日本住友金属成功地开发了一种资源节约型高强度无取向电工钢SXRC,这种电工钢是通过固溶铌适度抑制位错的合并对消而得到一种特殊的微观组织,因此兼具很高的力学性能和磁性,特别适用于HEV、EV驱动电机转子。而且,不使用昂贵的镍就可以达到期望的强度,合金成本可控,是一种优越的资源节约型产品。 Sumitomo metal industries ltd of Japan successfully developed a type of high strength non-orientation electrical steel SXRC of resources-saving.The steel has both high mechanical performance and good magnetic property thanks to the special microstructure produced by the formation of Nb solid solution serving to appropriately inhibit the combination and cancellation of dislocations.The material is,in particular,suitable for manufacturing rotors of HEV and EV driving motors.Besides,expected streng...
采用低温板坯加热制备取向硅钢,通过透射电镜(TEM)观察并研究热轧板中的析出物,用ODF织构法研究热轧板距表面1/8、1/4和1/2处的织构分布。结果表明,热轧板中的析出物主要是密排六方AlN,AlN形貌呈规则长方形,AlN颗粒大小不等,分布密度低;热轧板中的织构沿板厚方向,由亚表层的{110}<001>织构向1/2中心层的α线织构变化,其中{110}<001>织构在热轧板距表面1/4层处最强。 The low temperature grain-oriented silicon steels were produced by acquired inhibitor method.The precipitates in hot rolling strip were observed and studied by transmission electron microscope,and the texture distribution in 1/8,1/4 and 1/2 layers of hot rolling strip were analyzed by ODF method.The results showed that the square shaped h-AlN is the main precipitates in hot rolling strip.The precipitates are varying in size and distribution.The texture of hot rolling strip in thick direction are...
将Fe-1.5Si硅钢试样分别在1 000~1 200℃空气条件下氧化30 min,观察发现在1 000℃和1 100℃时,氧化层与基体界面处存在硅酸亚铁,而当温度为1 200℃时,硅酸亚铁不但存在于界面处,同时也存在于氧化层中.将各温度下得到的带有氧化层的试样进行单道次热轧试验,压下率分别为10%和30%,发现1 000℃和1 100℃时,较高的压下率使氧化层破碎更加严重,但是单道次热轧未能改变氧化层的结构;当温度为1 200℃时,由于液态的硅酸亚铁的出现,单道次热轧能够将界面处的液化的硅酸亚铁层挤压到氧化层中,消除了硅酸亚铁层的钉扎基体的效应,改善了氧化层与基体界面的平直度. Specimens of Fe-1.5Si silicon steel were oxidized at 1 000 ~ 1 200 ℃ in air for 30 min.At 1 000 ℃ and 1 100 ℃ fayalite was observed at the scale/substrate interface.While at 1 200 ℃fayalite was found both at the scale/substrate interface and at the outer oxide layer.Then after the single-pass hot rolling process,with the compression ratio of 10% and 30%,it was found that at 1000 ℃ and 1 100 ℃,higher compression rate accelerated the broken of the scale layers,but the scale structure was not affec...
在实验室模拟CSP流程制备了不同含量稀土铈(质量分数0~0.018%)的1.2%Si无取向电工钢,并对其进行1 000℃×5min的再结晶退火处理,研究了铈质量分数对无取向电工钢夹杂物、显微组织、再结晶织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着铈质量分数的增加,微细夹杂物数量、再结晶晶粒尺寸、{100}和{110}织构组分、磁感应强度先增后减,{111}织构组分、铁损先减后增;铈的质量分数为0.005 1%时,钢中的夹杂物数量最少,再结晶晶粒尺寸最大,有利织构最多,磁性能最优,铁损P15/50为3.253W·kg-1,磁感应强度B50为1.751T。 Non-oriented electrical steels containing different contents rare earth Ce element(0-0.018wt%) were prepared in the laboratory by simulated CSP(compact strip production)process,and then recrystallization annealing at 1 000 ℃ for 5 min were performed,the effects of Ce content on inclusion,microstructure, recrystallization texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels were studied.The results show that with the increase of Ce content,the amounts of fine inclusion,the size of re...
结合工业化生产的无取向硅钢,进行了RH精炼喂CaSi线去除钢中的非金属夹杂物试验研究。针对不同的钙处理条件,分析了CaS夹杂生成热力学,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,确定了夹杂物的类型、数量,探讨了钙处理后钢中夹杂物的变化规律。结果表明,本试验条件下,钙处理可以有效抑制MnS、AlN夹杂物的生成,有效促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮、去除,钢质纯净度明显提高。经过合适的钙处理后,钢中的夹杂物以独立存在的CaO为主,同时有少量含CaO、SiO2、MgO的复合夹杂,没有发现CaS夹杂存在。这部分夹杂物的尺寸集中分布在2~20μm,数量约为1.8×105个/mm3。 Experimental study on removal of non-metallic inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel obtained from industrial production by CaSi wire feeding during RH refining process was carried out.The thermodynamics of CaS inclusion formation was analyzed,the morphology and the size distribution of inclusions were observed,and the numbers and types of inclusions were also determined for the steel specimens treated under different calcium treatment conditions.Furthermore,the variation of inclusion characte...
借助电子背散射(EBSD)技术对AlN为主抑制剂的Hi-B取向硅钢常化工艺的中间冷却制度进行了研究。结果表明:常化后试样均发生了完全再结晶,在60℃/s冷速下组织最均匀;在合适的冷却制度下常化板表层保留了强的Goss织构,它深入到1/4厚度处,并且形成对Goss织构有利的强{554}<225>织构。 The intermediate cooling system of Hi-B oriented silicon steel with AlN main inhibitor in normalizing process was studied by means of electron back diffraction(EBSD) technique. The results show that:the specimens after normalizing are fully recrystallization, and the microstructure is most uniform under the intermediate cooling rate of 60℃/s; under suitable cooling system, normalized plate surface retains strong Goss texture, it penetrates into the 1/4 thickness of the plate and forming strong {...
研究了采用高温卷取热轧态原料和常化态原料生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢组织、织构和磁性能。研究发现钢卷采用750℃高温卷取,下线后立即采用\"保温罩\"对钢卷进行保温,时间96h,然后空冷至100℃时上线生产的工艺可取代常化工艺生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢。冷轧上线前,热轧态原料的表层为大量的再结晶组织,这部分组织包括了热轧轧制时保留下来的动态再结晶组织,钢卷本身高温回复后产生再结晶晶粒,以及在保温罩内保温时形成的再结晶组织。高温卷取的热轧态和常化态的热轧卷作为原料时,试样织构类型相似,取向分布密度接近,再结晶后织构类型仍然相似,取向分布密度仍然接近。Goss织构对磁性能增加有促进作用。实验钢中较好的磁性能对应的织构[{100}+Goss]/{111}的比值较高,体现了织构的遗传性。 Microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of high grade cold rolled nonoriented electrical steel which made of hot rolled material with high temperature coiling and with normalization were studied.Steels coiled in high temperature(at 750 ℃),stacked with insulation cover for 96hand air cooled to 100 ℃ were using to manufacture high grade nonoriented electrical steel.The process can replace the normalization process.There are a lot of recrystallized grains in the surface layer of the coil wit...
提出以“云边一体化架构”构建硅钢智慧决策系统,来解决原硅钢制造L1~L5系统架构模式下的数字信息孤岛、业务功能割裂等问题。在此基础上,开发了云边协同的自学习型控制模型及业务决策模型,构建起硅钢“智慧大脑”,形成了以研发、制造、服务等核心业务数字化融合的智能化决策支持新模式,探索出一条钢铁制造业数字化、智能化转型之路。 SIDS(Silicon-steel Intelligent Decision-making System)based on \"cloud-edge integration architecture\" was proposed to solve the problems of data silos and business function fragmentation in the original L1~L5 system architecture.On this basis,the self-learning control model and decision-making model of cloud-edge collaboration were developed,the \"smart brain\" of silicon steel department was constructed,and a new intelligent decision-making support model of digital integration of core businesses s...
介绍了一种适用于超大晶粒取向硅钢的高斯晶粒取向偏离角的X射线衍射测量方法,提出了将试探法和探测器扫描法相结合的方式进行测量。结果表明:该方法可以同时获得准确的实际衍射角度和取向偏离角度,试样制备方式简单,对设备的要求低且测量结果准确。 This paper introduces a X-ray diffraction measurement method of Gaussian grain orientation deviation angle for ultra-large grain oriented silicon steel, and puts forward a method of combining the test method with the detector scanning. The results show that this method can obtain accurate actual diffraction angle and orientation deviation angle at the same time. The sample preparation method is simple, the requirements for equipment are low, and the measurement results are accurate.
采用\"热轧复合+冷轧减薄+退火\"方法成功制备了0.20mm厚的硅浓度梯度高硅钢薄带,并采用SEM和X射线衍射技术对制备过程中组织和织构演变进行了研究。热轧复合板微观组织呈明显层状分布,复合界面为紧密冶金结合且经过83%的大冷轧变形未开裂。热轧和冷轧复合板带中均形成强α和γ织构,再结晶退火后形成强γ织构。冷轧和退火织构沿板厚呈显著的梯度分布特征,其主要来自于复合界面两侧硅浓度和初始热轧织构的差异性以及冷变形的不均匀性。 Gradient high silicon steel thin sheets with thickness of 0.20 mm were successfully produced by the rolling and annealing method,including hot rolling bonding,cold rolling,and annealing.Microstructure and texture evolution was investigated by means of SEM and X-ray diffraction.Microstructure of hot-rolling-bonding shows obviously layered distribution,the composite interface was closely metallurgical bonding and no cracking appears even after 83%cold rolling.Strongαandγfibers develop in the hot a...