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冷轧无取向硅钢是高技术含量、高附加值产品,工艺复杂,生产周期长,过程控制难度大,被誉为钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\"。热轧生产工艺又是无取向硅钢生产的重中之重,直接决定了硅钢的铁损和电磁性等多项指标。 Cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is high technology content、high addedvalue product. Its process is complex, Its production cycle is of Length, and Its Process control is difficult. Which is known as the iron and steel products \" Arts and crafts\". Hot rolling production process is the top priority of non-oriented silicon steel, Which Directly determines iron loss of the silicon steel and electromagnetic property, etc many index. 
2023-05-09 104 5.8

【作者】 彭志华; ...
2023-05-09 91 5.8

应用CAFE法对6.5%Si高硅钢铸锭凝固组织进行了模拟研究,确定出了适合高硅钢组织模拟的模型。进一步用该模型研究了过热度及冷却条件对凝固组织的影响,结果表明,随着过热度的降低,凝固组织中柱状晶比例和晶粒平均面积均减小。水冷条件下,高硅钢铸锭凝固组织几乎全是柱状晶,而且晶粒粗大。空冷条件下,等轴晶区扩大,但柱状晶仍占主要部分。缓冷条件下,等轴晶区占主要部分,晶粒平均面积和空冷条件下相当。 The solidification structure of 6. 5% Si steel ingot was simulated based on CAFE method and the model suitable for simulating the structure of high silicon steel wad ascertained. The influence of superheat and cooling condition on the solidification structure were studied. It was shown that with the superheat decreasing,the proportion of columnar crystals decrease,and the average grain size become smaller. Under water cooling condition,the solidification structure of casting was composed of almo... 
2023-05-06 91 5.8

森吉米尔二十辊轧机是冷轧电工钢的主要机型,具有整体刚度大,辊径小,轧制道次压下量大,产品精度高等特点,简要介绍了近年来冷轧电工钢森吉米尔二十辊轧机领域进展,在轧机结构、厚度自动控制、板形自动控制等方面的技术及研究。 20-h Sendzmir reversible mill is the main type of cold rolled electrical steel which has the characteristic of high integral stiffness,small roller diameter,high pass reduction and high product quality.In this paper,the recent progress of frame structure,automatic gauge control,automatic flatness control of Sendzmir mill is introduced. 
2023-05-06 97 5.8

通过观察冲剪边缘组织,测量冲剪边缘的显微硬度、残余应力的分布情况和磁性能的变化研究了冲剪加工对无取向硅钢50WW800边缘组织和磁性能的影响。对冲剪后硅钢片进行750℃退火,分析退火对组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,硅钢片剪切边缘会存在0.4 mm的形变硬化层,边缘应力大,铁损增加。退火后变形减小,形变硬化层变小,残余应力大幅度减少,铁损减少。 The influence of punching process on cutting edge microstructure and magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel 50WW800was studied by observing microstructure and measuring microhardness near cutting edge.The residual stress distribution in the silicon steel tooth and magnetic properties were measured.Effect of annealing at 750 ℃ on microstructure and magnetic properties of the silicon steel was analyzed.The results show that a cut-edge hardening layer up to 0.4 mm is observed,residual st... 
2023-04-28 103 5.8

本文中简要介绍了武汉钢铁有限公司采用薄板坯连铸连轧CSP(compact strip production, CSP)工艺生产中低牌号无取向硅钢的实践情况.CSP工艺生产的硅钢具有成品磁性均匀、板形好的优势,但是在利用该技术生产中低牌号无取向硅钢时,常存在成品板表面瓦楞状缺陷严重、连铸生产效率低等问题.通过优化炼钢成分、热轧等相关工艺,可消除热轧板厚度方向中心的粗大形变组织,从源头上避免了粗大{100}<011>纤维组织的出现,消除了瓦楞状缺陷;通过提升冶炼效率和控制钢中夹杂物总量,可优化隧道炉的加热温度与在炉时间,大幅度提升了连铸生产效率,实现了中低牌号无取向硅钢的批量稳定制造,使CSP产线成为中低牌号无取向硅钢热轧板原料的主要供给生产线.如何进一步提升钢水纯洁度、提高连铸生产效率、降低生产成本,以及挖掘该产线生产薄带钢的技术优点,是未来工作的重点. This paper briefly introduces the practice of producing medium and low grade non oriented silicon steel(NGO) with CSP(compact strip production, CSP)technology in Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.. This technology has the inherent advantages of uniform magnetic properties and good shape for silicon steel finished strip. However, in the actual production process, there are serious corrugated defects on the surface of silicon steel finished strip, and production efficiency of continuous casting is low... 
2023-01-28 94 5.8

对取向硅钢在不同气氛下的高温退火工艺进行实验室模拟,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了硅钢退火至900℃和1170℃时的样品表面氧化层和底层的物相组成,采用场发射扫描电镜(SEM)观察了样品表面氧化层和底层在截面方向上的微观形貌特征,并计算了高温退火一次升温阶段氧化反应的吉布斯自由能以及900℃时退火气氛的氧分压。结果表明:当退火气氛的露点温度保持一定时,较高的氢气含量有利于生成完整连续的底层;当退火气氛的水氢分压比保持一定时,在露点温度与氢气含量两者较低的条件下,底层附着性不佳易脱落,较高条件下,底层中夹杂着较多的铁单质;当氧化层中无FeO时,底层完整连续但易脱落,当FeO层较薄时,底层下方存在部分未反应的SiO2,当FeO层较厚时,底层不完整连续且有分层。 The high temperature annealing process of grain-oriented silicon steel in different atmospheres was simulated in the laboratory. X-ray diffractometer(XRD) was used to analyze the phase compositions of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the silicon steel annealed to 900 ℃ and 1170 ℃. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy(SEM) was used to observe the micro morphology characteristics of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the samples in the cross section direction. The ... 
2022-12-28 98 5.8

取向硅钢因其高磁导率、低矫顽力和大电阻系数等特性,被广泛应用于大中型变压器和大型电动机铁芯的制造。因取向硅钢性能和成分控制严格,生产工艺复杂,故其产品代表了钢铁企业特殊钢生产的最高水平。本文介绍了新钢公司卷板厂1580热连轧线生产取向硅钢过程中出现的窄尺问题,研究了取向硅钢产品的特点,分析了热轧过程中的组织转变,并结合生产实际提出了改进措施。通过对加热炉钢坯加热模式、粗轧轧制策略、精轧轧制工艺、二级模型等方面的优化和改进,取向硅钢窄尺情况明显好转,提高了产品的成材率和市场口碑。 The oriented silicon steel is widely used in the iron core manufacture of large and mediumsized transformers and large motors because of its high permeability, low coercivity and large resistance coefficient. Due to the performance and composition control of oriented silicon steel is strict, the production process is complex,therefore, its products represent the highest level of special steel production in iron and steel enterprises. This paper introduces the problem of narrow gauge in the produ... 
2022-06-28 78 5.8

【机构】 宝山钢铁股份有限公司规划与科技部; ...
2022-06-28 66 5.8

针对新能源汽车的发展,制备了含Ni固溶强化、含Cu析出强化以及含Ni+Cu复合强化3%Si无取向硅钢,研究了强化方式对无取向硅钢组织、织构和性能的影响。结果表明:固溶强化型无取向硅钢热轧板中形成了粗大{221}<221>晶粒,冷轧过程中剪切变形明显并在退火后形成良好再结晶织构。析出强化型无取向硅钢热轧板中心层形成γ取向粗大晶粒,在后续的加工中γ织构逐渐增强并最终得到相对细小的再结晶晶粒。复合强化型无取向硅钢热轧板中保留了强λ取向带状组织,退火后形成了有益的Goss织构和λ织构。固溶强化型与复合强化型无取向硅钢磁感应强度B50分别达到1.742、1.688 T,高于析出强化型无取向硅钢的1.645 T。同时,复合强化型无取向硅钢高频铁损最低,其P1.0/400和P1.0/1 000分别低至20.97、82.69 W/kg,这与其较小的晶粒尺寸和织构改善有关。强度计算结果表明:Ni元素固溶强化对强度的提高有限,屈服强度为468 MPa,纳米Cu析出可显著提高屈服强度(强度增量约200 MPa),且主要来自于模量强... For the development of new energy vehicles, 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel were processed by solid solution strengthening with Ni, precipitation strengthening with Cu, and composite strengthening with Ni and Cu. The effects of different strengthening methods on the microstructure, texture and properties of high-strength non oriented silicon steel were studied.The results show that coarse {221}<221> grains are formed in the hot rolled sheet of solution strengthened non-oriented silicon ste... 
2022-06-28 87 5.8

高强无取向硅钢主要应用于高速电机,要求其具备高强度和优异磁性能,但目前无取向硅钢的磁性能和强度难以兼顾。因此,设计并制备了添加微量Cr的含Nb高强无取向硅钢,通过光学显微镜、EBSD、万能拉伸试验机、四探针测试仪和磁性能测量仪等研究了Cr对含Nb高强无取向硅钢微观组织、织构、力学性能及磁性能的影响。结果表明,添加质量分数为0.5%的Cr抑制了热轧组织的回复,使常化和退火组织再结晶减弱,常化和退火后有利织构面积分数增加,不利织构面积分数减小。添加质量分数为0.5%的Cr使含Nb无取向硅钢的屈服强度显著增大,磁感略升高,但对铁损几乎没有影响。Cr对屈服强度的影响一方面是由于Cr的固溶强化作用,另一方面Cr促进了Nb的析出而使Nb的析出强化效果增强;而Cr提高含Nb高强无取向硅钢的磁感主要是由于促进有利织构形成的同时抑制了不利织构的形成,使得织构因子增大;添加Cr使无取向硅钢的电阻率增加从而使铁损降低,同时Cr促进了Nb的析出,而这种富Nb析出相不仅抑制晶粒长大且会阻碍磁畴移动而使铁损增高,在两方面因素的综合作用下,添加质量分数为0.5%的Cr对含Nb高强无取向硅钢的铁损几乎没有影响。因此,... High strength non-oriented silicon steel is mainly used in high-speed motors, which requires good mechanical and magnetic properties. However, it is difficult for non-oriented silicon steel to obtain high strength and good magnetic properties at the same time. In this paper, the Cr-microalloyed Nb-containing high strength non-oriented silicon steel was designed and prepared. The effect of Cr on the microstructure, texture, mechanical properties and magnetic properties of Nb-containing high stren... 
2022-05-28 83 5.8



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