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对RH法(真空循环脱气法)生产的冷轧硅钢的脱硫原理及影响因素进行了分析研究。研究表明:降低顶渣中FeO、MnO的含量,提高钢液温度,增加脱硫剂的加入量并延长其循环时间有利于提高脱硫效率。 The principles of desulfurization and its influence factors of cold rolling silicon steel during RH process have been studied in this paper.The result indicated that reducing contents of FeO and MnO,rising temperature of the liquid steel,increasing quantity of desulfurizer,lengthening cycle time of desulfurzer are benefit for desulfurization. 
2011-06-28 43 5.8

研究了常化对CSP流程生产的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢组织、织构和成品磁性能的影响。结果表明,经CSP流程生产,且在相同的冷轧及退火制度下,经1 000℃×2min常化处理的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢热轧板,其最终退火成品的铁损P15/50比不常化试样下降了10.5%,磁感B50比不常化试样提高了2.5%;常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品的平均晶粒尺寸增大,成品铁损P15/50相应减小;同时,常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品中高斯织构的强度增加,γ纤维织构的强度减弱,这有利于成品磁感B50的提高。 The effect of normalizing on microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with wSi=1.6% produced by CSP process was investigated.The results show that,under the same cold rolling and annealing system,the iron loss(P15/50) of annealed samples whose hot bands has been normalized by 1 000 ℃×2 min process decreases by 10.5% and magnetic induction(B50) increases by 2.5% compared with the samples whose hot bands was not normalized.The average grain size of non-orient... 
2012-11-28 69 5.8

介绍了CSP工艺生产无取向电工钢各工序的设备特点、采用的工艺控制手段和电工钢产品质量情况,结合生产实践证明了马钢CSP工艺开发的无取向电工钢产品丰富了薄板坯连铸连轧的品种结构,发挥了薄板坯连铸连轧生产无取向电工钢性能均一、稳定的特点。 The equipment characteristic,the process control method and the quality of non-orientated silicon steel by CSP process were introduced.Combined with the production situation,it is proved that production of non-orientated silicon steel developed on Masteel CSP line would enrich product structure of thin slab continuous casting and rolling,and it exerts stable performance of non-orientated silicon steel. 
2013-06-28 68 5.8

轧制力是影响冷轧带钢厚度精度的关键因素。为实现高精度的冷轧带钢厚度控制,通过优化变形抗力模型参数和摩擦系数模型参数提高冷轧轧制力模型计算精度,并使用指数平滑法的自学习算法保证轧制力精度的稳定性。在首钢股份公司迁安钢铁公司20辊森基米尔轧机生产线进行S12硅钢钢种轧制力优化试验,将优化的模型参数应用于L2并投入现场生产,结果表明该优化方法不仅提高了轧制力设定精度,而且减小了冷轧硅钢的厚度超差长度,提高了成材率。 The rolling force is the key factor which influences the accuracy of cold-rolling strip thickness. To implement high precision control of cold-rolling strip thickness,we optimize the deformation resistance model parameters and friction coefficient model parameters to improve the calculation precision of cold-rolling force model,and use exponential smoothing self-learn algorithm to ensure the stability of rolling force accuracy. In Shougang Qiangang 20-high Sendzimir mill single stand production ... 
2014-05-28 50 5.8

研究了铝和铬元素在无取向电工钢晶粒长大过程中对织构及晶界变化的影响规律。试验结果表明:电工钢在晶粒长大过程中的主要织构组分均为{111}<112>。在晶粒生长期间,不加铝的1号试样中,{111}<112>、{111}<110>织构组分强化,而{100}<001>织构组分弱化;与1号试样相比,在加入0.2%的铝(质量分数,下同)的2号试样中,{111}<112>、{111}<110>织构组分强化(增加)的速率下降,{100}<001>织构组分变化不明显,甚至稍有增加。在含铝的试样中再加入0.3 5%的铬之后(3号试样),{111}<112>{、111}<110>和{100}<001>织构组分的变化规律与1号试样相似,但当电工钢中加入0.72%的铬之后(4号试样),上述3种织构组分的变化规律与2号试样相似。对于在晶粒生长期间持续变化的3种织构组分而言,1号试样的{1 1 1}<112>和{111}<110>织构组分的高(低)取向差角度晶界频率下降(... The effect rule of Aluminm and Chromium on texture and grain boundary transformation in the nonoriented electrical steel during grain growth was investigated.The experimental result shows that the main texture component is {111}<112> in the electrical steel.The {111}<112> and {111}<110> components in specimen 1 without Alumium were strengthened during grain growth whereas {100}<001> component was weakened.But the growth rate of {111}<112> and {111}<110> compon... 
2011-06-28 56 5.8

研究了罩式炉常化工艺对50W350硅钢热轧板组织、夹杂物和性能的影响。研究结果显示,罩式炉常化工艺在温度一定的情况下,随着保温时间延长,硅钢晶粒逐步再结晶并长大,同时析出物也在聚集长大。通过制定合理的罩式炉常化工艺,可以实现硅钢晶粒的再结晶和长大,从而达到连续退火炉常化工艺产品技术要求。 The influence of normalization process with a bell furnace on the structure,inclusions and properties of 50W350electrical steel hot-rolled sheet was studied.The research results showed that:when the steel was normalized at a certain temperature in the bell furnace,the silicon steel grains gradually recrystallized and grew up with the extension of the annealing holding time,and at the same time,the precipitates also gathered and grew up.The recrystallization and growth of the silicon steel grains... 
2022-02-28 90 5.8

【作者】 杨佳直; ...
2013-05-28 29 5.8

对西昌钢钒炼钢厂200 t BOF(顶底复吹)-RH-CC工艺生产50PRW800无取向硅钢RH精炼过程中主要成份进行了分析。找出了目前工艺中影响钢液质量的主要因素是钢水脱氧处理不彻底,造成加入的部分硅元素烧损。操作工艺改为铝的脱氧即合金化操作一步完成,保证了钢水中氧处于一个较低的范围,从而减少对硅元素的烧损,提高合金收得率。 The factors of BOF-RH-CC process affecting the compositions of liquid steel were systematically investigated and studied of Xichang Steel and Vanadium Company. The main factors affecting the steel cleanliness were picked out. All results showed that the loss of silicon elements resulting from the deoxidization of liquid steel was not completely. It was suggested that the addition of aluminum for deoxidizing and alloying of molten steel was executed as one step in order to lower the oxygen potent... 
2014-03-28 63 5.8

硅钢工业退火炉温度控制具有强耦合、纯滞后、多扰动等特点,它的控制方法代表着一类非线性系统控制的解决方法。以硅钢工业退火炉温度为控制对象,在双交叉限幅控制的基础上引入了智能学习系统,形成了基于智能学习系统的双交叉限幅控制方法来解决此类非线性系统的控制问题,并通过模块化的编程来实现其功能。结果表明:与传统的PID控制相比,该控制方法的控制精度、抗扰性等控制指标有明显提高,是解决此类非线性控制的一种有效方法。 The temperature control of silicon steel industrial annealing furnace has the features of strong coupling,pure lag,multidisturbance. The control method represents the solution of a class of nonlinear control systems. The control object is the temperature control of silicon steel industrial an-nealing furnace, the intelligent learning system based on Double Across Limit Control is introducedand used to solve control problem of this kind of nonlinear system, and the module programming isused to re... 
2014-05-28 37 5.8

采用EBSD技术研究了有、无拉应力作用下无取向硅钢在晶粒长大过程中织构转变及晶界变化的规律。结果表明:在晶粒生长期间,无应力作用下的硅钢中,{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉织构组分强化,而{100}〈001〉织构组分弱化;与无拉应力作用下的情况相比,施加5MPa的拉应力时,{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉织构组分强化的速率下降,{100}〈001〉织构组分变化不明显。对于在晶粒生长期间持续变化的{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉和{100}〈001〉织构组分而言,虽然有、无拉应力作用下硅钢的{111}〈112〉和{111}〈110〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率均下降,而{100}〈001〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率则上升,但当有拉应力作用后,{111}〈112〉和{111}〈110〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率下降的速率变小,{100}〈001〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率上升的速率稍有变小。通过对无取向硅钢在晶粒长大过程中织构转变及晶界变化规律的研究,分析了合金原子在晶界的偏聚行为。 The rules of texture and grain boundary transformation in the nonoriented silicon steel under applied stress or without applied stress during grain growth were investigated by EBSD.The results show that the {111}〈112〉 and {111}〈110〉 components in the nonoriented silicon steel without stress are strengthened during grain growth whereas {100}〈001〉 component is weakened,but the growth rate of {111}〈112〉 and {111}〈110〉 component decreases,while the area fraction of {100}〈001〉 component doesn’t chang... 
2012-09-28 47 5.8

通过对35W300高牌号0.35 mm冷轧无取向电工钢卷(/%:0.002C、2.71Si、0.22Mn、0.015P、0.003S、0.0020N、0.55Als)头、中、尾组织、织构及对应的磁性能的试验研究,发现因热轧时12 MPa高压水连续冷却造成接触轧辊的钢卷头、中、尾在不同温度下轧制,卷取后钢卷头部处于卷心、温度略高而冷却速度略低于钢卷尾部,致使钢卷纵向组织、织构不同,成品卷头、尾各250 m内磁感逐渐增加,铁损逐渐降低,250 m外至钢卷中部磁性能稳定。通过将热轧辊的冷却方式改为周期冷却和卷取后的层流冷却改为钢卷70 m后开始冷却,至钢卷尾部70 m前停止冷却的方式使得钢卷纵向铁损差异明显减小,磁感差异略有改善。 According to the test research on structure and texture of head,meddle and end of 35W300 high grade 0.35 mm cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel strip coil(/%:0.002C,2.71Si,0.22Mn,0.015P,0.003S,0.002 0 N,0.55Als) and corresponding magnetic properties,It is found that due to 12 MPa high pressure water continuous cooling the roller in hot rolling process led to head,middle and tail of strip rolling at different temperature and after coiling the head of strip coil being in center of coil led t... 
2013-05-28 67 5.8

对低温法生产的以AlN为主抑制剂的Hi-B取向硅钢高温退火过程进行了中断实验,借助EBSD及TEM技术对高温退火连续升温过程中织构与析出物的演变进行了研究。实验结果表明,800℃时ODF图出现高斯织构组分,但强度很弱,高斯晶粒偏离角在10°以上;950~1 000℃时高斯晶粒异常长大,偏离角3~6°;高温退火过程析出物主要有球形、规则立方形及不规则多面体形3种形貌,由于渗N的影响,Zener因子先增大再减小,并且析出物在高斯晶界前沿优先粗化。 The annealing process at high temperature of Hi-B silicon steel using low slab reheat temperature and with AlN as the inhibitor has been studied by interrupting test,and the evolution of texture and precipitates during continuous heating-up in the annealing process at high temperature was analyzed by EBSD and TEM. The results showed that Goss texture appears in ODF at 800 ℃,but the intensity of Goss texture was very weak and the deviation angle was more than10°. Goss grains grow abnormally durin... 
2023-05-09 93 5.8



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