为提高无取向硅钢导磁性能,研究了不同剪切方式对无取向硅钢剪切处磁畴结构的影响。利用纳米磁流体观测无取向硅钢剪切后边部磁畴结构。结果表明,硅钢无论在机械剪切还是线切割后的边部磁畴都会发生不同程度的改变:线切割对边部磁畴结构改变较小,边部磁畴分布均匀且连续,在距边缘0~20μm范围内出现磁畴宽度变小现象;机械剪切对磁畴的改变较为严重,剪切处磁畴零乱且不连续,在距边缘20μm处仍难以观察到完整的磁畴结构。 The effects of different shearing modes on magnetic domain structure of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel are studied in this paper.The magnetic domain of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is observed by nanometer magnetic fluid pattern method.The results show that the edge magnetic domain structure will be changed by mechanical shear and wire-electrode cutting,the variation of edge magnetic domain structure wire-electrode cutting edge is very small,the magnetic domain structure is wel...
绝缘涂层可以有效提高硅钢片的耐蚀、耐腐、磁、绝缘等性能,因此取向硅钢涂装绝缘涂层是取向硅钢生产过程中重要的一环。本文对取向硅钢含铬无机绝缘涂层以及氮化铬涂层的性能优缺点进行了介绍,并对国内无机含铬取向硅钢绝缘涂层及氮化铬涂层的研究现状进行了综述。最后对未来含铬无机绝缘涂层的研发方向进行了展望。 Insulation coating can effectively improve the corrosion resistance of silicon steel sheet, such as corrosion, magnetic, insulation performance, thus oriented silicon steel insulation coating is the important part of oriented silicon steel production process. In this paper, the inorganic insulation coating oriented silicon steel containing chromium and chromium nitride coating performance advantages and disadvantages are introduced.In addition, the research status of insulation coating and chrom...
稀土元素在许多钢中发挥着独特而且不可替代的重要作用。半个世纪以来,它的作用已经在各种低合金和特殊合金钢中的研究及应用中得到充分的证明;然而,作为具有稀土资源优势的中国,在属于重要功能材料的无取向电工钢中稀土的应用却落后于国外,本文就中国稀土在无取向电工钢中的应用研究作简要的评述,希望能够进一步推进此领域的研究,并且促进中国稀土在无取向电工钢中应用技术的发展,缩短与国外差距,并提出了在此应用领域今后需深入开展的研究方向。 Rare earth elements play a unique and irreplaceable role in a lot of steels,it has given the full proof by the practice of various low alloy steels and special alloy steels since half century.However,as our country has the advantage of rare earth resources,RE application technology in non-oriented electrical steels has lagged behind abroad.The application researches of rare earth in non-oriented electrical steel in our country are briefly reviewed in this paper,which hope to promote the research...
研究了CSP工艺流程生产的硅含量为1.5%的无取向电工钢在不同常化温度下对磁性能的变化。研究结果表明:随着常化温度的提高,热轧板的晶粒尺寸增大,且组织均匀性提高;此外成品的有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;铁损P1.5/50呈下降趋势,磁感B50上升平缓。在常化工艺为970℃×2.5min下,对应的铁损P1.5/50<3.4W/kg,磁感B50>1.74T。 The effect of normalizing temperature on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel containing 1.5%silicon produced by CSP process was studied.The results show that with increasing normalizing temperature,the average grain size of hot-rolled plate increases and the microstructure uniformity is improved.Furthermore,the texture components of finished products are improved through enhancing of{100}<0vw>,αandηtextures and weakening of{111}<112>texture;the core loss P1.5/50 ...
利用电子探针面分析、状态分析及电子背散射衍射相分析技术研究硅钢高温氧化铁皮的显微结构。电子探针面分析可以直观的看出元素的分布状态,初步判断氧化铁皮的结构,而状态分析可以准确表征常规氧化铁皮中铁元素的状态,对于合金元素富集区域则通过电子背散射衍射相分析技术来标定。结果表明,高温氧化铁皮的结构主要有4层,即最外层为厚度约为10μm的Fe2O3相,次外层为Fe3O4相,中间层为FeO相上分布有颗粒状的Fe3O4相,最内层为FeO相和Si元素富集的Fe2SiO4相。其中Fe2SiO4层的分布特征与加热温度密切相关:1 100℃时,Fe2SiO4相呈颗粒状,弥散分布在FeO层;1 200℃时,Fe2SiO4相呈液态,侵入基体和疏松的FeO层,且沿着FeO晶界呈网状分布。 The microstructure of high temperature oxide scale on silicon steel was characterized by electron probe microanalyzer(EPMA)mapping analysis,state analysis and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)phase analysis.The element distribution and the initial structure of the oxide scale could be detected by EPMA mapping analysis apparently.And the state of iron in the conventional oxide scales could be determined by state analysis.Meanwhile,the alloy-rich region could be identified by EBSD phase analy...
电工钢反复弯曲次数是电工钢性能检验的重要指标之一,直接影响到用户在使用电工钢过程的机加工性能。主要分析了试样宽度、试样张力、晶粒取向、反复弯曲设备等因素对电工钢反复弯曲试验的影响,并对各个因素的影响程度进行量化以及原因探讨,从而归纳形成各影响因素的基本规律,以便为电工钢实际生产、用户使用提供科学指导。结果表明:试样宽度增加,反复弯曲次数也会不断增加,晶粒位向对取向电工钢的反复弯曲次数影响较大,当支座顶部到拨杆底部的距离减小或拉紧力增加时,反复弯曲次数会不断减小,但当拉紧力达到60N以上时,对反复弯曲次数影响不大,试样经退火后,反复弯曲次数略有上升。 The reverse bend number is an important performance of electrical steels′capabilities,affecting the machining performance directly when the customers used.It investigated some factors,such as sample′s width,sample′s tension load,grain orientation and equipment,how to effect the reverse bend test for electrical steel,measured the influence degree,and discussed the reason,in order to form basic rules which could be guided the manufacturing and using for electrical steel.Results showed that the rev...
某厂对电工钢的轧制策略进行了优化,粗轧道次由“1+5”改为“1+3”。在优化后的生产过程中,每次变换钢种,烫辊材就会出现窄尺现象,而紧随其后的电工钢板则出现超宽现象。文中针对该问题,介绍了宽度设定模型和宽度自适应模型的原理,阐述了该问题出现的原因及解决方案,并通过对宽度自适应模型的应用研究及优化攻关,有效地解决了问题,大幅提升了实物质量,降低了宽度封锁率。 The rolling strategy of electrical steel was optimized in a factory,and the rough rolling pass was changed from “1+5”to“1+3”.Subsequently,the following problems were occurred in the production process:when the steel grade changed,the roasting roller steel before the electrical steel appeared the narrow width phenomenon,and then the electrical steel appeared the ultra-wide phenomenon.This paper introduced the principle of width setting model and width adaptive model,and expounded the causes and s...
冷轧无取向硅钢是高技术含量、高附加值产品,工艺复杂,生产周期长,过程控制难度大,被誉为钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\"。热轧生产工艺又是无取向硅钢生产的重中之重,直接决定了硅钢的铁损和电磁性等多项指标。 Cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is high technology content 、high added value product. Its process is complex, its production cycle is of length, and its process control is difficult, which is known as the iron and steel products \" Arts and crafts\". Hot rolling production process is the top priority of non-oriented silicon steel, which directly determines iron loss of the silicon steel and electromagnetic property,as well as other many index.
电动汽车电机在高速旋转时承受离心力和电磁力的作用,在进行电机转子设计时,既要考虑电磁性能,还要考虑机械性能。对电机转子受力情况进行了综述,分析了转子用电工钢疲劳性能参数的重要性,详细阐述了试样抛光、表面处理、试样的对中和安装对测试结果的影响。 The motor of electric vehicle bears big force for high speed rotors,mainly including centrifugal and electromagnetic forces.The magnetic and mechanical aspects of the electrical steel are crucial to machine design.In this paper,the forces applied on the motor were summarized and importance of fatigue properties was analyzed.The influence of specimen polish,surface treatment,alignment and installation on fatigue testing result were represented in detail.
试验研究了球刻痕法对高磁感取向硅钢的铁损、矫顽力、相对磁导率、巴克豪森噪声等磁学性能的影响.研究结果表明:经过球刻痕处理后,高磁感取向硅钢的铁损明显降低,矫顽力下降,8 mm球刻痕过后铁损值与矫顽力分别下降16.2%和14.7%,且铁损和矫顽力均随刻痕间距降低而减少.刻痕后的高磁感取向硅钢磁导率在高磁感应强度下明显上升,刻痕后巴克豪森噪声值明显降低,经过对比分析确定8 mm为球刻痕的最佳刻痕间距.从磁畴观察、细化磁畴的原理等方面解释了细化磁畴对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响原因. The effects of the ball scribing on magnetic properties of high permeability grain-oriented silicon steels,including the iron loss,coercive force,relative permeability,and Barkhausen noise were investigated. The results showed that the iron loss and coercive force of the high permeability grain-oriented silicon steels apparently decreased 16. 2% and 14. 7% respectively after 8 mm ball scribing and they both decreased with the decrease of the scribing spacing at the same magnetic flux density. At...