依据GB/T 15616—2008《金属及合金的电子探针定量分析方法》,采用电子探针波谱仪对某W600硅钢中的硅含量进行了定量测定,对影响其定量测定结果的不确定度分量进行了分析,并对不确定度的各个分量进行了计算和合成,最后给出了硅钢中硅含量测定结果的不确定度报告:该硅钢中的硅含量(质量分数)为1.50%,扩展不确定度U=0.20%,取包含因子k=2。 According to GB/T 15616-2008\"Quantitative Method for Electron Prohe Microanalysis of Metals and Alloys\",the quantitative results of Si content in some W600 silicon steel was measured hy EPMA-WDS.The uncertainty components which might affect the measurement results were considered,calculated and synthesized. Finally the uncertainty result for the quantitative value of Si content in the silicon steel was got.The mass content of Si was 1.50%,and expanded uncertainty U=0.20%under the condition of co...
取向硅钢利用析出物作为抑制剂,抑制初次再结晶晶粒的长大,抑制剂是取向硅钢发生二次再结晶的基本条件之一。文中通过低温板坯加热技术制备取向硅钢,采用透射电镜(TEM)观察并研究了高温退火阶段抑制剂的演化过程。结果表明,渗氮后形成的非晶态Si3N4析出物不稳定,在700~750℃退火升温阶段转化为(Al,Si)N;(Al,Si)N颗粒在800℃发生团聚,随后长大并粗化;(Al,Si)N是低温取向硅钢主要抑制剂,随退火温度的升高,(Al,Si)N抑制力大幅下降。 Precipitates as inhibitor are used to inhibit the grain growth of primary recrystallization in grain-oriented silicon steel,and inhibitor is one of the basic conditions for occurring of secondary recrystallization.The grain-oriented silicon steel was produced by low temperature slab heating and nitriding technique.The evolution of inhibitor was observed by transmission electron microscopy.The results show that Si3N4 particles are precipitated after nitriding,and Si3N4 particles are amorphous and...
对取向硅钢在不同气氛下的高温退火工艺进行实验室模拟,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了硅钢退火至900℃和1170℃时的样品表面氧化层和底层的物相组成,采用场发射扫描电镜(SEM)观察了样品表面氧化层和底层在截面方向上的微观形貌特征,并计算了高温退火一次升温阶段氧化反应的吉布斯自由能以及900℃时退火气氛的氧分压。结果表明:当退火气氛的露点温度保持一定时,较高的氢气含量有利于生成完整连续的底层;当退火气氛的水氢分压比保持一定时,在露点温度与氢气含量两者较低的条件下,底层附着性不佳易脱落,较高条件下,底层中夹杂着较多的铁单质;当氧化层中无FeO时,底层完整连续但易脱落,当FeO层较薄时,底层下方存在部分未反应的SiO2,当FeO层较厚时,底层不完整连续且有分层。 The high temperature annealing process of grain-oriented silicon steel in different atmospheres was simulated in the laboratory. X-ray diffractometer(XRD) was used to analyze the phase compositions of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the silicon steel annealed to 900 ℃ and 1170 ℃. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy(SEM) was used to observe the micro morphology characteristics of the surface oxide layer and forsterite film of the samples in the cross section direction. The ...
某冷连轧机生产无取向硅钢板材时,其边缘降的长度合格率频繁超标。为满足用户的叠片厚度精度要求,这类产品必须以增大切边量的方式来保证交货质量,而这种方式又直接降低了金属收得率,提高了生产成本。基于此,以该产线现有设备特性为基础,详细分析其软、硬件功能模式,分别对辊形与反馈控制进行全面分析与优化改进。通过现场试验论证,充分明确依托辊形优化与反馈控制程序的改进能显著提高边缘降的控制水平,该技术的使用为生产现场的边缘降控制提供了合理的技术支撑。 A cold rolling mill production of non-oriented silicon steel sheet,the thickness difference of the edge( edge-drop) is usually exceed the preset standard value,In order to meet the accuracy requirements of the user flatness,these production must be trimed wider length to meet the delivery quality of the user need, which directly reduce the metal yield and increase the manufacturing cost. Therefor,the software and hardware of the production line has been analyzed, and the work roll shape and feed...
磁性能指标是硅钢产品最关键的质量指标之一,但是目前磁性能判定100%依赖于样品的离线实验室检测结果,生产线配置的在线检测仪的测量结果由于精度问题,不宜直接用于成品牌号判级。本文在现有硅钢产品质量管控体系基础上,利用大数据技术对生产数据进行分析与建模,构建不同磁性能指标在线检测模型,并在现有信息系统上完成模型库的集成部署,实现硅钢产品全长、多指标磁性能结果的拟合数据输出,支撑取样优化、精准分切、辅助综合判定等功能应用,进一步优化硅钢产品质量管控体系。 The magnetic performance index of silicon steel products is one of the most critical quality indexes.However,at present,100%determination of magnetic performance depends on the offline laboratory test results of samples,and the measurement results of the online detector configured in the production line cannot be applied in practice due to the accuracy problem.Based on the existing quality control system of silicon steel products,big data technology was used to analyze and model the production d...
为了弄清楚高硫硅钢中的硫化物析出行为及其对钢的微观组织和电磁性能的影响,以便为工业化生产制定更为合理的硫含量控制标准和采取更为有效措施减轻炼钢生产的硫含量控制压力,结合0.25% Si 无取向硅钢 ,采用非水溶液电解提取 + 扫描电镜/透射电镜观察相结合的方法 ,研究了0.006 8%、0.010 2%、0.025 5% 和 0.035 3% 硫含量条件下,钢中的硫化物夹杂物组成和存在形式及其形貌、种类、尺寸、数量变化,以及相应的热轧、成品试样的微观组织和电磁性能变化。结果表明,随着钢中硫含量的增加,钢中的硫化物逐渐由 MnS→MnS+Cu2S→Cu2S转变,数量逐渐增多,尺寸向高低两个方向发展。相应地,导致热轧再结晶组织劣化和抑制了成品晶粒尺寸长大。随着钢中硫含量的增加,钢的磁感、铁损劣化程度逐渐增大。钢中的硫含量平均每增加 0.01%,涡流损耗、磁滞损耗分别劣化0.24 W/kg 和 0.41 W/kg,而磁感会劣化 0.009 T。但是 ,在硫含量为 0.010 2% 时 ,铁损可以低于 6.0W/kg,而在硫含量为 0.025 5% ... In order to find out the precipitation behavior of sulfide inclusions and the corresponding changes of microstructure and electromagnetic properties of high sulfur silicon steel sheets, so that to design more suitable sulfur concentration controlling limit for industrial manufacture and to release the steel-making difficulty effectively, Based on the change of given sulfur concentration 0.006 8%, 0.010 2%0.025 3% and 0.035 3%, the type and composition, the size and number, and the size distribut...
电动汽车电机在高速旋转时承受离心力和电磁力的作用,在进行电机转子设计时,既要考虑电磁性能,还要考虑机械性能。对电机转子受力情况进行了综述,分析了转子用电工钢疲劳性能参数的重要性,详细阐述了试样抛光、表面处理、试样的对中和安装对测试结果的影响。 The motor of electric vehicle bears big force for high speed rotors,mainly including centrifugal and electromagnetic forces.The magnetic and mechanical aspects of the electrical steel are crucial to machine design.In this paper,the forces applied on the motor were summarized and importance of fatigue properties was analyzed.The influence of specimen polish,surface treatment,alignment and installation on fatigue testing result were represented in detail.
本文以热轧常化板为初始材料,采用二次冷轧法与三次冷轧法制备了0.1 mm厚的取向硅钢薄带,测定相应的磁性能,并通过EBSD取向成像技术检测了二次冷轧法与三次冷轧法各工艺过程中织构与组织演变规律。结果表明,采用最终冷轧压下率适中的三次冷轧法,能在冷轧至0.1 mm时保存较多的高斯晶核,使得高温退火后的磁性能明显优于二次冷轧法。最终冷轧压下率通过影响脱碳退火后样品中的{111}<112>织构组分及Goss晶粒数量对最终二次再结晶产生重要影响。 Grain-oriented silicon steel sheets with a thickness of 0. 1 mm were produced from hot-rolled and normalized sheets by two-step-rolling and three-step-rolling methods. Their magnetic properties were measured,and the textures were detected by EBSD technique. The results show that the three-step-rolling method,which has a moderate reduction rate of final cold rolling,can maintain more { 110} < 001 >nucleus,and thus obtaining better magnetic properties compared with the two-step-method. The f...
涂层技术在高磁感取向硅钢生产中起着重要的作用.根据生产实践,介绍了高磁感取向硅钢生产中涂层的种类和作用、涂料的成分和对产品性能的影响、涂层工艺质量控制要点和检验方法等,并提出了通过优化涂层工艺改善高磁感取向硅钢性能和外观质量的方法. Surface coating technique plays an important role in producing high magnetic inductivity grain-oriented silicon steel.Based on production practice,this paper describes the types and function of the coating,the composition of the coating and its effect on the product performance,the quality control and inspection method for the coatings,as well as proposes ways to improve the magnetic property and surface quality of the steel by optimizing the coating process.