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通过对取向硅钢进行脉冲磁场退火实验,发现在相同的退火时间(6.0 min)内,低于1 T的脉冲磁场可以在一定程度上提高取向硅钢的磁感(B8),而高于1 T的脉冲磁场则会使取向硅钢的磁性能急剧恶化.同时发现,脉冲直流电加热方式会使取向硅钢的磁性能恶化.研究表明,脉冲磁场退火有望成为一种调控材料微观结构的有效手段. We have carried out experiments of annealing by pulse magnetic field.The results show that a pulse magnetic field with intensity lower than 1 T can promote magnetic induction density(B8) of grain-oriented silicon steel,while the magnetic properties deteriorate sharply when intensity is higher than 1 T.It has also been found that heating by using pulse direct current can cause the magnetic properties to deteriorate,in contrast to the traditional heating using resistance furnace.Our research shows... 
2011-01-28 74 5.8

利用本钢技术中心试验厂技术手段,并与北京钢铁研究院合作,试制了用作家电用电机、微电机、小电机或部分中型电机铁芯的冷轧无取向电工钢。试制钢硅含量小于0.5%,钢板表面平滑,公称厚度0.5mm,且厚度均匀偏差小,性能测定结果表明,产品的磁性能、力学性能满足其使用要求。 BX STEELTechnology Center pilot plant using technical means,and with Beijing Iron and Steel Research Institute,trial cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel that has been used as appliance motor core,micro motor core,small motor core,or part of the medium-sized motor core。Trial steel of silicon content is less than 0.5%,steel plate surface is smooth,the nominal thickness of 0.5mm,and the thickness deviation is small,performance measurement results show that the magnetic properties,mechanical p... 
2011-01-28 81 5.8

针对川威950的工艺现状,结合无取向低硅钢SGG生产的工艺特点,主要从控制其钢坯加热和轧制以及终轧温度和卷曲温度几方面入手,进行无取向低硅钢生产的工艺控制研究。同时根据近6000吨的生产实践表明,该工艺措施能很好的满足该钢种的需要。 950 process Chuanwei status quo,with non-oriented silicon steel production process features low,mainly from the control of billet heating and rolling and finish rolling temperature and coiling temperature of several aspects,for non-oriented silicon steel production process of low control at the same time According to nearly 6,000 tons of production practice shows that the process measures could well meet the needs of the steel. 
2011-01-28 85 5.8

叠片系数是冷轧无取向电工钢的重要质量指标。为了提高叠片系数,必须保证无取向电工钢板形良好以及横向厚差小。针对攀钢冷轧厂4机架HC轧机轧制无取向电工钢的边部减薄问题,以无取向电工钢横向厚差最小作为目标函数,建立了一套针对无取向电工钢边部减薄控制的辊型曲线优化数学模型,开发了无取向电工钢专用辊型曲线,使无取向电工钢横向厚差从25μm降低到10μm以下,取得了良好的控制效果。 The lamination factor is an important quality index of non-oriented silicon steel strip.Considering the lamination factor,the non-oriented silicon steel must have a good shape and a smaller transverse thickness difference.In order to solve the edge thinning of non-oriented silicon steel strip in Panzhihua Steel,a mathematic model for designing the roll shape is built.In the model,the transverse thickness difference of non-oriented silicon steel strip is taken as the objective function.Based on t... 
2011-01-28 82 5.8

对取向硅钢熔融态钢液进行处理,对比研究了不同脉冲参数的作用效果。结果表明,电脉冲对钢锭晶粒组织具有明显的细化作用,凝固组织等轴晶比例大幅上升。在脉冲电容、频率、处理时间和电压中,影响等轴晶比例的最显著性因素为脉冲频率;最优正交实验参数为:电容1 200μF,脉冲频率1 Hz,处理时间5 s,脉冲电压800 V;随着输入能量的增大,等轴晶率先增大后减小,脉冲输入能量为某值时,等轴晶率最大,通过经典形核理论和热力学对这一现象进行了解释。 Research on the influence of the electric pulse on the solidification structure of oriented silicon steel was preformed.Electric pulses in different parameters were applied to molten steel and results were compared.The result shows that solidification structure of oriented silicon steel can be improved by the electric pulse,and the equiaxed crystal ratio increases obviously.Among the four parameter factors of electric capacity,frequency,applied time and voltage,the most effective factor is frequ... 
2011-01-28 68 5.8

取向硅钢热轧板中织构梯度对发展完善的二次再结晶十分关键,通过添加铜可以显著降低取向硅钢板坯加热温度,从而影响热轧板织构分布。利用X射线衍射仪,分析了实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)工艺的3种不同铜含量的取向硅钢热轧板织构。结果表明:不同铜含量热轧板表面到厚度1/4处均为弱的热轧织构,热轧板心部主要为{100}面织构;铜含量约在0.4%时,热轧板次表层的{110}<001>织构比例最高,而热轧板心部的{100}<110>织构比例最低;铜含量对热轧织构中{114}<110>和{001}<100>织构发展有显著影响。 The texture gradient in hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel strip is one of the essential factors to achieve a perfect secondary recrystallization.The addition of copper can significantly reduce the slab reheating temperature of grain oriented silicon steel,so as to impact the texture distribution in the hot rolled strip.The texture of hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel strip as-rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with three different copper contents was ... 
2011-01-28 73 5.8

研究的两种取向硅钢(%:No1-0.042C、3.16Si、0.009Al、0.07Mn、0.50Cu、0.015S、0.0084N和No2-0.040C、3.20Si、0.014Al、0.22Mn、0.49Cu、0.016S、0.008 2N)由50 kg真空感应炉冶炼,锻成(mm)350×120×35板坯,经1 250℃30 min加热,开轧温度1 100℃,5道次热轧成2.3 mm板,终轧温度950~1 000℃。实验结果表明,两热轧板沿板厚方向存在组织和织构的不均匀性,热轧板次表层为再结晶组织,有较强的Goss织构组分;中心层为形变组织,具有典型的形变织构。含0.22%Mn的No2钢次表层{110}〈001〉织构组分比含0.07%Mn的No1钢弱,中心层{001}〈110〉织构组分大大强于0.07%Mn No1钢,导致两者磁性能差异,0.22%Mn No2钢磁感应强度(B800)和铁损(P1.7/50)分别为1.87 T和1.24 W/kg,0.07%Mn No1钢分别为1.88 T和1.18 W/kg。 Studied both grain-oriented silicon steels(%:No1- 0.042C,3.16Si,0.009Al,0.07Mn,0.50Cu, 0.015S,0.0084N and No2-0.040C,3.20Si,0.014Al,0.22Mn,0.49Cu,0.016S,0.0082N) are melted by a 50 kg vacuum induction furnace,forged to(mm) 350×120×35 slab,heated at 1 250℃for 30 min,with beginning rolling temperature 1 100℃hot-rolled to 2.3 mm plate by 5 passes,finishing-rolled at 950~1000℃.Test results show that the structure and texture along thickness of both hot-rolled plates are inhomogeneous:the subsurface ... 
2011-01-28 71 5.8

为开发高效电机用冷轧无取向电工钢,借助实验室薄板坯连铸连轧模拟设备及扫描电镜、透射电镜等检验手段研究了成分、组织、织构和析出物等对无取向电工钢磁性能的影响规律;结果表明:常化处理使组织均匀化并增加有利于磁性提高的织构组分;采用CSP流程开发的高效电机用无取向电工钢铁损平均值3.4 0 W/kg,磁感≥1.68 T。 In order to develop electrical steel for high efficiency motor,effect of components,microstructure,texture and precipitation on magnetic property of electrical steel are analyzed.From the result,normalizing treatment makes microstructure uniform and increases component of favorable texture.Iron loss of electrical steel developed by CSP line is 3.40W/kg and magnetic induction is more than 1.68T. 
2011-01-28 81 5.8

采用电解法和扫描电镜研究了300 t转炉-RH精炼钙处理对无取向硅钢板(%:≤0.005C、1.2~2.2Si、0.2~0.6Mn、≤0.20P、≤0.005S、0.2~0.6Al、0~0.01Ca)中夹杂物的影响。结果表明,钢中Al含量为0.25%和0.35%时,钢中溶解氧均小于1×10-4%,钙处理后都会产生CaS夹杂物,尤其是含0.35%Al的钢水;钙处理可以有效减少钢中的夹杂物数量,尤其是0.5μm以下的微细夹杂物数量;钙处理后夹杂物的种类以AlN、CaS为主,同时还含有少量的氧化物夹杂物以及AlN-CaS复合夹杂物,尺寸主要为1.5~5.0μm。 The effect of 300 t converter-RH refining calcium treatment on inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel sheet (%:≤0.005C,1.2~2.2Si,0.2~0.6Mn,≤0.20P,≤0.005S,0.2~0.6A1,0~0.01Ca) has been studied by electrolysis and scanning electron microscope.Results show that with 0.25%and 0.35%Al content in steel,all the dissolved oxygen in liquid is less than 1×10-4%,and the CaS inclusions are produced after calcium treatment,especial for the liquid containing 0.35%Al;the amount of inclusions in ste... 
2011-01-28 62 5.8

随着中国电工钢产量的增加,硅钢级氧化镁需求量不断增加,传统的以白云石为原料制备氧化镁的工艺已经无法满足市场需求。中国是一个卤水资源丰富的国家,因此,研究如何资源化综合利用盐湖资源变得越来越重要。硅钢级氧化镁是一种制备取向硅钢的涂层材料,主要用于取向硅钢高温退火处理阶段,起到隔离剂、绝缘膜层、脱硫、脱磷等作用。综述了制备硅钢级氧化镁的方法、工艺流程、研究进展及存在的问题,指出了硅钢级氧化镁制备技术的发展方向,并对中国卤水资源的利用提出了建议。 With the increasing output of electric steel,the demand for silicon steel grade magnesium oxide(MgO) is larger and larger in China,and the traditional MgO production process with dolomite as raw material has been unable to meet market demand.China is a brine resource-rich country,the study of how to comprehensively utilize salt lake resources has become increasingly important.As a coating material used for preparing oriented silicon steel,silicon steel grade MgO is mainly used in the process of ... 
2011-01-28 93 5.8

通过对辉光放电发射光谱法分析电工钢样品光谱行为的研究,分析其工作参数如:电压、电流、预溅射时间和积分时间对光谱强度和稳定性的影响,并以铁为内标元素,优化了工作参数。确定了直流辉光放电光谱法测定电工钢中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫、铬、镍、铜共8种元素的定量分析方法,并对该方法分析的精密度和准确度进行验证,结果表明,各元素的测定结果与认定值和其他方法测定值一致,测量元素结果RSD值小于2%。 Based on research on analyzing the spectrum behavior of the sample taken from the electrical steel by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry,the effect of its operational parameters such as current,voltage,pre-sputtering time and integrating time on the spectral intensity and spectral stability is analyzed.Taking the Fe as an element applied by internal standard method,these operational parameters are optimized,and therefore the quantitative analysis method for testing eight kinds of eleme... 
2011-01-28 67 5.8

研究了冷轧大压下量,950℃退火时间对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒度和织构的影响。结果表明,大压下量冷轧,随压下量的增加,退火晶粒向γ线聚集,形成强{111}<112>织构。提高冷轧压下率,退火织构{111}<100>,{110}<001>强度减弱,增加退火时间,退火织构{111}<110>,{100}<001>,{110}<001>强度变弱。采用87.5%冷轧压下率和950℃退火60 s,有利织构{100},{110}占有率最大。 The effect of annealing(950 ℃) time with high cold rolling reduction on grain size and texture of a new non-oriented electrical steel containing copper was investigated.The results show that for high cold rolling reduction,most annealed grains are oriented along γ-fibre with increasing cold rolling reduction ratio and strong texture {111}<112> is formed.With increasing the cold rolling reduction ratio,the intensity of annealed texture {111}<110>,{011}<100> decreases.With increa... 
2011-01-28 71 5.8



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