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【摘要】 <正>日前,宝钢自主研发的新型高磁感取向...
2023-05-16 131 5.8

针对某厂DMS森吉米尔轧机生产无取向硅钢表面麻面缺陷的问题,根据生产实际,对其形成原因从乳化液及工作辊两方面因素进行了分析。结果表明:乳化液对麻面缺陷的产生有一定影响,但不是主要因素,主要原因是由于二十辊森吉米尔轧机工作辊辊径较小,轧制相同长度带钢轧辊运转周期较大,容易产生疲劳失效而导致。为此,提出通过调整冷轧工序成品轧制道次的压下率以减小轧制力,从而减小工作辊的磨损疲劳;通过对轧制乳化液浓度、温度的合理控制,以改善润滑效果、提高轧制速度,而进一步缓解轧辊疲劳的改进措施,使该钢厂无取向硅钢麻面缺陷发生率由原来的18%降至0.8%,带钢表面质量明显改善。 For the problem of surface pockmarks of non-oriented silicon steel strip produced by a DMS Sendzimir mill, based on the production practice, the formation causes were analyzed from two aspects of emulsion and working roll. The results show that the emulsion has a certain effect on the formation of surface pockmarks defects, but it is not the main factor. The main reason is that the working roll diameter of the 20-high Sendzimir mill is small, and the running period of the roll rolling the same l... 
2022-01-28 73 5.8

提出以“云边一体化架构”构建硅钢智慧决策系统,来解决原硅钢制造L1~L5系统架构模式下的数字信息孤岛、业务功能割裂等问题。在此基础上,开发了云边协同的自学习型控制模型及业务决策模型,构建起硅钢“智慧大脑”,形成了以研发、制造、服务等核心业务数字化融合的智能化决策支持新模式,探索出一条钢铁制造业数字化、智能化转型之路。 SIDS(Silicon-steel Intelligent Decision-making System)based on \"cloud-edge integration architecture\" was proposed to solve the problems of data silos and business function fragmentation in the original L1~L5 system architecture.On this basis,the self-learning control model and decision-making model of cloud-edge collaboration were developed,the \"smart brain\" of silicon steel department was constructed,and a new intelligent decision-making support model of digital integration of core businesses s... 
2022-02-28 79 5.8

采用ZMLMC超高梯度定向凝固装置,研究了5种凝固速率(10、35、80、150和450μm/s)对定向凝固50W600无取向硅钢的固液界面稳定性转变规律和一次、二次枝晶间距的影响。研究结果表明,在特定的温度梯度下,随着凝固速率的增加,定向凝固的固液界面由胞状晶转变为胞状枝晶,再转变为细小的树枝晶。随着凝固速率的增加,定向凝固组织的枝晶形貌逐渐细化,一次和二次枝晶间距逐渐减小,且与冷却速率之间都符合指数关系:λ1=151.73×(G L·R)-0.31,λ2=22.07×(G L·R)-0.44。当冷却速率达到4.275℃/s时,一次、二次枝晶间距分别为112μm、14.1μm。 Under the conditions of certain temperature gradient and different solidification rate,the directional solidification experiment of non-oriented electrical steel 50W600 was carried out.The microstructure of 50W600 steel was also analyzed in different solidification rate.The result shows that the solid/liquid interface of the steel undergoes an evolution from cellular,cellular dendrite and finally to fine dendrite morphologies.The dendrite refines gradually and the distance between dendrites decr... 
2013-11-28 43 5.8

采用XRD物相分析、金相组织观察及TEM精细组织分析研究了奥氏体组织结构状态对Fe-0.88C-1.35Si-1.03Cr-0.43Mn钢中温等温相变鼻温和孕育期的影响,以及不同温度奥氏体化后240℃等温20 min试样的组织结构特征。试验发现,随着奥氏体化温度的升高,中温等温开始转变的鼻温移向更低温度并且相变孕育期缩短;不同温度奥氏体化后同为240℃等温20 min处理,虽然均形成由贝氏体铁素体亚条平行排列构成的束状贝氏体组织,但贝氏体组织的精细结构状态不同,突出的差别在于对应低温奥氏体化贝氏体亚条端部边界具有凸起结构,而对应高温奥氏体化贝氏体亚条端部边界较为平齐且呈现楔形结构。不能简单地以马氏体切变机制认识试验钢中贝氏体组织的形成。 The influence of austenitization temperature on the incubation period and the bainitic phase transformation behaviour in high-carbon silicon steel has been investigated using X-ray diffraction(XRD), optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The microstructure characteristics of the isothermal transformation(240 ℃, 20 min)products were also studied. It was found that the nose temperature of bainite transformation and incubation period decreased with the increasing austenitizin... 
2014-07-28 50 5.8

运用EBSD和光学显微镜,研究了0.25%~0.45%Cu对无取向电工钢热轧板显微组织,成品板显微组织、织构和磁性能的影响。实验结果表明:卷取过程中Cu元素在热轧板表层的偏聚作用显著阻碍了热轧板表层再结晶晶粒长大,导致热轧板表层晶粒尺寸随着Cu含量增加而逐渐较小,但热轧板中间晶粒尺寸变化不大。同时发现Cu元素能够明显改善织构类型,使有利织构组分增加,不利织构组分减少,同时减弱织构强度。从实验结果可知0.35%Cu能够显著改善电工钢的磁性能,铁损P15/50最低达到4.1 W/kg,磁感B50最高值达到1.8 T。 Effects of high content Cu on microstructure of hot rolled plates and microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of annealed finish product plates of non-oriented electrical steel were examined by means of EBSD technique and optical microscope. The results show that surface segregation of Cu significantly hindered recrystallized grain growth of surface layer in hot rolled plate during the coiling,as a result,the surface grain sizes of the hot-rohed plates decrease with the increase of Cu con... 
2013-11-28 50 5.8

通过后天抑制剂获得法制备了取向硅钢,对渗氮前后和高温退火升温阶段析出物的析出和转化规律进行了研究。研究结果表明,渗氮前脱碳退火态基体中存在少量的粗大AlN颗粒和细小AlN颗粒,渗氮处理后新析出大量的Si3N4析出物,高温退火升温阶段Si3N4将转化为(Al,Si)N,随着温度的继续升高(Al,Si)N颗粒将发生粗化,(Al,Si)N是后天抑制剂获得法制备取向硅钢的主要抑制剂。 Grain-oriented silicon steels were produced by acquired inhibitor method.The rule of precipitate transformation was studied after nitriding treatment and high-temperature finishing annealing.The results show that a small amount of large AlN and fine AlN are found in matrix before nitriding treatment,and a large amount of Si3N4 is precipitated in matrix after nitriding treatment.During the temperature rising period of high-temperature finishing annealing,Si3N4 would transform into(Al,Si)N,and(Al,... 
2011-12-28 50 5.8

主要对硅钢退火炉耐材施工进行阐述,对一期工程与二期工程施工经验进行总结,包括设计、施工、耐材生产、人员素质等方面,指出了工程项目所所存在的不足,为同类型炉窑的施工提供借鉴。 This paper describes the construction of silicon steel annealing furnace refractories;and it was summarized the construction experience of phase-Ⅰ and phase-Ⅱ projects,including design,construction,refractory production,the quality of personnel etc,and pointed out the shortcomings of the project,which provided a reference for the construction of the same type of furnaces. 
2023-05-11 1.17k 5.8

随着中国电工钢产量的增加,硅钢级氧化镁需求量不断增加,传统的以白云石为原料制备氧化镁的工艺已经无法满足市场需求。中国是一个卤水资源丰富的国家,因此,研究如何资源化综合利用盐湖资源变得越来越重要。硅钢级氧化镁是一种制备取向硅钢的涂层材料,主要用于取向硅钢高温退火处理阶段,起到隔离剂、绝缘膜层、脱硫、脱磷等作用。综述了制备硅钢级氧化镁的方法、工艺流程、研究进展及存在的问题,指出了硅钢级氧化镁制备技术的发展方向,并对中国卤水资源的利用提出了建议。 With the increasing output of electric steel,the demand for silicon steel grade magnesium oxide(MgO) is larger and larger in China,and the traditional MgO production process with dolomite as raw material has been unable to meet market demand.China is a brine resource-rich country,the study of how to comprehensively utilize salt lake resources has become increasingly important.As a coating material used for preparing oriented silicon steel,silicon steel grade MgO is mainly used in the process of ... 
2011-01-28 95 5.8

采用热模拟方法及EBSD技术,研究Fe-3 wt%Si电工钢在不同温度下组织的动、静态再结晶及晶粒取向特征,特别是少量奥氏体对铁素体动、静态再结晶组织及取向的影响。结果表明,不同温度形变的组织主要分三类:形变长条铁素体、珠光体和等轴细小铁素体。长条形变铁素体内发生动态回复或连续式的动态再结晶,奥氏体周围的铁素体动态再结晶加速,部分以传统的不连续方式动态再结晶。铁素体、奥氏体都可发生静态再结晶。奥氏体的静态再结晶在1050℃以上明显,铁素体的静态再结晶随温度的升高逐渐进行,最显著的再结晶发生在1050℃。不同温度形变的样品,其形变晶粒取向主要以<111>和<100>为主,小等轴铁素体晶粒除与大形变铁素体取向相近外,出现了<110>取向及其它取向。 Static and dynamic recrystallization and grain orientations in a hot-compressed Fe-3 wt% Si electrical steels were studied at different temperatures using Gleeble simulator and EBSD technique,particularly focusing on the effect of small amount of austenite on ferritic microstructure and orientations.The results show that microstructure of the compressed steel,depending on deformation temperature,consisted of elongated and deformed ferrite,pearlite and fine equal-axed ferrite.The elongated ferrit... 
2011-01-28 78 5.8

采用固溶强化、细晶强化和位错强化方法,模拟TSCR流程试开发高强度无取向电工钢,试开发钢的主要合金成分为3%Si、0.83%Al和2.99%Mn。分析热轧、常化、退火后的钢板组织,并针对不同的成品板组织,详尽地分析了相应的力学性能和磁性能。试验电工钢平均晶粒直径为12.37μm时,R p0.2为530 MPa,R m为618 MPa;当退火制度为700℃×4 min,成品组织完全为未再结晶的回复组织时,R p0.2为853.5 MPa,R m为895.5 MPa。该成分的电工钢P15/50或P10/400最小时,对应的平均晶粒直径都大于59.67μm;P10/800或P10/1000最小时,对应的平均晶粒直径都处于12.37~59.67μm尺寸区间。 TSCR was simulated to develop high-strength non-oriented electrical steel with 3% of Si,0.83% of Al and 2.99% of Mn by solution strengthening,grain refinement strengthening and dislocation strengthening.The microstructures of hot rolled plates,normalized plates and annealed plates were analyzed.Furthermore,the mechanical properties and magnetic properties of products with different microstructures were detailedly studied.As the average grain diameter of the steel was 12.37 μm,the yield strength ... 
2013-04-28 64 5.8

通过对激光粒度分析仪测量硅钢级氧化镁(MgO)的分析条件进行优化,如分散介质、分散方式、样品预处理、仪器暗淡度等,探讨了硅钢级MgO粒度范围测量重现性较好的试验方法,满足硅钢生产过程控制对MgO粒度的要求。 The analysis condition of the laser particle size analyzer on grain oriented silicon-steel grade magnesium oxide is optimized,including the dispersion medium,dispersion methods,sample preparation,and instrument obscuration,etc.Therefore,particle size measurement with good reproducibility for silicon-steel magnesium oxide is discussed,which may meet the requirement of MgO particle size for silicon-steel process control. 
2011-02-28 78 5.8



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