通过热力学计算与模拟试验研究了含钒钛取向硅钢中氮化物析出相的析出规律与析出行为,并探讨了含钒钛元素的氮化物析出相作为薄板坯连铸连轧流程制备取向硅钢中辅助抑制剂的可行性.研究表明,在所冶炼的含钒钛取向硅钢的成分范围内,Ti N在钢液凝固末期便具备析出的热力学条件,而Al N与VN只可能在凝固后的α+γ或α+Fe3C两相区内析出.含钒钛取向硅钢中氮化物析出相以成分复杂的复合析出相为主,且随着钒钛加入量的增加,钢中抑制剂析出相总的分布密度由于含钒钛元素的氮化物析出相的增加而明显提高,使抑制剂抑制初次再结晶晶粒正常长大的能力得以加强,最终成品的磁感应强度值B8由1.857 T提升至1.898 T.同时,加入不高于0.007%的Ti与不高于0.005%的V不会影响中间脱碳退火工序的脱碳效果以及高温退火净化阶段硫、氮的脱除效果,其形成的含钒钛元素的纳米级氮化物析出相适合作为薄板坯连铸连轧流程制备取向硅钢的辅助抑制剂. The precipitation behavior of nitride precipitates in grain-oriented silicon steel containing vanadium and titanium elements produced by thin slab casting and rolling process was studied by thermodynamic calculation and simulation experiment. The feasibility of nitride precipitates containing V and Ti elements as auxiliary inhibitors was also investigated. It is found that Ti N is likely to precipitate at the final stage of solidification in the grain-oriented silicon steel,but VN and Al N can p...
系统研究了无取向硅钢用磷酸盐系涂层性能的影响因素。以氢氧化铝和磷酸为原料制备磷酸二氢铝,再添加适量的添加剂酒石酸铵、二氧化硅、环氧树脂,得到的涂液涂布于硅钢表面,并控制合适的烘干温度,通过耐盐雾实验考察各因素对涂液耐腐蚀性能的影响。实验结果表明,在磷酸与氢氧化铝物质的量比为3.4∶1、酒石酸铵用量为2%、二氧化硅用量为1%、环氧树脂用量为5%、烘干温度为300℃条件下,所得涂层材料的防(耐)腐蚀效果最佳。 The factors influencing the performance of phosphate anticorrosive coating for non-oriented silicon were systematically studied.Aluminum dihydrogen phosphate was prepared with aluminum hydroxide and phosphoric acid as raw materials.Then added the right amount of additives,such as ammonium tartrate,silicon dioxide,and epoxy resin to prepare the liquid coating,which was coated on the surface of the silicon steel,and finally controlled a suitable drying temperature.The influences of various factors...
结合工业化生产过程中出现的同卷带钢头、尾磁性能差异现象,对50SW1300牌号无取向硅钢同卷带钢头、尾试样的夹杂物、晶体织构和显微组织进行了分析研究。结果表明,夹杂物、晶体织构是影响成品钢卷磁性能的重要因素。夹杂物是造成同卷带钢头、尾铁损差异的主要原因。夹杂物数量越多,尤其是小尺寸的夹杂物数量越多,对成品带钢的磁性能影响越大,对于本试验而言,AlN和MnS是影响成品带钢磁性能的主要夹杂物。晶体织构是造成同卷带钢头、尾磁感应强度差异的主要原因。有益的{100}和Goss织构含量越大,有害的{111}<110>和{111}<112>织构含量越小,即有益织构与有害织构含量比越大,成品带钢的磁感应强度越大。 Based on the industrial manufacture of non-oriented silicon steel sheets 50SW1300, the magnetic property variation of head and tail of the same finished steel sheets was discussed by analyzing non-metallic inclusion, crystal texture, and microstructure. Results show that, both of the non-metallic inclusion and the crystal texture will affect the magnetic properties significantly. The non-metallic inclusion is the key factor of the core loss variation of head and tail of the same finished steel s...
涂层技术在高磁感取向硅钢生产中起着重要的作用.根据生产实践,介绍了高磁感取向硅钢生产中涂层的种类和作用、涂料的成分和对产品性能的影响、涂层工艺质量控制要点和检验方法等,并提出了通过优化涂层工艺改善高磁感取向硅钢性能和外观质量的方法. Surface coating technique plays an important role in producing high magnetic inductivity grain-oriented silicon steel.Based on production practice,this paper describes the types and function of the coating,the composition of the coating and its effect on the product performance,the quality control and inspection method for the coatings,as well as proposes ways to improve the magnetic property and surface quality of the steel by optimizing the coating process.
对高牌号无取向电工钢国内生产情况、工艺技术、产品性能及应用领域等进行了阐述,并探讨了高牌号无取向电工钢产品的发展趋势。 This paper introduces basic facts on the production status,process technology and products’ properties and their applications of non-oriented electrical steel with high grade at home,and then discusses the development trend on technology for producing the non-oriented electrical steel with high grade.
选用国内外无取向硅钢标杆企业A、B、C的产品,采用非水溶液电解提取+SEM(EDS)方法,分析了其典型牌号对应成品试样中的夹杂物。结果表明,从磁性能控制角度而言,受钢的化学成分及生产工艺影响,A、B、C企业成品试样的夹杂物尺寸、种类、数量存在差异,这些差异对其磁性能产生显著影响;从夹杂物控制角度而言,A、B、C企业对应成品试样的夹杂物,以MnS、CuxS复合或者AlN、MnS、CuxS复合为主,其中1.0μm以下的夹杂物数量分别为2.34×107个/mm3、2.98×107个/mm3和11.98×107个/mm3,1.0μm以上夹杂物数量均很少,夹杂物的平均尺寸从大到小依次为A企业、B企业、C企业。 According to the production of three benchmarking manufacture enterprises A,B and C of non-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad,the inclusions in finished steel samples with typical grades were investigated by electrolytic extraction from non-aqueous solution and SEM(EDS).Results show that,from the viewpoint of improving the magnetic properties,affected by chemical composition and production technique,the size,type and amount of inclusions in finished steel samples are various,which will af...
研究二次冷轧压下率对于硅的质量分数为3.0%的无取向硅钢组织结构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:当第二次冷轧压下率从0变化至16.7%时,铁损逐渐增加,磁感逐渐降低。当第二次冷轧压下率大于16.7%时,随压下率的增加,铁损逐渐减小,磁感逐渐增加。当第二次冷轧压下率大于38%时,二次冷轧法所能获得的磁性能明显优于一次冷轧法。 Effect of double cold reduction on magnetic,microstructure and texture of 3.0% Si non-oriented silicon steel sheets was investigated.The results show that the iron loss increases and magnetic induction reduces as the percentage redcution in secondary cold rolling changes from 0 to 16.7%.The core loss can be reduced remarkably,and magnetic induction can get a little benefit if the percentage redcution in double cold reduction is higher 16.7%.In case of higher than 38% of the percentage redcution ...
西昌钢钒200t RH生产无取向硅钢的工艺实践
对西昌钢钒炼钢厂200 t BOF(顶底复吹)-RH-CC工艺生产50PRW800无取向硅钢RH精炼过程中主要成份进行了分析。找出了目前工艺中影响钢液质量的主要因素是钢水脱氧处理不彻底,造成加入的部分硅元素烧损。操作工艺改为铝的脱氧即合金化操作一步完成,保证了钢水中氧处于一个较低的范围,从而减少对硅元素的烧损,提高合金收得率。 The factors of BOF-RH-CC process affecting the compositions of liquid steel were systematically investigated and studied of Xichang Steel and Vanadium Company. The main factors affecting the steel cleanliness were picked out. All results showed that the loss of silicon elements resulting from the deoxidization of liquid steel was not completely. It was suggested that the addition of aluminum for deoxidizing and alloying of molten steel was executed as one step in order to lower the oxygen potent...
借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)及ZEISS-200MAT金相显微镜对某钢厂普通取向硅钢(CGO)进行研究,研究结果表明:热轧板组织、织构沿板厚方向存在明显的不均匀性,在热轧板表层及次表层发生再结晶,同时存在强度较高的Goss织构,中心层存在较强的{001}<110>变形织构。冷轧组织均呈纤维状条带组织,一次冷轧后,热轧板中的Goss织构消失,织构主要为α、γ织构,经中间脱碳退火后,α、γ织构强度减弱,并出现一定强度的Goss织构和利于Goss织构发展的{554}<225>、{332}<113>等织构,经二次冷轧后,二次冷轧织构类型与一次冷轧织构一致,但织构强度不同。 The grain-oriented silicon steel produced by a steel factory was investigated by EBSD and ZEISS-200 MAT metallographic microscope.The results show that the textures and microstructures along thickness of hot rolled slab are inhomogeneous.The surface layer and the layer near that are recrystallized structure which has a high Goss texture,but there is deformation texture{001}<110>in the central layer.The structure after cold rolling is a structure like fiber strip.After the first cold rollin...
高强无取向硅钢主要应用于高速电机,要求其具备高强度和优异磁性能,但目前无取向硅钢的磁性能和强度难以兼顾。因此,设计并制备了添加微量Cr的含Nb高强无取向硅钢,通过光学显微镜、EBSD、万能拉伸试验机、四探针测试仪和磁性能测量仪等研究了Cr对含Nb高强无取向硅钢微观组织、织构、力学性能及磁性能的影响。结果表明,添加质量分数为0.5%的Cr抑制了热轧组织的回复,使常化和退火组织再结晶减弱,常化和退火后有利织构面积分数增加,不利织构面积分数减小。添加质量分数为0.5%的Cr使含Nb无取向硅钢的屈服强度显著增大,磁感略升高,但对铁损几乎没有影响。Cr对屈服强度的影响一方面是由于Cr的固溶强化作用,另一方面Cr促进了Nb的析出而使Nb的析出强化效果增强;而Cr提高含Nb高强无取向硅钢的磁感主要是由于促进有利织构形成的同时抑制了不利织构的形成,使得织构因子增大;添加Cr使无取向硅钢的电阻率增加从而使铁损降低,同时Cr促进了Nb的析出,而这种富Nb析出相不仅抑制晶粒长大且会阻碍磁畴移动而使铁损增高,在两方面因素的综合作用下,添加质量分数为0.5%的Cr对含Nb高强无取向硅钢的铁损几乎没有影响。因此,... High strength non-oriented silicon steel is mainly used in high-speed motors, which requires good mechanical and magnetic properties. However, it is difficult for non-oriented silicon steel to obtain high strength and good magnetic properties at the same time. In this paper, the Cr-microalloyed Nb-containing high strength non-oriented silicon steel was designed and prepared. The effect of Cr on the microstructure, texture, mechanical properties and magnetic properties of Nb-containing high stren...