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2021-12-16 73 6.8

针对某厂DMS森吉米尔轧机生产无取向硅钢表面麻面缺陷的问题,根据生产实际,对其形成原因从乳化液及工作辊两方面因素进行了分析。结果表明:乳化液对麻面缺陷的产生有一定影响,但不是主要因素,主要原因是由于二十辊森吉米尔轧机工作辊辊径较小,轧制相同长度带钢轧辊运转周期较大,容易产生疲劳失效而导致。为此,提出通过调整冷轧工序成品轧制道次的压下率以减小轧制力,从而减小工作辊的磨损疲劳;通过对轧制乳化液浓度、温度的合理控制,以改善润滑效果、提高轧制速度,而进一步缓解轧辊疲劳的改进措施,使该钢厂无取向硅钢麻面缺陷发生率由原来的18%降至0.8%,带钢表面质量明显改善。 For the problem of surface pockmarks of non-oriented silicon steel strip produced by a DMS Sendzimir mill, based on the production practice, the formation causes were analyzed from two aspects of emulsion and working roll. The results show that the emulsion has a certain effect on the formation of surface pockmarks defects, but it is not the main factor. The main reason is that the working roll diameter of the 20-high Sendzimir mill is small, and the running period of the roll rolling the same l... 
2022-01-28 73 5.8

研究的两种取向硅钢(%:No1-0.042C、3.16Si、0.009Al、0.07Mn、0.50Cu、0.015S、0.0084N和No2-0.040C、3.20Si、0.014Al、0.22Mn、0.49Cu、0.016S、0.008 2N)由50 kg真空感应炉冶炼,锻成(mm)350×120×35板坯,经1 250℃30 min加热,开轧温度1 100℃,5道次热轧成2.3 mm板,终轧温度950~1 000℃。实验结果表明,两热轧板沿板厚方向存在组织和织构的不均匀性,热轧板次表层为再结晶组织,有较强的Goss织构组分;中心层为形变组织,具有典型的形变织构。含0.22%Mn的No2钢次表层{110}〈001〉织构组分比含0.07%Mn的No1钢弱,中心层{001}〈110〉织构组分大大强于0.07%Mn No1钢,导致两者磁性能差异,0.22%Mn No2钢磁感应强度(B800)和铁损(P1.7/50)分别为1.87 T和1.24 W/kg,0.07%Mn No1钢分别为1.88 T和1.18 W/kg。 Studied both grain-oriented silicon steels(%:No1- 0.042C,3.16Si,0.009Al,0.07Mn,0.50Cu, 0.015S,0.0084N and No2-0.040C,3.20Si,0.014Al,0.22Mn,0.49Cu,0.016S,0.0082N) are melted by a 50 kg vacuum induction furnace,forged to(mm) 350×120×35 slab,heated at 1 250℃for 30 min,with beginning rolling temperature 1 100℃hot-rolled to 2.3 mm plate by 5 passes,finishing-rolled at 950~1000℃.Test results show that the structure and texture along thickness of both hot-rolled plates are inhomogeneous:the subsurface ... 
2011-01-28 73 5.8

2020-12-28 73 6.8

研究了退火温度和退火时间对电沉积硅钢试样中的断面层组织、硅在试样中的分布情况、织构分布和磁性能的影响。结果表明:退火温度为1000℃、退火时间为210 min时得到的试样晶粒分布均匀、硅在试样中分布均匀、硅平均浓度为6.3715%(接近6.5%)。试样的织构分析及磁性能检测的结果表明,在较高温度下延长退火时间可增加{100}和{110}面织构,降低铁损,所得试样的磁性能较为良好。 The effect of annealing temperature and time on the microstructure, distribution of silicon,texture and magnetism of the high silicon steel prepared by electrodeposition was investigated. The results showed that after annealing at 1000℃ for 210 min, the mean grain size of steel was about 190 μm with a uniform grain size distribution, and the silicon is also uniformly distributed on the entire cross section with an average Si concentration 6.3715%(close to 6.5%); With the increasing annealing tim... 
2014-07-28 73 5.8

通过制备磷酸二氢铝硅钢涂层,研究了氧化锌对无铬涂层耐盐雾性能、电化学性能和附着性的影响。结果表明,硅钢表面涂层含有4.0%的氧化锌时,涂层具有最高的耐腐蚀性能和电化学性能,而且其致密表面最为平整,没有裂纹出现。 The effects of ZnO on the salt spray resistance property, electrochemical performance and adhesiveness of silicon steel insulating coating were studied. The results show that the best corrosion resistance and electrochemical properties can be obtained when the coating contains 4.0% oxide zinc, and the dense surface is smooth without cracks. 
2014-07-28 73 5.8

选取了三种50W 800无取向电工钢,分析了化学成分、晶粒尺寸、织构、以及200℃时效处理48 h前后的磁性能和第二相粒子析出状态的变化。结果表明,钢板中第二相粒子的分布密度对钢板铁损有最重要的影响。降低钢中C、N元素含量,或改进钢板热加工参数以降低成品钢板中第二相粒子形成元素的过饱和度均有利于明显降低钢板磁时效过程中的铁损增幅。钢板中对磁性能有利的织构也有利于降低钢板铁损的时效幅度。 The evolution of chemical composition,grain size,texture,as well as magnetic property after aging treatment at 200 ℃ for 48 h and distribution of second phase particles precipitation in three selected 50W800 non-oriented electrical steels were analyzed.The results show that the distribution density of second phase particles has great influence on core loss.Reducing C and N content,or improving hot-working parameters to reduce the supersaturation of elements forming second phase particles in prod... 
2011-08-28 73 5.8

采用低温板坯加热制备取向硅钢,通过透射电镜(TEM)观察并研究热轧板中的析出物,用ODF织构法研究热轧板距表面1/8、1/4和1/2处的织构分布。结果表明,热轧板中的析出物主要是密排六方AlN,AlN形貌呈规则长方形,AlN颗粒大小不等,分布密度低;热轧板中的织构沿板厚方向,由亚表层的{110}<001>织构向1/2中心层的α线织构变化,其中{110}<001>织构在热轧板距表面1/4层处最强。 The low temperature grain-oriented silicon steels were produced by acquired inhibitor method.The precipitates in hot rolling strip were observed and studied by transmission electron microscope,and the texture distribution in 1/8,1/4 and 1/2 layers of hot rolling strip were analyzed by ODF method.The results showed that the square shaped h-AlN is the main precipitates in hot rolling strip.The precipitates are varying in size and distribution.The texture of hot rolling strip in thick direction are... 
2011-04-28 72 5.8

2020-12-14 72 6.8

综述了国内外大钢铁企业与研究机构采用获得抑制剂法生产低温高磁感取向硅钢的开发及应用情况,分析了以该法生产高磁感取向硅钢过程中抑制剂的控制技术,包括固有抑制剂组成方案、气态渗氮方式与工艺及高温退火工艺的制定.研究表明,固有抑制剂组成方案的设计思路大体一致,化合物抑制剂以AlN为主、硫化物为辅,同时添加少量Sn,Sb等单元素抑制剂,但组成元素含量存在一定差别;在脱碳退火后用NH3进行非平衡渗氮处理已成为气态渗氮的主要方式,但最佳方式仍未明确,具体选择需依据实际生产条件,相应脱碳及渗氮工艺的控制条件差别较大;高温退火工艺中升温制度差别不大,升温阶段退火气氛中N2含量的选择存在差别.此外,分析了抑制剂控制技术目前存在的关键问题,并指出了进一步的研究方向. The current application and exploitation on production of low-temperature high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel with acquired inhibitor method at both iron and steel enterprises and research institutions in the world are reviewed. The control techniques of inhibitors, which include the composition design for inherent inhibitors, nitriding method and process, and secondary recrystallization annealing, are thoroughly analyzed and proposed. It is indicated that the design ideas for i... 
2014-01-28 72 5.8

介绍了攀钢冶炼电工钢过程硫含量变化以及过程回硫、增硫情况,采取针对性措施,如:提高铁水装入量、转炉采用石英砂代替复合造渣剂造渣、RH脱硫等,降低钢中硫含量。结果表明:采取相应措施后,电工钢炼成率大幅提高,成品w[S]≤0.008%的比例由改进前的62%提高到92.4%,取得了明显的冶金效果。 The resulfurization and the change of sulphur content in production of electrical steel is analyzed.The targeted measures have been taken,such as increase the loaded quantity of liquid iron,quartz sand replaces the composite slagging agent in the converter and RH desulfurization to decrease the sulphur content of the steel.The result shows,after the measures have been taken,the finished product ratio of electrical steel increase a lot.The ratio of sulfur content of finished product no more than ... 
2011-02-28 72 5.8

试验研究了球刻痕法对高磁感取向硅钢的铁损、矫顽力、相对磁导率、巴克豪森噪声等磁学性能的影响.研究结果表明:经过球刻痕处理后,高磁感取向硅钢的铁损明显降低,矫顽力下降,8 mm球刻痕过后铁损值与矫顽力分别下降16.2%和14.7%,且铁损和矫顽力均随刻痕间距降低而减少.刻痕后的高磁感取向硅钢磁导率在高磁感应强度下明显上升,刻痕后巴克豪森噪声值明显降低,经过对比分析确定8 mm为球刻痕的最佳刻痕间距.从磁畴观察、细化磁畴的原理等方面解释了细化磁畴对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响原因. The effects of the ball scribing on magnetic properties of high permeability grain-oriented silicon steels,including the iron loss,coercive force,relative permeability,and Barkhausen noise were investigated. The results showed that the iron loss and coercive force of the high permeability grain-oriented silicon steels apparently decreased 16. 2% and 14. 7% respectively after 8 mm ball scribing and they both decreased with the decrease of the scribing spacing at the same magnetic flux density. At... 
2013-11-28 72 5.8



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