结合工业化生产的无取向硅钢,进行了RH精炼喂CaSi线去除钢中的非金属夹杂物试验研究。针对不同的钙处理条件,分析了CaS夹杂生成热力学,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,确定了夹杂物的类型、数量,探讨了钙处理后钢中夹杂物的变化规律。结果表明,本试验条件下,钙处理可以有效抑制MnS、AlN夹杂物的生成,有效促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮、去除,钢质纯净度明显提高。经过合适的钙处理后,钢中的夹杂物以独立存在的CaO为主,同时有少量含CaO、SiO2、MgO的复合夹杂,没有发现CaS夹杂存在。这部分夹杂物的尺寸集中分布在2~20μm,数量约为1.8×105个/mm3。 Experimental study on removal of non-metallic inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel obtained from industrial production by CaSi wire feeding during RH refining process was carried out.The thermodynamics of CaS inclusion formation was analyzed,the morphology and the size distribution of inclusions were observed,and the numbers and types of inclusions were also determined for the steel specimens treated under different calcium treatment conditions.Furthermore,the variation of inclusion characte...
研究二次冷轧压下率对于硅的质量分数为3.0%的无取向硅钢组织结构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:当第二次冷轧压下率从0变化至16.7%时,铁损逐渐增加,磁感逐渐降低。当第二次冷轧压下率大于16.7%时,随压下率的增加,铁损逐渐减小,磁感逐渐增加。当第二次冷轧压下率大于38%时,二次冷轧法所能获得的磁性能明显优于一次冷轧法。 Effect of double cold reduction on magnetic,microstructure and texture of 3.0% Si non-oriented silicon steel sheets was investigated.The results show that the iron loss increases and magnetic induction reduces as the percentage redcution in secondary cold rolling changes from 0 to 16.7%.The core loss can be reduced remarkably,and magnetic induction can get a little benefit if the percentage redcution in double cold reduction is higher 16.7%.In case of higher than 38% of the percentage redcution ...
分析了太原钢铁(集团)有限公司第二炼钢厂80 t RH生产冷轧硅钢脱碳、脱硫原理及影响因素,认为通过合理控制RH到站钢水碳和氧含量、加大插入管内径、采用快速抽真空度等可提高脱碳效果。降低顶渣中FeO和MnO含量,保证脱硫剂加入后的循环时间可以提高RH脱硫率。 The present article analyzes the principle of decarburization and desulfurization in refining the cold rolled silicon steel in the 80 t RH in No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Taiyuan Iron & Steel(Group) Corp.,and its influencing factors.It’s determined that the decarburization effect can be achieved by properly controlling the cabon and oxygen contents in the hot metal coming into the RH station,enlarging the inner diameter of snorkel and adopting the fast evacuation method.In the meanwhile the des...
分别采用传统冷轧轧制液和纳米TiO2的冷轧轧制液,对无取向硅钢板进行了四辊冷轧实验.重点研究两种冷轧轧制液的轧制润滑性能和对轧后硅钢薄带表面质量和耐蚀性能的影响.通过场发射电子显微镜和能谱仪对使用两种轧制液轧后得到的硅钢薄带表面形貌和成分进行了分析.给出了轧制液中TiO2纳米粒子在轧制过程中的抗磨减摩机理.在轧制载荷较高时,纳米TiO2轧制液具有优良的轧制润滑性能并能显著改善轧后硅钢薄带的表面质量.同时在高载荷作用下,TiO2纳米粒子被压入硅钢薄带基体,形成一个滑动系来支撑载荷,从而使润滑膜的耐磨性提高. Non-oriented silicon steel strips were rolled on a four-high cold rolling mill lubricated by a traditional cold rolling liquid and a nano-TiO2 cold rolling liquid,with emphasis on studying the rolling lubrication performance of both the liquids and their effect on the surface quality and corrosion resisting property of the silicon steel strips.The surface micrograph and composition of the silicon steel strips after being rolled with both the liquids were characterized by field emissio...
在实验室试制了TSCR流程的低碳低硅无取向硅钢,研究了在850~1050℃不同温度常化对冷轧量0.5mm厚钢板再经950℃×7min退火后的组织、织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:随常化温度的升高,使热轧板晶粒尺寸增大,晶界更清晰,组织均匀性更好;由于第二相AlN和MnS析出物尺寸比较大,使冷轧退火后钢板晶粒也随常化温度升高呈单调增大趋势;γ有利织构和{111}、{112}不利织构与常化温度升高同时增强,但前者增强更多;冷轧板退火后铁损随常化温度升高呈单调下降,磁感呈单调上升趋势。 The low-carbon and low-silicon non-oriented silicon steel was prepared by thin slab casting and rolling(TSCR) in lab.The effect of normalizing at different temperatures in 850-1 050℃on microstructure, texture and magnetic properties of 0.5 mm cold-rolled sheets after annealing at 950℃for 7 min was researched. The results show that with increasing the normalizing temperature,the grain size of hot-rolled sheets increased,the grain boundaries were more clear and the rnicrostructure uniformity was b...
考虑剪应变对微孔洞损伤演化的影响,对GTN损伤模型的损伤演化机制进行修正,建立了适用于不同应力三轴度水平的损伤模型。结合隐式应力更新算法和显式有限元计算,采用VUMAT子程序实现了修正GTN模型在有限元软件ABAQUS中的数值计算。通过模拟纯剪切和剪切-拉伸两组试样的损伤演化和断裂行为,验证了修正GTN模型在不同应力三轴度承载条件下的有效性。运用修正GTN损伤模型模拟含边部缺口的带钢在轧制过程中裂纹的萌生和扩展行为,模拟结果与实验相一致,表明该模型可有效地用于带钢缺陷在轧制过程中扩展行为的分析和预测。模拟和实验结果表明,带钢边部缺口在轧制过程中,缺口前沿和后沿均会萌生裂纹,且后沿裂纹扩展更为明显。 Considering the effect of shear strain of micro-void on damage evolution, a modified GTN model applicable to various stress triaxiality conditions is proposed by modifying the damage evolution mechanism of the GTN damage model. The modified model is implemented in commercial finite element software ABAQUS by combining the implicit stress update method with an explicit finite element solving algorithm and through the user-defined material subroutine VUMAT. The damage evolution and the failure pro...
通过金相分析和电子背散射衍射技术研究了一种新型含铜无取向电工钢在950℃退火不同时间(3~180s)空冷后的组织和织构取向的演变。结果表明:该钢在退火3s时的主要织构为α和γ线织构,{100}<110>织构最强;退火20s时织构以<111><112>、{111}<110>、{112}<110>、高斯织构和立方织构为主,随着退火时间的延长,高斯织构和立方织构强度呈减弱趋势;合理控制保温时间有利于提高{100}、{110}面织构的占有率。 Evolution of microstructure and texture oriented of a new non-oriented electrical steel during annealing at 950℃for different times(3-180) s and air cooling was studied by metallography and electron back-scattering diffraction analysis.The results show that after annealing for 3 s most of the texture oriented alongα-fibre andγ-fibre,the intensity of {100}〈110〉was the strongest.{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉,{112}〈110〉,Gauss texture and cube texture were the main texture after annealing for 20 s,with the ...
研究了热处理工艺(退火温度、保温时间、冷却方式)对含Mn的Fe-6.5wt%Si高硅钢热轧带的显微组织及硬度的影响。结果表明,退火温度对Fe-6.5wt%Si合金的组织和显微硬度均有较大影响,随退火温度升高,平均晶粒尺寸和显微硬度均明显增大。小于1 h退火时,晶粒长大缓慢,而长时间(>1 h)退火时,一些次表层晶粒将发生异常长大。水冷组织比空冷组织略细小,但水冷显著降低了显微硬度。Mn含量提高能抑制850℃退火时晶粒的长大,并且促进退火后高硅钢的软化。 The influences of heat treatment process(annealing temperature,heating time,cooling methods) on the microstructure and microhardness of Fe-6.5wt%Si high silicon steel containing manganese for hot rolled strip were studied.The results show that the annealing temperature has a great effect on the microstructure and microhardness of Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy,and as the annealing temperature increases,the average grain sizes and microhardness will significantly increase.When annealing time for less than 1 h...
电工钢试样加工产生的剪切应力会恶化钢板的磁性,对不同牌号硅钢片的横向、纵向试样退火前后磁性能的变化进行研究,结果表明:无取向硅钢片在剪切过程中横向、纵向的磁性受到剪切应力影响是不一样的。 The electrical steel sample processing magnetic of electrical steel will worsen due to the shear stress of sample. In this paper,the magnetic change of transverse,longitudinal specimens of different type of silicon steel sheet before and after annealing are studied. The results show that the magnetic of non- oriented silicon steel sheet affected in the process of shear is not the same in horizontal and vertical direction.
借助高温激光共聚焦显微镜,在线观察了不同Mn含量的无取向硅钢中夹杂物的尺寸、类型、数量变化。结果表明,Mn含量(质量分数)为0.77%、0.32%时,试样中的夹杂物数量分别约为1000万个/mm3、1600万个/mm3。Mn含量较高的钢种,会优先析出球形、椭球形MnS夹杂物,其析出数量较少,尺寸相对较大,可以有效抑制AlN、CuxS夹杂物析出;Mn含量较低的钢种,会在试样再加热后冷却过程中,先析出相当数量MnS夹杂物,并作为AlN夹杂物析出核心,形成MnS+AlN复合夹杂物。这种复合夹杂物数量较多,尺寸也较大。 Based on the high temperature confocal microscope, the chage of size, type, and quantity of inclusions in non-oriented silicon steels with different Mn content were observed by in-situ SEM. Results show that the inclusion quantities are 10 million per mm3 and 16 million per mm3,while the mass fractions of Mn are 0.77% and 0.32%, respectively. In the silicon steel with higher Mn content, the spherical and ellipsoidal MnS inclusion will precipitate first, which can retard the precipitation of AlN ...