简要介绍了宝钢无取向电工钢的发展历程、产品大纲、电磁性能控制情况,以及高附加值新产品的开发、应用情况。概述了近年来宝钢无取向电工钢生产技术进步,主要包括夹杂物控制技术、连轧机高牌号硅钢制造技术、同板差控制技术、环保涂层开发技术等。 This paper briefly summarizes the development history, product catalogue, and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel sheets at Baosteel, as well as the development and application of high-value-added steel grades. Recent advances in manufacturing electrical steel sheets are also introduced, including technologies for controlling inclusion, producing high-grade steel strips by a tandem rolling mill, and controlling the transverse thickness difference of steel sheets, as well as the ...
硅钢工业退火炉温度控制具有强耦合、纯滞后、多扰动等特点,它的控制方法代表着一类非线性系统控制的解决方法。以硅钢工业退火炉温度为控制对象,在双交叉限幅控制的基础上引入了智能学习系统,形成了基于智能学习系统的双交叉限幅控制方法来解决此类非线性系统的控制问题,并通过模块化的编程来实现其功能。结果表明:与传统的PID控制相比,该控制方法的控制精度、抗扰性等控制指标有明显提高,是解决此类非线性控制的一种有效方法。 The temperature control of silicon steel industrial annealing furnace has the features of strong coupling,pure lag,multidisturbance. The control method represents the solution of a class of nonlinear control systems. The control object is the temperature control of silicon steel industrial an-nealing furnace, the intelligent learning system based on Double Across Limit Control is introducedand used to solve control problem of this kind of nonlinear system, and the module programming isused to re...
组织和织构是影响无取向硅钢性能的重要因素。为改善产品性能,研究了冷轧压下率(71.7%~87.0%)对高牌号无取向硅钢组织、织构、磁性能和力学性能的影响。结果表明,随冷轧压下率的增加,退火晶粒平均尺寸先减小后增大;高斯和立方织构强度减弱,γ纤维织构增强,α纤维织构转变为较强的α*({h, 1, 1}〈1/h, 1, 2〉)织构,并随冷轧压下率的增加而增强,同时其峰值逐渐向{111}面移动;工频铁损P1.5/50、高频铁损P1.0/400和磁极化强度J5000同时降低,屈服强度变化不大,表面硬度逐渐增加。当冷轧压下率由84.7%增至87.0%、厚度减至0.30 mm时,高频铁损降幅是工频铁损的11倍,表面硬度增幅变大。以上研究成果对硅钢减薄后织构及组织的优化提供了很好的指导。 Microstructure and texture are critical factors on non-oriented silicon steel properties. In order to improve product properties, this paper studied the effect of cold rolling reduction rate(71.7%-87.0%) on microstructure, texture, magnetic properties and mechanical properties of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel. The results show that with the increase of cold rolling reduction rate, the average size of annealing grain decreases first and then increases. The intensity of Goss and λ fiber te...
采用X射线衍射仪分析无取向硅钢冷轧织构和再结晶退火织构的演化,研究了热轧组织对无取向硅钢织构以及磁性能的影响。结果表明,具有均匀、粗大晶粒组织的热轧板,冷轧形成更多的剪切带,导致成品板形成高的高斯织构组分,并提高了{100}织构强度,降低了γ纤维织构,最终导致成品磁感应强度升高,铁损下降。 The texture evolution of non-oriented silicon steel during cold-rolling and recrystallization annealing was investigated by X-ray diffractometer.The effects of hot band microstructure on the texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel were analyzed.The results show that more shear bands appear during cold rolling due to homogeneous coarse grain in hot band.So strong{110}<001> texture after recrystallization annealing forms.At the same time,the {100} texture components inc...
利用加热炉模拟、动态再结晶以及热模拟等试验方法以及扫描电镜、金相显微镜等分析观察手段对无取向硅钢边裂的成因进行了探讨。结果表明,长时间加热使得板坯边部晶粒异常长大,晶界氧化并脱碳,轧制过程中边部温度过低,动态再结晶过程变弱,使得板坯边部延伸性能变差,是导致硅钢边裂的主要原因。建议通过适当降低铸坯加热温度、缩短保温时间、提高终轧温度来改善硅钢边裂缺陷。 The behaviors of high temperature oxidation,dynamic recrystallization,and hot ductility,microstructure evolution were investigated on the non-oriented electrical steel sheets to discuss the formation of edge crack.The key causes of cracking was found to be the coarse as-cast microstructure,grain boundary oxidation and decarburization in reheating furnace,as well as reduced temperature at strip edge region during hot rolling process resulting in reduced hot ductility and lack of enough dynamic re...
利用EBSD技术研究了电工钢中不同的柱状晶尺寸及退火工艺下{100}织构的演变规律。结果表明,初始晶粒尺寸的影响最显著。细小柱状晶热轧后经过常化处理,组织已均匀,但中心层有强{100}织构。粗大柱状晶中{100}织构的遗传性强,常化及中间退火后,中心层仍有粗大的以{100}取向为主的晶粒;脱碳退火后才能完成组织均匀化和织构梯度的弱化。常化时的升温速度也对织构演变存在影响,低的升温速度有利于{100}织构的保留,但升温速度的影响没有初始晶粒尺寸及退火次数的影响显著。细小柱状晶样品经过热轧及三次退火工艺适合制备取向电工钢。 Evolution of {100} texture of different columnar grains and annealing process was investigated in electrical steels with the help of EBSD technique.The results show that the effect of initial grain size is the strongest.The initial fine-grained specimen shows uniform microstructure after the normalizing process,while {100} grains appear preferentially in the central layer of sheets.The heredity of {100} texture in the initial coarse-grained specimen is more significant.{100} mainly-oriented coar...
针对马钢无取向电工钢孔洞缺陷的分布规律及形貌特征,对缺陷样进行了显微分析,并利用生产实绩数据分析了该缺陷产生的原因。结合热轧生产过程,主要通过避免带钢撞击导卫以及降低导卫结瘤的产生等措施,可有效抑制热卷异物压入产生,从而降低冷轧工序孔洞的产生。 In viewing of the distribution and morphology characteristics of the hole defect of non-oriented electrical steel in Maanshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,the causes of the defect were analyzed by micro analysis of the defect sample and the production data.Combined with the production process of hot rolling,by avoiding the impact of strip steel on the guide and reducing the nodule formation on the guide,the pressing of foreign bodies in hot coiling could be effectively suppressed,thus reducing the fo...
以市场上购买的取向硅钢成品板为原料,经不同压下率冷轧至0.23~0.08 mm不等。借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)检测了冷轧后样品中的织构组分及其含量,利用电子背散射技术(EBSD)测量了试样的取向因子分布情况。观察了孪晶的形貌与晶体学特征,分析了硅钢超薄带的塑性变形行为。结果发现,在平面压缩应力下,{112}<111>滑移系的取向因子较大。随冷轧压下率的增加,Goss织构的含量逐渐减少,{212}<141>织构组分的含量先增加后减少,{111}<112>织构组分的含量逐渐增加,织构组分以{110}<001>→{212}<141>→{111}<112>顺序演变。冷轧后样品中出现了孪晶,其晶体取向为{001}<110>,冷轧过程中孪晶取向没有发生变化。 The commercial finished oriented silicon steel plate as the raw material were rolled to 0.23-0.08 mm. With the X-ray diffractometer(XRD), the texture components and their volume fractions in the cold-rolled samples were detected. And the orientation factor distribution of the cross-section of the samples was measured by the electron backscattering technique(EBSD). The morphology and crystallographic characteristics of twins were observed, and the plastic deformation behaviors of the ultra-thin o...
薄带连铸流程下取向硅钢粗大λ晶粒(〈100〉//ND,normal direction)的“遗传”会导致磁性能恶化.为解决这一问题,针对取向硅钢的热轧孪生行为开展研究,结果表明:凝固组织粗大的取向硅钢在650℃热轧时可产生大量{112}〈111〉形变孪晶,这与具有高层错能的硅钢在较高温度下难以孪生变形的传统认知不同.热轧过程中复杂的应力状态降低了变形孪晶的取向依赖性,由于具有更高的储存能,孪晶界/孪晶界及孪晶界/晶界交叉点成为再结晶形核的优先位置,大大提高了常化过程中的再结晶率,受沿孪晶界应变分布及孪晶间距离的限制,沿孪晶界形核的再结晶晶粒通常呈“饼状”,最终形成以细小且取向漫散的再结晶晶粒为主的常化组织,消除了初始凝固组织中有害的粗大λ晶粒. In strip casting grain-oriented silicon steels, the inheritance of coarse λ grains(〈100〉//ND, normal direction) can deteriorate their magnetic properties. To solve the problem, twinning behaviors in strip casting grain-oriented silicon steels during hot rolling were investigated in this work. It is found that after rolling at 650 ℃, a number of {112}〈111〉deformation twins are formed in the coarse solidification microstructure of the steels, in contrast to the well-accepted view that it is diffic...
基于TEAM(Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods)Problem 21基准模型和不同类型的磁化曲线Bm-Hm及Bm-Hb数据,分别在50 Hz至200 Hz的频率范围内计算了基准模型的硅钢叠片内的损耗及磁通,并考虑集肤效应和材料的电-磁各向异性的影响。数值计算结果与实验测量结果具有很好的一致性。提出的有限元建模方法和基于模拟结果的分析、结论有助于提高大型电力变压器的电磁设计的有效性。 Based on TEAM(Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods) Problem 21 standard model and the different B-H(such as Bm-Hm and Bm-Hb) curves,the iron loss and magnetic flux inside the grain-oriented(GO) silicon steel lamination are modeled under different frequency(from 50 Hz to 200 Hz) in this paper,And the influences of skin effect and electric-magnetic anisotropy on the numerical simulation results have been examined.The calculated and measured results with respect to the model are in good agreeme...
以取向电工钢成分为基础,制备了含C或Mn和S的4种实验钢。观察了接近平衡析出状态实验钢经60%冷轧后在600~1000℃范围再结晶退火过程中微观组织演变,统计分析了再结晶体积分数随退火时间的变化规律,进而计算了各实验钢静态再结晶的激活能。观察了高含C实验钢退火初期再结晶晶粒优先出现的部位。结果表明900~1000℃范围内各实验钢铁素体的化学成分相似,因而其再结晶激活能基本一致。在600~800℃范围内铁素体内会有阻碍再结晶进程的三次渗碳体析出,从而使再结晶激活能明显提高。高C含量实验钢中还会有从奥氏体转变而来的粗大珠光体或渗碳体,轧制过程中其附近形成的变形区会促进600~800℃加热时该区域附近率先发生再结晶形核、降低再结晶激活能。固溶的Mn、S元素可微弱提高再结晶激活能,但高Mn、S含量会改变粗渗碳体从奥氏体析出时的形态。 Four experimental steels based on grain oriented electrical steel containing C,or Mn and S were prepared.Microstructure evolution of the steels close to a state of equilibrium precipitation were observed during annealing processes at 600-1000 ℃after 60% cold rolling,the changes of recrystallization volume fraction were analyzed statistically as the annealing was prolonged,and the activation energy for static recrystallization of the steels were calculated.The locations,where the recrystallizatio...
针对某硅钢车间ST机组的除尘系统除尘效率较低、排放浓度不达标、二次污染较严重的问题,通过现场调研,对除尘系统、含尘气体组分与物性参数等进行测试和分析,运用管道伴热技术改善粉尘黏性后,再选取合适的除尘器对粉尘进行除尘处理,大大地提高了系统的除尘效率。 To solve the problems of low dust removal efficiency, substandard emission concentration and severe secondary pollution, some investigations are conducted to test and analyze the dust removal system,dust-gas composition and relevant physical parameters.Moreover, dust removal efficiency is greatly improved by the use of pipe heat tracing technology and by choosing appropriate dust remover.