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2021-11-25 69 6.8

2021-02-20 69 6.8

2021-06-17 69 6.8

西安重型机械研究所为武钢开发了目前国内第一台自动化水平较高的先进可靠的硅钢热轧试验轧机。本文介绍了该轧机的工艺参数、设备组成,技术特点及轧制流程,该轧机在规定的终轧温度范围内,实现了2.5 m/s的快速轧制速度,保证了控制系统准确及时的采集到轧件进出轧辊时的信号,缩短道次间隙时间,实现了自动控制,保证了产品板形及精度的高水平要求,对于硅钢尤其是对其取向硅钢新产品、新工艺的开发具有深远意义。 An experimental prototype of 400 mm silicon steel hot rolling mill was developed by Xi’an Heavy Machinery Research Institue for Wu Gang.The technological parameters,configuration and characteristic of advanced control system in the experimental prototype are introduced in detail.The experimental prototype was realized the fast rolling of 2.5 m/s in the range of specified rolling temperature.Its automatic rolling control system can acquisite the signals that a rolled piece enters in and exits fro... 
2011-04-28 69 5.8

采用中、厚板坯生产技术对取向硅钢进行了研制和开发,对热轧及后工序样品进行了金相组织观察和EBSD分析,探讨了两种组织及织构的差异性,研究结果表明:除高温退火样品外,中板坯生产的取向硅钢各工序样品平均晶粒尺寸大;厚板坯生产的取向硅钢热轧和常化样品亚表层Goss织构强;中板坯和厚板坯的脱碳退火板织构没有明显区别。中板坯生产的取向硅钢成本低,产品磁性能和质量与厚板坯相当。 Grain oriented silicon steel was researched and developed by medium thickness slab and thick slab.Microstructures observation and EBSD analysis to the samples of hot rolling and following processes were carried out,respectively.The differences between the two kinds of microstructures and textures were discussed.The results show that the average grain sizes of every process samples are larger except that of high temperature annealing samples of grain oriented silicon steel produced by medium thic... 
2014-03-28 69 5.8

研究了CSP流程试制50W270高牌号无取向硅钢热轧→常化→冷轧→退火过程中织构的演变.利用电子背散射衍射技术对全流程织构进行测量和分析.发现热轧板织构在厚度方向上存在较大差异,表层主要为铜型、黄铜和高斯织构,1/4层存在微弱的高斯织构和旋转立方织构,中心层以γ纤维织构和旋转立方织构为主,还含有较弱的α纤维织构.与热轧板相比,常化板表层和1/4层织构变化不大,中心层旋转立方织构和α纤维织构增强.冷轧板各层均具有α纤维织构和γ纤维织构.与冷轧板相比,成品板各层中α纤维织构基本消失,还出现了立方织构和高斯织构. This article focuses on texture evolution in 50W270 high-brand non-oriented silicon steel produced by CSP in hot rolling,normalizing,cold rolling,and annealing processes.The texture in the whole process was measured and analyzed by electron back-scatter diffraction.It is found that the texture along the thickness direction in hot-rolled strips changes obviously;there are mainly copper,brass,and Goss textures in the surface layer;the 1/4 layer has weak Goss texture and rotating cube texture;γ-fib... 
2014-09-28 68 5.8

研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定硅钢中痕量铜和镍的分析方法。采用硝酸分解样品,通过内标校正和基体匹配消除了基体干扰的影响,同时根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素65Cu和60Ni作为测定元素和通过调节仪器参数使双电荷离子的产率最低,以减少带来的干扰。该方法用于硅钢中痕量铜和镍的测定,所得的结果与ICP-AES法测定结果完全吻合,各元素测定结果的RSD值小于5%,加标回收率为97.3%~100.3%。 A method for the determination trace copper and nickel in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was studied.The samples were dissolved in HNO3.The effect of matrix interference was eliminated by internal standard correction and matrix matching.Meanwhile,according to the mass spectral interferences in determination,the isotopes including 65Cu and 60Ni were used as measuring elements.The yield of double-charge ions were minimized by adjusting instrumental parameters... 
2011-05-28 68 5.8

2021-10-26 68 6.8

2021-11-22 68 6.8

用还原分离-原子荧光光谱法分析了硅钢中的痕量汞.分析方法的不确定度主要来自测量重复性,样品溶液浓度,工作曲线变动性,标准溶液,移取、配制标准溶液,仪器变动性等.文章分别对上述构成合成不确定度大小的分量进行了计算讨论. Trace mercury in silicon steel and galvanized sheet was analyzed by adopting reduced separation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.The uncertainty of the analysis method mainly comes from measurement repeatability,sample concentration,working curve volatility,standard solution,pipetting and preparation of standard solution,and instrument variability,etc.The essay conducted all calculations and discussions on the above components that determine uncertainty. 
2013-05-28 68 5.8

研究了取向硅钢制备过程中常见的两种冷轧工艺,主要研究了一阶段冷轧与两阶段冷轧+中间退火工艺对初次再结晶组织及织构的影响.结果表明:采用两阶段冷轧+中间退火工艺制备以Cu2S为主抑制剂的取向硅钢,其初次再结晶平均晶粒尺寸为18.1μm,高斯晶粒的体积分数为0.6%,迁移性强的重位点阵晶界(Σ5+Σ9)和高能晶界(20°~45°取向偏差角)所占比例分别为1.8%和50.4%.与一阶段冷轧工艺相比,其初次再结晶晶粒较细,且高斯晶核与特征晶界所占的比例较高,有利于高斯晶粒发生二次再结晶. Two common cold-rolling processes of grain oriented silicon steel and the effects of the single stage cold rolling and tw o-stage cold rolling w ith intermediate annealing processes on the primary recrystallization microstructure and texture w ere investigated. The results revealed that for the grain oriented silicon steel prepared under the tw o-stage cold rolling process w ith intermediate annealing w ith Cu 2 S as the main inhibitor,the average grain size of the primary recrystallization micr... 
2014-02-28 68 5.8

介绍了CSP工艺生产无取向电工钢各工序的设备特点、采用的工艺控制手段和电工钢产品质量情况,结合生产实践证明了马钢CSP工艺开发的无取向电工钢产品丰富了薄板坯连铸连轧的品种结构,发挥了薄板坯连铸连轧生产无取向电工钢性能均一、稳定的特点。 The equipment characteristic,the process control method and the quality of non-orientated silicon steel by CSP process were introduced.Combined with the production situation,it is proved that production of non-orientated silicon steel developed on Masteel CSP line would enrich product structure of thin slab continuous casting and rolling,and it exerts stable performance of non-orientated silicon steel. 
2013-06-28 68 5.8



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