叠片系数是冷轧无取向电工钢的重要质量指标。为了提高叠片系数,必须保证无取向电工钢板形良好以及横向厚差小。针对攀钢冷轧厂4机架HC轧机轧制无取向电工钢的边部减薄问题,以无取向电工钢横向厚差最小作为目标函数,建立了一套针对无取向电工钢边部减薄控制的辊型曲线优化数学模型,开发了无取向电工钢专用辊型曲线,使无取向电工钢横向厚差从25μm降低到10μm以下,取得了良好的控制效果。 The lamination factor is an important quality index of non-oriented silicon steel strip.Considering the lamination factor,the non-oriented silicon steel must have a good shape and a smaller transverse thickness difference.In order to solve the edge thinning of non-oriented silicon steel strip in Panzhihua Steel,a mathematic model for designing the roll shape is built.In the model,the transverse thickness difference of non-oriented silicon steel strip is taken as the objective function.Based on t...
试验研究了0.3 mm取向硅钢冷轧板(/%:0.046C,3.07Si,0.09Mn,0.029P,0.004S,0.005A1)的退火温度(760~880℃7 min)和退火时间(820℃3~9 min)对该钢的晶粒尺寸,再结晶和织构的影响。结果表明,最佳初次再结晶退火工艺为820℃5 min,该钢的平均晶粒尺寸为14.20μm,完全再结晶率为92%,不利{111}<110>结构含量为3.16%,有利织构{111}<112>,{012}<001>和高斯织构含量分别0.40%,4.73%和2.46%。 The effect of annealing temperature(at 760 ~ 880 X.for 7 min) and time(at 820℃ for 3~9 min) on grain size,recrystallization rate and texture of 0.3 mm cold-rolled sheet of oriented silicon steel(/%:0.046C,3.07Si,0.09Mn,0.029P,0.004S,0.005Al) has been tested and studied.Results show that with optimum recrystallized annealing at 820℃ for 5 min,the silicon steel average grain size is 14.20 fun,the complete recrystaUization rate is 92%,the unfavourable-texture {111}< 110 > content in steel is ...
聚焦无取向硅钢产品标准,从电磁性能、表面性能、机械性能以及尺寸公差与边部质量等维度对国际标准IEC、EN、JIS、ASTM以及国标GB进行了分析研究。分析得出,各类标准在电磁性能方面要求基本一致;ASTM标准的机械性能要求有别于其他几个标准。 In this paper,non-oriented silicon steel standards of EN,JIS,GB and ASTM were compared and analyzed. It is showed that,all types of standards in electromagnetic performance requirements are basically the same. Surface properties in ASTM standard are expressed in the most detailed. The mechanical properties requirements of the standards,except for ASTM,are basically the same.
利用EBSD技术对CGO硅钢热轧、中间退火、脱碳退火及二次再结晶退火组织及织构进行分析,研究了CGO硅钢各阶段加工制备过程中高斯{110}<001>晶粒的形状、尺寸及分布特点,分析了高斯取向晶粒在各工序过程中的遗传继承性特点。结果表明,CGO硅钢热轧板的次表层存在Goss取向晶粒,历经一次冷轧及中间退火后Goss取向晶粒基本消失,一次再结晶之后Goss织构仍不是主要织构,主要织构为{111}<110>和{111}<112>,说明Goss取向晶粒在二次再结晶退火前数量及尺寸上并不占优势,二次再结晶过程中Goss取向晶粒异常长大形成锋锐Goss织构。{111}<110>和{111}<112>织构组分的强度在一次冷轧中不断增加,{111}<112>织构组分的强度在二次冷轧后达到最大而{111}<110>织构组分是在初次再结晶后变强。 Grain shape,size and distribution of { 110} < 001 > Goss grains in CGO steel and the hereditary characteristics of Goss orientated grains during each processing period were investigated,based on the analysis of the microstructure and texture of the CGO silicon steel during hot rolling,intermediate annealing,decarburizing annealing and secondary recrystallization annealing by means of EBSD. The results show that Goss orientated grains exist in the subsurface of the hot rolled plate,and Goss...
某冷连轧机生产无取向硅钢板材时,其边缘降的长度合格率频繁超标。为满足用户的叠片厚度精度要求,这类产品必须以增大切边量的方式来保证交货质量,而这种方式又直接降低了金属收得率,提高了生产成本。基于此,以该产线现有设备特性为基础,详细分析其软、硬件功能模式,分别对辊形与反馈控制进行全面分析与优化改进。通过现场试验论证,充分明确依托辊形优化与反馈控制程序的改进能显著提高边缘降的控制水平,该技术的使用为生产现场的边缘降控制提供了合理的技术支撑。 A cold rolling mill production of non-oriented silicon steel sheet,the thickness difference of the edge( edge-drop) is usually exceed the preset standard value,In order to meet the accuracy requirements of the user flatness,these production must be trimed wider length to meet the delivery quality of the user need, which directly reduce the metal yield and increase the manufacturing cost. Therefor,the software and hardware of the production line has been analyzed, and the work roll shape and feed...
以水氯镁石为原料,采用氨法沉镁-煅烧-添加剂的方法制备硅钢级氧化镁。考察了反应温度、反应pH值、陈化时间对中间体氢氧化镁纯度及转化率的影响;研究了煅烧温度和煅烧时间对氧化镁水化率的影响及添加剂的量对氧化镁悬浮性能的影响。控制实验条件为:反应温度55℃,pH值为9.5,陈化时间2h,煅烧温度1050℃,煅烧时间2h,添加剂量为0.8%,制得氧化镁的纯度为98.99%、水化率为2.92%、悬浮性能为3mm/h,达到硅钢级氧化镁的要求。 Using bischofite as raw material,the preparation of magnesium oxide with silico-steel grade was studied.The effects of reaction temperature,reaction pH value and aging time on the intermediate magnesium hydroxide purity and conversion rate were studied.Calcinations temperature,calcinations time relationship to the hydration rate of MgO and amount of additive to the suspension performance of MgO were investigated.The results indicated that the optimum technological conditions were as follows:reac...
采用固溶强化、细晶强化和位错强化方法,模拟TSCR流程试开发高强度无取向电工钢,试开发钢的主要合金成分为3%Si、0.83%Al和2.99%Mn。分析热轧、常化、退火后的钢板组织,并针对不同的成品板组织,详尽地分析了相应的力学性能和磁性能。试验电工钢平均晶粒直径为12.37μm时,R p0.2为530 MPa,R m为618 MPa;当退火制度为700℃×4 min,成品组织完全为未再结晶的回复组织时,R p0.2为853.5 MPa,R m为895.5 MPa。该成分的电工钢P15/50或P10/400最小时,对应的平均晶粒直径都大于59.67μm;P10/800或P10/1000最小时,对应的平均晶粒直径都处于12.37~59.67μm尺寸区间。 TSCR was simulated to develop high-strength non-oriented electrical steel with 3% of Si,0.83% of Al and 2.99% of Mn by solution strengthening,grain refinement strengthening and dislocation strengthening.The microstructures of hot rolled plates,normalized plates and annealed plates were analyzed.Furthermore,the mechanical properties and magnetic properties of products with different microstructures were detailedly studied.As the average grain diameter of the steel was 12.37 μm,the yield strength ...
研究了常化对CSP流程生产的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢组织、织构和成品磁性能的影响。结果表明,经CSP流程生产,且在相同的冷轧及退火制度下,经1 000℃×2min常化处理的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢热轧板,其最终退火成品的铁损P15/50比不常化试样下降了10.5%,磁感B50比不常化试样提高了2.5%;常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品的平均晶粒尺寸增大,成品铁损P15/50相应减小;同时,常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品中高斯织构的强度增加,γ纤维织构的强度减弱,这有利于成品磁感B50的提高。 The effect of normalizing on microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with wSi=1.6% produced by CSP process was investigated.The results show that,under the same cold rolling and annealing system,the iron loss(P15/50) of annealed samples whose hot bands has been normalized by 1 000 ℃×2 min process decreases by 10.5% and magnetic induction(B50) increases by 2.5% compared with the samples whose hot bands was not normalized.The average grain size of non-orient...
采用拉伸试验和显微组织观测的方法确定了GTN损伤模型中的9个损伤参数,运用GTN损伤模型对冷轧硅钢薄板边部缺陷的扩展及边裂的产生进行了有限元模拟,并与预置缺口的钢板轧制试验进行对比。结果表明:轧制过程中边部缺陷是造成钢板边部裂纹萌生和扩展的一个重要原因,GTN损伤模型可用来预测含边部缺陷硅钢薄板在冷轧过程中边裂的产生;预测结果与试验结果基本一致。 The crack initiation and propagation of silicon steel strip with edge defect during cold rolling process was studied by using GTN damage model in this paper.Nine damage parameters in GTN model were identified by tensile testing and microstructure observing,and then the FE simulation of edge defect evolution of silicon steel strip during rolling process was conducted on the base of GTN damage model,and then the results were compared with rolling experimental results.The results show that the edge...
研究了采用高温卷取热轧态原料和常化态原料生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢组织、织构和磁性能。研究发现钢卷采用750℃高温卷取,下线后立即采用\"保温罩\"对钢卷进行保温,时间96h,然后空冷至100℃时上线生产的工艺可取代常化工艺生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢。冷轧上线前,热轧态原料的表层为大量的再结晶组织,这部分组织包括了热轧轧制时保留下来的动态再结晶组织,钢卷本身高温回复后产生再结晶晶粒,以及在保温罩内保温时形成的再结晶组织。高温卷取的热轧态和常化态的热轧卷作为原料时,试样织构类型相似,取向分布密度接近,再结晶后织构类型仍然相似,取向分布密度仍然接近。Goss织构对磁性能增加有促进作用。实验钢中较好的磁性能对应的织构[{100}+Goss]/{111}的比值较高,体现了织构的遗传性。 Microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of high grade cold rolled nonoriented electrical steel which made of hot rolled material with high temperature coiling and with normalization were studied.Steels coiled in high temperature(at 750 ℃),stacked with insulation cover for 96hand air cooled to 100 ℃ were using to manufacture high grade nonoriented electrical steel.The process can replace the normalization process.There are a lot of recrystallized grains in the surface layer of the coil wit...
研究了锰含量对w(Si)=1.8%Si无取向电工钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,钢中锰含量从0.3%增加到1.2%时,由于α_γ相变的产生,铸坯低倍组织、热轧板金相组织及成品织构等均发生了不同程度的变化,对成品表面质量及磁性能产生了明显的影响。 The effects of manganese content on structure and properties of w(Si)=1.8% non-oriented electrical steels have been studied.Results show that with increasing manganese content to 1.2% from 0.3%,macrostructure of continuous casting slab,hot rolled band metallurgical structure and finished product texture vary in some extent because of the occurrence of α-γ phase transformation,the surface quality and magnetic properties of finished product are affected greatly.
通过Axio Imager金相显微镜考察4.5%~7.0%硅(质量分数)对高硅钢材料组织形貌的影响,并利用Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢薄板制备方法对其进行轧制,通过DDL50电子万能试验机对阶段产品进行力学性能测试。结果证明,硅含量为5.58%的高硅钢在实验硅含量区间内存在最大延伸率及最小铸态组织晶粒尺寸。 An investigation about the influence of 4.5%-7.0% Si on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-silicon steel was presented.SEM was adopted to take an observation towards microstructure during fabrication,and DDL50electronic universal testing machine was applied into the detection of tensile curves.The results show that silicon steel with 5.58% Si provides the maximum elongation and minimum grain size as cast.