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提出了一种基于爱泼斯坦方圈族(包括标准25cm爱泼斯坦方圈、缩比的17.5cm和20cm爱泼斯坦方圈)和二级加权处理方法对爱泼斯坦测试数据,包括有效磁路长度、比损耗、励磁功率,进行处理的晶粒取向电工钢磁性能扩展模拟方法。详细地考察了励磁频率、试样剪切角度和环境温度对爱泼斯坦方圈测量结果的影响。研究结果表明,利用本文提出的爱泼斯坦方圈组合以及二级加权处理技术,可以有效地建立取向电工钢损耗模拟模型,从而更加准确地确定了取向电工钢的损耗,改善并提高了爱泼斯坦磁性能测试数据的应用价值。 The extended modeling of the magnetic properties of GO(grain oriented) electrical steel is presented in this paper which is based on a set of standard and scaled-down Epstein frames and a proposed two-level weighted processing of Epstein data, including the mean magnetic path length, specific magnetization loss and exciting power. The effects of excitation frequency, strip angle and ambient temperature on the results obtained from the Epstein frames are investigated. It is shown that using the p... 
2014-09-28 46 5.8

【作者】 安斌; ...
2014-09-28 46 5.8

为了确保硅钢铬酸盐涂料的环保性,需要严格控制涂料的固化工艺,保证涂料固化过程中涂料中的六价铬充分转化为三价铬。对涂料及原料进行热重分析(TG)及差示扫描量热法分析(DSC)。结果表明,MgO与铬酐混合转化为MgCrO4,使六价铬稳定性增强,其中大部分Cr6+转变为Cr3+发生在620~700℃,在450~500℃高于铬酐发生大量失重,因此必须加入还原剂保证涂料中六价铬被充分还原;超过360℃后树脂会发生分解,因此实际板温不能超过360℃;加入了还原剂的整体涂料的失重温度区间主要在260~320℃,因此涂料固化时钢板的实际温度最佳区间为320~360℃。 Because of the silicon steel chromate coating’s environmental requirements,the paint curing process must be controlled strictly to ensure all Cr( Ⅵ) transforms to Cr( Ⅲ). The TG and DSC analyses of the paint are studied. The reaction of MgO and CrO3 would generate MgCrO4,enhancing the stability of Cr( Ⅵ). The most r( Ⅵ) in MgCrO4 changes to Cr( Ⅲ) at 620-700 ℃,while the CrO3 has a large weight loss at 450-500 ℃. The reductant must be added in the paint to make sure the Cr( Ⅵ) could transform suf... 
2014-09-28 52 5.8

基于BOF→RH→CSP生产工艺,研究了RH精炼过程钢中夹杂物类型演变及MgO·Al2O3夹杂物形成规律,同时对MgO·Al2O3夹杂物的形成条件进行了热力学计算,借助CFD数值模拟软件研究了RH精炼过程卷渣行为。研究发现,RH精炼过程20和30 min时,w([MgO])/w([Al2O3])为0.005~0.020,未发现MgO·Al2O3夹杂物;RH出站后夹杂物w([MgO])/w([Al2O3])为0.3~0.5,且RH精炼结束后MgO·Al2O3夹杂物占夹杂物总量的58.4%;另外,RH精炼过程钢液表面速度CFD模拟结果为0.57 m/s,大于临界卷渣速度0.45 m/s,且顶渣成分与夹杂物成分相近,存在卷渣现象。热力学计算表明,钢液与炉渣平衡时钢中w([Al])为0.31%~0.37%,w([Mg])为0.00024%~0.00028%,在MgO·Al2O3生成区域之内。减少RH处理过程卷渣,浇铸过程下渣及控制顶渣和包衬相中MgO质量分数可抑制MgO·Al2O3夹杂物形成。 Based on the practical production of non-oriented silicon steel, the evolution of inclusion type and the formation of MgO·Al2O3inclusion were analyzed in the process of BOF→RH→CSP. The thermodynamic conditions for forming MgO·Al2O3inclusion were discussed and the behavior of slag entrapment of molten steel was also simulated by CFD software during RH refining. The results showed that the value of w([MgO])/w([Al2O3]) was in the range of 0.005-0.020 and no MgO · Al2O3 inclusion was observed at 20 ... 
2014-09-28 60 5.8

研究了电工钢SXRC的显微结构和疲劳性能,并与DP钢进行了比较。结果表明,退火温度低温化能够有效的抑制电工钢的再结晶。该钢在固溶铌的作用下,能够在保证电机磁性的同时具有一定的强度。与DP钢相比,SXRC钢的抗疲劳性能更好。 The microstructures and fatigue properties of the electrical steel SXRC we re investigated, and the properties were also compared with the steel DP. The results show that the recrystallization of the electrical steel can be suppressed at lower annealing temperature. The steel presents favorable motor magnetic and also a compatible strength with the help of solid-solution Nb. Compared with the steel DP, the fatigue resistance of the steel SXRC is preferable. 
2014-09-28 77 5.8

系统研究了无取向硅钢用磷酸盐系涂层性能的影响因素。以氢氧化铝和磷酸为原料制备磷酸二氢铝,再添加适量的添加剂酒石酸铵、二氧化硅、环氧树脂,得到的涂液涂布于硅钢表面,并控制合适的烘干温度,通过耐盐雾实验考察各因素对涂液耐腐蚀性能的影响。实验结果表明,在磷酸与氢氧化铝物质的量比为3.4∶1、酒石酸铵用量为2%、二氧化硅用量为1%、环氧树脂用量为5%、烘干温度为300℃条件下,所得涂层材料的防(耐)腐蚀效果最佳。 The factors influencing the performance of phosphate anticorrosive coating for non-oriented silicon were systematically studied.Aluminum dihydrogen phosphate was prepared with aluminum hydroxide and phosphoric acid as raw materials.Then added the right amount of additives,such as ammonium tartrate,silicon dioxide,and epoxy resin to prepare the liquid coating,which was coated on the surface of the silicon steel,and finally controlled a suitable drying temperature.The influences of various factors... 
2014-09-28 70 5.8

研究了常化温度、常化时间及常化后冷却速度对Si的质量分数为1.6%的无取向电工钢成品磁性能的影响。结果表明:在850~1 050℃范围内,随着常化温度的升高,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度先增大后减小;当常化温度为1 000℃时,成品平均铁损最低,平均磁感应强度最高;常化时间从3min延长到7min时,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度则呈单调下降趋势;随着常化冷却速度的降低,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度则呈单调增大趋势;对于Si的质量分数为1.6%的无取向电工钢,最佳的常化制度为:在1 000℃进行常化,时间5min,常化后空冷。对热轧板进行常化后,热轧板发生了不同程度的再结晶和晶粒长大。提高常化温度、延长常化时间、降低冷却速度,都能使常化板晶粒粗化,进而粗化成品板晶粒,改善磁性能。通过扫描电镜观察发现,成品板中析出物主要为AlN和MnS的复合析出物,以及少量的单独析出的AlN和MnS,而常化工艺主要是通过粗化析出相,减少细小析出相数量,从而减少对晶界钉扎作用来改善成品磁性能。 The effects of normalizing temperature,normalizing time and cooling rate after normalizing on magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with mass fraction of Si of 1.6% were investigated.The results show that core loss of product decreases first and then increases,while magnetic induction increases first and then decreases with the increase of normalizing temperature from 850 to 1 050℃.Average core loss of product is the lowest and average magnetic induction is the highest when normal... 
2014-09-28 68 5.8

采用EBSD检测技术,分析了50W800无取向电工钢在重要生产工序间织构的演变以及织构沿带钢宽度方向上的差异性。结果表明:热轧板织构沿带钢宽度方向上的差异性主要体现在表层织构。带钢边部表层织构主要由旋转立方织构、α纤维织构以及少量的γ纤维织构组成,带钢宽度1/4处的表层织构主要存在高斯织构,带钢宽度1/2处的表层织构主要为(110)面织构以及少量的铜型织构。各处的带钢宽度1/4处和1/2处的织构类型基本一致,都以α纤维织构和旋转立方织构为主。冷轧后,各处的表层织构类型差异较小,均为γ纤维织构和α纤维织构。由板宽边部至中心处织构强度值逐渐降低。退火后,各处织构的组分基本一致,为较强的γ纤维织构和较弱的(100)面织构。各处织构强度值差异较小,变化趋势与冷轧板一致。 The texture of non-oriented electrical steel 50W800 was detected by EBSD technique.The evolution of the texture between important processes and the difference of texture along the width direction of strip were analyzed.The result shows that the difference along the width direction of strip of texture at the surface of hot rolled plate is most obvious.The texture at the surface of strip edge is primarily made of rotating cube texture,αfiber texture and weakγfiber texture.Goss texture is mainly co... 
2014-09-28 54 5.8

承钢采用铁水预处理(脱硫)→转炉提钒→转炉冶炼→RH精炼→连铸→轧制工艺,成功研发了无取向电工钢CGW800。试制的CGW800钢碳含量≤0.006 0%、氮含量<0.004 0%,热轧后的金相组织为铁素体和少量渗碳体,晶粒度5.5级,获得了较粗大、均匀的晶粒,钢板的成分和力学性能达到了标准要求。 In Cheng Steel,the CGW800 non- oriented electrical steel is successfully developed with process of hot metal pre- treating,vanadium extracting with converter,smelting with converter,RH refining,continuous casting and rolling. In the steel,the carbon content is not higher than 0. 006 0%,nitrogen less than0. 004 0%,the metallographic structure after hot rolling is ferrite and a little amount of cementite,grain size is 5. 5 degree,relative large and even grain got. The composition and mechanical pr... 
2014-08-28 53 5.8

针对节能电机对无取向电工钢在磁性能方面的特殊要求,采用普通W600牌号的热轧板为原料,通过大量的现场工艺试验,研究总结出了\"超低张力\"的运行工艺、\"先快后慢\"的加热工艺、\"先湿后干\"的退火脱碳工艺、\"先缓后急\"的冷却工艺,生产出P1.5/50≤4.0 W/kg、B50≥1.70 T的冷轧电工钢产品,满足了节能电机的要求。 Based on the special requirements of no-oriented electrical steel for saving energy motor in magnetic aspects,using common W600 brand of hot rolled plate as raw material,through a large number of real tests,an ultra-low tension process,heating process which was quick at first and then slow,annealing decarburization process which was dry after the first wet,and a cooling technology of \"slow after the first urgent\" were concluded.Electrical steel product with P1.5/50≤4.0W/kg,B50≥1.70T was produced... 
2014-08-28 53 5.8

研究稀土Ce的添加对含Sn高磁感无取向电工钢磁性能及夹杂物的影响。对比分析了两种成分钢的磁性能以及各过程工艺条件下夹杂物种类和分布情况。结果表明,在含Sn高磁感无取向电工钢中加入稀土元素Ce可以粗化夹杂物,提高成品晶粒的均匀性,有效降低铁损;同时Ce的添加不影响Sn元素提高磁感的效果,磁感保持不变。 Effect of Ce on magnetic properties and inclusion of Sn-bearing high permeability non-oriented electrical steel was investigated. A comparative analysis of the magnetic properties and the types and distributions of inclusion in the two sheets with different composition shows that the addition of Ce to the Sn-bearing high permeability non-oriented electrical steel can coarse the inclusion,improve the homogeneity of the finished grain and effectively decrease the core loss. Also,the addition of Ce... 
2014-08-28 75 5.8



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