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简述了无取向硅钢环保涂层发展背景,分析了硅钢环保涂层的特点及国内、外研究进展,提出了硅钢保涂层下一步的发展方向。 The back ground of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel was described in this paper.The characteristics and study progress in domestic and foreign of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel were analysised.The next development direction of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel was put forward. 
2013-04-28 52 5.8

热轧轧制工艺对产品性能和轧制稳定性影响很大,对中低牌号无取向电工钢,当在两相区轧制时,热轧塑性明显降低,板形变坏,易出现边裂等情况。以50W1000为例,通过对其变形抗力进行研究,得出把两相区控制在F4与F5之间为最佳轧制工艺的结论。在此基础上制定了一套较为合理的热轧工艺制度。采用新的轧制工艺后,50W1000热轧精轧的稳定性明显改善,热轧产品合格率由开发初期的40%左右提高到95%以上。 The hot rolling process has great influence on product′s performance and rolling stability.For the low medium grade non-oriented electrical steel,when non-oriented electrical steel is rolled in tow phase region,the hot rolling plasticity reduces obviously,the shape of strip goes bad and easily to crack at the edge.The deformation resistance of 50W1000 steel was investigated.The results show that the optimal rolling process is to control the two phase region between F4 and F5.Based on the results... 
2011-03-28 65 5.8

【机构】 中国金属学会电工钢分会; ...
2011-06-28 35 5.8

研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)同时测定硅钢中痕量铝、钼、钒、钛、铌元素的分析方法。通过条件试验对测量参数进行了优化,确定RF功率1 400 W,泵速30rpm,采样深度140,雾化压力0.90。样品采用硝酸分解,以Be、Y混合内标校正了测量过程中高基体引起的信号漂移。根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素27 Al、98 Mo、51 V、47 Ti和93 Nb作为测定同位素,同时通过调节仪器参数使得双电荷离子和氧化物离子的产率最低,以减少其带来的干扰。采用基体匹配法配制校准溶液,以标准加入法建立工作曲线,并扣除试剂空白。该方法各元素的测定下限均可达到1μg/g。用于硅钢标准样品的测定,所得结果与参考值完全吻合,各元素的RSD小于5.2%。 A method for the determination of trace aluminum,molybdenum,vanadium,titanium and niobium in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was described.A series of single parameter condition experiment was conducted.The optimized operation parameters with RF power 1 400 W,turbo pump rate 30 rpm,sampling depth 140 and nebulizer pressure 0.90 were obtained.The samples were dissolved by HNO3,and the Be and Y mixing internal standard were used to eliminate the signal drift c... 
2013-01-28 71 5.8

采用RH精炼添加钙合金方式对硅钢进行钙处理。结果表明,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,钢中钙含量分别为0、2×10-6、4×10-6;随着钙合金添加量增大,钢中夹杂物粒度逐渐由0~2μm向2~4、4~6μm偏移;不同钙处理条件下,钢中均存在粒径小于1μm和粒径为1~5μm的MnS、CuxS夹杂物,后者或单独存在,或同AlN、CaS夹杂复合;粒径为5~10μm区间,钢中的夹杂物基本以钙的氧、硫化物为主。与钙处理前相比,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,粒径小于1.0μm的微细夹杂物减少幅度分别为68.06%、87.50%、94.94%。钙合金添加量为1.67kg/t钢时,可以去除钢中绝大部分的微细夹杂物。 Ca alloy was added into the liquid steel during RH refining,and the results show that Ca concentration in final Si steel sheets is insignificant,about 0,2×10-6 and 4×10-6 when the added amount of Ca is 0.67,1.00 and 1.67 kg/t steel,respectively.With the increase in the added Ca alloy amount,the inclusions in the steel gradually change from those of 0~2 μm to those of 2~4 and 4~6 μm.Under different Ca treatments,there exist MnS and CuxS inclusions whose size is below 1 μm as well as MnS and CuxS ... 
2013-02-28 65 5.8

提出以“云边一体化架构”构建硅钢智慧决策系统,来解决原硅钢制造L1~L5系统架构模式下的数字信息孤岛、业务功能割裂等问题。在此基础上,开发了云边协同的自学习型控制模型及业务决策模型,构建起硅钢“智慧大脑”,形成了以研发、制造、服务等核心业务数字化融合的智能化决策支持新模式,探索出一条钢铁制造业数字化、智能化转型之路。 SIDS(Silicon-steel Intelligent Decision-making System)based on \"cloud-edge integration architecture\" was proposed to solve the problems of data silos and business function fragmentation in the original L1~L5 system architecture.On this basis,the self-learning control model and decision-making model of cloud-edge collaboration were developed,the \"smart brain\" of silicon steel department was constructed,and a new intelligent decision-making support model of digital integration of core businesses s... 
2022-02-28 79 5.8

日本住友金属成功地开发了一种资源节约型高强度无取向电工钢SXRC,这种电工钢是通过固溶铌适度抑制位错的合并对消而得到一种特殊的微观组织,因此兼具很高的力学性能和磁性,特别适用于HEV、EV驱动电机转子。而且,不使用昂贵的镍就可以达到期望的强度,合金成本可控,是一种优越的资源节约型产品。 Sumitomo metal industries ltd of Japan successfully developed a type of high strength non-orientation electrical steel SXRC of resources-saving.The steel has both high mechanical performance and good magnetic property thanks to the special microstructure produced by the formation of Nb solid solution serving to appropriately inhibit the combination and cancellation of dislocations.The material is,in particular,suitable for manufacturing rotors of HEV and EV driving motors.Besides,expected streng... 
2011-06-28 50 5.8

【作者】 陈迪安; 李春生; ...
2023-05-09 90 5.8

研究的两种取向硅钢(%:No1-0.042C、3.16Si、0.009Al、0.07Mn、0.50Cu、0.015S、0.0084N和No2-0.040C、3.20Si、0.014Al、0.22Mn、0.49Cu、0.016S、0.008 2N)由50 kg真空感应炉冶炼,锻成(mm)350×120×35板坯,经1 250℃30 min加热,开轧温度1 100℃,5道次热轧成2.3 mm板,终轧温度950~1 000℃。实验结果表明,两热轧板沿板厚方向存在组织和织构的不均匀性,热轧板次表层为再结晶组织,有较强的Goss织构组分;中心层为形变组织,具有典型的形变织构。含0.22%Mn的No2钢次表层{110}〈001〉织构组分比含0.07%Mn的No1钢弱,中心层{001}〈110〉织构组分大大强于0.07%Mn No1钢,导致两者磁性能差异,0.22%Mn No2钢磁感应强度(B800)和铁损(P1.7/50)分别为1.87 T和1.24 W/kg,0.07%Mn No1钢分别为1.88 T和1.18 W/kg。 Studied both grain-oriented silicon steels(%:No1- 0.042C,3.16Si,0.009Al,0.07Mn,0.50Cu, 0.015S,0.0084N and No2-0.040C,3.20Si,0.014Al,0.22Mn,0.49Cu,0.016S,0.0082N) are melted by a 50 kg vacuum induction furnace,forged to(mm) 350×120×35 slab,heated at 1 250℃for 30 min,with beginning rolling temperature 1 100℃hot-rolled to 2.3 mm plate by 5 passes,finishing-rolled at 950~1000℃.Test results show that the structure and texture along thickness of both hot-rolled plates are inhomogeneous:the subsurface ... 
2011-01-28 73 5.8

【摘要】 <正>近日,从重钢集团获悉,日前重钢炼钢厂...
2013-01-28 47 5.8

试验2.3Si无取向硅钢(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al)冷轧板由常化和未常化的2.5 mm热轧板冷轧至0.6 mm(压下率76%),经750~950℃2.5 min中间退火后再冷轧至0.5 mm(压下率16.7%),成品板经890℃+960℃2.5 min退火。研究了中间退火温度对该钢晶粒尺寸、织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明,随中间退火温度的升高,二次冷轧前晶粒和成品晶粒增大,成品中不利织构组分{111}和{112}减弱,磁性能得到改善。热轧板经过常化时的磁性能明显好于未经常化时的磁性能,但中间退火温度较高时常化对磁性能的有利作用减弱。 The test cold sheet of 2.3Si non-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al) is first cold-rolled from normalized and un-normalizing 2.5 mm hot-rolled plate to 0.6 mm sheet(reduction 76%),then intermediate annealed at 750~950℃ for 2.5 min and double cold-rolled to 0.5 mm sheet(reduction16.7%),the finished sheet annealed at 890℃+960℃ for 2.5 min.Effect of the intermediate annealing temperature on grain size,texture and magnetic performance of the steel has been studied.... 
2014-02-28 64 5.8

通过试验确定氩气分析流量为3.5L/min,静态流量为0.75L/min,冲洗时间为3s,预燃时间为12s,积分时间为5s的激发条件,采用火花源原子发射光谱法测定取向硅钢中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫。分别采用铣床铣样、砂轮磨样两种制样方式进行了精密度考察,发现制样方式对结果影响不大;讨论了取向硅钢样品中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫测定时可能存在的共存元素干扰,发现硅对锰元素的干扰不可忽略,采用干扰系数法进行了校正,据此拟合得到各元素校准曲线的相关系数均在0.999 0以上。精密度考察结果表明,碳、硅、锰、磷、硫的相对标准偏差(n=10)在0.71%~9.4%之间。对两块取向硅钢生产样品进行分析,并与钢铁研究总院进行比对分析,结果一致,且偏差均在允许范围内。 Carbon,silicon,manganese,phosphorus and sulfur in oriented silicon steel were determined by spark source atomic emission spectrometry.The selected excitation conditions were as follows:the analytical flow rate of argon was 3.5L/min,the static flow rate was 0.75L/min,the flush time was3s,the precombustion time was 12sand the integration time was 5s.Two sample preparation methods,including milling machine and grinding wheel,were investigated.The precision test results showed that,the determination... 
2013-10-28 58 5.8



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