采用火花源原子发射光谱分析测定电工钢中超低C,研究试样制备方法、Ar纯度和压力等条件对分析结果的影响,并对工作曲线进行了优化,实现了一次分析同时测定电工钢的多种元素,满足炉前和精炼在线分析的要求。 Ultra-low carbon in electrical steel is determined with spark-source atom emission spectrum.It is researched the influence of sample making method,purity of Ar,and pressure on analysis result.The work curve is optimized.The determination of many elements in electrical steel only in one analysis is realized.It meets demands of on-line analysis for blast furnace and refining.
研究了退火温度对3.1%Si无取向硅钢组织和磁性能的影响规律。结果表明:退火温度从940℃提高至1 000℃,平均晶粒尺寸由98μm增加到145μm,铁损P1.5/50从2.576 W/kg降低至2.408W/kg。随着退火温度的升高,γ不利织构组分强度逐渐降低,{111}〈112〉织构组分强度降低约16%,磁感B50逐渐升高,磁性能水平提高。 The effects of annealing temperature on microstructure and texture and magnetic properties of 3.1%Si non-oriented silicon steel were investigated in this paper.The results showed that,when the annealing temperature increased from 940℃ to 1 000℃,the average grain size of metallographic structure increased from 98μm to 145μm,the iron loss value P1.5/50 decreased from2.576 W/kg to 2.408 W/kg.And as the annealing temperature increased,the strength of the unfavorable texture componentγgrad...
采用自主研发的脉冲磁场退火装置,在取向硅钢脱碳退火过程中分别施加不同强度的磁场,并采用光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪研究了脉冲磁场脱碳退火后试样的显微组织和宏观织构。结果表明,脱碳退火过程中施加脉冲磁场后取向硅钢的平均晶粒尺寸均增加,当磁场强度为40 mT时,平均晶粒尺寸最大,为13.06μm。此外,取向硅钢试样的立方织构{001}<100>强度减弱,高斯织构{110}<001>和{111}<112>织构增强,有利于获得更好的成品织构和磁性能。 Self-developed pulsed magnetic field annealing device was used to apply magnetic field of different intensities during decarburization annealing of an oriented silicon steel, and microstructure and macro-texture of the specimens after decarburization annealing in a pulsed magnetic field were studied by using optical microscope and X-ray diffractometer. The results show that the average grain size of the oriented silicon steel increases with the application of pulsed magnetic field during decarbu...
试验了通过NaCl-KCl-NaF-SiO2熔盐在电流密度50 mA/cm2、电沉积脉冲电流正反向比9:1和750850℃60min电沉积下阴极(/mm)20×20×0.5的1.6Si无取向冷轧硅钢片断面层硅的分布,并通过计算得出Si的扩散系数。结果表明,电沉积温度由750℃提高至850℃时,试样中Si含量增加,扩散的深度由18μm提高到40μm;电沉积温度与Si在钢中的扩散系数近似符合Arrhenius指数关系。 The distribution of silicon at cross section of cathode(/mm) 20 × 20 × 0.5 sheet of 1.6Si non-oriented cold rolled silicon steel after electro-deposit treatment by NaCl-KCl-NaF-SiO2 molten salt with current intensity 50 mA/cm2,electro-deposit pulse current positive-negative ratio 9:1 at 750 850 ℃ for 60 min has been tested and the diffusion coefficient of Si is obtained by calculation.Results show that with increasing electro-deposit temperature from 750 ℃ to 85...
对无取向硅钢炼钢全流程钢液增钛的原因进行了分析,认为铁水钛含量、转炉出钢温度、转炉下渣量、精炼渣TiO2含量、钢水罐及RH浸入管混钢种生产是影响钢液增钛的主要原因。通过采取低钛铁水冶炼,减少转炉下渣量,提高出钢温度,添加白灰改质精炼渣等措施,均能够降低钢液中的钛含量。 After analyzing the causes leading to increased content of titanium in molten nonoriented silicon steel during whole steelmaking process, it was concluded that such factors as content of titanium in hot metal, tapping temperature from converter, quantity of roughing slag entered into the ladle from converter, content of TiO2 in refining slag, molten steel ladle car,carrying out the steelmaking of different steel grades by the same ladle and same RH immersion tube were the main causes ...
采用节能、环保、经济型的生产技术与工艺来制造高磁感取向硅钢目前已成为世界各大取向硅钢生产厂的研发热点。总结了国内外各大钢铁企业与研究机构采用低温板坯加热技术生产高磁感取向硅钢的开发及应用情况,概括了传统流程实现低温板坯加热技术的方法。介绍了薄板坯连铸连轧与双辊薄带连铸等短流程工艺生产高磁感取向硅钢的研发现状。在此基础上,探讨了高磁感取向硅钢生产技术与工艺的发展趋势及方向。 Utilizing energy-efficient,environmentally friendly,economic production processes and technologies to manufacture high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel has become the focus of current research work.Based on using low-temperature slab reheating techniques to produce high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at both iron and steel enterprises and research institutions all over the world,the current application and exploitation was thoroughly generalized;the implementation...
分析了高转矩和高转速条件下高效驱动马达铁芯材料对无取向硅钢磁性能要求,讨论了无取向硅钢的高磁通密度和低铁损对电机转矩和效率的影响,介绍了国内外高磁感无取向硅钢发展情况。在生产工艺上,提高钢质纯净度,弱化夹杂物和第二相粒子对畴壁移动和再结晶晶粒长大的钉扎作用,添加微量晶界和带钢表面的偏析元素促使有利织构发展等技术可提高无取向硅钢的磁通密度。 The requirements of high efficient drive motor core materials under the conditions of high torque and high speed were analyzed.The effects of high magnetic flux density of non-oriented silicon steel on the torque and efficiency of the motor were discussed.The development of non-oriented silicon steel with high magnetic was introduced.The magnetic flux density of non-oriented silicon steel sheet can be obviously improved by some production technologies,such as purification steel,weakening the pin...
研究了组织和析出物对高效电机用无取向硅钢退火板磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着退火温度升高,退火板平均晶粒尺寸增加,P15/50明显降低,B50略有升高。退火温度在1 000℃时,退火板的综合性能较好。析出物主要是AlN、(MnS+AlN)和(MnS+Al2O3)复合析出物,尺寸较粗大,主要集中在1.0~2.5μm,还发现少量百纳米以下的细小AlN和TiN。实验室模拟TSCR流程试制的高效电机用无取向硅钢,铁损平均值小于4.00 W/kg,磁感应强度大于1.75 T,适合作中小型高效电机铁芯材料。 Effects of microstructure and precipitation on magnetic property of non-oriented silicon steel sheets after annealing for high-efficiency motor are studied in the paper by experiments.The annealed sheet exhibits a larger average grain size,obviously decreasing iron loss and slightly raising magnetic induction with increasing temperature.The annealed sheet has better comprehensive properties at a annealing temperature of 1 000 ℃.The main precipitates are compounds of AlN、(MnS+AlN)and(MnS+Al2O3) w...
绝缘涂层可以有效提高硅钢片的耐蚀、耐腐、磁、绝缘等性能,因此取向硅钢涂装绝缘涂层是取向硅钢生产过程中重要的一环。本文对取向硅钢含铬无机绝缘涂层以及氮化铬涂层的性能优缺点进行了介绍,并对国内无机含铬取向硅钢绝缘涂层及氮化铬涂层的研究现状进行了综述。最后对未来含铬无机绝缘涂层的研发方向进行了展望。 Insulation coating can effectively improve the corrosion resistance of silicon steel sheet, such as corrosion, magnetic, insulation performance, thus oriented silicon steel insulation coating is the important part of oriented silicon steel production process. In this paper, the inorganic insulation coating oriented silicon steel containing chromium and chromium nitride coating performance advantages and disadvantages are introduced.In addition, the research status of insulation coating and chrom...
通过观察冲剪边缘组织,测量冲剪边缘的显微硬度、残余应力的分布情况和磁性能的变化研究了冲剪加工对无取向硅钢50WW800边缘组织和磁性能的影响。对冲剪后硅钢片进行750℃退火,分析退火对组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,硅钢片剪切边缘会存在0.4 mm的形变硬化层,边缘应力大,铁损增加。退火后变形减小,形变硬化层变小,残余应力大幅度减少,铁损减少。 The influence of punching process on cutting edge microstructure and magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel 50WW800was studied by observing microstructure and measuring microhardness near cutting edge.The residual stress distribution in the silicon steel tooth and magnetic properties were measured.Effect of annealing at 750 ℃ on microstructure and magnetic properties of the silicon steel was analyzed.The results show that a cut-edge hardening layer up to 0.4 mm is observed,residual st...