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【摘要】 <正>目前,日本进口硅钢猛增,6月份4181吨,...
2011-05-28 16 5.8

研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定硅钢中痕量铜和镍的分析方法。采用硝酸分解样品,通过内标校正和基体匹配消除了基体干扰的影响,同时根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素65Cu和60Ni作为测定元素和通过调节仪器参数使双电荷离子的产率最低,以减少带来的干扰。该方法用于硅钢中痕量铜和镍的测定,所得的结果与ICP-AES法测定结果完全吻合,各元素测定结果的RSD值小于5%,加标回收率为97.3%~100.3%。 A method for the determination trace copper and nickel in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was studied.The samples were dissolved in HNO3.The effect of matrix interference was eliminated by internal standard correction and matrix matching.Meanwhile,according to the mass spectral interferences in determination,the isotopes including 65Cu and 60Ni were used as measuring elements.The yield of double-charge ions were minimized by adjusting instrumental parameters... 
2011-05-28 46 5.8

两炉次无取向硅钢XG800WR(/%:0.003~0.004C、0.71~0.75Si、0.32~0.33Mn、0.004~0.007S、0.016P)的炼钢流程为铁水预处理(KR)-210 t顶底复吹转炉-钢包吹氩-RH脱碳精炼-230mm×1220 mm板坯连铸。53 t中间包钢水过热度为25~30℃,钢包到中间包采用长水口全程吹氩保护浇铸,中间包至结晶器采用浸入式水口浇铸。结果表明,在RH、中间包、结晶器过程中钢中总氧以及夹杂物数量和尺寸均明显降低;但在钢包到中间包过程T[O]、[N]和钢中夹杂物数量增加,说明长水口浇铸过程存在二次氧化。连铸坯中T[O]、[N]平均他分别为11×10-6和30×10-6,显微夹杂物数量平均为4个/mm2。铸坯中的显微夹杂物主要为3~5μm的AlN,同时存在少量的MnS、Al2O3·AlN和Al2O3·MgO·MnS。 The steelmaking flow sheet for two heats non-oriented silicon steel XG800WR(/%:0.003~0.004C. 0.71~0.75Si,0.32~0.33Mn,0.004~0.007S,0.016P) is hot metal pretreatment(KR)-210 t top and bottom combined blown converter-ladle argon blowing-RH decarburization refining-230 mm×1 220 mm slab casting.The superheating extent of liquid in 53 t tundish is 25~30℃,whole casting is shielded by blowing argon with long nozzle from ladle to tundish and the submerged nozzle is adopted in casting from tundish to mold... 
2011-05-28 34 5.8

借助实验室设备研究了B元素对高牌号无取向硅钢热轧板组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,与无硼钢相比,含硼钢的热轧板晶粒尺寸略小,析出物的类型和尺寸没有区别,主要是AlN和(AlN+MnS)复合析出物,少量的MnS析出物,尺寸集中在1.0~2.5μm范围内。未发现BN析出物。在力学性能方面,B对钢的软化作用不明显。在磁性能方面,含硼钢的铁损为3.215W/kg,磁感为1.710T,综合磁性能比无硼钢差。 Influences of boron on microstructure and properties of hot rolled band in high-grade non-oriented silicon steel are researched in this paper by experimental equipments.Compared with boron-free steel,the result shows that boron-bearing steel has smaller grain size,but the type and size of precipitations have no differences.The main precipitates are AlN,(MnS + AlN) composite precipitate and few MnS,the range of which are between 1.0 μm and 2.5 μm.BN precipitation is not found.With reward to mecha... 
2011-05-28 38 5.8

针对硅钢连续退火机组的主要能源介质消耗现状,对现有生产工艺和设备研究采取机组循环用水、增加清洗段漂洗级数等措施可节约大概27 m3/h的过滤水量,并可减少78%的弱碱处理量;将炉子烟气换热系统增加一级余热回收,每年回收的余热相当于583 t标煤消耗,可节约蒸汽5 368 t。 The present situation of energy consumption for silicon steel annealing line is analyzed in this paper.In existing process and equipment conditions,increasing the number of cleaning series will lead to a saving of about 27 m3/h of filter water and reduce 78 % of weak base processing volume.For the flue gas heat-exchange system,adding a waste heat recovery device will recover waste heat equivalent to 583 tons of standard coal per year,corresponding to a saving of steam 5 368 t per year. 
2011-05-28 25 5.8

【作者】 陶永根; ...
2011-05-28 20 5.8

【作者】 姚昌国; ...
2011-05-28 31 5.8

西安重型机械研究所为武钢开发了目前国内第一台自动化水平较高的先进可靠的硅钢热轧试验轧机。本文介绍了该轧机的工艺参数、设备组成,技术特点及轧制流程,该轧机在规定的终轧温度范围内,实现了2.5 m/s的快速轧制速度,保证了控制系统准确及时的采集到轧件进出轧辊时的信号,缩短道次间隙时间,实现了自动控制,保证了产品板形及精度的高水平要求,对于硅钢尤其是对其取向硅钢新产品、新工艺的开发具有深远意义。 An experimental prototype of 400 mm silicon steel hot rolling mill was developed by Xi’an Heavy Machinery Research Institue for Wu Gang.The technological parameters,configuration and characteristic of advanced control system in the experimental prototype are introduced in detail.The experimental prototype was realized the fast rolling of 2.5 m/s in the range of specified rolling temperature.Its automatic rolling control system can acquisite the signals that a rolled piece enters in and exits fro... 
2011-04-28 52 5.8

介绍了国内、外电工钢极薄带的生产现状及市场应用的情况,以及典型生产企业的生产规模、产品性能和应用领域,指出扩大高牌号无取向电工钢生产、提高产品质量是目前电工钢发展的迫切要求。 The production situation and market application of ultra thin electrical steel strip at home and abroad were described.The production capability,product property and application area of typical corporation were introduced.The results indicate that the urgency needed of electrical steel development is expanding high-grade non-oriented electrical steel production and improving products quality at present. 
2011-04-28 35 5.8

针对传统工艺生产硅钢周期长、能耗大等缺点,采用双辊连铸工艺制备3%Si无取向硅钢连铸薄带,利用MEM,SEM和TEM观察了铸带的组织、织构及析出物,同时对比了Al的质量分数为0.6%和0.9%的连铸薄带在组织、织构及析出物特征方面的异同.结果表明:双辊连铸工艺生产的3%Si无取向硅钢铸带的组织为均匀等轴晶粒,平均晶粒尺寸约为300μm;织构组成随Al质量分数的不同具有明显差别,Al质量分数为0.9%的铸带中{100}织构强度是随机织构的7倍;铸带中的析出物为AlN和MnS,最大尺寸分别为500和50 nm左右. Given the lengthy production cycle,high energy consumption,and other shortcomings of the traditional process for producing silicon steel,a twin-roll casting process was used to produce 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel casting strips. MEM,SEM,and TEM were used to compare micro-structure,texture,and precipitate characteristics of a casting strip containing 0.6%Al with another containing 0.9%Al.The structure of 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel produced by the twin-roll casting process was a uniform i... 
2011-04-28 40 5.8

采用低温板坯加热制备取向硅钢,通过透射电镜(TEM)观察并研究热轧板中的析出物,用ODF织构法研究热轧板距表面1/8、1/4和1/2处的织构分布。结果表明,热轧板中的析出物主要是密排六方AlN,AlN形貌呈规则长方形,AlN颗粒大小不等,分布密度低;热轧板中的织构沿板厚方向,由亚表层的{110}<001>织构向1/2中心层的α线织构变化,其中{110}<001>织构在热轧板距表面1/4层处最强。 The low temperature grain-oriented silicon steels were produced by acquired inhibitor method.The precipitates in hot rolling strip were observed and studied by transmission electron microscope,and the texture distribution in 1/8,1/4 and 1/2 layers of hot rolling strip were analyzed by ODF method.The results showed that the square shaped h-AlN is the main precipitates in hot rolling strip.The precipitates are varying in size and distribution.The texture of hot rolling strip in thick direction are... 
2011-04-28 59 5.8

取向硅钢成品的晶粒尺寸非常大,其易磁化方向[001]晶向对于轧向的偏差角度对其磁性能影响极大。本文介绍了取向硅钢二次再结晶后成品晶粒位向的几种测定方法,包括侵蚀法、劳厄法、OIM法、极图法和非对称X射线衍射法等,并对这几种测量方法进行了比较。 The finished product of grain-oriented silicon steel has immense grain size ranging from millimeters to centimeters and the deviation angles of easy magnetization direction from rolling direction plays a remarkable role in magnetic properties of grain-oriented silicon steel.The methods in common use for determining the deviation angles of crystal direction are introduced,which include the etch-figure method,the Laue method,the OIM method,the pole figure method and the asymmetrical X-Ray diffract... 
2011-04-28 41 5.8



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