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传统轧制法制备6.5wt.%高硅钢过程中温轧工艺具有显著不同于3 wt.%Si的电工钢的特点及组织织构特征,是开发新型基于织构优化的高硅钢的关键环节。采用EBSD技术对通过热轧、温轧、冷轧及退火工艺制备0.3mm厚的6.5wt.%Si电工钢板的组织和织构进行分析,重点研究温轧过程中的中间退火和大、小压下率组合以控制织构。结果表明,在热轧退火板是部分再结晶组织的情况下,一次性温轧或先小形变量、中间退火后再大形变量的工艺可得到更多的Goss晶粒;经过最终退火后Goss取向会发生偏转,形成部分黄铜取向,而{111}〈112〉取向的晶粒内形核生成近Goss取向的再结晶晶粒;大压下量轧制是最终组织中{111}取向晶粒较多的主要原因。 Warm rolling,a key process of developing new type high-Si electrical steel based on texture optimization,has significant different characteristics from 3wt% Si steel in conventional preparing process. 0. 3mm thickness 6. 5wt. % Si steel,obtained by a series of processes including hot and warm rolling,intermediate annealing and then cold rolling,was analyzed from microstructure and texture by EBSD,which are utilized mainly for investigating the intermediate annealing process and the combination o... 
2013-06-28 70 5.8

电工钢反复弯曲次数是电工钢性能检验的重要指标之一,直接影响到用户在使用电工钢过程的机加工性能。主要分析了试样宽度、试样张力、晶粒取向、反复弯曲设备等因素对电工钢反复弯曲试验的影响,并对各个因素的影响程度进行量化以及原因探讨,从而归纳形成各影响因素的基本规律,以便为电工钢实际生产、用户使用提供科学指导。结果表明:试样宽度增加,反复弯曲次数也会不断增加,晶粒位向对取向电工钢的反复弯曲次数影响较大,当支座顶部到拨杆底部的距离减小或拉紧力增加时,反复弯曲次数会不断减小,但当拉紧力达到60N以上时,对反复弯曲次数影响不大,试样经退火后,反复弯曲次数略有上升。 The reverse bend number is an important performance of electrical steels′capabilities,affecting the machining performance directly when the customers used.It investigated some factors,such as sample′s width,sample′s tension load,grain orientation and equipment,how to effect the reverse bend test for electrical steel,measured the influence degree,and discussed the reason,in order to form basic rules which could be guided the manufacturing and using for electrical steel.Results showed that the rev... 
2014-07-28 57 5.8

结合硅钢退火炉项目中应用PDSOFT软件进行三维配管设计的案例,描述PDSOFT软件的应用过程,总结其使用要点,分析其优缺点,并提出了推广三维设计软件的思路,对今后PDSOFT在相似项目中的推广应用有参考和借鉴价值。 Combining the case of using PDSOFT software to design the three-dimensional piping,the application process of the PDSOFT software is described,the using points are summarized,the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed,and the ideas of promoting the three-dimensional design software are put forward,which have a strong reference value for the promotion and application of PDSOFT in similar projects in the future. 
2014-04-28 25 5.8

介绍了电工钢生产线连退机组的表面处理工艺,特别是电解清洗系统的工作机理、设备构造、生产工艺及各种影响因素。 This paper introduces the technology of surface treatment of continuous annealing unit in electrical steel production line,in particular the working mechanism,structure of equipment,production techniques and various influence factors of the electrolytic cleaning system. 
2023-05-11 1.17k 5.8

无取向硅钢的磁性能主要取决于铁素体的晶粒尺寸、晶体织构和钢中的夹杂物。通过合适的化学成分设计以及采用适宜的夹杂物控制技术,可以获得最佳的夹杂物控制效果,使其纯净度大幅度提高或者无害,最终获得磁性能优良的高级别无取向硅钢。同时,为满足节能、环保、高效需求,无取向硅钢正朝着节能降耗、环境友好以及多功能、高效率、易加工等方向发展。 The magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel mainly depend on the grain size of ferrite,the crystallographic texture,and the inclusions in the steel.The optimum inclusion control effects can be obtained through a suitable chemical composition design and an appropriate inclusion control technique,and then the liquid steel will get be clean or the inclusion will get be harmless,finally the excellent magnetic property of the non-oriented silicon steel can be obtained.Meanwhile,in order to ... 
2013-03-28 62 5.8

采用EBSD检测技术,分析了50W800无取向电工钢在重要生产工序间织构的演变以及织构沿带钢宽度方向上的差异性。结果表明:热轧板织构沿带钢宽度方向上的差异性主要体现在表层织构。带钢边部表层织构主要由旋转立方织构、α纤维织构以及少量的γ纤维织构组成,带钢宽度1/4处的表层织构主要存在高斯织构,带钢宽度1/2处的表层织构主要为(110)面织构以及少量的铜型织构。各处的带钢宽度1/4处和1/2处的织构类型基本一致,都以α纤维织构和旋转立方织构为主。冷轧后,各处的表层织构类型差异较小,均为γ纤维织构和α纤维织构。由板宽边部至中心处织构强度值逐渐降低。退火后,各处织构的组分基本一致,为较强的γ纤维织构和较弱的(100)面织构。各处织构强度值差异较小,变化趋势与冷轧板一致。 The texture of non-oriented electrical steel 50W800 was detected by EBSD technique.The evolution of the texture between important processes and the difference of texture along the width direction of strip were analyzed.The result shows that the difference along the width direction of strip of texture at the surface of hot rolled plate is most obvious.The texture at the surface of strip edge is primarily made of rotating cube texture,αfiber texture and weakγfiber texture.Goss texture is mainly co... 
2014-09-28 54 5.8

以青海盐湖氯化镁为初级原料,采用喷雾热解法制备原料氧化镁。原料氧化镁通过水化制备氢氧化镁。将氢氧化镁过滤、洗涤、烘干、粉碎、煅烧,制备硅钢级氧化镁。本文重点考察煅烧温度、煅烧时间、料层厚度等因素对氧化镁水化率的影响,采用均匀实验设计和DPS数据处理,确定最优煅烧实验条件为:煅烧温度1250℃,煅烧保温时间4小时,料层厚度0.5cm。在此条件下得到的硅钢级氧化镁完全满足硅钢及氧化镁的行业标准。 The magnesium oxide is prepared by Spray pyrolysis process,which magnesium chloride from Qinghai Salt Lake is used as primary raw material,and hydrated to magnesium hydroxide,then obtained silicon steel magnesia through filtering,washing,drying,crushing and calcinations.In this paper,influences of some factors on magnesia hydration rate are studied,such as calcination temperature,calcination time and material thickness.After average experimental design and DPS data processing,optimal calcination... 
2013-05-28 48 5.8

为研究退火工艺对普通取向硅钢初次再结晶组织的影响,对经不同温度、保温时间和升温速率退火后的材料组织进行了分析。结果表明:在等温退火条件下,加热至600℃时开始发生初次再结晶,800℃以上初次再结晶组织发展完善;而在最终冷轧板直接进行最终高温退火的情况下,加热温度在500~700℃时,将升温速率提高到80℃/h,初次再结晶组织更易于发展完善。 To investigate the influence of annealing process on the recrystallization of common grain oriented silicon steel,microstructures of sheets annealed at different temperature,soaking time and heating rate are observed.Results show that under the condition of isothermal annealing,recrystallization begins at 600℃ and fully develops above 800℃,while in the case that the final cold rolled sheets are directly thrown to final high temperature annealing,recrystallization is likely to develop with the he... 
2014-04-28 65 5.8

对新能源汽车以及驱动电机的现有市场和未来市场规模进行梳理分析,通过自建计算公式推导出我国2021年1-11月份驱动电机用电工钢的总量,进而预测未来10年中国新能源汽车驱动电机用电工钢情况,为无取向电工钢的生产和在电机中的应用提供有价值的参考。 The current market and future market size of new energy vehicles and traction motors were analyzed,and the total amount of electrical steels used in traction motors in China from January to November 2021 was derived by using self-built calculation formulas,and then the situation in the next ten years of electrical steel used in traction motors of new energy vehicles in China was predicted.It will provide a valuable reference for the production of non-grain oriented electrical steel and its appli... 
2022-02-28 81 5.8

对高牌号无取向电工钢国内生产情况、工艺技术、产品性能及应用领域等进行了阐述,并探讨了高牌号无取向电工钢产品的发展趋势。 This paper introduces basic facts on the production status,process technology and products’ properties and their applications of non-oriented electrical steel with high grade at home,and then discusses the development trend on technology for producing the non-oriented electrical steel with high grade. 
2011-02-28 64 5.8

利用场发射电镜及能谱仪研究了取向电工钢薄、厚板坯铸锭中不同区域的析出相差异,确定了MnS、AlN及Fe3C的析出顺序和形貌特征。结果表明AlN以先析出的MnS为形核核心,形成粗大微米级的复合析出相。针状Fe3C既可以在复合析出相表面形成也可以在基体中单独出现,主要受冷却速度的影响。在1250℃保温1~2 h,AlN、Fe3C均可完全回溶,但部分MnS仍不回溶。MnS尺寸随着保温时间延长而增大。导致热轧板中沿轧向分布的粗大MnS,减弱了粒子钉扎力。 Precipitates in thin and thick slabs of electrical silicon steel were investigated by means of field emission SEM and EDS analysis.The precipitation sequence and the morphology of MnS,AlN and Fe3C particles were identified.AlN particles are observed to be nucleated on surface of MnS forming micron-meter-sized complex particles.Acicular Fe3C can precipitate on surface of the complex MnS/AlN particles or directly from matrix depending on cooling rate of the slabs.After holding at 1250 ℃ for 1-2 h,... 
2011-08-28 44 5.8

【作者】 朱传芳; 潘恒韬; ...
2023-05-12 119 5.8



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