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【作者】 潘恒韬; 刘涛; ...
2023-05-09 95 5.8

2021-01-27 69 6.8

对高牌号无取向电工钢35W300的成品进行了第二次退火,对第二次退火后的成品性能、纵横向磁性能差异和组织变化进行了分析。结果表明,随着第二次退火温度的升高,晶粒长大,磁性能优化。铁损平均值下降0.087 5W/kg,磁感平均值升高0.008T。第二次退火温度为820℃的产品的磁性能能够满足用户使用要求。 The product of high grade non-oriented electrical steel 35W300 was annealed at the second time.Microstructure,the difference of magnetic properties in the vertical and horizontal and were studied.The results show that the grain grew up and magnetic properties optimized with the increase of annealing temperature for the second time.Iron loss average declines in 0.0875 W/kg,magnetic induction average increases 0.008 T.The magnetic properties can meet the requirements of users at the second anneali... 
2013-04-28 50 5.8

取向硅钢因其高磁导率、低矫顽力和大电阻系数等特性,被广泛应用于大中型变压器和大型电动机铁芯的制造。因取向硅钢性能和成分控制严格,生产工艺复杂,故其产品代表了钢铁企业特殊钢生产的最高水平。本文介绍了新钢公司卷板厂1580热连轧线生产取向硅钢过程中出现的窄尺问题,研究了取向硅钢产品的特点,分析了热轧过程中的组织转变,并结合生产实际提出了改进措施。通过对加热炉钢坯加热模式、粗轧轧制策略、精轧轧制工艺、二级模型等方面的优化和改进,取向硅钢窄尺情况明显好转,提高了产品的成材率和市场口碑。 The oriented silicon steel is widely used in the iron core manufacture of large and mediumsized transformers and large motors because of its high permeability, low coercivity and large resistance coefficient. Due to the performance and composition control of oriented silicon steel is strict, the production process is complex,therefore, its products represent the highest level of special steel production in iron and steel enterprises. This paper introduces the problem of narrow gauge in the produ... 
2022-06-28 78 5.8

2021-12-06 56 6.8

将Fe-1.5Si硅钢试样分别在1 000~1 200℃空气条件下氧化30 min,观察发现在1 000℃和1 100℃时,氧化层与基体界面处存在硅酸亚铁,而当温度为1 200℃时,硅酸亚铁不但存在于界面处,同时也存在于氧化层中.将各温度下得到的带有氧化层的试样进行单道次热轧试验,压下率分别为10%和30%,发现1 000℃和1 100℃时,较高的压下率使氧化层破碎更加严重,但是单道次热轧未能改变氧化层的结构;当温度为1 200℃时,由于液态的硅酸亚铁的出现,单道次热轧能够将界面处的液化的硅酸亚铁层挤压到氧化层中,消除了硅酸亚铁层的钉扎基体的效应,改善了氧化层与基体界面的平直度. Specimens of Fe-1.5Si silicon steel were oxidized at 1 000 ~ 1 200 ℃ in air for 30 min.At 1 000 ℃ and 1 100 ℃ fayalite was observed at the scale/substrate interface.While at 1 200 ℃fayalite was found both at the scale/substrate interface and at the outer oxide layer.Then after the single-pass hot rolling process,with the compression ratio of 10% and 30%,it was found that at 1000 ℃ and 1 100 ℃,higher compression rate accelerated the broken of the scale layers,but the scale structure was not affec... 
2013-12-28 66 5.8

2021-09-24 53 6.8

2021-01-04 50 6.8

2021-10-26 68 6.8

选用国内外无取向硅钢标杆企业A、B、C的产品,采用非水溶液电解提取+SEM(EDS)方法,分析了其典型牌号对应成品试样中的夹杂物。结果表明,从磁性能控制角度而言,受钢的化学成分及生产工艺影响,A、B、C企业成品试样的夹杂物尺寸、种类、数量存在差异,这些差异对其磁性能产生显著影响;从夹杂物控制角度而言,A、B、C企业对应成品试样的夹杂物,以MnS、CuxS复合或者AlN、MnS、CuxS复合为主,其中1.0μm以下的夹杂物数量分别为2.34×107个/mm3、2.98×107个/mm3和11.98×107个/mm3,1.0μm以上夹杂物数量均很少,夹杂物的平均尺寸从大到小依次为A企业、B企业、C企业。 According to the production of three benchmarking manufacture enterprises A,B and C of non-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad,the inclusions in finished steel samples with typical grades were investigated by electrolytic extraction from non-aqueous solution and SEM(EDS).Results show that,from the viewpoint of improving the magnetic properties,affected by chemical composition and production technique,the size,type and amount of inclusions in finished steel samples are various,which will af... 
2013-01-28 58 5.8

采用X-射线衍射分析技术测定了取向硅钢热轧板在不同压下率下不同厚度处的织构。结果表明,在压下率低于80%的情况下,几乎所有试样的不同厚度处的织构均为旋转立方织构类型{100}<011>,但不同压下率、不同厚度处的织构强度存在很大差异;在压下率大于80%的情况下,不同试样的不同厚度处的织构类型发生了变化,其织构类型为旋转立方织构或高斯织构{011}<100>,且当织构类型为旋转立方织构时,织构强度存在很大差异,而当织构类型为高斯织构时,织构强度差异相对较小。 The texture of the grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled plate at different compressibility has been measured.The experimental results have shown that the texture of all samples at different thickness is {100}<011> when the compressibility is below 80%,and its intensity at different compressibility and thickness is difference.The texture of all samples at different thickness is variable when the compressibility is above 80%,it is {100}<011> or {011}<100>,and the intensity of ... 
2011-04-28 57 5.8

采用经验设计法初步确定了取向硅钢铸坯感应加热线圈设计参数,应用Ansoft仿真软件分别对36组不同线圈高度、线圈内径的感应加热炉在不同频率下的三维整体磁场和铸坯的温度场进行了数值仿真。通过对比仿真结果,确定电磁场分布最佳的一组感应加热炉设计参数为线圈高度h=1.50 m、线圈内径D1=0.575 m、电流频率f=110 Hz。在该参数下应用Ansoft仿真软件对取向硅钢铸坯感应加热炉的温度场进行了仿真,结果发现温度场分布均匀,可满足取向硅钢铸坯加热要求。 The induction heating coil design parameters for the oriented silicon steel casting blank were determined preliminary by experience design method,and 36 groups three-dimensional electromagnetic field with different height and inside diameter of coil under different frequencies of the induction heating furnace and the temperature field of the casting blank were investigated by numerical simulation using Ansoft simulation software. By comparing the simulation results of electromagnetic field distr... 
2014-01-28 39 5.8



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