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研究了无取向硅钢钙处理前后夹杂物的行为,重点考察了钙处理前后夹杂物的成分、类型、形貌和尺寸研究的变化情况,为实际生产中无取向硅钢的钙处理提供理论指导。试验发现:钙处理前夹杂物主要以Al2O3、Al2O3-MgO为主,且在夹杂物表面有AlN析出,钙处理后夹杂物以Al2O3-MgO-CaS-CaO系复合夹杂物为主,还含有少量的SiO2或AlN;钙处理前后,夹杂物形貌由多边形或不规则形逐渐向球形或近似球形转变,并且夹杂物尺寸不断增大;钙处理前后,含钙夹杂物的比例发生突变,由10%增大到74.5%,且随着钙处理时间的延长,含钙夹杂物比例下降,表明钙处理使夹杂物变性后易聚集长大并上浮去除。 Behavior of inclusions before and after calcium treatment in non-oriented silicon steel was researched by investigating changes of compositions,types,shapes and sizes of inclusions before and after calcium treatment,for the purpose of providing theoretical guidance for calcium treatment of non-oriented silicon steel in actual situation. Results indicated that Al2O3 and Al2O3-MgO were main types of inclusions before calcium treatment,sometimes AlN maybe precipitate in the outer of inclusions. Al2... 
2014-04-28 55 5.8

以构建高磁感、低铁损、免轧制高硅电工钢铁芯为出发点,提出采用单辊甩带制备非晶铁硅合金薄带、微氧化法在铁硅合金粉末表面包覆高电阻率铁硅氧化物薄膜制备核壳异质结构高硅电工钢纳米粉末、放电等离子烧结快速成形制备颗粒间绝缘的高硅电工钢铁芯。研究了不同氧化包覆时间对SPS烧结试样密度、物相组成、微观结构和静磁性能的影响。研究表明,在氧化包覆5h烧结温度800℃工艺条件下,制备的6.5%Si高硅电工钢铁芯的静磁性能最佳,饱和磁化强度为128.84A.m2/kg、矫顽力为2.25kA/m、剩磁为3.47A.m2/kg。其饱和磁化强度与粉末压延法制备的高硅钢相当,但矫顽力降低了1/3。 The paper takes preparation 6.5%Si steel with high induction,low core loss and removing rolling as the starting point,amorphous Fe-Si ribbons was synthesized by melt spinning method,6.5%Si steel nanopowders with high resietivity core shell structure was prepared by the slight oxidation process and 6.5% Si steel iron core with evaluating internal was sintered by spark plasma sintering process(SPS).The essay focuses studies the effects of different oxidation cladding time on sample density,phase c... 
2013-10-28 40 5.8

【作者】 姚昌国; ...
2011-05-28 52 5.8

【作者】 陶永根; ...
2011-06-28 44 5.8

【作者】 胡志强; 张文康; ...
2011-02-28 67 5.8

利用场发射电镜及能谱仪研究了取向电工钢薄、厚板坯铸锭中不同区域的析出相差异,确定了MnS、AlN及Fe3C的析出顺序和形貌特征。结果表明AlN以先析出的MnS为形核核心,形成粗大微米级的复合析出相。针状Fe3C既可以在复合析出相表面形成也可以在基体中单独出现,主要受冷却速度的影响。在1250℃保温1~2 h,AlN、Fe3C均可完全回溶,但部分MnS仍不回溶。MnS尺寸随着保温时间延长而增大。导致热轧板中沿轧向分布的粗大MnS,减弱了粒子钉扎力。 Precipitates in thin and thick slabs of electrical silicon steel were investigated by means of field emission SEM and EDS analysis.The precipitation sequence and the morphology of MnS,AlN and Fe3C particles were identified.AlN particles are observed to be nucleated on surface of MnS forming micron-meter-sized complex particles.Acicular Fe3C can precipitate on surface of the complex MnS/AlN particles or directly from matrix depending on cooling rate of the slabs.After holding at 1250 ℃ for 1-2 h,... 
2011-08-28 44 5.8

为了更好的解决电力系统防污闪涂料RTV-Ⅰ长期应用暴露出来的问题以及目前RTV-Ⅱ防污闪涂料存在的一些不足,结合具体实际需求,在电力系统外绝缘领域,应用新型防污闪硬质涂层——防污闪纳米硅钢涂层,并对分别喷涂了防污闪纳米硅钢涂层以及RTV涂料的绝缘子进行对比运行情况研究分析。研究结果表明,防污闪纳米硅钢涂层是一种同时具有优异憎水性迁移性能和自洁性能的新型涂层,具有良好的应用前景。 In order to solve the problem exposed of anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅰwhich has been used long-term in power system,as well as to better solve some shortcomings of the current anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅱ,in this paper,a new anti-pollution flashover hard coating — anti-pollution flashover nanometer silicon hard coating(NSHC) is applied in the field of power system insulation for the specific practical needs.At the same time insulators which are separately sprayed by the NSHC a... 
2013-05-28 30 5.8

主要研究了氧化锌对以Al(H2PO4)3为基料的无铬无取向硅钢绝缘涂层各项性能的影响.用盐雾实验和动电位极化研究了不同氧化锌含量对硅钢绝缘涂层的耐蚀性和电化学行为的影响.采用SEM和体视显微镜对涂层的表面形貌和附着性能进行研究.结果表明,氧化锌含量为4.0%时,氧化锌能完全中和涂层表面的游离磷酸,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性最好;氧化锌含量过少或过多时,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性都较差. This paper studies the influence of zinc oxide on the performance of chromium-free non-oriented silicon steel insulating coating which based on aluminum dihydrogen phosphate.Salt spray experiment and potentiodynamic polarization were used to study the influence of zinc oxide content on the corrosion resistance and electrochemical behavior of the insulation coating of silicon steel.The surface morphology and adhesion of coating were tested by SEM and stereo microscope.The results show that when t... 
2013-03-28 58 5.8

结合工业化生产过程中出现的同卷带钢头、尾磁性能差异现象,对50SW1300牌号无取向硅钢同卷带钢头、尾试样的夹杂物、晶体织构和显微组织进行了分析研究。结果表明,夹杂物、晶体织构是影响成品钢卷磁性能的重要因素。夹杂物是造成同卷带钢头、尾铁损差异的主要原因。夹杂物数量越多,尤其是小尺寸的夹杂物数量越多,对成品带钢的磁性能影响越大,对于本试验而言,AlN和MnS是影响成品带钢磁性能的主要夹杂物。晶体织构是造成同卷带钢头、尾磁感应强度差异的主要原因。有益的{100}和Goss织构含量越大,有害的{111}<110>和{111}<112>织构含量越小,即有益织构与有害织构含量比越大,成品带钢的磁感应强度越大。 Based on the industrial manufacture of non-oriented silicon steel sheets 50SW1300, the magnetic property variation of head and tail of the same finished steel sheets was discussed by analyzing non-metallic inclusion, crystal texture, and microstructure. Results show that, both of the non-metallic inclusion and the crystal texture will affect the magnetic properties significantly. The non-metallic inclusion is the key factor of the core loss variation of head and tail of the same finished steel s... 
2014-05-28 66 5.8

介绍了微合金元素锡、铌、稀土对无取向硅钢性能的影响,并扼要分析了这些元素对硅钢性能的影响机理:晶界偏聚元素Sn可细化晶粒提高硅钢磁性能;微合金元素Nb细化铁素体晶粒,提高硅钢的强度、韧性和塑性及磁性能;稀土元素(RE)在硅钢中的主要作用包括净化钢液、变质夹杂物、改善铸态组织和性能及微合金化,减少晶界上出现偏析的几率。 The influence of micro-alloy elements on properties of non-oriented silicon steel and the mechanism for effect of the micro-alloy elements including Sn、Nb and RE on the properties of steel are presented and analyzed in this paper.Grain boundary segregation elements Sn in steel can grain refinement and improve the magnetic properties;Micro-alloy elements Nb can refine the ferrite grain,increase the silicon steel strength,toughness and plastic;The main role of the RE in the silicon steel including... 
2013-03-28 59 5.8

通过Axio Imager金相显微镜考察4.5%~7.0%硅(质量分数)对高硅钢材料组织形貌的影响,并利用Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢薄板制备方法对其进行轧制,通过DDL50电子万能试验机对阶段产品进行力学性能测试。结果证明,硅含量为5.58%的高硅钢在实验硅含量区间内存在最大延伸率及最小铸态组织晶粒尺寸。 An investigation about the influence of 4.5%-7.0% Si on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-silicon steel was presented.SEM was adopted to take an observation towards microstructure during fabrication,and DDL50electronic universal testing machine was applied into the detection of tensile curves.The results show that silicon steel with 5.58% Si provides the maximum elongation and minimum grain size as cast. 
2023-05-09 86 5.8

介绍了硅钢CSP工程辊底式均热炉的技术特性,详细阐述了辊底式均热炉工艺特点。根据硅钢均热要求,通过采取不同烧嘴布置方法和燃烧控制技术,选用耐火纤维模块和绝热材料等相关技术措施,满足了出钢温度要求。 The technical specialty for roller hearth furnace of silicon steel CSP Plant was introduced,and the technology characteristics of the roller hearth furnace were illuminated in detail.According to the reheating require of the silicon steel,different burner arrangement and combustion control methods were applied,and technology measures such as selecting refractory fiber module and insulation material and so on were taken,the temperature requirement of silicon steel was met. 
2011-06-28 30 5.8



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