通过对辉光放电发射光谱参数的优化,以铁元素为内标来消除基体效应,建立了测定硅钢薄板中微量硼元素的方法。优化的实验参数为:放电电压1200 V,放电电流50 mA,预溅射时间40 s,积分时间10 s。校准曲线硼元素含量范围0.0001%~0.022%,相关系数大于0.999,测量结果与认定值一致,相对标准偏差小于10%。完全能够满足日常分析测试的要求。 A glow discharge optical emission spectrometry(GD-OES) method for determining trace boron element in silicon steel sheets were established through optimization of instrumental parameters and using Fe element as an internal standard to eliminate the matrix effect.The optimized instrumental parameters included discharge voltage,discharge current,pre-sputtering time and integration time,which are 1200 V,50 mA,40 s,and 10 s,respectively.The content of boron element that can be determined from the ca...
采用硅钢自动测量装置及X射线衍射仪检测出样品在实验前后的磁性能参数和织构强度.结果表明:较低的电压、9 Hz、较长的处理时间以及退火温度为650℃有利于增高铁损降低比例;较低的电压、较高的频率以及退火温度为650℃有利于增加磁感应强度增高比例.最佳的提高磁性能的实验参数是:频率为9 Hz,电压为500 V,处理时间为6 min,退火温度为650℃.通过织构分析可以验证:取向硅钢磁感应强度的变化取决于{110}<001>晶粒取向度值,而{110}<001>取向度值可看成是一个反映总体平均偏离角大小情况的综合值. An automatic measurement system for silicon steel and an X-ray diffraction meter were used for measuring the magnetic property parameters and texture of ex-processed samples and processed samples.It is shown that under the condition of a lower voltage,9Hz,a longer processed time and an annealing temperature of 650℃,the decrease rate of iron loss can be increased;a lower voltage,a higher frequency and an annealing temperature of 650℃ are in favor of improving the increase rate of magnetic inducti...
介绍了电工钢生产线连退机组的表面处理工艺,特别是电解清洗系统的工作机理、设备构造、生产工艺及各种影响因素。 This paper introduces the technology of surface treatment of continuous annealing unit in electrical steel production line,in particular the working mechanism,structure of equipment,production techniques and various influence factors of the electrolytic cleaning system.
无氧化炉具有加热效率高、投资与运营成本低、作业率高、表面质量及板型良好、NOx排放相对低等优势,在硅钢热处理领域应用前景广泛。本文阐述了确定无氧化炉(NOF)加热能力详细过程,涵盖炉温、炉断面尺寸、炉长、热平衡结算、加热能力计算等,为今后无氧化炉(NOF)在硅钢热处理应用时的设计提供了借鉴,同时也为今后明火直接加热的工业炉设计提供了参考。 Non-oxidation furnace has the advantage s of high heating efficiency, low investment and operation cost, high operation rate, good surface quality and plate shape, and relatively low NOxemission,and it still has wide application prospect in the field of silicon steel heat treatment. The detailed process of determining the heating capacity of a non-oxidizing furnace(NOF) is described, covering furnace temperature, furnace section size, furnace length, heat balance settlement, heating capacity cal...
森吉米尔二十辊轧机是冷轧电工钢的主要机型,具有整体刚度大,辊径小,轧制道次压下量大,产品精度高等特点,简要介绍了近年来冷轧电工钢森吉米尔二十辊轧机领域进展,在轧机结构、厚度自动控制、板形自动控制等方面的技术及研究。 20-h Sendzmir reversible mill is the main type of cold rolled electrical steel which has the characteristic of high integral stiffness,small roller diameter,high pass reduction and high product quality.In this paper,the recent progress of frame structure,automatic gauge control,automatic flatness control of Sendzmir mill is introduced.
分析了影响脱碳效果和结晶行为的各种要素及其相互制约关系,提出了Hi-B连续退火工艺曲线,总结得出快速加热及合理稳态气氛是实现工艺制度的关键。结合实际工程,介绍了在连续退火炉设计中快速加热和气氛设计的考虑方法,并指出随着Hi-B产品的发展,如何改进这些方法将是连退工程研发的方向之一。 The factors which affect decarbonization and crystallization and the mutual restriction between them were analyzed.A complete continuous annealing process for Hi-B was put forward.As a result,the rapid heating and the proper steady atmosphere were two important factors.According to an actual project,the consider methods for designing rapid heating and proper steady atmosphere were introduced,and it is pointed that with the development of Hi-B technique,how to improve these techniques would be on...
以市场上购买的取向硅钢成品板为原料,经不同压下率冷轧至0.23~0.08 mm不等。借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)检测了冷轧后样品中的织构组分及其含量,利用电子背散射技术(EBSD)测量了试样的取向因子分布情况。观察了孪晶的形貌与晶体学特征,分析了硅钢超薄带的塑性变形行为。结果发现,在平面压缩应力下,{112}<111>滑移系的取向因子较大。随冷轧压下率的增加,Goss织构的含量逐渐减少,{212}<141>织构组分的含量先增加后减少,{111}<112>织构组分的含量逐渐增加,织构组分以{110}<001>→{212}<141>→{111}<112>顺序演变。冷轧后样品中出现了孪晶,其晶体取向为{001}<110>,冷轧过程中孪晶取向没有发生变化。 The commercial finished oriented silicon steel plate as the raw material were rolled to 0.23-0.08 mm. With the X-ray diffractometer(XRD), the texture components and their volume fractions in the cold-rolled samples were detected. And the orientation factor distribution of the cross-section of the samples was measured by the electron backscattering technique(EBSD). The morphology and crystallographic characteristics of twins were observed, and the plastic deformation behaviors of the ultra-thin o...
通过后天抑制剂获得法制备了取向硅钢,对渗氮前后和高温退火升温阶段析出物的析出和转化规律进行了研究。研究结果表明,渗氮前脱碳退火态基体中存在少量的粗大AlN颗粒和细小AlN颗粒,渗氮处理后新析出大量的Si3N4析出物,高温退火升温阶段Si3N4将转化为(Al,Si)N,随着温度的继续升高(Al,Si)N颗粒将发生粗化,(Al,Si)N是后天抑制剂获得法制备取向硅钢的主要抑制剂。 Grain-oriented silicon steels were produced by acquired inhibitor method.The rule of precipitate transformation was studied after nitriding treatment and high-temperature finishing annealing.The results show that a small amount of large AlN and fine AlN are found in matrix before nitriding treatment,and a large amount of Si3N4 is precipitated in matrix after nitriding treatment.During the temperature rising period of high-temperature finishing annealing,Si3N4 would transform into(Al,Si)N,and(Al,...
针对攀枝花钢钒有限公司难以稳定生产w(S)≤0.006%高级别电工钢的问题,通过开发RH脱硫剂、钢包渣改性及工艺参数控制,形成了RH脱硫系统工艺技术。经工业试验表明,采用该工艺技术后,钢水脱硫率最高达到42%,成品w(S)控制在0.005%以下,全氧、氮含量也得到了较好的控制,且脱硫剂没有引起钢水增碳,满足高级别电工钢的生产要求。 In light of the difficulty of production of high level electrical steel w(S)≤0.006 % steadily in Panzhihua steel & vanadium Co.,Ltd.the process technology of RH desulfurization system has been formed by developing the RH desulfurizer,modifying the ladle slag and controlling the process parameters.Industrial experiments show that the desulfurization rate of hot metal rises to 42 % and the w(S) of the finished products is controlled in below 0.005 % and total oxygen and nitrogen contents are a...