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介绍了烟气余热利用系统的工艺流程及控制思想,结合该系统在钢厂硅钢连续退火机组中的应用实践,估算出烟气余热利用系统每年可节约蒸汽5 040 t,经济效益良好,同时分析了该系统存在的问题及对策。 Introduced a method about the process and control of the application of waste heat system, which had been used into a silicon steel continuous annealing line and profiting a good economic benefit by saving a large number of steam every year, which has been estimated about 5 040 tons, and analyzed the problems and solutions existed in this system. 
2014-02-28 28 5.8

针对本钢薄板坯铸机在生产无取向电工硅钢的过程中存在的铸坯拉断、中包增碳、增氮等问题,进行了连铸工艺优化。通过采用新型无碳中间包覆盖剂、环保中间包干式料及专用结晶器保护渣后,降低了铸坯增碳量;通过控制钢包到中间包的增氮环节,降低钢水增氮;适当增大二冷水量,控制钢水过热度,防止铸坯拉断等生产事故的发生。改进工艺后,精炼后到成品铸坯的平均增碳量能控制在10×10-6以内,平均增氮量能控制在4×10-6以内。 The technology optimization has been adopted for preventing nitrogen increasing and carbon increasing in Benxi thin slab producing non-oriented silicon steel.Measures accordingly were adopted and satisfactory results were achieved. 
2011-05-28 51 5.8

【作者】 朱传芳; 潘恒韬; ...
2023-05-11 115 5.8

结合硅钢退火炉项目中应用PDSOFT软件进行三维配管设计的案例,描述PDSOFT软件的应用过程,总结其使用要点,分析其优缺点,并提出了推广三维设计软件的思路,对今后PDSOFT在相似项目中的推广应用有参考和借鉴价值。 Combining the case of using PDSOFT software to design the three-dimensional piping,the application process of the PDSOFT software is described,the using points are summarized,the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed,and the ideas of promoting the three-dimensional design software are put forward,which have a strong reference value for the promotion and application of PDSOFT in similar projects in the future. 
2014-04-28 25 5.8

选取了三种50W 800无取向电工钢,分析了化学成分、晶粒尺寸、织构、以及200℃时效处理48 h前后的磁性能和第二相粒子析出状态的变化。结果表明,钢板中第二相粒子的分布密度对钢板铁损有最重要的影响。降低钢中C、N元素含量,或改进钢板热加工参数以降低成品钢板中第二相粒子形成元素的过饱和度均有利于明显降低钢板磁时效过程中的铁损增幅。钢板中对磁性能有利的织构也有利于降低钢板铁损的时效幅度。 The evolution of chemical composition,grain size,texture,as well as magnetic property after aging treatment at 200 ℃ for 48 h and distribution of second phase particles precipitation in three selected 50W800 non-oriented electrical steels were analyzed.The results show that the distribution density of second phase particles has great influence on core loss.Reducing C and N content,or improving hot-working parameters to reduce the supersaturation of elements forming second phase particles in prod... 
2011-08-28 73 5.8

含铜抑制剂作为取向硅钢的主抑制剂或辅助抑制剂不仅可以抑制初次晶粒的长大,促进二次再结晶,还可以降低铸坯的加热温度。取向硅钢中主要抑制剂为10~50 nm Cu2S,在钢的铸坯、热轧、冷轧、脱碳等工艺过程均可析出;(Cu,Mn)1.8S、Cu1.8S、ε-Cu等主要作为辅助抑制剂,尺寸一般为30~50 nm(或大于50 nm),主要在热轧阶段析出。总结了国内外有关取向硅钢中含铜抑制剂析出行为的研究进展,当前主要研究不同生产流程和工序中含铜抑制剂的析出行为和作用机理。 As main inhibitor or auxiliary inhibitor for grain-oriented silicon steel,the particles of inhibitor bearing copper not only inhibit the primary crystal growing and promote the secondary recrystallization,but also decrease the heat temperature of casting slab.The main inhibitor for grain-oriented silicon steel is 10~50 nm Cu2S,which precipitate in process and procedure including steel casting slab,hot rolling,cold rolling and decarburizing process,while the 30~50 nm or more than 50 nm... 
2013-03-28 56 5.8

【作者】 党其; ...
2013-11-28 28 5.8

借助于EBSD对比研究了常化退火对高牌号无取向电工钢热轧组织和织构演变的影响,分析了常化退火对热轧板各厚度层织构的演变规律。结果表明,常化退火改善了热轧组织的均匀性,并弱化了热轧变形的γ纤维织构。升高常化退火温度,可增大热轧板的晶粒尺寸,提高{100}和{110}织构组分占有率,有利于提高无取向电工钢成品板的磁性能。 Effects of normalizing annealing on microstructure and texture of high-grade non-oriented electrical steel hot-rolled sheet were investigated by EBSD. Emphasis was put on the effects of normalizing annealing on texture evolution in the sheet thickness. The results show that the hot-rolled microstructure homogeneity is improved and the γ-fiber texture is weakened by normalizing annealing treatment. The grain size of hot-rolled sheet and intensity of the {100} and {110} favorable texture can be in... 
2014-02-28 50 5.8

针对节能电机对无取向电工钢在磁性能方面的特殊要求,采用普通W600牌号的热轧板为原料,通过大量的现场工艺试验,研究总结出了\"超低张力\"的运行工艺、\"先快后慢\"的加热工艺、\"先湿后干\"的退火脱碳工艺、\"先缓后急\"的冷却工艺,生产出P1.5/50≤4.0 W/kg、B50≥1.70 T的冷轧电工钢产品,满足了节能电机的要求。 Based on the special requirements of no-oriented electrical steel for saving energy motor in magnetic aspects,using common W600 brand of hot rolled plate as raw material,through a large number of real tests,an ultra-low tension process,heating process which was quick at first and then slow,annealing decarburization process which was dry after the first wet,and a cooling technology of \"slow after the first urgent\" were concluded.Electrical steel product with P1.5/50≤4.0W/kg,B50≥1.70T was produced... 
2014-08-28 53 5.8

采用ZMLMC超高梯度定向凝固装置,研究了5种凝固速率(10、35、80、150和450μm/s)对定向凝固50W600无取向硅钢的固液界面稳定性转变规律和一次、二次枝晶间距的影响。研究结果表明,在特定的温度梯度下,随着凝固速率的增加,定向凝固的固液界面由胞状晶转变为胞状枝晶,再转变为细小的树枝晶。随着凝固速率的增加,定向凝固组织的枝晶形貌逐渐细化,一次和二次枝晶间距逐渐减小,且与冷却速率之间都符合指数关系:λ1=151.73×(G L·R)-0.31,λ2=22.07×(G L·R)-0.44。当冷却速率达到4.275℃/s时,一次、二次枝晶间距分别为112μm、14.1μm。 Under the conditions of certain temperature gradient and different solidification rate,the directional solidification experiment of non-oriented electrical steel 50W600 was carried out.The microstructure of 50W600 steel was also analyzed in different solidification rate.The result shows that the solid/liquid interface of the steel undergoes an evolution from cellular,cellular dendrite and finally to fine dendrite morphologies.The dendrite refines gradually and the distance between dendrites decr... 
2013-11-28 43 5.8

为了更好的解决电力系统防污闪涂料RTV-Ⅰ长期应用暴露出来的问题以及目前RTV-Ⅱ防污闪涂料存在的一些不足,结合具体实际需求,在电力系统外绝缘领域,应用新型防污闪硬质涂层——防污闪纳米硅钢涂层,并对分别喷涂了防污闪纳米硅钢涂层以及RTV涂料的绝缘子进行对比运行情况研究分析。研究结果表明,防污闪纳米硅钢涂层是一种同时具有优异憎水性迁移性能和自洁性能的新型涂层,具有良好的应用前景。 In order to solve the problem exposed of anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅰwhich has been used long-term in power system,as well as to better solve some shortcomings of the current anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅱ,in this paper,a new anti-pollution flashover hard coating — anti-pollution flashover nanometer silicon hard coating(NSHC) is applied in the field of power system insulation for the specific practical needs.At the same time insulators which are separately sprayed by the NSHC a... 
2013-05-28 30 5.8

【作者】 杨佳直; ...
2013-01-28 29 5.8



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