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概述了无抑制剂法生产取向电工钢的特性及其用途;总结无抑制剂生产取向电工钢的原理及工艺方案.重点讨论了成分方案,即元素对磁性能的影响和最终高温退火方案对二次再结晶的影响.研究结果表明,无抑制剂取向硅钢化学成分范围没有普通取向硅钢和高磁感取向硅钢严格,提高了成材率;最终高温退火决定了二次再结晶的好坏,从而最终决定成品磁性能,最佳的高温退火温度在850~950℃之间. This article provides an overview on the characteristics and uses of inhibitorless process producing grain-oriented electrical steels.The mechanism of inhibitorless process and technology programs were discussed.The results show that the chemical composition and final annealing were determined according to magnetic properties.The inhibitor-free grain oriented silicon steel has loose range of chemical composition;Secondary recrystallization occurs mainly in the final annealing and the best anneal... 
2012-04-28 51 5.8

采用节能、环保、经济型的生产技术与工艺来制造高磁感取向硅钢目前已成为世界各大取向硅钢生产厂的研发热点。总结了国内外各大钢铁企业与研究机构采用低温板坯加热技术生产高磁感取向硅钢的开发及应用情况,概括了传统流程实现低温板坯加热技术的方法。介绍了薄板坯连铸连轧与双辊薄带连铸等短流程工艺生产高磁感取向硅钢的研发现状。在此基础上,探讨了高磁感取向硅钢生产技术与工艺的发展趋势及方向。 Utilizing energy-efficient,environmentally friendly,economic production processes and technologies to manufacture high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel has become the focus of current research work.Based on using low-temperature slab reheating techniques to produce high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at both iron and steel enterprises and research institutions all over the world,the current application and exploitation was thoroughly generalized;the implementation... 
2013-03-28 45 5.8

主要研究了氧化锌对以Al(H2PO4)3为基料的无铬无取向硅钢绝缘涂层各项性能的影响.用盐雾实验和动电位极化研究了不同氧化锌含量对硅钢绝缘涂层的耐蚀性和电化学行为的影响.采用SEM和体视显微镜对涂层的表面形貌和附着性能进行研究.结果表明,氧化锌含量为4.0%时,氧化锌能完全中和涂层表面的游离磷酸,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性最好;氧化锌含量过少或过多时,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性都较差. This paper studies the influence of zinc oxide on the performance of chromium-free non-oriented silicon steel insulating coating which based on aluminum dihydrogen phosphate.Salt spray experiment and potentiodynamic polarization were used to study the influence of zinc oxide content on the corrosion resistance and electrochemical behavior of the insulation coating of silicon steel.The surface morphology and adhesion of coating were tested by SEM and stereo microscope.The results show that when t... 
2013-03-28 58 5.8

对高牌号无取向电工钢35W300的成品进行了第二次退火,对第二次退火后的成品性能、纵横向磁性能差异和组织变化进行了分析。结果表明,随着第二次退火温度的升高,晶粒长大,磁性能优化。铁损平均值下降0.087 5W/kg,磁感平均值升高0.008T。第二次退火温度为820℃的产品的磁性能能够满足用户使用要求。 The product of high grade non-oriented electrical steel 35W300 was annealed at the second time.Microstructure,the difference of magnetic properties in the vertical and horizontal and were studied.The results show that the grain grew up and magnetic properties optimized with the increase of annealing temperature for the second time.Iron loss average declines in 0.0875 W/kg,magnetic induction average increases 0.008 T.The magnetic properties can meet the requirements of users at the second anneali... 
2013-04-28 50 5.8

采用热模拟方法及EBSD技术,研究Fe-3 wt%Si电工钢在不同温度下组织的动、静态再结晶及晶粒取向特征,特别是少量奥氏体对铁素体动、静态再结晶组织及取向的影响。结果表明,不同温度形变的组织主要分三类:形变长条铁素体、珠光体和等轴细小铁素体。长条形变铁素体内发生动态回复或连续式的动态再结晶,奥氏体周围的铁素体动态再结晶加速,部分以传统的不连续方式动态再结晶。铁素体、奥氏体都可发生静态再结晶。奥氏体的静态再结晶在1050℃以上明显,铁素体的静态再结晶随温度的升高逐渐进行,最显著的再结晶发生在1050℃。不同温度形变的样品,其形变晶粒取向主要以<111>和<100>为主,小等轴铁素体晶粒除与大形变铁素体取向相近外,出现了<110>取向及其它取向。 Static and dynamic recrystallization and grain orientations in a hot-compressed Fe-3 wt% Si electrical steels were studied at different temperatures using Gleeble simulator and EBSD technique,particularly focusing on the effect of small amount of austenite on ferritic microstructure and orientations.The results show that microstructure of the compressed steel,depending on deformation temperature,consisted of elongated and deformed ferrite,pearlite and fine equal-axed ferrite.The elongated ferrit... 
2011-01-28 78 5.8

日本住友金属成功地开发了一种资源节约型高强度无取向电工钢SXRC,这种电工钢是通过固溶铌适度抑制位错的合并对消而得到一种特殊的微观组织,因此兼具很高的力学性能和磁性,特别适用于HEV、EV驱动电机转子。而且,不使用昂贵的镍就可以达到期望的强度,合金成本可控,是一种优越的资源节约型产品。 Sumitomo metal industries ltd of Japan successfully developed a type of high strength non-orientation electrical steel SXRC of resources-saving.The steel has both high mechanical performance and good magnetic property thanks to the special microstructure produced by the formation of Nb solid solution serving to appropriately inhibit the combination and cancellation of dislocations.The material is,in particular,suitable for manufacturing rotors of HEV and EV driving motors.Besides,expected streng... 
2011-06-28 50 5.8

介绍了重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂生产低碳低硅钢的脱氧工艺,对连铸过程中水口结瘤的原因进行分析,并提出了优化措施。生产实践表明:钢水中的活性氧质量分数控制在10×10-6~30×10-6时,单中包浇铸炉数由6~7炉提高到11~12炉,同时能保证连铸顺行和减少铸坯气孔。 The deoxidation process of low-carbon and low-silicon steel in steel plant of Chongqing Steel was introduced.The nuzzle clogging was analyzed and some measures were put forward.Production experiments showed that when the active oxygen was controlled between 10×10-6~30×10-6,the amount of furnaces would rise from 6~7 to 11~12,which will make the casting process work well and reduce casting holes. 
2011-05-28 41 5.8

对RH法(真空循环脱气法)生产的冷轧硅钢的脱硫原理及影响因素进行了分析研究。研究表明:降低顶渣中FeO、MnO的含量,提高钢液温度,增加脱硫剂的加入量并延长其循环时间有利于提高脱硫效率。 The principles of desulfurization and its influence factors of cold rolling silicon steel during RH process have been studied in this paper.The result indicated that reducing contents of FeO and MnO,rising temperature of the liquid steel,increasing quantity of desulfurizer,lengthening cycle time of desulfurzer are benefit for desulfurization. 
2011-06-28 43 5.8

利用OM、TEM与EDS技术,对Fe-3.2%Si低温取向硅钢热轧板进行不同常化冷却工艺处理后的显微组织、析出相及最终产品的磁性能进行分析,并与热轧板的组织和析出相进行对比。结果表明,常化板较热轧板的表层组织均匀,基体中再结晶比例增加,带状组织变窄;常化板中析出物的数量明显比热轧板的多,析出物主要有AlN、MnS及复合析出的(Cu,Mn)S等。在常化温度1120℃、保温3 min的条件下,采用二段式冷却较空冷、淬沸水、淬常温水的冷却工艺,常化板表层显微组织更均匀,沿板厚方向的显微组织的不均匀性显著,取向硅钢的磁性能最高;常化后采用二段式冷却工艺析出的细小析出物数量最多,且弥散分布在基体中,抑制剂的抑制效果最好,对成品获得高磁性最有利。 Microstructure, precipitate and magnetic characteristic of final products with different normalizing cooling processes for Fe-3.2%Si low-temperature hot-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel were analyzed and compared with the hot-rolled plate by optical microscopy(OM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS). The results show that, the surface microstructure is uniform, the proportion of recrystallization in matrix increases, and the banding textures are nar... 
2014-03-28 49 5.8

本文介绍了无取向硅钢C6涂液的性能,研究了配水量、固化程度和涂层厚度等因素对无取向硅钢C6涂层性能的影响。结果表明,随着配水量的增加,完全固化所需的时间增加,涂液固体含量降低,涂层厚度减小;随着固化程度的提高,涂层硬度先增大然后趋于恒定,而柔韧性逐渐变差,在过固化后急剧恶化;涂层厚度对涂层的表面外观、附着性和绝缘层间电阻均有显著影响。 Based on the introduction about the performance of C6 varnish for non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of water amount,curing degree and coating thickness are discussed. Results show that with the increase of water amount,the time required to cure completely extends,and both the solid content of C6 varnish and the coating thickness decrease. As the curing degree increases,the hardness of the coating increases first and then tends to be constant,however the flexibility degenerates,especially... 
2014-02-28 59 5.8

结合硅钢退火炉项目中应用PDSOFT软件进行三维配管设计的案例,描述PDSOFT软件的应用过程,总结其使用要点,分析其优缺点,并提出了推广三维设计软件的思路,对今后PDSOFT在相似项目中的推广应用有参考和借鉴价值。 Combining the case of using PDSOFT software to design the three-dimensional piping,the application process of the PDSOFT software is described,the using points are summarized,the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed,and the ideas of promoting the three-dimensional design software are put forward,which have a strong reference value for the promotion and application of PDSOFT in similar projects in the future. 
2014-04-28 25 5.8

研究了无取向硅钢钙处理前后夹杂物的行为,重点考察了钙处理前后夹杂物的成分、类型、形貌和尺寸研究的变化情况,为实际生产中无取向硅钢的钙处理提供理论指导。试验发现:钙处理前夹杂物主要以Al2O3、Al2O3-MgO为主,且在夹杂物表面有AlN析出,钙处理后夹杂物以Al2O3-MgO-CaS-CaO系复合夹杂物为主,还含有少量的SiO2或AlN;钙处理前后,夹杂物形貌由多边形或不规则形逐渐向球形或近似球形转变,并且夹杂物尺寸不断增大;钙处理前后,含钙夹杂物的比例发生突变,由10%增大到74.5%,且随着钙处理时间的延长,含钙夹杂物比例下降,表明钙处理使夹杂物变性后易聚集长大并上浮去除。 Behavior of inclusions before and after calcium treatment in non-oriented silicon steel was researched by investigating changes of compositions,types,shapes and sizes of inclusions before and after calcium treatment,for the purpose of providing theoretical guidance for calcium treatment of non-oriented silicon steel in actual situation. Results indicated that Al2O3 and Al2O3-MgO were main types of inclusions before calcium treatment,sometimes AlN maybe precipitate in the outer of inclusions. Al2... 
2014-04-28 55 5.8



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