采用中、厚板坯生产技术对取向硅钢进行了研制和开发,对热轧及后工序样品进行了金相组织观察和EBSD分析,探讨了两种组织及织构的差异性,研究结果表明:除高温退火样品外,中板坯生产的取向硅钢各工序样品平均晶粒尺寸大;厚板坯生产的取向硅钢热轧和常化样品亚表层Goss织构强;中板坯和厚板坯的脱碳退火板织构没有明显区别。中板坯生产的取向硅钢成本低,产品磁性能和质量与厚板坯相当。 Grain oriented silicon steel was researched and developed by medium thickness slab and thick slab.Microstructures observation and EBSD analysis to the samples of hot rolling and following processes were carried out,respectively.The differences between the two kinds of microstructures and textures were discussed.The results show that the average grain sizes of every process samples are larger except that of high temperature annealing samples of grain oriented silicon steel produced by medium thic...
{100}织构因具有两个易磁化方向能够明显的提高磁性能,因此如何在表面获得具有{100}织构一直是无取向电工钢研究焦点。本文主要介绍了获得{100}织构的主要工艺方法及其基本原理,并结合实际生产过程对各工艺方法的优缺点进行了分析;一方面,优化无取向电工钢的成分,降低碳、锰元素含量以避免脱碳退火和真空退火,简化生产工艺;另一方面,调节升温速度、降温速度和退火气氛,使{100}晶面的表面能或弹性应变能最低,制备具有{100}织构柱状晶组织的无取向电工钢是今后的发展方向。 Because { 100} texture has two easy magnetization directions,which can significantly improve magnetization properfies,how to develop { 100} texture is a focus for researchers and manufactures. In the paper,main manufacturing processes and basic principle are introdued,and their advantages and disadvantages in practical production are analyzed. On the one hand,the production process can be simplified by optimizing chemical compositions,such as reducing the content of C and Mn,which can avoid deca...
采用磁控溅射方法,分别在纯Fe以及低硅钢基片上沉积富Si膜,并对其进行真空扩散热处理.通过能谱分析及X射线衍射研究了Si在纯Fe与低硅钢基体中的扩散特征,运用DICTRA软件建立了扩散模型.研究发现Si在纯Fe基体中扩散时发生γ-Fe(Si)→α-Fe(Si)相转变,扩散速率受控于相界面的迁移.当沿截面Si含量梯度不足以驱动相界面正向迁移时,延长扩散时间会发生相界面回迁现象,最终趋于单一相内均匀化扩散过程.Si在低硅钢基体中的扩散符合Fick扩散第二定律. Si-rich films were deposited on pure iron and low-Si steel substrates by direct current magnetron sputtering,and then were subjected to vacuum annealing.The distribution characteristics of Si across Fe and low-Si steel substrates were studied by energy spectrum analysis(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).DICTRA software was used to simulate the diffusion models.It is found that the diffusion behavior of Si in the Fe substrate is from γ-Fe(Si) phase to α-Fe(Si) phase and the rate of diffusion is con...
采用RH精炼添加钙合金方式对硅钢进行钙处理。结果表明,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,钢中钙含量分别为0、2×10-6、4×10-6;随着钙合金添加量增大,钢中夹杂物粒度逐渐由0~2μm向2~4、4~6μm偏移;不同钙处理条件下,钢中均存在粒径小于1μm和粒径为1~5μm的MnS、CuxS夹杂物,后者或单独存在,或同AlN、CaS夹杂复合;粒径为5~10μm区间,钢中的夹杂物基本以钙的氧、硫化物为主。与钙处理前相比,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,粒径小于1.0μm的微细夹杂物减少幅度分别为68.06%、87.50%、94.94%。钙合金添加量为1.67kg/t钢时,可以去除钢中绝大部分的微细夹杂物。 Ca alloy was added into the liquid steel during RH refining,and the results show that Ca concentration in final Si steel sheets is insignificant,about 0,2×10-6 and 4×10-6 when the added amount of Ca is 0.67,1.00 and 1.67 kg/t steel,respectively.With the increase in the added Ca alloy amount,the inclusions in the steel gradually change from those of 0~2 μm to those of 2~4 and 4~6 μm.Under different Ca treatments,there exist MnS and CuxS inclusions whose size is below 1 μm as well as MnS and CuxS ...
利用OM,TEM,EDS与XRD技术,对Fe-3.15%Si低温取向硅钢热轧板不同常化处理后的显微组织、析出相及最终产品的磁性能进行了分析研究,并对热轧板和常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构进行了对比分析.结果表明,采用1120℃保温3 min二段式冷却的常化处理工艺,常化板表层显微组织均匀,沿板厚方向的显微组织的不均匀性显著,对后续过程中形成高取向的Goss织构最有利,取向硅钢的磁性能最高;采用二段式冷却的常化冷却工艺最优,在此冷却工艺下析出的细小的析出物数量最多,且弥散分布在基体中,抑制剂的抑制效果最好,对成品获得高磁性最有利;热轧板、常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构均主要由{111}〈110〉和{111}〈112〉织构组成,但常化板较热轧板冷轧后的冷轧板γ取向线织构密度明显增高,由此可以证实常化处理有助于取向硅钢最终获得高取向的Goss织构. The decreasing of slab heating temperature for grain-oriented silicon steel will reduce the amount of precipitates in hot rolled plate,and be disadvantage to the formation of ultimate Goss texture.The aim of normalizing is to control and adjust the amount,size and distribution of precipitates.Microstructures,precipitates and magnetic characteristics of finished products with different normalizing technologies for Fe-3.15%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel are researched,a...
主要对硅钢退火炉耐材施工进行阐述,对一期工程与二期工程施工经验进行总结,包括设计、施工、耐材生产、人员素质等方面,指出了工程项目所所存在的不足,为同类型炉窑的施工提供借鉴。 This paper describes the construction of silicon steel annealing furnace refractories;and it was summarized the construction experience of phase-Ⅰ and phase-Ⅱ projects,including design,construction,refractory production,the quality of personnel etc,and pointed out the shortcomings of the project,which provided a reference for the construction of the same type of furnaces.
针对攀钢高硫铁水冶炼现状,结合不同生产工艺路线,论述了攀钢近年来为实现低硫电工钢的生产,在铁水预处理、转炉冶炼、钢水精炼过程中硫控制技术的开发与应用,形成了低硫洁净钢生产工艺技术,实现了低硫电工钢的生产。低硫电工钢RH脱硫率可达到20%左右,成品[S]控制在0.006%左右。 According to the smelting situations of hot metal with high sulphur content at Panzhihua Steel,combined with different produce processes,technologies for controlling the sulfur content during hot metal pretreatment,converter smelting,and second refining are developed. Technologies in low-sulfur clean steelmaking are formed. Low-sulfur electric steel are produced. As for the desulfurization rate of lowsulfur electric steel can reach about 20%,and the content of [S] in products is controlled to ab...
选取了三种50W 800无取向电工钢,分析了化学成分、晶粒尺寸、织构、以及200℃时效处理48 h前后的磁性能和第二相粒子析出状态的变化。结果表明,钢板中第二相粒子的分布密度对钢板铁损有最重要的影响。降低钢中C、N元素含量,或改进钢板热加工参数以降低成品钢板中第二相粒子形成元素的过饱和度均有利于明显降低钢板磁时效过程中的铁损增幅。钢板中对磁性能有利的织构也有利于降低钢板铁损的时效幅度。 The evolution of chemical composition,grain size,texture,as well as magnetic property after aging treatment at 200 ℃ for 48 h and distribution of second phase particles precipitation in three selected 50W800 non-oriented electrical steels were analyzed.The results show that the distribution density of second phase particles has great influence on core loss.Reducing C and N content,or improving hot-working parameters to reduce the supersaturation of elements forming second phase particles in prod...
研究了锰含量对w(Si)=1.8%Si无取向电工钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,钢中锰含量从0.3%增加到1.2%时,由于α_γ相变的产生,铸坯低倍组织、热轧板金相组织及成品织构等均发生了不同程度的变化,对成品表面质量及磁性能产生了明显的影响。 The effects of manganese content on structure and properties of w(Si)=1.8% non-oriented electrical steels have been studied.Results show that with increasing manganese content to 1.2% from 0.3%,macrostructure of continuous casting slab,hot rolled band metallurgical structure and finished product texture vary in some extent because of the occurrence of α-γ phase transformation,the surface quality and magnetic properties of finished product are affected greatly.