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分析了冲裁硅钢芯片时出现的质量问题,针对影响硅钢芯片冲裁质量的4大因素——人、原材料状态、工艺和工装进行了工艺试验和分析,根据原材料状态的差异,采用不同工艺方案,特别是如何合理选择冲裁模具间隙,解决了硅钢芯片冲裁时产生的主要质量问题,使冲裁的硅钢芯片达到最佳质量状态,并满足硅钢芯片的使用性能。 The problems occurred during silicon steel chip punching and the factors that affect the quality of silicon steel chip punching were analyzed,the factors include 4aspects,that is,people,raw material status,process and frock,at the same time,process tests and analysis aimed at the factors that affect punching quality were did,according to the difference of raw material status,corresponding process schedules wee taken,especially in how to reasonably select punching dies clearance,which solved the ... 
2013-10-28 26 5.8

【摘要】 <正>为了确保电工钢的产品质量,在生产线...
2014-03-28 25 5.8

【作者】 卢鹏; ...
2013-03-28 25 5.8

变压器D21硅钢铁芯片采用冲压工艺生产。首先对其工艺进行了分析,确定了冲压方案。对产品进行了排样设计,计算了冲压力,确定了压力中心。然后,设计了单工序落料模具,完成了模具装配图。 D21 silicon steel chips for transformer are produced by stamping.First,its stamping process was analyzed and the scheme of the stamping process was determined.The product layout was designed,the punching pressure was calculated,the pressure center was determined.Then,the blanking die with single procedure was designed,the die assembly drawing was completed. 
2013-07-28 23 5.8



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