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本文中简要介绍了武汉钢铁有限公司采用薄板坯连铸连轧CSP(compact strip production, CSP)工艺生产中低牌号无取向硅钢的实践情况.CSP工艺生产的硅钢具有成品磁性均匀、板形好的优势,但是在利用该技术生产中低牌号无取向硅钢时,常存在成品板表面瓦楞状缺陷严重、连铸生产效率低等问题.通过优化炼钢成分、热轧等相关工艺,可消除热轧板厚度方向中心的粗大形变组织,从源头上避免了粗大{100}<011>纤维组织的出现,消除了瓦楞状缺陷;通过提升冶炼效率和控制钢中夹杂物总量,可优化隧道炉的加热温度与在炉时间,大幅度提升了连铸生产效率,实现了中低牌号无取向硅钢的批量稳定制造,使CSP产线成为中低牌号无取向硅钢热轧板原料的主要供给生产线.如何进一步提升钢水纯洁度、提高连铸生产效率、降低生产成本,以及挖掘该产线生产薄带钢的技术优点,是未来工作的重点. This paper briefly introduces the practice of producing medium and low grade non oriented silicon steel(NGO) with CSP(compact strip production, CSP)technology in Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.. This technology has the inherent advantages of uniform magnetic properties and good shape for silicon steel finished strip. However, in the actual production process, there are serious corrugated defects on the surface of silicon steel finished strip, and production efficiency of continuous casting is low... 
2023-01-28 94 5.8



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