采用SEM、EDS和XRD对不同加热温度下W470连铸坯氧化铁皮的微观形貌及相结构进行研究。结果表明,W470氧化铁皮难以除去的原因是氧化铁皮熔化,液相包裹着FeO,凝固时发生共晶反应,生成FeO/Fe2SiO4共晶混合物,并深嵌入基体。降低加热炉的加热温度,使连铸坯全程在FeO/Fe2SiO4共晶混合物熔点(1177℃)以下加热,可降低氧化铁皮与基体的结合力,能够有效解决W470除鳞困难问题。 The microstructure and phase structure of iron scale of W470 continuous casting billet at different heating temperatures were investigated by SEM,EDS,and XRD.The results show that the reason why the iron scale of W470 removes hardly is that iron scale is melted and the FeO is surrounded by the liquid phase,which forms FeO / Fe2SiO4eutectic mixture and is embedded into the matrix after solidification.Lowering the heating temperature and keeping the continuous casting billet heating under the melt...
试验研究了退火温度(850~950℃)和时间(5~18 min)对2.3 mm热轧硅钢板(/%:0.036C,3.15Si,0.21Mn,0.005P,0.007S,0.032A1)6道次轧制的0.35 mm冷轧板组织和织构的影响。结果表明,退火温度越高,晶粒平均尺寸越大,900℃5 min退火时平均晶粒尺寸41.39μm,试样织构主要集中在γ取向线上的{111}<112>织构组分和{111}<110>织构组分;900℃18 min退火时平均晶粒尺寸为48.08μm,试样的{111}面织构和{112}面织构密度都明显减弱,{001}面织构增强,磁性能较优。 The effect of annealing temperature(850 ~950 ℃) and holding time(5 ~ 18 min) on structure and texture of 0.35 mm sheet by 6 passes cold-rolling from 2.3 mm hot-rolled plate of silicon steel(/%:0.036 C,3.15 Si,0.21 Mn,0.005 P,0.007 S,0.032A1) has been tested and studied.Results show that the higher the annealing temperature the coarser the average grain size;As annealing at 900 ℃ for 5 min the average grain size of steel sheet is 41.39 μm,and the texture in sample is mainly concentrated in y orie...
研究了热轧卷取时间对无取向电工钢晶粒组织、织构演变、铁损和磁感的影响。结果表明,成品晶粒尺寸在120~140μm之间,随卷取时间的增加,成品晶粒尺寸增大。成品织构主要由γ纤维、а纤维和高斯织构等构成。随着保温时间的增加,{111}<110>和{112}<110>织构强度降低。随卷取时间的增加,成品P1.5降低。热轧板最佳的卷取工艺为550℃保温2~3 h,电工钢的综合磁性能优良。 The effects of hot-rolling coiling time on microstructure,texture,core loss and magnetic induction of a new cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel containing copper were investigated.The test results showed that for final product the grain sizes are 120-140um,with the increase of coiling time,the grain size increase.For final product there are mainly γ-fibre,а-fibre,and {110}<001> texture,Coiling at 550℃ for hot rolled plate,the {111}<110>,{112}<110> texture was weaked with ...
对取向硅钢在不同气氛下的高温退火工艺进行实验室模拟,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了硅钢退火至900℃和1170℃时的样品表面氧化层和底层的物相组成,采用场发射扫描电镜(SEM)观察了样品表面氧化层和底层在截面方向上的微观形貌特征,并计算了高温退火一次升温阶段氧化反应的吉布斯自由能以及900℃时退火气氛的氧分压。结果表明:当退火气氛的露点温度保持一定时,较高的氢气含量有利于生成完整连续的底层;当退火气氛的水氢分压比保持一定时,在露点温度与氢气含量两者较低的条件下,底层附着性不佳易脱落,较高条件下,底层中夹杂着较多的铁单质;当氧化层中无FeO时,底层完整连续但易脱落,当FeO层较薄时,底层下方存在部分未反应的SiO2,当FeO层较厚时,底层不完整连续且有分层。 The high temperature annealing process of grain-oriented silicon steel in different atmospheres was simulated in the laboratory. X-ray diffractometer(XRD) was used to analyze the phase compositions of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the silicon steel annealed to 900 ℃ and 1170 ℃. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy(SEM) was used to observe the micro morphology characteristics of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the samples in the cross section direction. The ...
介绍了攀钢冶炼电工钢过程硫含量变化以及过程回硫、增硫情况,采取针对性措施,如:提高铁水装入量、转炉采用石英砂代替复合造渣剂造渣、RH脱硫等,降低钢中硫含量。结果表明:采取相应措施后,电工钢炼成率大幅提高,成品w[S]≤0.008%的比例由改进前的62%提高到92.4%,取得了明显的冶金效果。 The resulfurization and the change of sulphur content in production of electrical steel is analyzed.The targeted measures have been taken,such as increase the loaded quantity of liquid iron,quartz sand replaces the composite slagging agent in the converter and RH desulfurization to decrease the sulphur content of the steel.The result shows,after the measures have been taken,the finished product ratio of electrical steel increase a lot.The ratio of sulfur content of finished product no more than ...
为开发高效电机用冷轧无取向电工钢,借助实验室薄板坯连铸连轧模拟设备及扫描电镜、透射电镜等检验手段研究了成分、组织、织构和析出物等对无取向电工钢磁性能的影响规律;结果表明:常化处理使组织均匀化并增加有利于磁性提高的织构组分;采用CSP流程开发的高效电机用无取向电工钢铁损平均值3.4 0 W/kg,磁感≥1.68 T。 In order to develop electrical steel for high efficiency motor,effect of components,microstructure,texture and precipitation on magnetic property of electrical steel are analyzed.From the result,normalizing treatment makes microstructure uniform and increases component of favorable texture.Iron loss of electrical steel developed by CSP line is 3.40W/kg and magnetic induction is more than 1.68T.
研究了CSP工艺流程生产的硅含量为1.5%的无取向电工钢在不同常化温度下对磁性能的变化。研究结果表明:随着常化温度的提高,热轧板的晶粒尺寸增大,且组织均匀性提高;此外成品的有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;铁损P1.5/50呈下降趋势,磁感B50上升平缓。在常化工艺为970℃×2.5min下,对应的铁损P1.5/50<3.4W/kg,磁感B50>1.74T。 The effect of normalizing temperature on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel containing 1.5%silicon produced by CSP process was studied.The results show that with increasing normalizing temperature,the average grain size of hot-rolled plate increases and the microstructure uniformity is improved.Furthermore,the texture components of finished products are improved through enhancing of{100}<0vw>,αandηtextures and weakening of{111}<112>texture;the core loss P1.5/50 ...
为研究常化温度对热轧无取向硅钢组织与织构的影响,采用光学显微镜、背电子散射衍射技术研究了不同常化温度对其影响。结果表明,实验硅钢板在700~850℃温度下常化时,随常化温度的升高,晶粒尺寸增大,有利组分α织构增强,不利组分γ织构降低。对比研究了800℃和850℃常化热轧板CSL晶界分布图与取向差分布图,在本文研究条件下,Goss织构易在Σ=3,9的CSL晶界及晶粒取向差为30°~55°处形成。 The hot strips normalized at different temperatures were investigated by optical microscope and EBSD to study the effect of normalizing temperature on microstructure and texture of hot-rolled non-oriented silicon steel sheets.The results show that the grain size increases,the intensity of α-fibre texture increases,and the γ-fibre texture decreases when the hot strips are normalized at the 700-850 ℃.And CSL boundaries of Σ=3 and 15,and misorientation angles between 30° and 55° are more likely rel...