对无取向硅钢炼钢全流程钢液增钛的原因进行了分析,认为铁水钛含量、转炉出钢温度、转炉下渣量、精炼渣TiO2含量、钢水罐及RH浸入管混钢种生产是影响钢液增钛的主要原因。通过采取低钛铁水冶炼,减少转炉下渣量,提高出钢温度,添加白灰改质精炼渣等措施,均能够降低钢液中的钛含量。 After analyzing the causes leading to increased content of titanium in molten nonoriented silicon steel during whole steelmaking process, it was concluded that such factors as content of titanium in hot metal, tapping temperature from converter, quantity of roughing slag entered into the ladle from converter, content of TiO2 in refining slag, molten steel ladle car,carrying out the steelmaking of different steel grades by the same ladle and same RH immersion tube were the main causes ...
以取向电工钢成分为基础,制备了含C或Mn和S的4种实验钢。观察了接近平衡析出状态实验钢经60%冷轧后在600~1000℃范围再结晶退火过程中微观组织演变,统计分析了再结晶体积分数随退火时间的变化规律,进而计算了各实验钢静态再结晶的激活能。观察了高含C实验钢退火初期再结晶晶粒优先出现的部位。结果表明900~1000℃范围内各实验钢铁素体的化学成分相似,因而其再结晶激活能基本一致。在600~800℃范围内铁素体内会有阻碍再结晶进程的三次渗碳体析出,从而使再结晶激活能明显提高。高C含量实验钢中还会有从奥氏体转变而来的粗大珠光体或渗碳体,轧制过程中其附近形成的变形区会促进600~800℃加热时该区域附近率先发生再结晶形核、降低再结晶激活能。固溶的Mn、S元素可微弱提高再结晶激活能,但高Mn、S含量会改变粗渗碳体从奥氏体析出时的形态。 Four experimental steels based on grain oriented electrical steel containing C,or Mn and S were prepared.Microstructure evolution of the steels close to a state of equilibrium precipitation were observed during annealing processes at 600-1000 ℃after 60% cold rolling,the changes of recrystallization volume fraction were analyzed statistically as the annealing was prolonged,and the activation energy for static recrystallization of the steels were calculated.The locations,where the recrystallizatio...
介绍在取向硅钢生产中抑制剂的作用以及多元抑制剂的机理和应用情况,分析多元抑制剂方案中各种元素对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响,并根据生产实践提出了进一步研究的方向. The role of an inhibitor in the production of grain oriented silicon steel,and the mechanism of multiplex inhibitor in the production are described in the present article.In addition,the influence of various elements in the multiplex inhibitor on the performance of grain oriented silicon steel with high magnetic induction is elucidated.Further work needed in this research is also indicated.
对硅钢板材分别进行异步和同步轧制,研究了轧制参数包括速比、压下量和道次对板材表面显微组织的演变的作用.结果表明,异步轧制硅钢板材表面形成了晶粒尺寸为10~50 nm,取向接近随机分布的纳米晶,而同步轧制板材的表面只形成了位错胞,证明异步轧制可以诱发表面纳米化.异步轧制板材表面纳米晶的形成过程为:在剪切力的反复作用下,高密度位错形成、滑移、湮灭和重组形成亚微米尺度的亚微晶/位错胞.随着压下量和轧制道次增加,高密度位错重复以上过程使晶粒尺寸减小、取向差增大,最终形成取向接近随机分布的纳米晶组织.大压下量和多道次是异步轧制诱发板材表面纳米化的关键,而速比的增加可以加快纳米化进程. Surface nanocrystallization(SNC) can effectively enhance the surface and global properties of the metallic materials,such as microhardness,intensity,fatigue,wear and corrosion resistances,therefore provides more promising practical industrial applicability.Up to now,several SNC treatment methods were developed based either on the principles of ball impactions or friction sliding,however,difficulty still exists for the surface treatment of large-dimensional samples with high efficiency.Recently,m...
研究了罩式炉常化工艺对50W350硅钢热轧板组织、夹杂物和性能的影响。研究结果显示,罩式炉常化工艺在温度一定的情况下,随着保温时间延长,硅钢晶粒逐步再结晶并长大,同时析出物也在聚集长大。通过制定合理的罩式炉常化工艺,可以实现硅钢晶粒的再结晶和长大,从而达到连续退火炉常化工艺产品技术要求。 The influence of normalization process with a bell furnace on the structure,inclusions and properties of 50W350electrical steel hot-rolled sheet was studied.The research results showed that:when the steel was normalized at a certain temperature in the bell furnace,the silicon steel grains gradually recrystallized and grew up with the extension of the annealing holding time,and at the same time,the precipitates also gathered and grew up.The recrystallization and growth of the silicon steel grains...
提出以“云边一体化架构”构建硅钢智慧决策系统,来解决原硅钢制造L1~L5系统架构模式下的数字信息孤岛、业务功能割裂等问题。在此基础上,开发了云边协同的自学习型控制模型及业务决策模型,构建起硅钢“智慧大脑”,形成了以研发、制造、服务等核心业务数字化融合的智能化决策支持新模式,探索出一条钢铁制造业数字化、智能化转型之路。 SIDS(Silicon-steel Intelligent Decision-making System)based on \"cloud-edge integration architecture\" was proposed to solve the problems of data silos and business function fragmentation in the original L1~L5 system architecture.On this basis,the self-learning control model and decision-making model of cloud-edge collaboration were developed,the \"smart brain\" of silicon steel department was constructed,and a new intelligent decision-making support model of digital integration of core businesses s...
分析了影响脱碳效果和结晶行为的各种要素及其相互制约关系,提出了Hi-B连续退火工艺曲线,总结得出快速加热及合理稳态气氛是实现工艺制度的关键。结合实际工程,介绍了在连续退火炉设计中快速加热和气氛设计的考虑方法,并指出随着Hi-B产品的发展,如何改进这些方法将是连退工程研发的方向之一。 The factors which affect decarbonization and crystallization and the mutual restriction between them were analyzed.A complete continuous annealing process for Hi-B was put forward.As a result,the rapid heating and the proper steady atmosphere were two important factors.According to an actual project,the consider methods for designing rapid heating and proper steady atmosphere were introduced,and it is pointed that with the development of Hi-B technique,how to improve these techniques would be on...
以轻烧氧化镁粉为原料,经消化、碳化制得重镁水,在热解反应前采用络合剂对重镁水中的杂质钙、铁进行络合掩蔽,再经热解得到碱式碳酸镁,碱式碳酸镁经煅烧可制得钙、铁杂质含量较低的氧化镁。在重镁水络合除杂过程中,考察了络合剂三乙醇胺、柠檬酸、草酸单独和复合使用的除铁、除钙效果。以三乙醇胺为络合剂时,在200 mL重镁水中加10 mL三乙醇胺(1∶1),氧化镁产品中w(氧化镁)=99.3%、w(氧化钙)=0.31%、w(氧化铁)=0.042%;使用草酸和柠檬酸作为复合络合剂时,在200 mL重镁水中加入1.0 g柠檬酸和2.0 g草酸,氧化镁产品中w(氧化镁)=98.2%、w(氧化钙)=0.24%、w(氧化铁)=0.030%。 Light-burned magnesia as a raw material was hydrated and carbonated to obtain magnesium bicarbonate liquor.Before the pyrolyzing of magnesium bicarbonate liquor,complexants were used to cover Fe and Ca impurities.Then the treated liquid was pyrolyzed to obtain basic magnesium carbonate which was calcined to magnesium oxide with low calcium and iron content.During the complexing purification of magnesium bicarbonate liquor,the Fe and Ca removing effects of single or compound complexing agents,suc...
采用电解法和扫描电镜研究了300 t转炉-RH精炼钙处理对无取向硅钢板(%:≤0.005C、1.2~2.2Si、0.2~0.6Mn、≤0.20P、≤0.005S、0.2~0.6Al、0~0.01Ca)中夹杂物的影响。结果表明,钢中Al含量为0.25%和0.35%时,钢中溶解氧均小于1×10-4%,钙处理后都会产生CaS夹杂物,尤其是含0.35%Al的钢水;钙处理可以有效减少钢中的夹杂物数量,尤其是0.5μm以下的微细夹杂物数量;钙处理后夹杂物的种类以AlN、CaS为主,同时还含有少量的氧化物夹杂物以及AlN-CaS复合夹杂物,尺寸主要为1.5~5.0μm。 The effect of 300 t converter-RH refining calcium treatment on inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel sheet (%:≤0.005C,1.2~2.2Si,0.2~0.6Mn,≤0.20P,≤0.005S,0.2~0.6A1,0~0.01Ca) has been studied by electrolysis and scanning electron microscope.Results show that with 0.25%and 0.35%Al content in steel,all the dissolved oxygen in liquid is less than 1×10-4%,and the CaS inclusions are produced after calcium treatment,especial for the liquid containing 0.35%Al;the amount of inclusions in ste...
涂层技术在高磁感取向硅钢生产中起着重要的作用.根据生产实践,介绍了高磁感取向硅钢生产中涂层的种类和作用、涂料的成分和对产品性能的影响、涂层工艺质量控制要点和检验方法等,并提出了通过优化涂层工艺改善高磁感取向硅钢性能和外观质量的方法. Surface coating technique plays an important role in producing high magnetic inductivity grain-oriented silicon steel.Based on production practice,this paper describes the types and function of the coating,the composition of the coating and its effect on the product performance,the quality control and inspection method for the coatings,as well as proposes ways to improve the magnetic property and surface quality of the steel by optimizing the coating process.