就冷轧硅钢废水处理生产中面临的主要问题进行分析,从技术角度及运行管理角度提出工艺优化升级改进措施及应对策略;同时从后续深度处理,逐步实现零排放目标的角度进行探讨,为冷轧硅钢废水减量化、出路乃至废水零排放提供一些思路。 The main problems in the wastewater treatment process of cold-rolled silicon steel lines are analyzed and process upgrading measures and optimization strategy are put forward from both technical and management views.At the same time,downstream deep treatment to gradually achieve the target of zero discharge is discussed,to provide some ideas for reduction or even zero discharge of wastewater from cold-rolled silicon steel lines.
以轻烧氧化镁粉为原料,经消化、碳化制得重镁水,在热解反应前采用络合剂对重镁水中的杂质钙、铁进行络合掩蔽,再经热解得到碱式碳酸镁,碱式碳酸镁经煅烧可制得钙、铁杂质含量较低的氧化镁。在重镁水络合除杂过程中,考察了络合剂三乙醇胺、柠檬酸、草酸单独和复合使用的除铁、除钙效果。以三乙醇胺为络合剂时,在200 mL重镁水中加10 mL三乙醇胺(1∶1),氧化镁产品中w(氧化镁)=99.3%、w(氧化钙)=0.31%、w(氧化铁)=0.042%;使用草酸和柠檬酸作为复合络合剂时,在200 mL重镁水中加入1.0 g柠檬酸和2.0 g草酸,氧化镁产品中w(氧化镁)=98.2%、w(氧化钙)=0.24%、w(氧化铁)=0.030%。 Light-burned magnesia as a raw material was hydrated and carbonated to obtain magnesium bicarbonate liquor.Before the pyrolyzing of magnesium bicarbonate liquor,complexants were used to cover Fe and Ca impurities.Then the treated liquid was pyrolyzed to obtain basic magnesium carbonate which was calcined to magnesium oxide with low calcium and iron content.During the complexing purification of magnesium bicarbonate liquor,the Fe and Ca removing effects of single or compound complexing agents,suc...
含核壳异质结构6.5% Si高硅钢铁芯的制备与磁性能
以构建高磁感、低铁损、免轧制高硅电工钢铁芯为出发点,提出采用单辊甩带制备非晶铁硅合金薄带、微氧化法在铁硅合金粉末表面包覆高电阻率铁硅氧化物薄膜制备核壳异质结构高硅电工钢纳米粉末、放电等离子烧结快速成形制备颗粒间绝缘的高硅电工钢铁芯。研究了不同氧化包覆时间对SPS烧结试样密度、物相组成、微观结构和静磁性能的影响。研究表明,在氧化包覆5h烧结温度800℃工艺条件下,制备的6.5%Si高硅电工钢铁芯的静磁性能最佳,饱和磁化强度为128.84A.m2/kg、矫顽力为2.25kA/m、剩磁为3.47A.m2/kg。其饱和磁化强度与粉末压延法制备的高硅钢相当,但矫顽力降低了1/3。 The paper takes preparation 6.5%Si steel with high induction,low core loss and removing rolling as the starting point,amorphous Fe-Si ribbons was synthesized by melt spinning method,6.5%Si steel nanopowders with high resietivity core shell structure was prepared by the slight oxidation process and 6.5% Si steel iron core with evaluating internal was sintered by spark plasma sintering process(SPS).The essay focuses studies the effects of different oxidation cladding time on sample density,phase c...
介绍了重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂生产低碳低硅钢的脱氧工艺,对连铸过程中水口结瘤的原因进行分析,并提出了优化措施。生产实践表明:钢水中的活性氧质量分数控制在10×10-6~30×10-6时,单中包浇铸炉数由6~7炉提高到11~12炉,同时能保证连铸顺行和减少铸坯气孔。 The deoxidation process of low-carbon and low-silicon steel in steel plant of Chongqing Steel was introduced.The nuzzle clogging was analyzed and some measures were put forward.Production experiments showed that when the active oxygen was controlled between 10×10-6~30×10-6,the amount of furnaces would rise from 6~7 to 11~12,which will make the casting process work well and reduce casting holes.
根据新日铁、JFE及浦项等国外钢铁公司2008年以来在日本专利局、欧洲专利局(EP)及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)申请公开的有关生产Hi-B取向电工钢典型专利技术,概述了近年来国外大型钢铁企业采用低温板坯加热(坯加热温度<1 280℃)技术生产Hi-B取向电工钢主要技术重点,即将调节关键化学成分Al、N、Sn及Sb等与工艺改进相结合。最后介绍了国外大型钢铁企业采用低温板坯加热技术生产Hi-B取向电工钢实例。 The latest developments on technology for manufacturing Hi-B grain oriented electrical steel sheets developed by Nippon Steel Corp.,JFE Steel and POSCO were described according to the patents published by World Intellectual Property Organization,Japan Patent Office and European Patent Office over the recent years.The low temperature slab heating process(particularly slab-heating temperature<1 280 ℃) together with suitably adjusting key chemical elements such as Al,N,Sn and Sb elements was the...
分析了太原钢铁(集团)有限公司第二炼钢厂80 t RH生产冷轧硅钢脱碳、脱硫原理及影响因素,认为通过合理控制RH到站钢水碳和氧含量、加大插入管内径、采用快速抽真空度等可提高脱碳效果。降低顶渣中FeO和MnO含量,保证脱硫剂加入后的循环时间可以提高RH脱硫率。 The present article analyzes the principle of decarburization and desulfurization in refining the cold rolled silicon steel in the 80 t RH in No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Taiyuan Iron & Steel(Group) Corp.,and its influencing factors.It’s determined that the decarburization effect can be achieved by properly controlling the cabon and oxygen contents in the hot metal coming into the RH station,enlarging the inner diameter of snorkel and adopting the fast evacuation method.In the meanwhile the des...
采用经验设计法初步确定了取向硅钢铸坯感应加热线圈设计参数,应用Ansoft仿真软件分别对36组不同线圈高度、线圈内径的感应加热炉在不同频率下的三维整体磁场和铸坯的温度场进行了数值仿真。通过对比仿真结果,确定电磁场分布最佳的一组感应加热炉设计参数为线圈高度h=1.50 m、线圈内径D1=0.575 m、电流频率f=110 Hz。在该参数下应用Ansoft仿真软件对取向硅钢铸坯感应加热炉的温度场进行了仿真,结果发现温度场分布均匀,可满足取向硅钢铸坯加热要求。 The induction heating coil design parameters for the oriented silicon steel casting blank were determined preliminary by experience design method,and 36 groups three-dimensional electromagnetic field with different height and inside diameter of coil under different frequencies of the induction heating furnace and the temperature field of the casting blank were investigated by numerical simulation using Ansoft simulation software. By comparing the simulation results of electromagnetic field distr...