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采用热模拟方法及EBSD技术,研究Fe-3 wt%Si电工钢在不同温度下组织的动、静态再结晶及晶粒取向特征,特别是少量奥氏体对铁素体动、静态再结晶组织及取向的影响。结果表明,不同温度形变的组织主要分三类:形变长条铁素体、珠光体和等轴细小铁素体。长条形变铁素体内发生动态回复或连续式的动态再结晶,奥氏体周围的铁素体动态再结晶加速,部分以传统的不连续方式动态再结晶。铁素体、奥氏体都可发生静态再结晶。奥氏体的静态再结晶在1050℃以上明显,铁素体的静态再结晶随温度的升高逐渐进行,最显著的再结晶发生在1050℃。不同温度形变的样品,其形变晶粒取向主要以<111>和<100>为主,小等轴铁素体晶粒除与大形变铁素体取向相近外,出现了<110>取向及其它取向。 Static and dynamic recrystallization and grain orientations in a hot-compressed Fe-3 wt% Si electrical steels were studied at different temperatures using Gleeble simulator and EBSD technique,particularly focusing on the effect of small amount of austenite on ferritic microstructure and orientations.The results show that microstructure of the compressed steel,depending on deformation temperature,consisted of elongated and deformed ferrite,pearlite and fine equal-axed ferrite.The elongated ferrit... 
2011-01-28 78 5.8

采用铸坯低倍组织检验和化学分析的方法,研究板坯连铸机二冷区电磁搅拌器电流和频率参数对无取向电工钢XG800WR板坯中心偏析和等轴晶率的影响,结果表明:铸坯等轴晶率随着搅拌器电流强度和电流频率的增大而增加。采用二冷区电磁搅拌可减小中心易偏析元素S的偏析,试验得出:减小铸坯S偏析效果最好的电磁搅拌参数为电流380~400A,频率6Hz。 The effect of electromagnetic stirring current and frequency parameter at secondary cooling area on the central segregation and equiaxed crystal ratio of XG800WR non - oriented electrical steels slab was investigated through the methods of chemical and macrostructure analysis.The results shows that the rate of equiaxed crystal zone is going up with increasing of current intensity and current frequency.Electromagnetic stirring in the secondary cooling area can be easily reduced segregation caused... 
2011-01-28 80 5.8

对熔融态钢液进行处理,研究了电脉冲对于取向硅钢凝固组织的影响作用,利用正交试验法研究了脉冲电容、频率、处理时间和电压等脉冲参数的作用效果。结果表明:电脉冲对钢锭晶粒组织具有明显的细化作用,凝固组织的等轴晶比例大幅上升,影响等轴晶比例的最显著性因素为脉冲频率,最优正交试验参数为电容1 200μF,脉冲频率1 Hz,处理时间5 s,脉冲电压800 V。随着输入能量的增大等轴晶率先增大后减小,脉冲输入能量为某值时,等轴晶率最大,利用经典形核理论和热力学对这一现象进行了解释。 The influence of electric pulse on the solidification structure of oriented silicon steel was investigated by applying electric pulse in molten steel.The affection due to different electric pulse parameters such as electric capacity,frequency,applied time and voltage was studied by orthogonal design test.The result showed that solidification structure of oriented silicon steel could be improved by the electric pulse,and the equiaxed crystal ratio increased obviously.The most influential paramete... 
2011-01-28 77 5.8

通过对取向硅钢进行脉冲磁场退火实验,发现在相同的退火时间(6.0 min)内,低于1 T的脉冲磁场可以在一定程度上提高取向硅钢的磁感(B8),而高于1 T的脉冲磁场则会使取向硅钢的磁性能急剧恶化.同时发现,脉冲直流电加热方式会使取向硅钢的磁性能恶化.研究表明,脉冲磁场退火有望成为一种调控材料微观结构的有效手段. We have carried out experiments of annealing by pulse magnetic field.The results show that a pulse magnetic field with intensity lower than 1 T can promote magnetic induction density(B8) of grain-oriented silicon steel,while the magnetic properties deteriorate sharply when intensity is higher than 1 T.It has also been found that heating by using pulse direct current can cause the magnetic properties to deteriorate,in contrast to the traditional heating using resistance furnace.Our research shows... 
2011-01-28 76 5.8



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