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对高牌号无取向电工钢35W300的成品进行了第二次退火,对第二次退火后的成品性能、纵横向磁性能差异和组织变化进行了分析。结果表明,随着第二次退火温度的升高,晶粒长大,磁性能优化。铁损平均值下降0.087 5W/kg,磁感平均值升高0.008T。第二次退火温度为820℃的产品的磁性能能够满足用户使用要求。 The product of high grade non-oriented electrical steel 35W300 was annealed at the second time.Microstructure,the difference of magnetic properties in the vertical and horizontal and were studied.The results show that the grain grew up and magnetic properties optimized with the increase of annealing temperature for the second time.Iron loss average declines in 0.0875 W/kg,magnetic induction average increases 0.008 T.The magnetic properties can meet the requirements of users at the second anneali... 
2013-04-28 50 5.8

轧制力是影响冷轧带钢厚度精度的关键因素。为实现高精度的冷轧带钢厚度控制,通过优化变形抗力模型参数和摩擦系数模型参数提高冷轧轧制力模型计算精度,并使用指数平滑法的自学习算法保证轧制力精度的稳定性。在首钢股份公司迁安钢铁公司20辊森基米尔轧机生产线进行S12硅钢钢种轧制力优化试验,将优化的模型参数应用于L2并投入现场生产,结果表明该优化方法不仅提高了轧制力设定精度,而且减小了冷轧硅钢的厚度超差长度,提高了成材率。 The rolling force is the key factor which influences the accuracy of cold-rolling strip thickness. To implement high precision control of cold-rolling strip thickness,we optimize the deformation resistance model parameters and friction coefficient model parameters to improve the calculation precision of cold-rolling force model,and use exponential smoothing self-learn algorithm to ensure the stability of rolling force accuracy. In Shougang Qiangang 20-high Sendzimir mill single stand production ... 
2014-05-28 50 5.8

以市场上购买的取向硅钢成品板为原料,经不同压下率冷轧至0.23~0.08 mm不等。借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)检测了冷轧后样品中的织构组分及其含量,利用电子背散射技术(EBSD)测量了试样的取向因子分布情况。观察了孪晶的形貌与晶体学特征,分析了硅钢超薄带的塑性变形行为。结果发现,在平面压缩应力下,{112}<111>滑移系的取向因子较大。随冷轧压下率的增加,Goss织构的含量逐渐减少,{212}<141>织构组分的含量先增加后减少,{111}<112>织构组分的含量逐渐增加,织构组分以{110}<001>→{212}<141>→{111}<112>顺序演变。冷轧后样品中出现了孪晶,其晶体取向为{001}<110>,冷轧过程中孪晶取向没有发生变化。 The commercial finished oriented silicon steel plate as the raw material were rolled to 0.23-0.08 mm. With the X-ray diffractometer(XRD), the texture components and their volume fractions in the cold-rolled samples were detected. And the orientation factor distribution of the cross-section of the samples was measured by the electron backscattering technique(EBSD). The morphology and crystallographic characteristics of twins were observed, and the plastic deformation behaviors of the ultra-thin o... 
2022-02-28 71 5.8

选用Q235和Q345钢,在纯锌浴和含钛量分别为0.05%、0.10%、0.15%、0.20%(质量分数)的合金浴中浸镀0.5、1、3、5、8 min。利用扫描电子显微镜和能谱仪研究了钛对热浸镀锌组织和生长动力学的影响,并提出钛对含硅钢铁锌反应抑制作用的机理。结果表明:钛的加入缩短了Γ的孕育期,促进了合金层中δ的生长和ζ的消失,δ的生长依然受扩散控制,呈抛物线生长规律;Zn-0.05%Ti锌浴可以很好的抑制高硅钢的硅反应性;含硅钢热浸镀锌钛合金浴时,在锌浴中会形成锌铁钛三元T相,该相能吸收ζ晶界处富集的硅,从而抑制了铁锌反应。 Both Q235 and Q345 steels were immersed for 0.5 to 8 min in Zn bath with different amount of Ti,ranging from 0 to 0.20 mass%,for galvanization.The effect of Ti in Zn bath on microstructure and growth kinetics of hot-dip galvanizing coatings on the two steels were investigated by means of SEM and EDS analysis.Base on the experiment,the mechanism of Ti additions in controlling Fe-Zn reaction was proposed.The results show that addition of Ti in the zinc bath decreases the incubation time of Γ phase... 
2013-09-28 57 5.8

对欧盟市场汽车压缩机专用产品进行技术解析,对比分析了其电磁性能、退火和发蓝处理、物理性能、化学成分、应用特点等参数。探讨国内外电工钢产品应用方式的不同特点,并结合鞍钢自身工艺装备和炼钢、热轧、冷轧工艺参数介绍了其生产可行性。提供了冶金工艺流程下,后工序电工钢专业生产线及传统冷轧系统生产线两种生产方式,均能满足用户最终使用要求。 The technology of automotive compressor accommodation manufacture of European Economic and Monetary Union market was described.The magnetic properties,annealing bluing,physical properties,chemical composition,application parameters were analysed.The different characteristics of the application of electrical steel products,the feasibility of manufacture on the existing technology and equipment,steelmaking,hot rolled,cold rolled technical parameters were discussed.The professional product line of ... 
2013-06-28 56 5.8

分析了电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定硅钢中铌的检测过程,讨论了该检测过程中不确定度的主要来源,建立了该方法的定量的数学模型,并根据这一模型计算出了检测结果的合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度。 The measurement of niobium content in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) was analyzed,by which the main factors affecting the uncertainty of the measurement were ascertained and the calculation formula was given.Finally,according to the formula the combined uncertainty and expanded uncertainty were obtained. 
2023-05-12 1.16k 5.8

针对不同牌号的无取向硅钢产生结疤缺陷的难易程度和表面结疤缺陷的外形特征及分布规律,分析了该缺陷产生的原因。通过调整剪前导板的对中度,设置精轧侧导板开度余量及短行程数值,及时修补与更换侧导板,减少带坯与侧导板挤撞程度,有效地降低了结疤缺陷发生率。 This article analyses the cause of the scab defects according to the defects appearance characters and distribution law,degree of difficulty to form scar of non-oriented silicon steel. It can effectively decrease the scabs by different methods,such as adjusting the center line of guide plate,setting the opening margin and short stroke value of the side guide on finishing mill,timely repairing and replacing of side guide,decreasing the collision between the strip and side guide. 
2014-03-28 56 5.8

在50Kg氧化镁坩埚真空感应炉上进行高硅电工钢的脱氧试验。结果表明,通过控制原料的成分、高真空下的碳氧反应和炉衬分解向钢液中的供氧,可使钢液的总氧含量≤15×10-6;在维持高温高真空条件下,当钢液中的反应达到一定程度后,延长精炼时间并不能降低钢液的总氧含量;完成精炼后加入硅钙合金沉淀脱氧可进一步降低钢液的总含氧量,但脱氧效果有限。 The test of high-silicon electric steel deoxidation has been carried out in 50Kg vacuum induction furnace with magnesium oxide crucible.Results show that the total oxygen could be ≤15×10-6in molten steel by controlling material components,carbon-oxygen reaction in high vacuum and oxygen contamination from crucible materials on molten steel;And when the reaction was carried through to a certain extent,total oxygen in molten steel could not be reduced by the extension of refining period in high va... 
2011-02-28 66 5.8

采用轧制法制备出具有低铁损高磁感0.23mm厚6.4%(质量分数)Si高硅钢。沿轧制方向的最终磁性能为B8=1.474 T,B50=1.714 T;P10/50=0.30W/kg,P15/50=0.88W/kg。利用X射线衍射及背散射电子衍射(EBSD)技术分析了高硅钢在轧制及退火过程中的织构演变过程。结果表明,通过采用大压下率热轧,确保热轧板次表层中产生更多的高斯织构,随后进行遗传;温轧板中粗大的晶粒有利于冷轧剪切带的形成;冷轧板经脱碳退火后生成强{210}〈001〉织构及次表层较强的高斯织构是在轧向上获得高磁感的原因,归因于其在{111}〈112〉冷轧形变晶粒内的剪切带优先形核并长大;最终退火后虽出现了随机取向,但以{310}〈001〉织构为代表的η织构得以保留并且增强,进一步提高了磁感。随着退火温度的升高及保温时间的延长,高硅钢薄板晶粒尺寸不断增大,铁损明显降低。 6.4wt%Si high silicon steel sheets(0.23mm thick)with low iron loss and high magnetic induction were successfully produced by rolling process.The final magnetic properties along the rolling direction(RD) were:B8=1.474T,B50=1.714T;P10/50=0.30 W/kg,P15/50=0.88 W/kg.The texture evolution during rolling and annealing was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD).It was found that more Goss textures formed in the subsurface of hot rolled plates by using larg... 
2014-10-28 87 5.8

【机构】 宝山钢铁股份有限公司规划与科技部; ...
2022-06-28 66 5.8

采用热模拟方法及EBSD技术,研究Fe-3 wt%Si电工钢在不同温度下组织的动、静态再结晶及晶粒取向特征,特别是少量奥氏体对铁素体动、静态再结晶组织及取向的影响。结果表明,不同温度形变的组织主要分三类:形变长条铁素体、珠光体和等轴细小铁素体。长条形变铁素体内发生动态回复或连续式的动态再结晶,奥氏体周围的铁素体动态再结晶加速,部分以传统的不连续方式动态再结晶。铁素体、奥氏体都可发生静态再结晶。奥氏体的静态再结晶在1050℃以上明显,铁素体的静态再结晶随温度的升高逐渐进行,最显著的再结晶发生在1050℃。不同温度形变的样品,其形变晶粒取向主要以<111>和<100>为主,小等轴铁素体晶粒除与大形变铁素体取向相近外,出现了<110>取向及其它取向。 Static and dynamic recrystallization and grain orientations in a hot-compressed Fe-3 wt% Si electrical steels were studied at different temperatures using Gleeble simulator and EBSD technique,particularly focusing on the effect of small amount of austenite on ferritic microstructure and orientations.The results show that microstructure of the compressed steel,depending on deformation temperature,consisted of elongated and deformed ferrite,pearlite and fine equal-axed ferrite.The elongated ferrit... 
2011-01-28 78 5.8

利用EBSD技术研究了电工钢中不同的柱状晶尺寸及退火工艺下{100}织构的演变规律。结果表明,初始晶粒尺寸的影响最显著。细小柱状晶热轧后经过常化处理,组织已均匀,但中心层有强{100}织构。粗大柱状晶中{100}织构的遗传性强,常化及中间退火后,中心层仍有粗大的以{100}取向为主的晶粒;脱碳退火后才能完成组织均匀化和织构梯度的弱化。常化时的升温速度也对织构演变存在影响,低的升温速度有利于{100}织构的保留,但升温速度的影响没有初始晶粒尺寸及退火次数的影响显著。细小柱状晶样品经过热轧及三次退火工艺适合制备取向电工钢。 Evolution of {100} texture of different columnar grains and annealing process was investigated in electrical steels with the help of EBSD technique.The results show that the effect of initial grain size is the strongest.The initial fine-grained specimen shows uniform microstructure after the normalizing process,while {100} grains appear preferentially in the central layer of sheets.The heredity of {100} texture in the initial coarse-grained specimen is more significant.{100} mainly-oriented coar... 
2013-08-28 56 5.8



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