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【作者】 陶永根; ...
2011-04-28 50 5.8

在实验室模拟CSP流程制备了不同含量稀土铈(质量分数0~0.018%)的1.2%Si无取向电工钢,并对其进行1 000℃×5min的再结晶退火处理,研究了铈质量分数对无取向电工钢夹杂物、显微组织、再结晶织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着铈质量分数的增加,微细夹杂物数量、再结晶晶粒尺寸、{100}和{110}织构组分、磁感应强度先增后减,{111}织构组分、铁损先减后增;铈的质量分数为0.005 1%时,钢中的夹杂物数量最少,再结晶晶粒尺寸最大,有利织构最多,磁性能最优,铁损P15/50为3.253W·kg-1,磁感应强度B50为1.751T。 Non-oriented electrical steels containing different contents rare earth Ce element(0-0.018wt%) were prepared in the laboratory by simulated CSP(compact strip production)process,and then recrystallization annealing at 1 000 ℃ for 5 min were performed,the effects of Ce content on inclusion,microstructure, recrystallization texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels were studied.The results show that with the increase of Ce content,the amounts of fine inclusion,the size of re... 
2014-01-28 55 5.8

结合工业化生产的50A1300牌号无取向硅钢,分析了化学成分、RH精炼脱氧方式、板坯装炉温度以及热轧平整工艺等对磁性能的影响,探讨成品钢磁性能的改善。结果表明,采取改善后,50A1300牌号无取向硅钢的磁性能得到明显改善。2012年,该钢种平均铁损、磁感应强度分别达到5.26 W/kg、1.762 T,能够较好地满足用户市场需求及同行对标需要。 Based on the industrial manufacture of 50A1300 grade non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of chemical composition,deoxidization method in RH vacuum refining,charging temperature of steel slabs,hot rolling and flattening progress on magnetic properties are analyzed.The optimization methods of magnetic properties of steels are discussed. Results show that the magnetic properties are obviously improved by the adopted measures above. In 2012,the average core loss and the magnetic induction of 5... 
2014-02-28 80 5.8

通过在实验室条件下模拟薄板坯连铸连轧流程,并在以Cu2S为主抑制剂制造普通取向硅钢(CGO)的基础上,加入适量钒钛,研究了钒钛对取向硅钢组织与磁性能的影响。结果表明,适量钒钛使热轧板和脱碳退火板组织更好,尤其使脱碳退火板的晶粒更加细小和均匀;加入适量钒钛不但使热轧板表面高斯织构强度更高,更使脱碳退火板中有利于高斯织构发展的γ织构强度更高;适量钒钛能形成Cu2S+(V,Ti)N等复合析出物,起到辅助抑制剂作用,加强抑制能力。细小均匀的晶粒、强度更高的有利织构和更强的抑制能力使CGO钢磁性能更佳。 Effect of V and Ti on microstructure and magnetic properties of conventional grain-oriented silicon steel(CGO) were investigated under simulated thin slab continuous casting and rolling process in laboratory with Cu2 S as the dominant inhibitor. The results show that appropriate amount V and Ti make the microstructures of the hot rolled sheet and the decarburizing annealed sheet better,especially make the grains of the decarburizing annealed sheet more tiny and uniform. Adding appropriate V and ... 
2014-06-28 54 5.8

研究表明,硅钢中的夹杂物对成品带钢的磁性能有显著影响。为研究冶炼过程硅钢中的夹杂物遗传变化,进而提出更有效的控制措施加以去除,本文结合典型的无取向硅钢生产炉次,采用非水溶液电解提取+扫描电镜观察方法分析冶炼过程中上述炉次典型试样的夹杂物。结果表明:转炉冶炼结束、RH精炼开始时,钢的氧化物夹杂总量最大,约为0.23%;RH精炼过程中,氧化物夹杂总量不断降低,并在脱碳结束时达到最低,约为0.02%;连铸过程中,氧化物夹杂总量仍有不断降低趋势,但夹杂物的平均尺寸变化不大。本试验条件下,中间包试样的夹杂物数量约为1.59×104个/mm3。 As we all know, the non-metallic inclusion effects magnetic properties of silicon steel sheets obviously. The article aims to study the heredity of non-metallic inclusion in non-oriented silicon steels during the steel making process, and then provides a more effective controlling measure to remove the inclusions. Based on the typical non-oriented silicon steel charges, the non-aqueous solution extraction and SEM observation were adopted to analyze the non-metallic inclusions. Results show that,... 
2014-05-28 56 5.8

【作者】 欧阳帆; 肖侃; ...
2023-05-09 100 5.8

以太钢热连轧厂的硅钢为研究对象,利用凸度仪测量热轧带钢出口凸度值,采用矩阵和失效模式的分析方法了解影响带钢凸度变化的主次因素。研究结果表明:通过有效控制轧制过程中的加热温度、时间及采用合理的辊型,硅钢凸度精度提高了4.34%左右。 In this paper,we take the hot-rolled silicon steelsheet of Taigang as the research symbol,exit profile was measured by convex instrument,the primary and secondary factors that affect the strip profile were measured by using matrix and failure mode analysis methed.The results indicate that convexity accuracy has significantly improved by nearly 4.34% through the effective control of the heating temperature,heating time and the use of correct roller type in the process of hot rolling. 
2012-05-28 37 5.8

研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)同时测定硅钢中痕量铝、钼、钒、钛、铌元素的分析方法。通过条件试验对测量参数进行了优化,确定RF功率1 400 W,泵速30rpm,采样深度140,雾化压力0.90。样品采用硝酸分解,以Be、Y混合内标校正了测量过程中高基体引起的信号漂移。根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素27 Al、98 Mo、51 V、47 Ti和93 Nb作为测定同位素,同时通过调节仪器参数使得双电荷离子和氧化物离子的产率最低,以减少其带来的干扰。采用基体匹配法配制校准溶液,以标准加入法建立工作曲线,并扣除试剂空白。该方法各元素的测定下限均可达到1μg/g。用于硅钢标准样品的测定,所得结果与参考值完全吻合,各元素的RSD小于5.2%。 A method for the determination of trace aluminum,molybdenum,vanadium,titanium and niobium in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was described.A series of single parameter condition experiment was conducted.The optimized operation parameters with RF power 1 400 W,turbo pump rate 30 rpm,sampling depth 140 and nebulizer pressure 0.90 were obtained.The samples were dissolved by HNO3,and the Be and Y mixing internal standard were used to eliminate the signal drift c... 
2013-01-28 71 5.8

【摘要】 <正>据武钢股份公司提供的消息,武钢将与...
2013-05-28 31 5.8

根据新日铁、JFE及浦项等国外钢铁公司2008年以来在日本专利局、欧洲专利局(EP)及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)申请公开的有关生产Hi-B取向电工钢典型专利技术,概述了近年来国外大型钢铁企业采用低温板坯加热(坯加热温度<1 280℃)技术生产Hi-B取向电工钢主要技术重点,即将调节关键化学成分Al、N、Sn及Sb等与工艺改进相结合。最后介绍了国外大型钢铁企业采用低温板坯加热技术生产Hi-B取向电工钢实例。 The latest developments on technology for manufacturing Hi-B grain oriented electrical steel sheets developed by Nippon Steel Corp.,JFE Steel and POSCO were described according to the patents published by World Intellectual Property Organization,Japan Patent Office and European Patent Office over the recent years.The low temperature slab heating process(particularly slab-heating temperature<1 280 ℃) together with suitably adjusting key chemical elements such as Al,N,Sn and Sb elements was the... 
2013-03-28 40 5.8

针对目前大部分无取向电工钢处理液为含铬处理液、且需在较高温度下固化的情况,在分析成膜物质性质的基础上,试验研究了一种可低温快速固化的电工钢环保绝缘处理液,研究了其涂装工艺,并测定了涂层的附着性、绝缘性、耐热性、耐蚀性等性能。试验结果表明:该处理液可在150~250℃下快速烘干固化,涂层表面光滑且致密均匀,性能优良,可满足中小电机的使用要求。 At present,most of the insulating fluid for non-oriented electrical steel contains chromium,and should be cured at high temperature.On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the film-forming substance,a kind of eco-friendly insulating fluid with lower curing temperature for non-oriented electrical steel sheet was developed in the experiments.Then its coating process was studied,and the adhesiveness,insulativity,heat resistance,corrosion resistance and other properties of the coating was m... 
2013-04-28 47 5.8

利用场发射扫描电镜观察了以MnS为主要抑制剂的普通取向电工钢加工过程中第二相粒子的分布状态,统计了粒子面密度、平均尺寸以及相应的尺寸分布.结果显示,热轧加工造成了大量第二相粒子弥散、细小地析出,同时基体仍保持过饱和状态.冷轧变形会造成第二相粒子的回溶行为,而基体的过饱和状态会减弱回溶现象.中间退火与脱碳退火过程中会同时存在新粒子的形核及已析出粒子的粗化两个过程,而在最终二次再结晶升温阶段则以第二相粒子明显粗化为主. The distribution of second phase particles in conventional grain-oriented electrical steels during manufacturing processes with MnS as inhibitors was observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy,while the areal particle density,the average particle size and the corresponding size distribution were statistically determined.It is indicated that hot rolling leads to dispersive precipitation of a large amount of fine second phase particles and the matrix keeps a supersaturated state furth... 
2011-04-28 65 5.8



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