Al质量分数的不同具有明显差别,Al质量分数为0.9%的铸带中{100}织构强度是随机织构的7倍;铸带中的析出物为AlN和MnS,最大尺寸分别为500和50 nm左右. Given the lengthy production cycle,high energy consumption,and other shortcomings of the traditional process for producing silicon steel,a twin-roll casting process was used to produce 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel casting strips. MEM,SEM,and TEM were used to compare micro-structure,texture,and precipitate characteristics of a casting strip containing 0.6%Al with another containing 0.9%Al.The structure of 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel produced by the twin-roll casting process was a uniform i...
研究了传统工艺流程生产的2%Si无取向电工钢在不同退火温度下的磁性能。研究结果表明,随着退火温度的升高,显微组织均匀性提高且晶粒尺寸增大;有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;成品的铁损P1.5/50先下降后略有上升,磁感B50上升平缓;在890℃×2 min的退火工艺条件下,成品电工钢的磁性能最佳,对应的铁损P1.5/50小于3.2 W/kg,磁感B50高于1.74 T。 In this paper,the effect of annealing temperature on magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with 2% silicon was studied.Results show that the uniformity of microstructure and the average grain size increase with the rise of annealing temperature.The texture components of annealing can be improved by enhancing {100} <0vw>,α,η fiber textures and weakening {111} <112> fiber texture.The tendency of core loss P1.5/50 shows that it decreases first and then increases,while the...
利用EBSD技术对CGO硅钢热轧、中间退火、脱碳退火及二次再结晶退火组织及织构进行分析,研究了CGO硅钢各阶段加工制备过程中高斯{110}<001>晶粒的形状、尺寸及分布特点,分析了高斯取向晶粒在各工序过程中的遗传继承性特点。结果表明,CGO硅钢热轧板的次表层存在Goss取向晶粒,历经一次冷轧及中间退火后Goss取向晶粒基本消失,一次再结晶之后Goss织构仍不是主要织构,主要织构为{111}<110>和{111}<112>,说明Goss取向晶粒在二次再结晶退火前数量及尺寸上并不占优势,二次再结晶过程中Goss取向晶粒异常长大形成锋锐Goss织构。{111}<110>和{111}<112>织构组分的强度在一次冷轧中不断增加,{111}<112>织构组分的强度在二次冷轧后达到最大而{111}<110>织构组分是在初次再结晶后变强。 Grain shape,size and distribution of { 110} < 001 > Goss grains in CGO steel and the hereditary characteristics of Goss orientated grains during each processing period were investigated,based on the analysis of the microstructure and texture of the CGO silicon steel during hot rolling,intermediate annealing,decarburizing annealing and secondary recrystallization annealing by means of EBSD. The results show that Goss orientated grains exist in the subsurface of the hot rolled plate,and Goss...
对高牌号无取向电工钢国内生产情况、工艺技术、产品性能及应用领域等进行了阐述,并探讨了高牌号无取向电工钢产品的发展趋势。 This paper introduces basic facts on the production status,process technology and products’ properties and their applications of non-oriented electrical steel with high grade at home,and then discusses the development trend on technology for producing the non-oriented electrical steel with high grade.
日本住友金属成功地开发了一种资源节约型高强度无取向电工钢SXRC,这种电工钢是通过固溶铌适度抑制位错的合并对消而得到一种特殊的微观组织,因此兼具很高的力学性能和磁性,特别适用于HEV、EV驱动电机转子。而且,不使用昂贵的镍就可以达到期望的强度,合金成本可控,是一种优越的资源节约型产品。 Sumitomo metal industries ltd of Japan successfully developed a type of high strength non-orientation electrical steel SXRC of resources-saving.The steel has both high mechanical performance and good magnetic property thanks to the special microstructure produced by the formation of Nb solid solution serving to appropriately inhibit the combination and cancellation of dislocations.The material is,in particular,suitable for manufacturing rotors of HEV and EV driving motors.Besides,expected streng...
采用CVD法制备6.5%Si高硅钢,介绍了具体的制备工艺过程,研究了温度对渗硅速率和试样质量减轻的影响,同时分析了扩散时间对高硅钢中硅分布的影响。结果表明:在CVD反应过程中,反应温度高于1050℃将大大提高渗硅速率,但当温度大于1200℃后,渗硅速率趋于稳定;渗硅后,试样会减轻、减薄,随着温度升高,试样质量减轻的速率逐渐增大,在1200℃左右趋于稳定;扩散时间越长,硅分布越均匀,结合制备效率进行考虑,满足Δw表-中/b≤5的时间为适宜的扩散时间。 6.5%Si high silicon steel was manufactured by using CVD method and the process was introduced,the influence of temperature on the siliconizing rate and quality reducing rate,diffusion time on silicon distribution were investigated.Results as follows: the siliconizing rate will increase quickly when the temperature is higher than 1050 ℃,but the siliconizing rate will become steadily as the temperature up to 1200 ℃;The quality reducing rate will increase with the elevating of temperature and the r...