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运用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)和X射线衍射(XRD)技术对硅钢热轧板的织构在板厚方向的分布进行了研究,并分析了两种织构测量方法的特点。EBSD技术能直观给出板厚方向的微观织构,XRD能得到钢板的宏观统计织构信息,结合两种技术的分析,能更直观更精确的研究不同织构在板厚方向的分布。 The texture distribution along the thickness of the silicon steel has been investigated by electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) technique.The characteristics of two technique of texture analysis have been investigated.Combined the two techniques,the texture distribution along the thickness of the silicon steel could be realized distinctly and accurately. 
2011-02-28 36 5.8

分析了影响脱碳效果和结晶行为的各种要素及其相互制约关系,提出了Hi-B连续退火工艺曲线,总结得出快速加热及合理稳态气氛是实现工艺制度的关键。结合实际工程,介绍了在连续退火炉设计中快速加热和气氛设计的考虑方法,并指出随着Hi-B产品的发展,如何改进这些方法将是连退工程研发的方向之一。 The factors which affect decarbonization and crystallization and the mutual restriction between them were analyzed.A complete continuous annealing process for Hi-B was put forward.As a result,the rapid heating and the proper steady atmosphere were two important factors.According to an actual project,the consider methods for designing rapid heating and proper steady atmosphere were introduced,and it is pointed that with the development of Hi-B technique,how to improve these techniques would be on... 
2011-02-28 37 5.8

利用EBSD技术研究了电工钢中长轴平行于轧向的柱状晶样品在热轧和退火过程中组织和取向的演变规律,并与长轴平行于板法向的样品的已有研究结果进行对比。结果表明,无论柱状晶按何种方向排列,只要表面存在剪切力,热轧后都可形成剪切织构,同时中心形成轧制织构,主要包括旋转立方织构和{112}<1-10>。柱状晶造成的影响主要体现在板中心层,长轴平行于轧向排列的样品热轧时形成的粗大旋转立方晶粒要到脱碳退火后才能完全消除,但破坏了正常的不同取向晶粒间的取向差分布及尺寸均匀性,导致二次再结晶不完全及磁性能降低。 The evolution of microstructure and grain orientation in an electrical steel containing columnar grains with its long axis being parallel to the rolling direction of sheet was studied during hot rolling and annealing by EBSD technique.The results are compared with those of samples containing columnar grains being parallel to normal direction of sheet reported in the reference [3].It was shown that,whether the long axis of columnar grains was arranged in RD or ND,shear textures can be formed in t... 
2011-02-28 45 5.8

【作者】 刘玲月; 李军辉; ...
2011-02-28 34 5.8

通过对激光粒度分析仪测量硅钢级氧化镁(MgO)的分析条件进行优化,如分散介质、分散方式、样品预处理、仪器暗淡度等,探讨了硅钢级MgO粒度范围测量重现性较好的试验方法,满足硅钢生产过程控制对MgO粒度的要求。 The analysis condition of the laser particle size analyzer on grain oriented silicon-steel grade magnesium oxide is optimized,including the dispersion medium,dispersion methods,sample preparation,and instrument obscuration,etc.Therefore,particle size measurement with good reproducibility for silicon-steel magnesium oxide is discussed,which may meet the requirement of MgO particle size for silicon-steel process control. 
2011-02-28 45 5.8

无取向硅钢特别是中牌号以上的无取向硅钢,随着含硅量的提高,常温下塑性较差,冷轧过程中轧制力明显提高,如果存在原料质量问题,极易发生断带事故,影响硅钢冷轧过程的成材率和生产效率。通过优化冷轧工艺参数,可提高冷轧稳定性。生产中通过合理分配冷轧各道次压下量和轧制速度,保证了轧制过程的稳定,很大程度减少了冷轧断带事故的发生。 Non-oriented silicon steel, especially in the low and middle grade, with the increase of silicon content, plasticity is poor at room temperature, rolling force in cold rolling process significantly improved .If there is the quality defect of raw materials , easily sheet is rolling off. Affect finished product rate and production efficiency in process of cold-rolled silicon steel. Through optimization of cold rolled process parameter , improve the stability of cold-rolling process. Through reason... 
2011-02-28 39 5.8

阐述了影响硅钢卷材下料利用率的因素,并结合具体事例利用计算机排样系统进行了详细分析,对提高硅钢卷材的利用率具有一定的指导作用。 It describes the factors influenceing the the utilization ratio of the roll of Silicon steel,and analyzes it in detail combined with concrete examples by a computer arrangement system,which can give a guide for increasing the utilization ratio of the roll of Silicon steel. 
2011-02-28 34 5.8

在50Kg氧化镁坩埚真空感应炉上进行高硅电工钢的脱氧试验。结果表明,通过控制原料的成分、高真空下的碳氧反应和炉衬分解向钢液中的供氧,可使钢液的总氧含量≤15×10-6;在维持高温高真空条件下,当钢液中的反应达到一定程度后,延长精炼时间并不能降低钢液的总氧含量;完成精炼后加入硅钙合金沉淀脱氧可进一步降低钢液的总含氧量,但脱氧效果有限。 The test of high-silicon electric steel deoxidation has been carried out in 50Kg vacuum induction furnace with magnesium oxide crucible.Results show that the total oxygen could be ≤15×10-6in molten steel by controlling material components,carbon-oxygen reaction in high vacuum and oxygen contamination from crucible materials on molten steel;And when the reaction was carried through to a certain extent,total oxygen in molten steel could not be reduced by the extension of refining period in high va... 
2011-02-28 42 5.8

【摘要】 <正>3月15日,随着第5754卷HiB钢下线,武钢...
2011-02-28 34 5.8

对熔融态钢液进行处理,研究了电脉冲对于取向硅钢凝固组织的影响作用,利用正交试验法研究了脉冲电容、频率、处理时间和电压等脉冲参数的作用效果。结果表明:电脉冲对钢锭晶粒组织具有明显的细化作用,凝固组织的等轴晶比例大幅上升,影响等轴晶比例的最显著性因素为脉冲频率,最优正交试验参数为电容1 200μF,脉冲频率1 Hz,处理时间5 s,脉冲电压800 V。随着输入能量的增大等轴晶率先增大后减小,脉冲输入能量为某值时,等轴晶率最大,利用经典形核理论和热力学对这一现象进行了解释。 The influence of electric pulse on the solidification structure of oriented silicon steel was investigated by applying electric pulse in molten steel.The affection due to different electric pulse parameters such as electric capacity,frequency,applied time and voltage was studied by orthogonal design test.The result showed that solidification structure of oriented silicon steel could be improved by the electric pulse,and the equiaxed crystal ratio increased obviously.The most influential paramete... 
2011-01-28 41 5.8

对取向硅钢熔融态钢液进行处理,对比研究了不同脉冲参数的作用效果。结果表明,电脉冲对钢锭晶粒组织具有明显的细化作用,凝固组织等轴晶比例大幅上升。在脉冲电容、频率、处理时间和电压中,影响等轴晶比例的最显著性因素为脉冲频率;最优正交实验参数为:电容1 200μF,脉冲频率1 Hz,处理时间5 s,脉冲电压800 V;随着输入能量的增大,等轴晶率先增大后减小,脉冲输入能量为某值时,等轴晶率最大,通过经典形核理论和热力学对这一现象进行了解释。 Research on the influence of the electric pulse on the solidification structure of oriented silicon steel was preformed.Electric pulses in different parameters were applied to molten steel and results were compared.The result shows that solidification structure of oriented silicon steel can be improved by the electric pulse,and the equiaxed crystal ratio increases obviously.Among the four parameter factors of electric capacity,frequency,applied time and voltage,the most effective factor is frequ... 
2011-01-28 41 5.8

研究的两种取向硅钢(%:No1-0.042C、3.16Si、0.009Al、0.07Mn、0.50Cu、0.015S、0.0084N和No2-0.040C、3.20Si、0.014Al、0.22Mn、0.49Cu、0.016S、0.008 2N)由50 kg真空感应炉冶炼,锻成(mm)350×120×35板坯,经1 250℃30 min加热,开轧温度1 100℃,5道次热轧成2.3 mm板,终轧温度950~1 000℃。实验结果表明,两热轧板沿板厚方向存在组织和织构的不均匀性,热轧板次表层为再结晶组织,有较强的Goss织构组分;中心层为形变组织,具有典型的形变织构。含0.22%Mn的No2钢次表层{110}〈001〉织构组分比含0.07%Mn的No1钢弱,中心层{001}〈110〉织构组分大大强于0.07%Mn No1钢,导致两者磁性能差异,0.22%Mn No2钢磁感应强度(B800)和铁损(P1.7/50)分别为1.87 T和1.24 W/kg,0.07%Mn No1钢分别为1.88 T和1.18 W/kg。 Studied both grain-oriented silicon steels(%:No1- 0.042C,3.16Si,0.009Al,0.07Mn,0.50Cu, 0.015S,0.0084N and No2-0.040C,3.20Si,0.014Al,0.22Mn,0.49Cu,0.016S,0.0082N) are melted by a 50 kg vacuum induction furnace,forged to(mm) 350×120×35 slab,heated at 1 250℃for 30 min,with beginning rolling temperature 1 100℃hot-rolled to 2.3 mm plate by 5 passes,finishing-rolled at 950~1000℃.Test results show that the structure and texture along thickness of both hot-rolled plates are inhomogeneous:the subsurface ... 
2011-01-28 38 5.8



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